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Further Research Methods : Topic: Attitudes towards smoking
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Society members' influence on smokers leads to the development of the latter's positive attitude mainly as a reinforcing quality.... Therefore, positive attitude.... ... ... Research indicates that smokers attitude towards smoking is negative to neutral than positive.... Lack of positive global attitudes suggests that other factors influence smoking behavior within Further Research Methods: Topic: Attitudes Towards Smoking In most social setups, people's attitude is essential in determination unhealthy behaviors such as smoking....
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Corporate Social Responsibility in Islamic Banking
10 pages (3173 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Islamic banking consists of banking activity which complies with sharia, incorporating established Islamic economics with the teachings of the Quran, underpinned by strict adherence to Islamic religious, moral and ethical law (Rammal and Zurbruegg 2007).... Sharia disallows the.... ... ... The paper "Corporate Social Responsibility in Islamic Banking" is a perfect example of a research proposal on finance and accounting....
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The Feasibility of the Private Sector and IT Impact on Educational and Economic Development
12 pages (2739 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'The Feasibility of the Private Sector and IT Impact on Educational and Economic Development' is a bright example of a finance & accounting research proposal.... The private sector refers to the section of the economy that is not controlled by the state.... Therefore, it is run by individuals and companies; it is run by the profit-making businesses owned by or operated by the government....
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Features of Administrative Leadership and Successful Relationship with the Institution
4 pages (1259 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposed study "Features of Administrative Leadership and Successful Relationship with the Institution" focused on administrative leadership and the role of leadership in general in bringing about the successful running of educational institutions.... ... ... ... The researcher focused on the role of successful relationships with institutions and how this situation can ensure that the leader succeeds in his quest to building a great and strong institution....
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People Management Techniques
9 pages (2577 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "People Management Techniques" presents people management techniques as a theme applied in the construction industry.... In particular, the research proposal looks into people management by reflecting on training and recruiting staff for the future success of the industry.... ...
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The Predicaments of Current Gulf Cooperation Council Power Relations
8 pages (2149 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
As the paper "The Predicaments of Current Gulf Cooperation Council Power Relations" outlines, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a coherent alliance forged on ideological similarities in political structures, socioeconomic framework, political cultures, and security and threat obsessions.... ... ...
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Anomaly Detection Methodologies
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Anomaly Detection Methodologies ... ... ntroduction ... ... edical records of patients contain thousands or millions of electronic entries that record information on patient's conditions, diagnosis and treatments.... .... ... ... Anomaly Detection Methodologies Introduction Medical records of patients contain thousands or millions of electronic entries that record information on patient's conditions, diagnosis and treatments....
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Social Media and Mobile Search Marketing in Saudi Arabia
12 pages (3892 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Social Media and Mobile Search Marketing in Saudi Arabia" focuses on the research that should be conducted to indicate the best social platform and its effectiveness on the intended audiences in the business fraternity and general populace of Saudi Arabia.... ... ... ... The use of the internet and social media has been on the rise in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia....
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Does Having an Ethnically Diverse Workforce Increase Organisational Productivity
8 pages (2510 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
With increased globalisation, MNEs are sustaining workforces that consist of disparate ethnic backgrounds.... How team members of different ethnic descent work collaboratively and.... ... ... The paper 'Does Having an Ethnically Diverse Workforce Increase Organisational Productivity?... ' is an engrossing example of human resources research proposal....
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The Influence of JSR-170 on the Content Management Industry
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Influence of JSR-170 on the Content Management Industry" states that the ECM market is predicted to rapidly grow in the next few years and will in all likelihood outstrip the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) market (Däschner et al, 2005)....
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Sarbanes Oxley Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Things suddenly started to unraveled in the business environment as the media began to uncover a series of corporate financial scandals involving financial fraud,.... ... ... Enron, Worldcom, Adelphia all went bankrupt and other cases such as the Tyco scandal left people breathless at the irresponsible behavior of the executives in charge of the companies regular people The investor of equity and money markets were under heavy scrutiny and investor had lost confidence in the accountability and truthfulness of the financial data coming out on daily basis from the public corporations registered in the financial markets such as NYSE and NASDAQ....
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Disclosure of Financial Reports in Libyan Industrial Companies
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Seeking to understand economic development and the increased necessity of the disclosure of industrial financial reports in the Libyan context, this research proposal aims to provide a thorough and comprehensive introduction to a new Libyan phenomenon.... .... ... ... Seeking to provide a holistic an analysis as possible, we propose a heterogeneous sampling model....
