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Accounting Management Systems in Budgeting Educational Organizations
6 pages (1985 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article "Accounting Management Systems in Budgeting Educational Organizations" focuses on the critical analysis of the ideas by Dr.... Houston Davis discussing majorly higher education, accounting, and how technology has affected budgeting in these institutions.... ... ... ... The conversation on budgeting in higher education has taken a turn....
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A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Community-Based Diabetes Prevention Program in Sweden by Johansson et al
8 pages (2270 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Community-Based Diabetes Prevention Program in Sweden by Johansson et al' is an engrossing example of an article on health sciences & medicine.... The statement which is used to identify issues to be studied in research is referred to as the research question or research problem....
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Falls during Acute Hospital Stays
3 pages (962 words) , Download 3 , Article
The study "Falls during Acute Hospital Stays" tries to find out whether using a fall risk screening tool results in a reduction in falls during acute hospital stays.... The article reported a randomized controlled trial examining the effectiveness of targeted multiple intervention strategies.... ...
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What Makes a Leader Harvard Business Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
All corporations in the world are headed by various classes of authority within their core operations.... A company needs authority and people to make critical decisions and strategize on the company's future.... ... ... ... What Makes a Leader?... ... ll corporations in the world are headed by various classes of authority within their core operations....
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Abuse and Exploitation of Domestic Maids in Singapore
2 pages (713 words) , Download 4 , Article
The paper "Abuse and Exploitation of Domestic Maids in Singapore " discusses that domestic maids are found in one out of every six households in Singapore, apart from locals, the country has more than 150,000 migrant women who work as domestic maids.... .... ... ... Most immigrant maids come from Indonesia and the Philippines; others come from Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and Myanmar....
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Some questions to answer in a half page
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Assignment #1: (1/2 page) Tell me 5 things that Dick Tuck did and what do you think about him.... Dick Tuck was a Democrat.... Tuck played at politics.... He was born in Arizona.... He played a few pranks on Richard Nixon.... One was “He hired a big auditorium, invited only a handful of people and introduced the candidate with a long-winded, soporific speech” (Time 1973)....
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Parent-Adolescent Relationship Education
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author of this article "Parent-Adolescent Relationship Education" addresses the issue of rising trend of teenage indulgence in sexual activities at an early age, resulting in pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.... The P.... .... .... .... program is a concerted effort to strengthen parental bonding....
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Mental Health Access ACT OF 2012
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
When the war is over, the inner war of each soldier begins which is broadly categorized as post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD).... Suicide rate in the Army and Marine Corps are on the increase.... One in every three soldiers seeks psychological help.... ... ... ... Topic: Editorial to submit to USA today for possible publication on why I think the Mental Health Access ACT OF 2012 needs to be passed so it can help the nation's veterans....
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Business Applying Concepts
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper is based on the video clip, “Can the US Maximize the Benefits of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment?... ?? and the article on China investment into the US “Chinese Owned, American Made” while integrating the concept in international business in Chapters 1-3 of the class reference book....
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Biblical Concept of Sin
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
This study attempts to look into the biblical notions of sin and to illustrate the significance of these notions in modern days.... The researcher looks at the doctrine of sin according to the new testament, as portrayed by Jesus through parables and Paul in his letters.... ... ... ... From this research, it is clear that the Bible reveals various concepts of sin in the old and new testaments....
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Driven by Gary Stark
2 pages (723 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'Driven by Gary Stark' the author focuses on the article by Gary Stark who has made an attempt to unify these diversities with an intention to develop a 'unified theory of human behavior'.... The author has reflected that such theory should encompass within its scope manifold issues....
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Revisiting the role of miscue analysis in effective teaching
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Article
Goodman and his contemporaries were in the 1960'S interested in development taking place while reading and thought that miscues (any.... ... ... Goodman used the phrase miscue instead of error or mistake, reflecting the observation that a deviation from the reading manuscript is not essentially erroneous (Goodman, 1979)....
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Peaceful Protest Over Istanbul Park Turns Violent as Police Crack Down
2 pages (689 words) , Download 0 , Article
This is the conclusion arrived at in article 'Peaceful Protest Over Istanbul Park Turns Violent as Police Crack Down' by Tim Arango and Ceylan Yeginsu that appeared in The New York Times.... ... ... This happened in Istanbul's Taksim Square and apart from the protestors common people and tourists had to run for cover....
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Use of Pesticide Dicophane to Combat Malaria
2 pages (821 words) , Download 2 , Article
In spite of knowing that radiation has definite and pronounced, long-term, serious after-effects, why after all it's its use approved to continue, even in the most advanced countries?... The author states that it is obviously because it is a life-saving technique.... .... ... ... Answering the question, 'Should the WHO continue to approve the use of DDT to combat malaria?...
