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The Token Economy for Children with Intellectual Disability and Autism
2 pages (650 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "The Token Economy for Children with Intellectual Disability and Autism" states that according to the researchers, the token or we can say the ticket system having some cash value plays an important role to reinforce children who are facing some problems in reading or any other activity....
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Marketing Mix and Customer Decision-Making
2 pages (498 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article "Marketing Mix and Customer Decision-Making" focuses on the importance of marketing mix for the development of the travel industry in Indonesia.... Therefore, the involvement of the marketing mix in the country's travel industry is examined but specifically in regard to travel agents....
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The Commonly Accepted Principles of Supervision
5 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "The Commonly Accepted Principles of Supervision" describes that article discusses a study on inter-professional supervision.... The study entailed an educational psychologist supervising a professional in a different field.... Six educational psychologists evaluated the work of professionals....
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Negative Results of Traditional Gender Socialization Roles
5 pages (1490 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "Negative Results of Traditional Gender Socialization Roles" provides a better framework for understanding the emotional development of boys and girls.... The source context of the article is evidently successful in covering the topic, and it has a depiction of the effect entailed in gender roles....
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Innovation Culture for Youth Empowerment in the UAE by Racha Mourtada
7 pages (1886 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Innovation Culture for Youth Empowerment in the UAE by Racha Mourtada" is about the role of ICT in youth empowerment.... With youth empowerment, the rate of unemployment will be reduced, the economy of a specific country that implements youth empowerment strategies will improve.... ... ...
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The Production of Criminal Violence in America
4 pages (1171 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "The Production of Criminal Violence in America" presents Strict Gun Control as a group of activities that are defined to cause firearm scarcity among people (Stell 38).... The gun control policy rests on the premise that dangerous gangs are the only ones responsible for causing violence....
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English as the Official Language of the United States
7 pages (1802 words) , Download 2 , Article
Paper demonstrates eight articles four of which are on arguments against English as the official language in the United States, and the other four are on the argument.... This annotated bibliography describes English as the Official Language of the United States.... They outline the role of English, the needs of language, development....
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Critical Analysis of College is a Waste of Time and Money
5 pages (1300 words) , Download 4 , Article
"Critical analysis of College is a Waste of Time and Money" paper is primarily based on presenting a critical/argumentative analysis of the article written by Caroline Bird which definitely caused a huge uproar both in the intellectual and student circles.... ... ... ... Bird has not expressed her views about college-based learning for shock value merely, rather she actually has a firm conviction at heart that colleges in the majority of the cases turn out to be a mere waste of wads of cash and many hours and she actually makes every effort in her article to defend this viewpoint....
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Teaching English for Learners with Learning Disabilities
7 pages (2017 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article "Teaching English for Learners with Learning Disabilities" critically analyzes a set of articles in teaching English for learners with learning disabilities.... The first article was authored by Disability Rights Texas and outlined the time it takes for the school district of Texas....
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China and US Trade
7 pages (2214 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "China and US Trade" discusses neomercantilism, a policy that promotes continuance and growth of exporting behaviours, generally discourages importation, and where a centralised government controls economic capital.... China is attempting to enhance its foreign reserves.... ... ... ... With Chinese exporters allegedly inflating their actual export numbers (BBC News 2014), it illustrates the level to which exporting is considered a substantially-critical activity that ensures growth for the Chinese state; to the degree that exporters want to illustrate to the rest of the globe that the economic security of the country is paramount....
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International business news
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
In this article, the increasing debt rates in the leading economies is said to have impact on the economic performance of Canada.... However, Canada has a stable fiscal policy; its economic.... ... ... The article therefore explains how the rising debt in the US leads to slow economic growth, which will affect the trade between US and Canada....
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Self-Leadership: Road to Personal Excellence by Topper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Self-Leadership: Road to Personal Excellence by Topper" will begin with the statement that one of the qualities of a great leader that comes to mind after going through the article is having the ability to make a decision on where you desire to go and knowing how to get that destination....
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Resistance to Change: The Rest of the Story by Ford, J., L. Ford, and A. DAmelio
7 pages (1823 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article “Resistance to Change: The Rest of the Story” attempts to give the reader a definition of change resistance and the role of the change agent in promoting and ensuring that change principles meet with adoption and minimal resistance.... The change agent is described.... ... ... The paper "Resistance to Change: The Rest of the Story by Ford, J....
