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Effects of Profit-Sharing on Employees in the Corporate Environment in the United Kingdom
10 pages (2560 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal aims at investigating the motivational role of profit-sharing among the organization's employees.... It focuses on the effects of profit sharing among different employee-population segments, with the aim of establishing cross-sectional data.... ... ... ... The study considers three categories of organizations: organizations that have undergone a transition into profit-sharing, within the last three years, organizations that have practiced profit sharing for over five years, and organizations that have not practiced profit sharing in their lifetimes....
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The Role of Adopting Cloud Computing to Lower Energy Consumption in Data Centers
6 pages (1797 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Role of Adopting Cloud Computing to Lower Energy Consumption in Data Centers" investigates the economics of data center power management, traditional data center operations vs the emerging cloud computing technologies with regard to their impacts on energy consumption....
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Impact of Energy Costs in Information and Technology Sector and Adopting Cloud Computing Technologies
6 pages (1797 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Impact of Energy Costs in Information and Technology Sector and Adopting Cloud Computing Technologies" is concerned with investigating the potential significance of adopting cloud computing to lower energy consumption in contemporary data centers.... ... ... ... What are the current implications of high energy costs in the information sector and what is the potential significance of using cloud computing technologies to lower energy consumption?...
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Outsourcing Process and Its Implications on Short Bros Engineering Company
6 pages (1887 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This will be achieved by determining the vital factors that make outsourcing effective.... Furthermore, it will aim at finding out about practices of outsourcing in engineering firms.... The examination of.... ... ... The paper 'Outsourcing Process and Its Implications on Short Bros Engineering Company' is an earnest example of human resources research proposal....
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The Effects of Swine Flu on Tourism in London
10 pages (2869 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Effects of Swine Flu on Tourism in London" focuses on how the tourism industry of London has been affected and whether there has been any decline in the tourism of London since the Swine Flu pandemic.... The literature review will provide a description of the theoretical framework of the study....
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Computational Intelligence in Industry - Multivariate Statistical Process Control
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "Computational Intelligence in Industry - Multivariate Statistical Process Control " states that statistical process control (SPC) has been around since the 1920s and it can be safely generalized that considerable research on the field has been made since then.... ... ... ... In the majority of the published researches on SPC surveyed during the literature review, the take-off point of the studies was concentrated on gaps in existing knowledge from literature....
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Population Health - a Research Perspective into Tobacco Smoking amongst the Aboriginal People of Australia
4 pages (1440 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
.... ... ... The paper 'Population Health - a Research Perspective into Tobacco Smoking amongst the Aboriginal People of Australia' is a forceful example of a research proposal on health sciences & medicine.... Smoking has been part of human civilization for many centuries and for many years this social practice has never been challenged....
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Benefits of Stem Cell Research and Parkinsons disease
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Stem cell research is currently one of the most discussed subjects, as understanding the process of formation of specific cell type and specific tissues and organs, as well as reasons for various genetic disorders are the major challenges faced by researchers.... ... ... ... With the help of genetic engineering and stem cell technology, we are able to find the cure for more debilitating and degenerative diseases like Parkinson's, heart disease, and diabetes....
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Consumer Behaviour of McDonalds Clients
8 pages (2198 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Consumer Behaviour of McDonald's Clients" paper argues that consumer behavior is accorded the attention it requires ensuring that their marketing strategy incorporates the views of the people.... Consumer behavior is one of the aspects that many companies have sought to understand.... ... ... ... The questionnaire method of data collection will be used in this research....
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Marketing Research and Plan for E-commerce Travel in Indonesia
4 pages (1293 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Marketing Research and Plan for E-commerce Travel in Indonesia" focuses on the critical analysis of the major peculiarities of marketing research and plan for e-commerce travel in Indonesia.... Recent trends in the business world have seen an increased focus on e-commerce.... ... ... ...
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Identifying, Analyzing and Critiquing the Internationalization Strategy and Activities of Zara Store
6 pages (1923 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Identifying, Analyzing and Critiquing the Internationalization Strategy and Activities of Zara Store" focuses on evaluating and critiquing the Internationalization Strategy and activities of Zara Store and its Efforts to penetrate and Establish Itself in the Chinese market....
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Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar and Composition
15 pages (4097 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Generally, the paper "Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar and Composition" indicates the possibilities of searching various relevant ways that are classroom-based and are recommended by English language teachers.... ... ... ... Research highlights the reality of the existence of such a gap between theory and practice that needs to be bridged....