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Child Development
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
This research is being carried out to evaluate and present the biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional factors that influence an infant's development between ages 1 year to 3 years.... Childhood is a distinct stage in an individual's life; it is an important stage that requires support from parents....
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How to Reinvent Capitalism and Unleash a Wave of Innovation and Growth by Porter and Kramer
3 pages (896 words) , Download 1 , Article
The article entitled, 'How to reinvent capitalism- and unleash a wave of innovation and growth' by Porter and Kramer start by mentioning the ills of capitalism that continue to bedevil the society.... Recently business world that employs capitalist system causes different.... ... ... Companies maximize their profit margins to the detriment of the community....
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Are flood victims more concerned about climate change than other people
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article, “Are flood victims more concerned about climate change than other aims at her people?... ?? is a phenomenological type of the qualitative study.... This is so because the researcher aims at gaining a deeper insight into the life-world of those people who are victims of.... ... ... The aim of the researcher in this case is to obtain the invariant structures of the individual's experiences and the essence of these experiences in terms of how they perceive climate change. ...
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Racism in the Justice System
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'Racism in the Justice System' the author discusses Alexander Michelle's 'Roots of Today's Mass Incarceration Crisis Date to Slavery.... In the debate, Michelle, a legal scholar, describes the historical causes of the racist criminal justice system experienced in the United States today....
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Evidence Based Practice
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
This assignment is about the critique and evaluation of the Evidence-Based Guidelines for Preventing; Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia bundled strategies by OKeefe-McCarthy, S.... Santiago, C.... & Lau, G.... (2008) and its findings.... Some of the issues are discussed under the.... ... ... The research study comprised of the following as the participants; the host (patients), the health practitioners (nurses, physicians, therapists and others), researchers, the nursing organizations and research bodies like Center for Disease Control....
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Negotiating with East Asians
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
This research is being carried out to explore the subject of negotiating with East Asians under the following divisions: number of participants, a gender of participants, preparations for negotiations, length of time to come to a consensus, the essence of a meeting.... ... ... ... The article, 'Negotiating with Asians' is basically a tool that is crafted to help the American business fraternity penetrate the fast-growing and prosperous Asian market....
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HRs Role in Mergers and Acquisition
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The writer of the paper "HR's Role in Mergers and Acquisition" suggests that the HR department's role during the integration execution phase includes integrating through consultation the corporate cultures by maintaining a transparent approach.... ... ... ... These guidelines include reviewing the required policies and procedures while paying attention to FLSA requirements....
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Analysis of The American Food System
2 pages (705 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Analysis of The American Food System" explains that Yeager and her colleagues carried out a study in the American Food system to determine the level of food safety in two groups of restaurants.... Inspections of restaurants should take place at least thrice a year.... ... ... ... The purpose of the study carried out by Yeager, and her colleagues were to evaluate the existing relationships between food safety and the violations of critical restaurant inspection items....
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Philosophy: Cyber Ethics
3 pages (1009 words) , Download 2 , Article
"Philosophy: Cyber Ethics" paper states that, unlike other technological objects, computers have logic malleability.... Computers are logically malleable since they can be shaped and molded to do any activity that can be characterized in terms of inputs, outputs, and connecting logical operations....
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If You Were the Captain of the Titanic
3 pages (871 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "If You Were the Captain of the Titanic" discusses that huge gaps existed between men and women, and this generally puts women at a disadvantage over men.... Therefore, my rescue approach will not be based on gender because both men and women have equal capabilities.... ... ... ... In the article by Mike Turner (2004), values play an important role in the decisions and actions make taken....
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The Negative Effect of the Proposed Bill on Public Health
2 pages (692 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "The Negative Effect of the Proposed Bill on Public Health" tells us about experimental drugs.... An investigational drug can also be called an experimental drug and is being studied to see if your disease or medical condition improves while taking it.... ... ... ... Experimental Treatment means a therapy, intervention, or procedure (not standard of care) delivered to a specific individual patient for therapeutic purposes in an attempt to cure or alleviate symptoms....
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Songo Fipaza: Journalism, Mass Media, and Communication
2 pages (664 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author of the following paper under the title "Songo Fipaza: Journalism, Mass Media, and Communication" will begin with the statement that the wise saying goes, 'Great deeds are done when man and mountain meet.... Songo Fipaza is one such story.... ... ... ... It is an extraordinary partnership of Christoph Sauser, world champion mountain biker, and Songo Fipaza, a renowned local frontrunner....
