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Herbert Hoover
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
Herbert Hoover was the 31st President of the United States, from 1929 to 1933.... Prior to becoming the President, he served as the United States Secretary of Commerce.... A Republican candidate, Hoover was a propeller of the ideology that any economic situation or condition could be changed with a technical solution. ...
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Polysubstance Abuse by Segal and Fairchild
2 pages (594 words) , Download 3 , Article
The study 'Polysubstance Abuse by Segal and Fairchild" talks about Polysubstance abuse in which they have explained Polysubstance dependence broadly and have also discussed the case history of a 23-year-old white male's recovery from 12 years of alcohol and other substance abuse.... ... ... ... I must say I find D....
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The Future of Corporate Sustainability Reports by Brian Ballou
2 pages (624 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article 'The Future of Corporate Sustainability Reports by Brian Ballou' aims to provide an insight into Corporate Sustainability Reporting, and how it is gaining in importance in the conduct of business, all over the world.... CSR involves reporting both financial as well as non-financial information....
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The Internet: A Clear and Present Danger by Cathleen Cleave
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Article
This article discusses work Cathleen Cleaver's 'The Internet: A Clear and Present Danger?... is extremely relevant in the contemporary time.... The advent of the internet has redefined communication and has become one of the most powerful tools of information.... ... ... ... In recent times, the phenomenal growth in the internet user database has brought in a mixed feeling of exhilaration and anxiety....
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Deception in the Virtual World by Jonathan Matusitz
2 pages (651 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'Deception in the Virtual World by Jonathan Matusitz' the author discusses the article by Jonathan Matusitz who analyzes the various ways that identity is formed in online communities, including how deception functions in this space to both conceal and reveal individual's true identities....
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Designing Continuous Auditing for a Highly Automated Procure-to-Pay Process
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article “Designing continuous auditing for a highly automated procure to pay process” by Faye Borthick explains on the importance of continuous auditing as it helps auditors to provide real tike assurance to their clients.... Designing continuous auditing has its share of.... ... ... Highly automated procure to pay process is very complex and requires the use of digital and electronic evidence in order for the auditors to carry out the auditing process in an effective and efficient way (Borthick, 2012)....
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Self-Determination, Self-Regulation, and the Brain
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The writer of this report will review several articles regarding the thesis that autonomy improves performance by enhancing neuroaffective responsiveness to self-regulation failure.... Moreover, the paper will reveal the analysis of the research finsings.... ... ... ... The article above describes the research conducted by the authors, in which they attempted examine the role played by autonomy in self regulation....
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The End of Solitude by William Deresiewicz
2 pages (538 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper 'The End of Solitude by William Deresiewicz' is about our culture of celebrity and connectivity because that is what especially this young generation is living on through the extensive overuse of social media and the texting services in the cell phones.... ... ... ... The author states that he is a victim of the celebrity and connectivity culture as he seems to spend every free second of my life on the phone communicating with his friends and 'friends' or simply posing for photos just to show to his followers in twitter or Instagram....
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Head on Tylenol by H.Winter
2 pages (621 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper 'Head on Tylenol by H.... inter' provides a guide to virtually all illnesses.... This version provides the necessary information on prescription and nonprescription drugs that have been of great importance to the public.... It also provides information on how to avoid dangerous side effects....
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An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness by Chinua Achebe
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Article
The paper 'An Image of Africa' looks at Conrad's novel 'The Heart of Darkness', which completely dehumanizes Africans and treats them as brutes, savages, and mere props to give his novel a convincing touch in complete disregard of the sublime values an author of his stature is supposed to espouse....
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The Cognitive Benefits of Interacting with Nature
2 pages (551 words) , Download 0 , Article
In psychology, the best-probable way to have an experimental design is to divide the people participating in the experiment into an experimental group.... ... ... During the study, change is usually made to on the experimental group only and not the control group.... The three types of experimental designs commonly used are; independent measures, repeated measures and matched pairs....
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Health Policy Issues and Analysis
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The partial subsidy will be directly remitted to private insurers.... Insurance experts have warned that the system is likely to open channels of corruption.... Anytime money move from the government exchequer to private hands, corruption cartels.... ... ... On the other hand, the single-payer health care scheme establishes a health insurance organization which is managed by a public agency....