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The Debate over Drones by John Brennans
1 pages (275 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "The Debate over Drones by John Brennans" discusses that outlining U.... .... s plans for Osama bin Laden a number of days following the September 11th terror attacks in 2001, President Bush affirmed that there was an old notice out West that said that 'Wanted: Alive or Dead'.... .... ... ...
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The American Crisis by Thomas Paine
3 pages (956 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the essay 'The American Crisis by Thomas Paine' the author analyzes an inspirational piece of literature.... In the article, Thomas Paine describes the difficult situations faced by the soldiers during the American Revolution.... In doing so, the author also makes certain statements.... ... ... ...
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Globalization and the Changing Logic of Collective Action by Philip Cerny
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
"Globalization and the Changing Logic of Collective Action by Philip Cerny" paper analyzes the article of Philip Cerny who has sought to examine the effectiveness of state policy in controlling the economies of scale in the case of imported goods and assets from a national perspective.... ... ... ...
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Critical Analysis: Caribbean Exchange, Invest in Property and Get Citizenship by Kris Hudson
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article by Kris Hudson tells of the new way of investing the Caribbean to gain a passport.... The author presents the story from a positive stand which he shares his argument.... People are becoming new citizens of the Caribbean at the comfort of their home.... ... ... ... All they need is enough money to invest in the Caribbean nations....
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Anthropological analysis and conceptual synthesis
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
Berkeley Show Raises Eyebrows by Winston, Kimberly.... This article summarizes some forms of gender-based harassment on women by their male counterparts in the society.... It uses female saints who led lives of.... ... ... The article also explores the various difficulties the male saints had to go through in order to protect their identity, regardless of the norms of the society....
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Is Google Making Us Stupid by Carr
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Is Google Making Us Stupid by Carr" presents the internet that is making us more and more demanding.... However, various individuals have different perceptions regarding the vast information supplied by the internet (Carr, 2008).... ... ... ... Nowadays, there are several search engines that have significantly made it easier for people to access valuable information....
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The Privacy Trends That Match with the Current Technologies in Organizations
1 pages (295 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "The Privacy Trends That Match with the Current Technologies in Organizations" discusses that generally, the article argues that companies need to analyze the use of this service to ensure that it does not threaten the privacy of information.... ... ... ... This article discusses the privacy trends that match with the current technologies in organizations....
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Sensor Based on Interlocked Arrays of Indium Tin Oxide Nano springs toward Human Tactile Perception
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Sensor Based on Interlocked Arrays of Indium Tin Oxide Nano springs toward Human Tactile Perception" explains the new force sensor which much sensitive than the force sensors based on the polymeric material.... The ITO NS force sensor can detect high-frequency vibrations.... ... ... ... The research on the sensor capable of recognizing the tactile feeling will find useful applications in artificial systems....
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Cyber Threats and Data Privacy by Birchfield
1 pages (505 words) , Download 9 , Article
From the paper "Cyber Threats and Data Privacy by Birchfield" it is clear that the author provided detailed information concerning the internet and the role that the internet plays in the current economies.... The author gives this explanation by depicting threats that come as a result of cybercrime....
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The Subjects of Sociocracy
2 pages (865 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "The Subjects of Sociocracy" discusses that the organization is only truly successful when the learning is intentional, rather than accidental.... The business must make the effort, by implementing processes to ensure learning is taking place on a regular basis.... ... ... ... The Wikipedia (2011) article on the subject of sociocracy, also known as Circular Organizing, as introduced by Gerard Endenburg, describes it as a governance system that encompasses decision-making by consenting individuals based on 'cybernetic principles'....
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The Influences of Culture On Learning and Assessment Among Native American Students
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
'The influences of culture on learning and assessment among Native American students' seeks the reason why there is an overrepresentation of the Native American students and other minority groups in the special education classes and looks at the cultural influence in an individual's life.... ... ...
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BP Deal Opens a New Phase, but Case Is Far From Closed
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
"BP Deal Opens a New Phase, but Case Is Far From Closed" paper briefly summarizes the article and explains who are the persons, groups, or organizations with a direct or indirect stake in the situation being described, and briefly identifies the moral issue.... ... ... ... The article is on the damage settlement of $7....
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Restorative Justice
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The purpose of this paper 'Restorative Justice' is to explore an alternative justice system by undertaking an exploration of restorative justice which aims to enhance communication between the offenders, the victims and the community in order to arrive at a more satisfactory resolution.... ... ... ...