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Interactions of Bacteria and Fungi on Decomposing Litter
2 pages (855 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article "Interactions of Bacteria and Fungi on Decomposing Litter" focuses on two major organisms responsible for the degradation of plant litter in freshwater ecosystems that are fungi and bacteria.... The process of degradation and interface between the two organisms is to be established.... ...
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Top Female Leaders Around the World
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
This research will begin with the statement that Tarja Halonen is a superb example of leadership quality.... She was a lawyer and due to her exceptional leadership qualities, she climbed the ladder of political hierarchy and got to the top, became the president of Finland.... ... ... ... This research tells that without a doubt, Mr....
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An issue affecting two or more countries
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Name: Course: Professor: Date: Source analysis of an issue affecting two or more countries After the tricky proxy war against the Soviets on the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, US and Pakistani support of the mujahideen set a precedent for the later growth of Taliban.... ... ... ... Putting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan to a halt was in the interest of both Pakistan and United States, which deeply rooted their respective intelligence agencies, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); firstly into creation of mujahidin to achieve this and then backing the Taliban into becoming a strong force in Afghanistan to control the region in the post war era....
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A Proposal I Never Thought Id Consider by Saaba Saleem
2 pages (661 words) , Download 2 , Article
This essay 'A Proposal I Never Thought I'd Consider by Saaba Saleem' explores the article, originally printed in The Washington Post.... This thesis states that Saleem has given sufficient reasons in favor of her arranged marriage.... Her reasons are compelling and persuasive to convince the reader....
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Family Involvement with Children's Homework by Sandra J Balli
3 pages (761 words) , Download 2 , Article
The research 'Family Involvement with Children's Homework by Sandra J Balli' purports to investigate the effects of family involvement in homework in the middle grades.... It is sufficiently delimited to involve 74 Caucasian sixth graders and their predominantly middle-class families.... ... ... ...
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Amazon Fires on the Rise: A Cautionary Tale
3 pages (893 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Amazon Fires on the Rise: A Cautionary Tale" discusses that the scientists collected data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) system at NASA's Goddard Space Center.... The MODIS satellite data was compiled and analyzed over an 8 year period.... ... ... ... Atmospheric scientists in Brazil have been studying the effects of man-caused fire events during the dry seasons throughout the Amazon River Basin....
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Relationship Marketing Issues
2 pages (763 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article "Relationship Marketing Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in relationship marketing.... The article analyses the role of culture in international marketing where it using a research method of study using countries across the continent.... ... ... ... It also gives a conclusion after critically analyzing the results from the study used where it looks at how culture affects relationship marketing differently in different regions and countries....
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The Historical Events Surrounding the Tuskegee Syphilis and the Significance
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article analyses the Tuskegee syphilis experiment took forty years, from 1932 to 1972, though it was initially designed to take six months.... According to the CDC (2009), the study involved 399 men infected with syphilis and 201 were not infected.... ... ... ... The Tuskegee syphilis study remains one of the most infamous medical experiments that grossly violated medical ethics and human rights of American citizens....
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Cold Knowledge by Jacob Bronwski
3 pages (875 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article 'Cold Knowledge by Jacob Bronowski' takes as its theme the universal qualities of morality.... The entire anecdote is wrapped around his conception of morality- that it is composed of two parts; firstly that it requires a sense of love for others and an attitude of responsibility towards them....
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The Development and Validation of the Golf Self-Efficacy Scale
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
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Service Oriented Software Engineering
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Within past few years, there has been an increasing consensus in the industry about the ways we can create adaptive and business driven Information Technology (IT) solutions in order to use distinct building blocks of software, based on industry standard protocols and making.... ... ... (Stojanovic , Dahanayake, 2005) ...
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Information Systems Security Assurance Management
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper 'Information Systems Security Assurance Management' presents a case of study of disaster management and recovery by Municipal Solutions, a company that is engaged in providing information systems and solutions to municipalities in the United States.... ... ... ... The author explains that Based in Cleveland, Ohio, the company, through hard work and dedication managed to become a leader in providing software solutions exclusively to the municipal corporation in the US as well as Canada....
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Marketing in 2012: The End of the Middle
3 pages (991 words) , Download 1 , Article
The recession has changed the US market completely; the market has now transformed into two segments – one that caters to the higher-end consumers with incomes $100,000 and upwards and the other one.... ... ... Consequent to this, the US Consumer Confidence Index that measures the degree of optimism has been falling perennially – from 41 percent observed in September 2009 to 23 percent in October 2011....