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Incorporate Expectancy Theory
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The aim of the paper 'Incorporate expectancy theory' is to analyze expectancy theory, which is all about putting on effort and acting in a certain way because one is expecting a reward at the end.... The individual effort that is put on an activity is transformed into good or even excellent performance....
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Haitian Culture and Citizens of Haiti
2 pages (575 words) , Download 2 , Article
From the paper "Haitian Culture and Citizens of Haiti " it is clear that the discrimination against gays in the country strengthened after the earthquake the state went through in 2010.... Haitians are sure that this earthquake is a punishment for their sins.... ... ... ... It is essential to state that in the given case a young man is homosexual, moreover, he is sick and has HIV....
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E-mail and social media investigations
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Article
Numerous ways are used to obtain the information fraudulently such as through scam emails that lure individuals into communication that leads to obtaining sensitive information.... ... ... Spear phishing is an email scam that has the aim of obtaining access to sensitive information to a specific group or organization through trusted e-mails E-mail and social media investigations E-mail and social media investigation Question Phishing involves a criminal activity that aims at gaining sensitive information in a fraudulent way....
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How Global Culture Expands or Limits People's Access to Media
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Article
“Global culture: media, arts, policy, and globalization”.... The article 'How Globalisation Expands or Limits People's Access to Media' correlates the pros and cons of the global culture's influence on each of us.... There are more advantages since deterritorialization allows all humans to communicate newly, to share ideas, and to contribute to media....
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How to Operate the Shower Curtain by Ian Frazier
1 pages (462 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "How to Operate the Shower Curtain by Ian Frazier" suggests that Ian Frazier narrates a humorous incident of handling a shower curtain.... The instructions are conveyed directly and this way, the reader feels the experience in a personal manner.... ... ... ... He employs 'shock' to create humour....
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Influences of maternal postpartum depression on fathers and on father-infant interaction
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Women usually are the ones who experience this postnatal depression.... However, recent research reveals that men are also affected indirectly.... It is also.... ... ... The symptoms that are accustomed to this condition are fatigue, sadness, changes in eating and sleeping patterns, crying, reduced libido, irritability and anxiety Number Due The Impacts of Maternal Postpartum Depression on Fathers and Father-infant InteractionMaternal postpartum depression also known as PPD is a clinical depression, which occurs mostly after child birth....
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Alternate Assessments for Special Education Students
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper 'Alternate Assessments for Special Education Students' analyzes the article in the journal by the Regional Educational Inc of the United States.... The journal analyses and summarizes alternate assessment practices and policies plus their impact and implementation for cognitively disabled learners....
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C & C Grocery Stores Case Analysis
1 pages (250 words) , Download 34 , Article
The responsibility of store manager according to 1st organizational structure was to adequate checkout service, check personnel, price accuracy and cleanliness.... At that time the store manger won't get promotion to positions of regional or district management because of the.... ... ... Therefore this resistance in the promotion of store manager in the 1st organizational structure of C&C results in dissatisfaction of store C & C Grocery Stores Case Analysis Answer The responsibility of store manager according to 1st organizational structure was to adequate checkout service, check personnel, price accuracy and cleanliness....
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Disruptive Behavior of a Child with Autism by Shannon Crozier
2 pages (512 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article 'Disruptive Behavior of a Child with Autism" by Shannon Crozier' discusses and goes into great detail about the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of using social stories as an intervention method for children with autism.... A Social Story is a simple, easy-to-follow story.... ... ... ...
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Ruminating on Ramadan
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This essay describes an extraordinary feast celebrated annually by Muslims around the world is Ramada.... This essay describes an extraordinary feast celebrated annually by Muslims around the world is Ramada.... The Islamic Web revealed that 'among every four humans in the world, one of them is Muslim'....
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Skepticism and Contextualism by Ernest Sosa
2 pages (501 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper 'Skepticism and Contextualism by Ernest Sosa' analyzes the article by Ernest Sosa who attempts to prove that there are some significant problems inherent in using contextualism as a means of refuting skepticism in epistemology.... The author provides a brief description of epistemology....
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Blaming The Victim by William Ryan
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Article
The author of the following paper "Blaming The Victim by William Ryan" will begin with the statement that when research studies conclude that blacks are inferior to whites based on their upbringing, versus the educational system, the victim is blamed.... ... ... ... In studying the home life and background of blacks versus whites, the research conducted blames the victim by saying the under-educated black child is at fault, due to life circumstances....