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Careers in Psychology by Kendra Van Wagner
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Article
In the paper 'Careers in Psychology by Kendra Van Wagner,' the author throws light on the wide range of professions and careers for qualified psychologists.... The talented psychologists, according to Kendra, can make their sure headway towards unabated success in multiple occupations.... ... ... ...
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Mobilizing Anglophone Children in WW II
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper 'Mobilizing Anglophone Children in WW II' will examine the impact of World War II on the development of children and a 'youth problem' of children seemingly lacking in discipline as they were deemed neglected by their parents as a consequence of war.... ... ... ... The author states that to mitigate the damage caused by war on children and adolescents, society has taken action to keep them on the right track and impart traditional gender roles and patriotism in them in an effort to build their character....
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Review of Litterature
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Article
The research problem naturally flows from the conceptual problem after the measures for the concepts were identified and described in.... ... ... The research was completed within the ethical requirements owing to the approval of Human Research and Ethics Committee of the University of Western Australia and all data was de-identified before analysis to ensure inability to identify the Review of the Literature Review of the Literature Qualitative Article Review The concepts to be studied are well identified in the background and described to give the reader an understanding of the aims of the article....
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The Positive Effects of Steroids
4 pages (1069 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "The Positive Effects of Steroids" discusses that steroid use should be guided by medical directives and keenness in noting changes in body activity patterns and behavior.... For instance, Jennings posits that too many steroids do not empower an individual in the short term.... ... ... ...
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Diabetes Is Becoming an Asian Epidemic by Phil Zabriskie
2 pages (555 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper 'Diabetes Is Becoming an Asian Epidemic by Phil Zabriskie' deals with the relevance of understanding the crude realities concerning diabetes which is fast becoming a prevalent epidemic in the Asian countries.... The author of the article focuses on the basic reasons behind this crisis.... ...
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Introduction to american history
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The citation of the secondary source follows Chicago style as listed below.... McPherson, James.... This Mighty Scourge: Perspectives on the Civil War.... New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.... James McPherson is the author of the.... ... ... le, “We Stand by Each other Always: Grant and Sherman” that is contained in pages 109-121 of the book This Mighty Scourge: Perspectives on the Civil War....
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The Dangers of Cell Phone Usage While Driving
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The author of this article states that mobile phone ownership has increased manifolds in the past two decades and its usage while driving has aroused several debates.... How much driving interference cell phone use produces is debatable as findings are conflicting.... ... ... ... According to some, drivers exhibit decreased lane deviations while engaged in cell phone talk; others suggest that there is an increase in response time on a variety of perpetual and cognitive tasks while they are engaged on the cell phone (Horrey & Wickens, 2004, pp 3)....
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Psychology of Music: Music Therapy of Depression
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Comorbid depression in adolescents with chronic conditions is looked at, followed in the second section by current treatment options for adolescent depression including psychopharmacologic, psychotherapeutic, and creative arts therapy options.... Although music therapy does fall into the creative arts therapy category, for this literature review it will be defined and examined within its own section. ...
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Research Evolution
5 pages (1466 words) , Download 0 , Article
This paper ''Research Evolution'' tells that The research study employed questionnaires to collect most of the data.... The questionnaires assess the distinctive consumer attitudes in regard to advertising in a general perspective and, also deployed specific appeals as well as images in the course of conducting....
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Western Funds in Lybia
6 pages (1537 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "Western Funds in Lybia" focuses its attention on the article of 'Western Funds Are Said to Have Managed Libyan Money Poorly' by David Rohde.... The author critically assessed the article and came to the conclusion that observation of the problem would continue paying more attention to the part of the American and European business elite....
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Australian University Students Rely on Drugs to Help Them Study by Worthington
6 pages (1731 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article analyzed in the paper "Australian University Students Rely on Drugs to Help Them Study by Worthington" is about the Australian university students who heavily depend on drugs, so as to be able to study.... The article is based on research done in Australian universities.... ... ... ... The analyzed article is from ABC Radio Australia, and it is authored by Worthington Elsie....
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Global Biz Environment
6 pages (1683 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Global Biz Environment" focuses on Corporates social responsibility as one of the contemporary trends that have turned out to be a major source of business opportunities and innovations.... It also discusses the need for the incorporation of CSR by business organizations.... .... ... ...