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Correlation Between Employee and Customer Satisfaction in the UK Hospitality Service Sector
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Correlation Between Employee and Customer Satisfaction in the UK Hospitality Service Sector' aims to examine the relationship between employee gratification and client comfort in the UK hospitality industry, the factors underlying the dependency of a customer on employee satisfaction.... ...
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Foreign Direct Investment of China in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East
14 pages (4221 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "Foreign Direct Investment of China in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East" states that by the use of both qualitative and quantitative data collection for the research, the researcher will ensure that the research study is fulfilling.... ... ... ... The rationale for engagement in the study is that the fast-changing global political landscape may affect the sustainability of the country's current economic growth and policies in the long run....
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Preventing Employee Theft in Retail
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The present research proposal under the title "Preventing Employee Theft In Retail" dwells on the prospect of employee theft which has revolved around public domains, with its impacts on business entities and economic advances being of great interest.... .... ... ... By definition, employee theft involves an act of unauthorized stealing or improper usage of company assets or information....
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Job Satisfaction in Australian Health Care Organizations
16 pages (5198 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Job Satisfaction in Australian Health Care Organizations" is a great example of a health sciences and medicine research proposal.... While there is an increase in social transformation and technology, the significance of leadership has remained important in ensuring the services provided by employees at the workplace remain competitive....
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6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Multiculturalism" explores the aspect of multiculturalism and its importance in society today.... The paper will explore the meaning of multiculturalism.... This is important, as different people have assigned meaning to this term, based on different principles.... ... ... ... The aspect of multiculturalism has received a considerably high level of importance in society today....
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The Coca Cola Company: Information on the Product
13 pages (3701 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Coca-Cola Company: Information on the Product" focuses on products Coca-Cola that has a wide range of product offerings ranging from soft drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks, water, teas, and coffees and juice drinks among others.... ... ... ... In regards to packaging, the Coca-Cola soft drinks come in varied bottle sizes which range from standard size of returnable bottles of 300 ml, 500 ml, and one liter, and similar measurements of disposable plastic bottles as noted by The Coca Cola Company....
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Can Australia Become a Food Bowl of Asia
10 pages (2941 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Can Australia Become a Food Bowl of Asia" presents the Australian government that announced its objective of making Australia the food bowl of Asia (Australia Government 2010).... This notion has become the subject of major debates in the whole country.... ... ... ... The importance of Australia being a food bowl of Asia should not be understated....
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Foreign Direct Investment in India
6 pages (1692 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The public's perception on the role played by foreign direct investment (FDI) towards the development process of a given country has undergone a dramatic change in the past few decades.... The change in perception in most countries especially the developing countries led to a.... ... ... The paper "Foreign Direct Investment in India" is an excellent example of a research proposal on macro and microeconomics....
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Is Standardized Testing an Effective Method to Measure Student Learning
7 pages (2453 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Is Standardized Testing an Effective Method to Measure Student Learning?... focuses on the critical analysis of whether standardized testing is an effective method to measure student learning.... Standard testing offers a basis for comparing students' academic potentials.... ... ... ...
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 13 , Research Proposal
THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN: A RESEARCH PROPOSAL NAME CLASS NAME DATE THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN: A RESEARCH PROPOSAL Working Thesis Statement (Proposed) Man was said to be created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1: 26 – 28) due to man's ability to reason, to choose, the capacity to emote, and to have conscience and a soul, or spirit....
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The Impact of Marriage Inequality on People in Same-Sex Relationships in Tasmania
12 pages (3723 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'The Impact of Marriage Inequality on People in Same-Sex Relationships in Tasmania' presents an investigation on the impact of marriage inequality on people in same-sex.... The proposal intends to make an investigation on this topic on people in same-sex relationships in Tasmania.... ... ...
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Effectiveness of Relationship between Strategic Planning and Performance Management
5 pages (1643 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Effectiveness of Relationship between Strategic Planning and Performance Management ' is an inspiring example of the management research proposal.... Strategic planning has for a long time been used as an instrument for regenerating and transforming an organization.... Recent studies have however questioned the accuracy of the concept....
