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Climate Impacts on Society
1 pages (328 words) , Download 4 , Article
"Climate Impacts on Society" paper states that the effects on society by global change have been experienced across the globe considering the lowering water levels, the melting of ice at the poles, and rising water on coastlines.... Society is faced with problems if global warming is not contained....
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Health Behaviors and Health Status of At-risk Latino Students with Diabetes
1 pages (361 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper relies on the article, 'Health behaviors and health status of at-risk Latino students with diabetes' by Maria T.... Hurtado-Ortiz, Silvia Santos, and Astrid Reynosa.... The research investigates thebehavioral lifestyle patterns and health status of Latino college students for future diabetes....
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Funding a Community Book Festival
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Book fairs are really something great.... Some people think that they are actually meant something related with the collection of funds but, it is the thing which feeds great thoughts to the people around.... So the least thing is thinking a book fair from this point of view.... ... ... ... Apart from collecting funds a book fair has many things with it, for an instance, we can say it feeds knowledge to people of all kinds....
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Living with Chronic Illness
1 pages (353 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper contains a summary of the article "Living with Chronic Illness: A phenomenological study of the health effects of the patient-provider relationship by Sylvia Fox who proffered issues pertinent to studying the structures and experiences of women with chronic illness.... ... ... ... Our intent was to understand the meaning of the relationship for women and how they believed it affected their health' (Fox, 2008, 109)....
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Differences in Character between Americans and Germans
1 pages (420 words) , Download 1 , Article
The writer of this article states that contemporary culture in a country is a result of the traditional customs and culture of a people.... While nations view other nation's cultures stereotypically, these different cultures are crucial to the nation concerned and are a paragon to other nations largely....
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Primary Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction in The New York Times
1 pages (389 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article has described patients with the Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction, a condition of intestinal blockage (The New York Times, 2012).... It can also be known as the chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction.... Patients suffer from constipation, bloating, nausea and abdominal pain.... ... ... ... The patients suffer from decreased abilities in the digestion process....
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History And Political Science
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "History And Political Science" describes some economic data collected recently has pointed that job growth and consumer spending will have gains that are weaker than expected.... The Federal Reserve will be on the look out to determine whether this slowdown is a temporal blip.... ... ... ...
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To Supplement or Not to Supplement: A Metabolic Network Framework for Human Nutritional Supplements
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
However, there are people that are deprived of proteins in their bodies and they decide to have some supplements so as to aid the body.... The thesis to.... ... ... There are many variables that are used in the paper, with the dependent variable being the human body and its ability to assimilate the nutrients into the body....
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Opening up a tavern at NDNU
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The Tavern was a snack bar but the school administration closed it and used the space for more offices instead.... However, new plans are.... ... ... drawn up for re-opening the Tavern but this time in a different location, according to Suzan Mamlock, the cafeteria manager of Bonjur which is the food company under contract with NDNU....
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Post high school through adulthood
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the article “County unemployment rate increases in June” by Mark Gilger, Schuylkill County was reported to have an increased mark of unemployment in June 2012, which is their highest percentage since last year.... Although the unemployment rate for the county is still.... ... ... June has been always a tricky time of the year due to lesser job opportunities present brought by the education sector but additional employment is expected for the The Effects of Unemployment to Individual Development The Effects of Unemployment to Individual Development In the article “County unemployment rate increases in June” by Mark Gilger, Schuylkill County was reported to have an increased mark of unemployment in June 2012, which is their highest percentage since last year....
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Near Field Communication by Want
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article a"Near Field Communication by Want" presents an article, Near Field Communication, that explains that Near Field Communication (NFC) enables contactless communication between electronic devices within range of each other, including both tablets and smartphones.... ... ... ... NFC communicates using Radio Frequency Identification tags at a radio field range of 13....
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A Lion in Our Village The Unconscionable Tragedy of Cholera in Africa by Mintz and Guerrant
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
According to the paper "A Lion in Our Village — The Unconscionable Tragedy of Cholera in Africa by Mintz and Guerrant", a large percentage of people in the present day scenario die owing to a lack of proper living standards and the scarcity of basic amenities of daily life (1060).... ... ... ...
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Goldman Social Impact Case
1 pages (351 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Goldman Social Impact Case" presents a term that refers to the approach of investment that takes into account two objectives: the intention to generate financial returns and to create a purposeful, measurable, positive social or environmental impact (Lai et al.... 2013).... ... ... ...