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The Failure of Financial Reporting regarding Enron and WorldCom
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The author of this study proposes to examine the failure of financial reporting in cases of Enron and WorldCom and balance of culpability on the part of the individuals charged with compliance of accounting standards when there is a conflict of interest.... ... ... ... Qualitative research is the methodology adopted for the study....
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Sexual Harassment on Children
7 pages (2077 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Sexual Harassment on Children" suggests answering the following questions: How prevalent is online sexual harassment among schoolchildren?... Why do children fail to report cases of sexual harassment and what prevents them from doing so?... How do children who are sexually harassed cope with the psychological effects they experience?...
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New Technologies and Innovation in Construction
10 pages (2950 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This work called "New Technologies and Innovation in Construction" demonstrates the new technologies that can be used to improve the architectural designs in the establishment of the new office and teaching space in the university.... This proposal is going to look into the intricacies of the suggested new technologies....
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Assessing the Role and Effectiveness of Project Management Software in International I.T Projects
12 pages (4392 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The research proposal "Assessing the Role and Effectiveness of Project Management Software in International I.... Projects" may make bigger further than the project management border and might be appropriate to additional group surroundings where managers effort to result in organizational change....
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How the Cultural Values of Saudi Arabia Affect the Performance of Women in Public Agencies
7 pages (2026 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The cultural effect of Saudi Arabia is entirely different from other countries particularly in terms of participation of women in Politics or other public agencies and affairs.... ccording to Joanna Kerr, Ellen Sprenger, Alison Symington, Mama Cash (Organization), in the book called ‘the future of womens rights: global visions and strategies' says that Culture is an idea that determines how we look at feminism as a theory and how we approach the Politics of attaining the fundamentals of the theory in different political and cultural milieus....
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ED Clinical Pathways Improvement Evaluation in Saudi Arabia
10 pages (3098 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper ''ED Clinical Pathways Improvement Evaluation in Saudi Arabia'' tells us that according to Ernst, ever since the history of mankind, it has widely been documented on the progressive steps that are normally undertaken in the medical field, which are in tandem with the development of new forms of diseases and injuries....
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Podcasts for Training in an Organisational Setting
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The research investigates the potential of the podcasting as a technological tool to improve training in an organizational setting.... The proposal discusses the perceived relevance of intended research, as it outlines the ability of the podcasting to quantifiably enhance training in a subject area....
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Apple vs. Samsung
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The main requirement of the research was to compare the two companies.... This project's aim will be to compare the company's Apple and.... ... ... The comparison will be in the form of their potential for employment; their investment prospects; environmental practices and employee benefits that they offer....
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The Culture Effects in Women Performance at the Public Agencies in Saudi Arabia
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The cultural effect of Saudi Arabia is entirely different from other countries particularly in terms of participation of women in Politics or other public agencies and affairs.... The cultural effect of Saudi Arabia is entirely different from other countries particularly in terms of participation of women in Politics or other public agencies and affairs.... According to Joanna Kerr, Ellen Sprenger, Alison Symington, Mama Cash (Organization), in the book called ‘the future of women's rights: global visions and strategies' says that Culture is an idea that determines how we look at feminism as a theory and how we approach the Politics of attaining the fundamentals of the theory in different political and cultural milieus....
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Implementation of Balanced Score Card System
4 pages (1226 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The writer of the paper 'Implementation of Balanced Score Card System' states that the intention of this independent study is to gain valuable first-hand insight into how theoretical knowledge on management practices can be applied in practical settings.... ... ... ... In today's intensely competitive business environment, the competitive advantage lies in how successful an organization is in linking its strategic intent and direction to its overall operations....
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Brain-Based Education
7 pages (2364 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Brain-Based Education" discusses that according to many studies, there exists a close relationship between brain-based education theory and the theory of multiple intelligence that was introduced by Howard Gardener in 1983 (Gardner, 2006).... ... ... ... This research will be conducted using both qualitative and quantitative research methods, meaning that the researcher will combine both qualitative and quantitative research approaches (Berthold & Hand, 2007)....
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Property Control Application - Mobile App Using Cloud Computing for the Estate Agencies
8 pages (2306 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This study "Property Control Application - Mobile App Using Cloud Computing for the Estate Agencies" aims at developing a mobile or web cloud application for estate agencies in Coventry city, to get affordable and effective technology for decision-making for small and middle-sized enterprises.... ...
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The Implications of Implementing Basel II for Operational Risk
8 pages (2275 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The research proposal "The Implications of Implementing Basel II for Operational Risk" states that Nowadays, the laws laid by the 1988 Basel Capital Accord are functional in over a hundred nations, having assumed the responsibility of an international standard with the passage of time.... .... ... ...