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Response to Staples' Just Walk On
2 pages (545 words) , Download 5 , Article
"Response to Staples' Just Walk On" paper discusses the article Brent Staples 'Just Walk on By A Black Man' that provides a discussion on the ability of his presence to change the emotions of individuals.... Staples provides an explanation for his thesis through narratives of incidents in his life....
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Load Factors and Airplane Design
1 pages (499 words) , Download 0 , Article
The document "Load Factors and Airplane Design" is about load factors and airplane operating limits.... It documents thoughts about airplane design.... The site makes a rather detailed approach to how load factors affect planes in steep turns and their behavior.... .... ... ... Flight maneuvers are paramount and both the developers and operators should get it right....
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Analysis of China's Reforms
1 pages (505 words) , Download 2 , Article
"Analysis of China's Reforms" paper summarizes the three primary changes that China made.... China made changes in its social, criminal justice, and economic policies.... China made social policy reforms by relaxing its one-child policy.... Smith and Le remind readers that China has a one-child policy....
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The US Money Supply and the Demand for Gold
2 pages (584 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "The US Money Supply and the Demand for Gold" highlights that if a national bank conveys an abundance of development will uncompromisingly move as will premium rates, and fiscal activity will unavoidably be constrained by the misallocation of advantages determined by knock.... ... ... ... The latest open figures for M3 show that the US money supply has stretched by 9....
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Needing the Unnecessary by James B. Twitchell
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article " Needing the Unnecessary by James B.... Twitchell" discusses the necessities of life what things matter and what carry no value in life.... This article also contains the factors which make it difficult to measure brand equity of a brand like Coca Cola.... ... ... ... Source credibility definitely has its effect on consumers....
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I Am a Nurse by S.Idczak
2 pages (560 words) , Download 3 , Article
In the article 'I Am a Nurse by S.... dczak' there is a thorough discussion of the results of a study performed by her in which she surveyed nursing students to find out how they were learning the art of nursing.... She began her study with a literature review.... ... ... ... The author of the paper states that the meaning of experience came through in five themes that were threaded throughout the responses from the students....
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The Adolescent Development
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
This essay discusses that adolescence is undoubtedly one of the strenuous, if not the most difficult phase in a person's life.... This is where identity and interpersonal understanding is at one of its most formative development and can at times be compromised without proper guidance.... ... ... ...
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The Myths of Negotiating Dark Networks
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the report 'The Myths of Negotiating Dark Networks' the author takes a critical view of the emergent paradigm of 'dark networks' within international relations, which emphasizes the threats to international security from global networks of terrorism, drug and nuclear materials smuggling, and insurgency....
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Current Event Summary
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Article
The article on ‘Buoyant Dollar recovers its Luster, Underlining Rebound in U.... Economy by Landon Thomas focuses on the U.... economy under Barrack Obama.... After the nation's dollar has had weak spells, it has eventually emerged as the preferred currency by investors (Thomas.... ... ... The dollar has gained 3....
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Creating Tastier and Healthier Fruits and Veggies with a Modern Alternative to GMOs
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
Technological advancements in the area of agriculture and nutrition has served boost the quality of food and consequently the nutritional value of food.... However in this paper we are going to dwell on the methods of improving our diet without incorporating genetic.... ... ... Furthermore, he gives a brief definition of GMO's and their effect on the healthcare....
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Blog Post Comments
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Sexual orientation is a personal choice, but in the workplace man and women are still expected to assume their original gender identities.... ... ... ... All this happens despite the fact that there are laws in place to protect employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation.... Research shows that somewhere between 15 and 50 percent of gays and Blog post comments Article Landon Wilson: Kicked out of the military for being transgender The case of Landon Wilson clearly highlights the fact that there is still widespread stereotyping against the gay and lesbian community....
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Microeconomics: Patent, Antitrust Laws
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
An author of the following writing "Microeconomics: Patent, Antitrust Laws" seeks to discuss the role of both antitrust and patent laws role in economies.... Furthermore, additionally, the present paper will represent its relations to the microeconomics.... ... ... ... Both antitrust and patent laws are vital in economies....
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Managing Human Error in Aviation
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper declares that the author's concern regarding aviation safety involves the amazing lack of communication skills exhibited by failed cockpit crews.... Helmreich cites several accidents in which members of the crew sensed problems but failed to communicate concerns urgently or properly.... ....