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Is My Water Safe
1 pages (401 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Is My Water Safe?... is a worthy example of an article on environmental studies.... In this article, I feel that the research question is clear and can be answered.... This is because, when the research question is asking whether the fracking water may cause drinking water contamination, it is a question that can be researched....
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(Ethics and Communication) reflect on the ethics followed by Jim Lehrer
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
Summary of: (Ethics and Communication) Reflect on the ethics followed by Jim Lehrer Submitted to, [Name of Instructor] Submitted By, [Name of the student] Submitted on, [June 4th, 2011] Article Summary In almost every walk of life people come and go, but very few are remembered.... ... ... ... Jim Lehrer is one of those people who would always be remembered in his professional circle and in general public for his highly commendable deeds....
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Creative Actors of the Third Age - When Old Is New by Jennie Keith
1 pages (394 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper 'Creative Actors of the Third Age - When Old Is New by Jennie Keith" focuses on the fact that contrary to the stereotypes among old people being portrayed as 'frail, forgetful, shabby, out-of-date and on the edge of senility and death', not all of them exhibit stereotyped characteristics....
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Global Warming & Climate Change
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Article
The article "Global Warming & Climate Change" is the contribution of Steen Ulrik Johannessen through which he tries to explain the effects of the global warming.... According to Steen Ulrik Johannessen, global warming is almost the most complicated issue facing the world's leadership.... .... ... ...
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The Sexual Behavior Analysis
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article presents the theses regarding the study and measurement of sexual behavior which is important because the knowledge results in the proper treatment and discovery of a permanent cure for sexually transmitted diseases especially those that are killing members of society.... ... ... ... Public health officials should be concerned about how people define “had sex” because this would affect the policies they will create and implement to ensure public safety and health....
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The Goal of Advancing in the Emerging Markets
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article states that during times of economic recessions such as now, there is a need to incorporate value into businesses' goods and services, particularly for those targeted at the mass base of the economic pyramid.... This refers to the consumers situated at the lowest income level.... ... ...
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Persistence of Poverty
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Persistence of Poverty" tells that poor people are alienated in society as they are subjected to poor housing facilities.... The Federal Reserve System points out that the situation is made worse since poverty is concentrated.... For this reason, poverty-stricken communities grow rapidly....
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Mark Twain Debunked Phrenology
1 pages (366 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Mark Twain Debunked Phrenology" describes that Twain likened the readings to palmistry; he later indicates how the readings were different after he went for a second reading.... This time, he identified himself, and the cavity that signified a lack of humor was gone.... ... ... ... Studying the bumps and cavities of someone's skull to get an understanding of the brain's underlying functions was pioneered by Frank Gall....
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Role of Ice Breakers in the Company
1 pages (371 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article "Role of Ice Breakers in the Company" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the role of ice breakers in the company.... The article deals with how to get people from diverse walks at the University of West Virginia to embrace and listen to each other.... ... ... ... Icebreakers are a good way to relax a group, especially after a stressful or challenging situation to bring the members together....
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Some Experiments on the Recognition of Speech by Cherry
1 pages (412 words) , Download 1 , Article
The author of the paper "Some Experiments on the Recognition of Speech by Cherry" argues in a well-organized manner that speech identification is normally a non-trivial challenge that results from a phenomenon of masking.... Masking is the psychological process of detecting sound thresholds.... ... ...
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History as a Basic Area of Knowledge in Regard to Present Events
6 pages (1655 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "History as a Basic Area of Knowledge in Regard to Present Events" demonstrates that history is an imperative area of knowledge.... As events, issues and situations tends to shift from what they seemed to be yesterday, many deliberations are articulated upon in the intent of drawing conclusions out of the same....
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Ambitious New Strategies Proposed for AIDS Vaccine Research by Emory University
1 pages (358 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Ambitious New Strategies Proposed for AIDS Vaccine Research by Emory University " seeks to look at the disaster of AIDS on the human population.... It focuses on the effects on the woman.... The view needs to be broadened.... The focus should be on society.... This would include both men and women....