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Perfectionism in Anorexia Nervosa: A 624-Month Follow-Up Study by Standar-Pinnock
2 pages (662 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article chosen for evaluation by the author of the following paper is titled, 'Perfectionism in Anorexia Nervosa: A 6–24-Month Follow-Up Study.... It examines if there exists a relationship between perfectionism and outcome in anorexia nervosa (AN).... .... ... ... In the study, Anorexia nervosa (AN) is identified as a serious psychiatric disorder that has high rates of recurrence after one undergoes treatment....
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Flat and Forming: Genesis 1 and 2 Revisited by Yamin Levy
3 pages (885 words) , Download 0 , Article
Levy begins by saying that the first two chapters of Bereshit are concerned with the story of creation, but they present different.... ... ... These views are considered distinct and complementary.... The two chapters explain the same issue in different facets and provide different aspects of it....
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Priming Effects of Television Food Advertising on Eating Behavior
2 pages (759 words) , Download 4 , Article
The paper "Priming Effects of Television Food Advertising on Eating Behavior" states that the study utilizes conceptual systems and the results demonstrate effective qualities.... The research is widely generalizable as television commercial influence is an international reality.... ... ... ... Threatening context confounds have already been discussed and are unlikely to be treatable in other experiments....
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A Process of Decision Making by Caregivers of Family Members with Heart Failure
2 pages (904 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "A Process of Decision Making by Caregivers of Family Members with Heart Failure" discusses the perception of patients and informal caregivers about individual and contextual factors influencing willingness to undertake effective HF self-care.... ... ... ... Evidence that the journal is peer-reviewed include identification by volume and number of journal issues, pages that are numbered sequentially through the entire issue instead of starting over with each issue, specification in the first page of the dates the manuscript was received, reviewed, and published, and description of the author's credentials and place of employment....
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Applying Andragogy in Multi-Disciplined Learning and Teaching
3 pages (770 words) , Download 9 , Article
The paper "Applying Andragogy in Multi-Disciplined Learning and Teaching" states that andragogical principles are needed in most educational disciplines.... This review seeks to elaborate on the application of andragogical principles in various educational disciplines and their importance.... ... ...
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Influence of L1 over L2 and L3 Acquisition
2 pages (752 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Influence of L1 over L2 and L3 Acquisition" focused on determining the different ways in which varying/different language systems interact in the mind and affect either the linguistic development, performance, or both of the person/individual concerned.... ... ... ... It is quite essential to state that the article covers a study whose main aim is to find out if L2 (second language) has a greater impact on the L3(third language) lexicon of the learner/candidate who has attained a higher level of second language proficiency and also has had significant exposure to it....
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A scientific journal.. The paper that I choose was ESA Promoting the Science of Ecology
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
Critique and Key Learnings from the Journal Article “Interactions of Bacteria and Fungi on Decomposing Litter: Differential Extracellular Enzyme Activities” The two major organisms responsible for degradation of plant litter in freshwater ecosystems are fungi and bacteria.... ... ... ... However, the process of degradation and interface between the two organisms are yet to be established....
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Negotiating Captivity in the New Mexico Borderlands by Brooks, James F
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article discusses successful conquest had been waged under the banner of the three G's: Gold, God, and Glory.... True to that statement, most of the most successful European war-fares waged all over the globe in the early centuries were indeed victorious using the aforementioned tactics.... ....
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Prosopagnosia ( face blindness)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Prosopagnosia Your Name Your School Prosopagnosia Prosopagnosia came from the Greek words prosopon and agnosia.... The former means “face” while the later translates to “lack of knowledge”.... Hence, prosopagnosia is a disorder that involves the inability to discern faces.... ... ... ... The specific part of the brain related to problems in face perception is the fusiform gyrus....
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TV (and Video) Advertising Is on the Upswing
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
TV (and Video) Advertising Is On The Upswing Forbes - http://www.... orbes.... om/sites/davidcooperstein/2012/02/14/tv-and-video-advertising-is-on-the-upswing/ David Cooperstein – February 14, 2012 The article discusses the changes in TV viewer trends among consumers worldwide.... ... ... ... Neither NBC's “Must Watch TV” nor the Super Bowl have the same influence as they did in the past....
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Preparing Educational Leaders in Managerialist Times: an Australian Story by Eacott
2 pages (688 words) , Download 0 , Article
"Preparing Educational Leaders in Managerialist Times: an Australian Story by Eacott" paper discusses the merits of using school leadership preparation and development programs as a way of introducing current and aspiring leaders to the 'conversion of the world'.... ... ... ... I would also agree with Karen that school principals should adhere to the rules of DEC (Department of Education and Communities) who is the employer as well as the laws of New South Wales....
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