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Analysis of Body Language
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This essay discusses an important aspect of communication such as body language.... It generally incorporates all nonverbal communication including body posture, facial expressions, eye contact and natural gestures.... They are aimed at emphasizing what is being said.... ... ... ... Be that as it may, it is important to ensure that when communicating, the use of body language should be used effectively....
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Has Too Much Emphasis Been Placed on Empirically Supported Therapies
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article 'Has Too Much Emphasis Been Placed on Empirically Supported Therapies?... outlines a personal opinion on the issue and provides the basis for a position.... Further, a brief discussion of the topic from a related reading and from postings of other class members would also be proffered....
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Military Joint Operations
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article "Military Joint Operations" presents redeployment effort using a conventional battle rhythm with a visibly defined critical path for effective decision making in the joint arena generates unprecedented velocity and precision across all spheres of responsible drawdown.... ... ... ... If you do not agree with the contentions made by the authors regarding the joint issue of redeploying a large military force and equipment from a potentially hostile environment such as Iraq, explain why the authors' justification in using JP 4-0 capabilities to demonstrate the redeployment strategies cannot be applied to a joint issue....
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Post-modern Feminism
1 pages (464 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "Post-modern Feminism " states that post-modern feminism is one of the critical aspects that has dominated the society for past decades.... Feminism is defined as the accumulation of events that are aimed to improve, define and establish women's rights in different parts of society.... ...
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The Validity and Integrity of Process Capability Calculations
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "The Validity and Integrity of Process Capability Calculations" declares that keeping the data populations separate ensures the different molds may be tested using their own different size, and their variability.... The process capability calculations could be termed as being worthless....
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Legal Aspects of Nonviolent Direct Action
2 pages (587 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article "Legal Aspects of Nonviolent Direct Action" focuses on the critical analysis of the legal aspects of nonviolent direct action.... It is any act that forces someone or an institution into addressing a certain subject without the use of force on the part of the nonviolent action takers....
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The Importance of Body Language
2 pages (613 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "The Importance of Body Language" discusses that generally, language is often relativistic from person to person, as is language ability, and therefore Whorf felt that we can get a strong feel for an individual by understanding these limitations.... ... ... ... How can an individual tell if another person is actually telling the truth with his or her verbal responses, or is simply lying in order to be kind?...
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Generational Shifts in the Workplace
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article analyses generational shifts in the workplace.... For instance, young and old employees should be assigned a common task.... When employees from different generations make members of the same team, their interests and goals are reciprocal.... ... ... ... Managers should design task forces for individual tasks where old and young employees can have an opportunity to work together to achieve the same objectives....
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The Effectiveness of Relaxtion Therapy in the Reduction of Anxiety Related Symptoms (A Case Study)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
A Summary of Article: “The Effectiveness of Relaxation Therapy in the Reduction of Anxiety Related Symptoms (A Case Study)” Course Date Synopsis: This study explores the importance of relaxation therapy in reduction of anxiety related symptoms.... ... ... ... Using a girl, suffering from fatigue and pain, as a case study, the authors applied relaxation therapy....
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Gimme an A (I Insist) by Abigail Sullivan Moore
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The purpose of the paper, 'Gimme an A (I Insist!... ', is clear.... Abigail Sullivan Moore feels that the time has come to modify the system of evaluating the students, particularly because the present system has become corrupted.... The main purpose of the system seems to be defeated.... ... ... ...
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Catching the Beer Drinker's Attention
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper 'Catching the Beer Drinker's Attention' focuses on an article titled "How to Write a Catchy Beer Ad" by Chris Ballard who explains the steps John Ferreira took to produce an over-the-top successful beer advertisement.... The advertisement has become a sports icon.... ... ... ... The author further explains that though the formula for selling beer is fairly straightforward, the competition to reach the 21 to 27-year-old beer-drinking males requires constant new creativity....
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Psychological Disorder
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The researcher of this essay aims to analyze personality disorder, that is one of the most common mental health conditions that are difficult to treat.... Psychology student will select a recent journal and summarize the authors' perception and conclusion with regards to the success of treating.... ...
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Male Intimacy Friendship
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper stresses that the tradition that is experienced in the west has defined comradeship found among men to be the paradigm of friendship.... According to Vera Brittain, friendships found in their purest form have always been thought to exist often among the men as opposed to the women.... ....
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