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Personal Finance - the Forgotten Yet Important Part of Finance
13 pages (3906 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Personal Finance - the Forgotten Yet Important Part of Finance' is a persuasive example of a finance & accounting research proposal.... As has been observed by Tyson (2006), most people whose financial knowledge is inadequate are 'probably not at fault' (p.... ).... The bulk of the blame for the inadequate knowledge probably lies with schools (high schools, colleges, and even graduate programs)....
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Chinese Oversea Students in Australia
10 pages (2921 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The author of the paper "Chinese Oversea Students in Australia" will begin with the statement that overseas learning is a trend that has caught up in almost all the major developing countries.... More and more students are heading abroad to seek further education.... ... ... ... More and more students want to improve their living standards and have a competitive advantage in the hard-pressed world economies (N....
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Problems in the Construction Industry in Malaysia, Need for Implementing Information Technologies
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Problems in the Construction Industry in Malaysia, Need for Implementing Information Technologies" highlights that apart from information technology and tools, during the period of construction, the contractors and the employers should conduct more supervision work.... ... ... ... Implementation of a web-based Project management system....
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Military Base Strategic Planning for Homeland Security
5 pages (1323 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Military Base Strategic Planning for Homeland Security" critically analyzes implementing strategic planning policy for a military base for the homeland security system.... Its improvement has attracted programs aimed at ensuring the improvement responsive to the current range of threats....
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Early vs Delayed Parental Nutrition in TBI Patients
25 pages (8012 words) , Research Proposal
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The paper "Early vs Delayed Parental Nutrition in TBI Patients" states that the fact that the study will involve the use of human subjects means that the researcher shall be highly mindful in observing ethical considerations so as to make the study both professionally and academically acceptable....
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Generation 3 Polyline Dendron Gene Delivery Vector
9 pages (2624 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Generation 3 Polyline Dendron Gene Delivery Vector'' tells us that in the modern-day, genetic medicine plays a crucial role in the treatment of a wide array of diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and other chronic.... Similarly, gene therapy and gene delivery have a crucial role to play in present-day medical science....
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Rethinking Corporate Governance
4 pages (1215 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
From the paper "Rethinking Corporate Governance" it is clear that a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire shall be prepared for data collection.... The questionnaire shall largely be an expansion of the research questions that have been asked.... ... ... ... Data collection share be focused directly on the banking industry with particular emphasis on public sector banks (PSB)....
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The Development and Organization of Australian Football
10 pages (2758 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research "The Development and Organization of Australian Football" is also motivated by the need to find better ways of facilitating marketing for the sport now and in the future.... This proposal incorporate information on marketing dynamics in the sports industry in Australian football.... ...
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Theory and Non-Theory in Anthropology
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Theory and Non-Theory in Anthropology,' the author gives recommendations on how to write research proposal introducing the topic chosen in terms of a 'research question' and a 'hypothesis'.... He proceeds by clearly stating the aim of the research and how to 'explore the problem'.... ...
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The General Subject of Employee Performance Evaluation
5 pages (1645 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The General Subject of Employee Performance Evaluation" highlights the impact of networking on organizational management and employee performance measurement models.... This is a comprehensive study that included discourse on important variables such as the policy environment.... ... ... ...
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The Effectiveness of Learning Through Blended Approaches
8 pages (2443 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"The Effectiveness of Learning Through Blended Approaches" paper examines the methodology used in the case study.... About 200 students selected from four classes participate in the study.... The subjects of the study will be interviewed and their perceptions and attitudes about blended learning noted....
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Effectiveness of Appreciative Inquiry
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Effectiveness of Appreciative Inquiry Contents Contents 2 Title 3 Introduction 3 Theoretical framework 4 Proposed methods 5 Reflections 6 Timetable 7 References 8 Title The main idea of the research proposal is to explore the underlying problem areas in the organization through an unconditional and positive inquiry....
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The Restaurant Industries of the United Kingdom
2 pages (659 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Restaurant Industries of the United Kingdom" considers two popular restaurants of the UK, Restaurant Gordon Ramsay, and Chez Bruce.... There has been significant growth in the restaurant industries of the UK, the success factor is considered to be the effective strategies....
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The Ties between Mental Illness and Crime
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This paper "The Ties between Mental Illness and Crime" proposes to undertake a comprehensive and reflective exploration of the link between mental illness and crime in order to help future researches on the topic and make a valid conclusion on the issue.... .... ... ... The link between mental illness and crime has been investigated for a long time by several researchers, and the evidence to prove the essential connection between the two are mounting....