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Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Men Who Sustain IPV
6 pages (1535 words) , Download 1 , Article
The article "Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Men Who Sustain IPV" aims at clarifying and addressing the issue of male Intimate Partner Violence (I) for better understanding by the readers.... It offers solutions to the questions about the existence of an inherent relationship between alcoholism and IPV....
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Advocates Warn of Florida Budget Cuts Substance Abuse on Some Programs
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author of this article states that Jacque Henderson, director of Tri-County Human Services' residential programs in Lakeland spoke about the potential cuts and said that almost every significant advance in the last thirty years, including drug court, are all at risk of being cut.... ... ... ... Expressing similar sentiments to Jacque Henderson, Partners in Crisis was also highly concerned about the potential of losing drug court and mental health court programs....
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Organization of Stakeholders
1 pages (316 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper "Organization of Stakeholders" represents the communication tangents that exist amongst stakeholders.... The basis of a stakeholder communication is to take care of the support that an organization will have in terms of achieving its end goals and objectives.... ... ... ... This stakeholder communication plan will project the support basis for improving the operational effectiveness of the organization....
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How Community Ecology Can Improve Our Understanding of Cholera Dynamics
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "How Community Ecology Can Improve Our Understanding of Cholera Dynamics" presents cholera and how community ecology can help understand the bacterial disease.... Cholera is caused by pathogenic bacteria known as Vibrio cholera and it causes thousands of deaths each year.... ... ... ...
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Instant Insight by Alan Joch
1 pages (308 words) , Download 1 , Article
The main idea that the author of the present paper "Instant Insight by Alan Joch" is trying to communicate is that superior business intelligence technology equips business organizations with an appropriate competitive advantage in the global market.... ... ... ... For instance, book store chains compete effectively in the market because of applications of business intelligence in the determination of demand for new literary titles....
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An Indefensible Punishment by The New York Times
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Article
While this article "An Indefensible Punishment by The New York Times" seems fairly reliable, choosing its sources and only using well-documented statistics, it possibly fails to drive home the true horror of the death penalty by failing to emotionally engage the reader.... .... ... ... The Editorial 'An Indefensible Punishment' takes on the issue of the death penalty in the United States....
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Concentration of Children with Attention Deficits
1 pages (309 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Concentration of Children with Attention Deficits" focuses on the article entitled Children with attention deficits concentrate better after walking in the park.... It examines exposure to natural environments as a means to increase attention in children diagnosed with ADHD.... ... ... ...
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Could Vitamin D Make Childbirth Less Painful by Robert Preidt
1 pages (316 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Could Vitamin D Make Childbirth Less Painful by Robert Preidt" helps to understand why there is variation in terms of medication among pregnant women; the author learned that women who take mare pain medications have low vitamin D.... ... ... ... Vitamin D is very important to pregnant women....
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Working at McDonalds by Amitai Etzioni
3 pages (899 words) , Download 6 , Article
The article 'Working at McDonald's by Amitai Etzioni" presents one of the perspectives on the issues surrounding the employment of young people.... It argues that current employment is not preparing teenagers for adult work: it does not teach them skills and makes them rely on immediate rewards.... ...
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Hotels and Resorts in ChiangMai - Products, Pricing, and Promotional Practices
3 pages (927 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "Hotels and Resorts in ChiangMai - Products, Pricing, and Promotional Practices" states that generally, the study was undertaken on 19 hotels in the region with a sample size of 189 tourists being interviewed for the study in Chiang Mai in Thailand.... ... ... ... Generally, hotels and resorts make use of different marketing tactics such as product, and pricing in the process of wooing customers....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
M.... Wright, P.... M.... & Moynihan, L.... M.... (2011).... The impact of Motivation, empowerment, and skill-enhancing practices on aggregate voluntary turnover: The mediating effect of collective Affective commitment.... Personnel Psychology, 64(2), 315-350. ... ... his article enhances.... ... ...
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Armstrong Gets Dumped by Shelly Banjo
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper 'Armstrong Gets Dumped by Shelly Banjo' investigates the article that is a reporting on the implications of the doping scandal of Lance Armstrong, a popular road-racing cyclist, who is known for winning seven consecutive times the Tour de France between 1999 and 2005.... ... ... ... As the paper outlines, Lance Armstrong is a survivor of testicular cancer, an aspect that inspired him to establish a cancer foundation....
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