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Women's choice to remain childless or to have less children: the effect of that on the society
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Many American couples are now opting to have a single child in their marriage or others opting to go childless.... The statistics of such couples has been steadily rising and specialists fear that this would have dire consequences in future (Last).... .... ... ... Women and Children.... Many American couples are now opting to have a single child in their marriage or others opting to go childless....
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Behavioral Characteristics
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
Web sites that ridicule African Americans, Jews, gays, immigrants and others, but some took it a few steps further by combining bigotry with articles about guns, bombs and other implements of violence.... Mr.... Bush believes that retrieving stem cells from the embryo destroys it, thereby resulting in the killing of a human being that cannot be justified no matter how vast the potential benefits are....
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Type a summary for each of the 4 readings that are assigned this wk
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Article
Kelly (2008) asserted that women and Deaf people both experience duality because of their closer connection with their gender and because of their shared experiences of Summaries of articles on Deaf People and Deaf Studies Summary of Kelly's “Where is Deaf HERstory?... Kelly (2008) explored the feminist standpoint, epistemology, and methodology of Deaf Studies in “Where is Deaf HERstory?...
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Homeopathy and Miasmic Theory by Samuel Hahnemann
10 pages (2777 words) , Download 0 , Article
"Homeopathy and Miasmic Theory by Samuel Hahnemann" paper determines whether the miasmic theory is an important part of the understanding and management of chronic diseases in homeopathy.... The miasmic theory is an important aspect of homeopathy because it has can be used to explain chronic conditions....
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An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan
3 pages (934 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan' the author analyzes the article, where it is strongly recommended to 'eating food'.... The author is promoting the view to eat healthy, fresh, and natural food.... The author wants people to refrain from the junk food products available in the market....
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Personality Development
3 pages (813 words) , Download 0 , Article
From the paper "Personality Development" it is clear that personalities such as joy, and courage are very significant in our daily lives.... We realized that life is not only about positive attributes, therefore we must be ready to forgo and make sacrifices in order to strengthen our personalities....
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Family Structure and Risk Behavior
3 pages (827 words) , Download 0 , Article
Since there is a lack of previous studies on the constructs that are being studied, the articles cited were enough and were peer-reviewed in nature.... The paper "Family Structure and Risk Behavior" identifies how differences in the way self-esteem has been conceptualized help in the prediction of drinking behavior among college students of America who belong to different ethnicities including the White, Korean as well as Chinese ethnicities....
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The Contrasting Conceptions of Heritage
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
While Maggie has conformed to her heritage, Dee displays a character which is highly complex considering many of those articles which she seems to admire from her culture, to be for decorative purposes.... This article is a brief narrative that centers on the cultural disagreement that goes on between the narrator, Mama and her daughter Dee....
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Jewish Legacy Inscribed On Genes by Karen Kaplan
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper 'Jewish Legacy Inscribed On Genes by Karen Kaplan" focuses on the fact that the Ashkenazi Jews are also known as 'Jews of Germany' are a Jewish ethnic division that emerged from the Holy Roman Empire approximately in the first millennium (Silberstein 11).... .... ... ... The Ashkenazi Jews have been found to have some deadly genetic disease as well as high IQs....
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Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing
2 pages (717 words) , Download 2 , Article
There are articles in the journal that discusses the availability of randomized scientific trials to the study.... There are articles in the journal that discusses the availability of randomized scientific trials to the study.... This article "Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing" discusses ways of managing chronic heart failure, civilizing the continued existence rate, civilizing on the value of life, and reducing the health care utilization of patients suffering from chronic heart failures....
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The Concept of Market Segmentation
1 pages (664 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "The Concept of Market Segmentation" states that market segmentation is a group of individuals that impart one or more aspects.... Each business fragment is extraordinary and promoting directors choose different criteria to make their target markets.... ... ... ... Concerning locale, in blustery areas dealers can offer things like overcoats, umbrellas and gumboots....
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Is the EU's Application of Its Emissions Trading Scheme to Aviation Illegal
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/news/articles/is-the-eus-application-of-its-emissions-trading-scheme-to-aviation-illegalIs the EUs Application of Its Emissions Trading Scheme to Aviation Illegal?... This essay describes the legal implications of the emissions.... With the use of case study methodologies, the legal implications are researchable....