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Prevention of Financial Frauds
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This paper 'Prevention of Financial Frauds' is primarily based on a profoundly important and critical issue of the world which has become more of a dramatic emergency presently and is related to the prevention of financial frauds, which seriously violate civil law.... ... ... ... According to the research report, most of the financial frauds mimic legitimate courses so that the victims remain satisfied and do not think about pointing out at the fraudsters who are white-collar criminals....
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How the Implementation of Strategic IS Delivers Competitive Advantage in Tesco
9 pages (2698 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The study "How the Implementation of Strategic IS Delivers Competitive Advantage in Tesco" discusses what is SIS and E-commerce, to what extent it will affect the competitive position analysis of the firm, the impact of SIS in Tesco.... Tesco Plc is undoubtedly the largest supermarket chain in United Kingdom....
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Engineering Behaviour of Perths Soils
6 pages (1671 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Engineering Behaviour of Perth's Soils" paper to carry out tests and analyze soil samples were collected from four different sites in the Berth region namely Yechap, Swan River, Sothern River, Scarborough beach.... The proposed methodology to be employed include conducting sieve analysis.... ... ...
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Feasibility of Implementing Business Process Reengineering in Saudi Arabias Small and Medium Enterprises
9 pages (4687 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper " Feasibility of Implementing Business Process Reengineering in Saudi Arabia's Small and Medium Enterprises" focuses on the fact that as part of globalization, Saudi Arabia is facing difficult challenges with regards to the trading of products and services worldwide.... .... ... ... Aside from the after-effects of globalization, SMEs in Saudi Arabia are also facing economic challenges as a result of the Kingdom's accession to the WTO....
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Information Systems Project ,, application design
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
However, efficacy is considered from a variety of perspectives among them customers', investors', and business owners'.... Contemporarily,.... ... ... Referred to as globalization, the exchange of culture and the provision of products and services to different types of customers merits the INFORMATION SYSTEMS PROJECT: APPLICATION DESIGN By Affiliation: Proposal for the Development ofWebsite/Mobile ApplicationEfficacy is one among the defining properties of business activities that business models and establishments look forward to attaining....
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Health Services for Employed and Unemployed People of Age 65-67
8 pages (2221 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This paper 'Health Services for Employed and Unemployed People of Age 65-67' dwells on the methods of comparison and the factors considered in attaining reliable results.... The significance of both situations examined and evaluated in regard to health care services.... ... ... ... The Australian population has increased its aging bracket by approximately 25 percent....
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Information Technologies: A Training Apparatus for Travel Industry
9 pages (2989 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The "Information Technologies: A Training Apparatus for Travel Industry" proposal discovers the strategies which are used to identify the meaningful use of IT programs considered as a source to strengthen the position of the firm and provide competitive advantage through workforce trained in IT.... ...
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Green Marketing: Corporate Strategies of Multinational Companies
6 pages (1885 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Green Marketing: Corporate Strategies of Multinational Companies" focuses on green marketing, including not only the corporate strategies of the multinationals towards manufacturing and selling their products in an eco-friendly manner but also analyzing other functions of the companies....
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Male and Female University Students Attitudes toward Cannabis Use
6 pages (1913 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Male and Female University Students Attitudes to Cannabis Use" paper identifies if the youth is aware of the harms of cannabis usage and if they are aware of the debate on decriminalizing of cannabis use undergoing.... The research identifies the trends amongst smokers or non-smokers smoking cannabis....
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Reducing Pollution from Energy Plants in Saudi Arabia
3 pages (784 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The author of the following paper "Reducing Pollution from Energy Plants in Saudi Arabia " argues in a well-organized manner that currently, Saudi Arabia has ranking fifteenth in the world in carbon dioxide emissions due to certain forms of human activity.... .... ... ... Saudi Arabia is number fifteen worldwide in terms of carbon dioxide emissions....
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Reasons for Lack of Using Business Intelligence
3 pages (1015 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Reasons for Lack of Using Business Intelligence" states that there are important logistical and ethical considerations that must be taken seriously to save time and energy.... They include awareness of the issue to be researched which in this case is a reason for the lack of using BI.... ...
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Empirical analysis of relationship between land prices and housing prices in Shanghai
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
However, most recent studies that have been conducted on variables that determine the prices of housing and how the pricing affect the accommodation situation in Shanghai have only.... ... ... The researcher however opines that there are key microeconomic variables with the real estate industry itself that account for increasing prices of housing....
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