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The Organizational Culture and Business Internationalization
4 pages (1443 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
"The Organizational Culture and Business Internationalization" paper is a research proposal on the organizational culture of Mcdonald's that has enabled it to be successful in the emerging market of India.... The proposal explores the literature on international business and emerging markets.... ....
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Effects of Low Oil Price in Gulf Countries
14 pages (3645 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Due to the fall of oil prices, the gulf countries have highly struggled to maintain their standards of economy and also stabilize their Politics.... It is true that some other countries have already developed crisis in the process of confronting the turbulence of Politics and economic woes due to the current decline in the price environment of oil.... Due to the fall of oil prices, the gulf countries have highly struggled to maintain their standards of economy and also stabilize their Politics....
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Code-Switching between English and Arabic in Saudi Arabia
18 pages (4821 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Code-Switching between English and Arabic in Saudi Arabia" focused on the grammatical and sociolinguistic aspects of its execution.... Code-switching in itself is an unavoidable consequence of communication processes between different language types.... .... ... ... Past research into sociolinguistic aspects has resulted in proposals that regard numerous issues, including reasons for employing code-switching, contexts of its execution, and the reasons for engaging in code-switching....
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Role of Emotional Capital and Liabilities in Saudi Arabian Firms
14 pages (4051 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Saudi Arabian business culture addressing issues such as company financial accounting, intellectual capital and corporate governance and disclosures has no sufficient background information.... The researcher has puts forward this research proposal to lay out strategies on how to.... ... ... The paper "Role of Emotional Capital and Liabilities in Saudi Arabian Firms" is a perfect example of a research proposal on finance and accounting....
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Development of the Agency for Forgotten Elderly
6 pages (1973 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Development of the Agency for Forgotten Elderly" paper argues that elderly Americans require a new type of organization that provides both counseling services and opportunities to improve their well-being by having advocates that can provide real-time support.... .... ... ... Quantitative surveys will be distributed to all senior citizens that are registered with the AFE to analyze opinions both pre- and post-support to measure areas of perceived weakness or strength in support philosophy....
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NBA Game Performances
2 pages (524 words) , Download 10 , Research Proposal
The proposal "NBA Game Performances" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in NBA game performances.... The National Basket Association (NBA) teams face several decisions in allocating salaries.... The players of the NBA give out different values towards their various teams.... ... ...
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The Role and Effect of Managing Workplace Diversity on Business Success
6 pages (1622 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Many studies have been in existence concerning workplace diversity but most of them have left a gap concerning management and its significance to corporate culture.... Diversity management has formed a substantial component of the success of many companies because they improve.... ... ... The paper 'The Role and Effect of Managing Workplace Diversity on Business Success' is an excellent example of human resources research proposal....
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The Consumer Value from Online Shopping
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper proposes a research through a combination of qualitative and quantitative method aiming at exploring the consumer value attached with the products shopped online so that a marketing plan could be presented for the products intended to sell via the internet.... .... ... ... This research will begin with the statement that Internet users perform variety of activities on intern like seeking information, entertainment, communication etc....
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The Effect of Diet and Exercise
15 pages (3942 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Effect of Diet and Exercise" is an excellent example of a research proposal on medical science.... This study would use six parameters to quantify obesity and the measure would eventually drop.... The six parameters to be measured would be waist and hip circumference, blood pressure, BMI or Body Mass Index, weight, and the levels of body fat....
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The divine life ventures
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The Divine Life Ventures Research Proposal Dreams are never dependent upon eyes, rather they are born by the visions.... We, in TDL Ventures believe in this and it is the core objective behind setting up this organization.... ... ... ... In order to convert this idea into reality, we intend to conduct a research so that we would be able to assess our internal and external factors that will be expected to help us out in making this non-profit organization a success....
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The Greatest Threats to Our Security in the 21st Century
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
According to Buzan, Wæver and Wilde (1998) security can be defined as "rooted in the traditions of power Politics" and "about survival".... Local history demonstrated that socio-economic conditions as well as political strives have led organisations within these nation states to emerge because of the lack of power Politics.... ecurity threats do not only undermine the power of Politics.... iehl, João (2007), Will to Live: AIDS Therapies and the Politics of Survival....
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The Influence of Changing Currency Rates on Travel Behaviour
7 pages (2083 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This work "The Influence of Changing Currency Rates on Travel Behaviour" focuses on the currency exchange rate has an influence on the consumer travel behaviors of UK tourists.... The author takes into account various factors, hypotheses, making a special time frame.... ... ... ... The exchange rate is affected by factors that are associated with the export/import status of a country....