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Controversies on School Uniform
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Article
I therefore, believe that the arguments in these articles are adequately persuasive, that uniforms have brought about equality in schools and no one can easily tell who comes from either rich or poor families (HBC-SU).... The aim of the paper 'Controversies on School Uniform' is to examine the current debates about uniforms, which has confirmed to be an extremely complex question in most countries....
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Life Coaching Practice
3 pages (838 words) , Download 3 , Article
The author of the paper "Life Coaching Practice" argues in a well-organized manner that life coaching has immense value in individuals' lives when they are in a difficult and seemingly hopeless situation, such as a job loss, a stagnant and unsatisfactory career or relationship, complacency, etc.... ....
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Should we use wikipedia or not
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
econdly, articles on wikipedia can serve personal interests or even encourage favouritism, since one can present any viewpoint on the website.... The world wide web is a treasure-house of knowledge on a plethora of topics;in fact, on every possible topic!... The number of web users are growing by the day and web recipients range from school children to collegians,from professionals to house-makers....
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Basing Nursing Practice on Evidence
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Third, a nursing journal club can allow nurses in a given organization to read articles about the effectiveness of evidence-based care on patients.... EBP (Evidence-based Practice) is the simulation of medical expertise, patient principles, and the finest research proof in decision-making for caregiving procedures....
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Modular questions for vendor systems
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
om/articles/tech-doctor-best-breed-or-integrated-systems.... In order to ensure their healthcare facility is compliant with the 2014 deadline for the electronic health record (EHR), the informatics professional has many choices available to him or her.... The two main methods of incorporating EHR, also called EMR, are “best of breed”....
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Spy Virus Linked to Israel Targeted Hotels
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/be/en/pages/about-deloitte/articles/cyber-security_hackers-target-the-weakest-link-in-a-company.... In the paper 'Spy Virus Linked to Israel Targeted Hotels' the author analyzes the case for the cyber security firm Kaspersky, which following its cognizance of a successful hack on its computers and networks, sought to find out who else fall victim to the attack....
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If I'd Only Known Then, What I Know Now
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
Both bad and good decisions that we get ourselves making are influenced by internal and external factors that surround us. ... ... ne of the best decisions I ever made is.... ... ... I made this decision amid negative influence from my peer.... In addition, I was under pressure as a couple of my friends failed to join college to engage in business where they were making a lot of money....
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Analysis of The Prologue to WE WERE SOLDIERS ONCE AND YOUNG
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
We Were Soldiers Once and Young portrays the harsh realities of war where young men who were supposed to be enjoying their youth and dreaming about building beautiful futures, were instead forced from their mother's warm arms to embrace cold guns and kill their fellow human.... ... ... The story seems factual because it gives vivid descriptions that only a man who experienced war would be able to describe....
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Forces Acting to Create Wind
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The author of the paper "Forces Acting to Create Wind" argues in a well-organized manner that wind's description draws from its speed/velocity and direction (from where it originates).... Without the use of scale, velocity measurement can be by 'Beaufort Wind Scale.... .... ... ... The wind is air in motion from high to low-pressure areas....
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Emotional Appeal in McCarthys On Immortality
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Article
Differentiation Strategies for Language arts.... The paper deals with ‘On Immortality' by McCarthy.... McCarthy argues immortality as being less attractive as compared to human longevity, but also indicates the need for longevity to go “past combating diseases and address the very problem of aging” for it to be more attractive ....
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Why Did Capitalism First Appear in Britain, Rather than Any Other Area of the World
6 pages (1618 words) , Download 1 , Article
"Why Did Capitalism First Appear in Britain, Rather than Any Other Area of the World" paper argues that developed countries that were allied with Britain and saw the usefulness of the capitalistic system also adopted it with the aim of developing their economy as the British government did.... ... ...
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Violence in the Work place
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Article
In this paper, I will discuss measures taken by the Board of Nursing (BON) and other professional organizations to address the problem.... The.... ... ... of this document analyzes BON approach to violence in the workplace by considering BON Nursing Practice Act (NPA) in dealing with the problem and the efficiency of the approach. ...
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How Pass-Through Affects Trade Balance Adjustment
1 pages (291 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author of "How Pass-Through Affects Trade Balance Adjustment" paper argues that the power of controlling the profit margins is subsequently lost and is vested in the trading currency of the European nation- the result is abnormally high prices of goods.... .... ... ... The dollar deficit has been a dire bone of contention among many international entrepreneurs....
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