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The UN High Commission on Refugees
6 pages (1674 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The UN High Commission on Refugees" seeks to conduct an exploratory study on the degree to which the United Nations High Commission on Refugees is effective in protecting the rights of refugees.... At the beginning of 2000, there were 14 million refugees.... .... ... ... Some of the shortcomings of the research reside in the fact that the law in itself is ridden with gaps and is subject to interpretations by the implementers – thus leading to variegated outcomes....
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Basis for Violent Crimes Committed by Teenage Offenders
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research paper proposes to determine the basis for why teenage criminal offenders are committing more violent crimes than ever before, including murder.... The objective of this research is to determine, through quantitative methods and literature review, the surrounding environments of these young offenders that encourage violent crime....
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Childhood Obesity: A Heavy Burden
3 pages (750 words) , Download 14 , Research Proposal
Childhood obesity rates have hit epidemic proportions in the United States with no quick panacea in sight.... The dilemma permeating our.... ... ... This paper will explore this problem, provide research to back the claim that this problem exists, and explore solutions that can help mitigate the current crisis....
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Stem Cell: Is It a Great Promise or False Hope
3 pages (927 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Stem Cell: Is It a Great Promise or False Hope" presents the general popularity of stem cell research.... We do not want to focus on one specific population though but instead want to get a broader picture with a host of variables- age, religious belief, and education level....
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Specifying Hardware and Software Need to Resolve Problem of Qualification of Outsourced Teams
8 pages (2075 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Most businesses that outsource their customer services departments often challenge the problem of the insufficient qualification of the outsourced teams.... Taking into account this problem, the report is aimed at creating the required basis for training the team of 75 customer.... ... ... The paper 'Specifying Hardware and Software Need to Resolve Problem of Qualification of Outsourced Teams ' is an intriguing example of human resources research proposal....
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Benefits of Foreign Direct Investment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
World Politics.... An author of the paper "Benefits of Foreign Direct Investment" points out that the growth experienced by many countries in Asia Pacific region provides a piece of ample empirical evidence as to the effectiveness and impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth....
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Purchasing Behavior
7 pages (9883 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Purchasing Behavior" aims to assess the various factors that could possibly impact consumer purchase behavior.... It also aims to assess the differences that may be between front line behavior at retail outlets and service outlets and how this impacts consumer behavior.... ....
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Harm and Offense in Media Content
10 pages (2173 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Harm and Offense in Media Content" presents the impact of excessive use of Facebook on moral development and grades of children and young adults.... The results will also help the researcher in knowing the factors that make people use Facebook for long hours.... ... ... ... The reason why excessive use of social networking websites has become an issue of concern is related directly with the associated consequences for users and their close relationships....
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Adolescents Having Type 1 Diabetes
15 pages (3991 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Adolescents Having Type 1 Diabetes" discusses that clinical observation will be the most reliable source of data for the study.... These clinical observations will provide quantitative data about how the patients are progressing with regard to the disease for which they are being treated....
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Factors That Lead to Efficient Export Managing and Marketing Planning
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The aim and objective of this paper "Factors That Lead to Efficient Export Managing and Marketing Planning" is to determine whether the exporting of Macedonian cheese would prove to be beneficial for the firms producing cheese and also for the overall dairy sector.... ... ... This following work is an attempt to research possibilities and find key success factors for expanding export in FYROM's Dairy industry....
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The British Diet as a Nutritional Risk Factor in Cancer Among Children
5 pages (1509 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The British Diet as a Nutritional Risk Factor in Cancer Among Children" examines the British diet as a nutritional risk factor in the incidence of cancer in children.... .... ... ... The objectives of this study are as follows: identify the current composition of the British children's diet; use current knowledge about carcinogenesis; identify the relationship between diet and the incidence of cancer among British children; and suggest opportunities for nutritional interventions dietary interventions in cancer prevention among children specifically during infancy and childhood....
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The Benefits of Using a Web Portal in High Schools
4 pages (1454 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Benefits of Using a Web Portal in High Schools" aims at providing the importance of a web portal within an education setting.... A web portal is a very important tool used to develop scientific knowledge.... People bond with one another to develop an education community using web portals....
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Causes of Fire Breakouts and What are the Possible Solutions
6 pages (1622 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Causes of Fire Breakouts and What are the Possible Solutions ' is a good example of a research proposal on management.... Fire investigation is the act of rooting out the main causes of fire outbreaks.... Fire accidents are the most dangerous type of accidents.... ... ... ... The paper "Causes of Fire Breakouts and What are the Possible Solutions ' is a good example of a research proposal on management....
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