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Proctor and Gambles Takeover of Gillette
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Unemployed People do not shave as much as employed.... TThe paper analyses the case of Gilette takeover by Proctor and Gambles.... The case being studied is based on the paper by David P.... Stowell titled, The Best Deal Gillette Could Get, written for the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University....
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Motorcycle Business Strategy
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
Basically, improvements in Harley-Davidson's manufacturing efficiency has something to do with its People and management.... As mentioned earlier, Harley-Davidson was targeting the middle aged People in upper-class society as their potential buyers (Grant 525).... In the process of targeting younger People to purchase Harley-Davidson motorcycles, the potential market size for this company would increase....
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Putins Administration Policies on Russias Economic Revival
17 pages (4492 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The secret society was known to involve connections with influential People in the government and its employees were reputed for their no-nonsense nature.... During his tenure at KGB, he was sent to Moscow for further training, and his duty was to track those People who criticized the Communist regime.... His work was excellent and this made People he interacted with view him as an efficient, effective and honest person.... The manner in which he led his country and his anti-Western stand was viewed by foreigners as oppression of his People and as a barrier to vital changes required in the modern world....
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Harsh Lessons from International Expansion
8 pages (2245 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
% and 2%, and the turnover rate, including retirement but excluding new employees (People employed for 90 days or less), was 3.... Most People at Lincoln saw the taking on of any debt as reckless, a view that had its roots in our incentive system.... The case study "Harsh Lessons from International Expansion" states that Lincoln Electric is a manufacturing company based in Euclid, Ohio, it manufactures arc welding equipment, plasma and oxy-fuel cutting equipment, industrial electric motors, with systems and equipment which do robotic welding....
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Merger Mellon Financial and Bank of New York
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 9 , Case Study
The integration plan includes integration of strategy, reporting, People, procedures and culture.... t is what effect and influences the actions of the People within the firm, explains attitudes and why People behave in a certain pattern.... It is taken for granted for People from the insideas it comes as a second nature to them and onlypeople from the outside would have a clear image of an organization culture.... ‘In one study, culture was found to be the cause of 30 percent of failed integrations' (Leading through transition:Perspectives on the People side of M&A)....
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Traditional Marketing: Transactions and Exchange
30 pages (7500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The current study aims to determine the factors which may are predictors of customer satisfaction, managing individual encounters– and thus of competitive advantage – to the insurance brokerage sector in London.... ... ... ... Advances in information technology have made feasible and possible, interactive and real-time information for both the customer and service organizations....
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Lablow Companies: Preparing for Wal-Mart Super Centers
6 pages (1630 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Most of the big wigs had been replaced and new People had been employed. ... "Lablow Companies: Preparing For Wal-Mart Super Centers" paper states that Wal-mart's success can be attributed to various factors.... One of its biggest strengths was its dependency on technology and the efficient use of information systems....
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News Poll: Methodology Analysis
6 pages (1649 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
he recent exponential developments in technology have seen many People (virtually everybody) in Australia own at least one mobile phone.... "News Poll: Methodology Analysis" paper makes an analysis of the research methodologies adopted in a case study which involves a news poll about the Australian campaign's candidature i....
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Fundamentals of Business Law
6 pages (1769 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
ontracts and agreements play an essential element of People's everyday lives and outline the foundation of commercial law (Gillies 2010, 56).... It can be to a specific individual, to a group of People or to the entire world.... Termination of contract can be because of an agreement among the People or parties involved arising from various reasons....
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Customer Service at Nordstrom
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
In this theory, it is suggested that People and indeed entities have habitual means of handling conflicts.... In this theory, it is suggested that People and indeed entities have habitual means of handling conflicts (Spector, 2000).... People need to adopt them so as to live in harmony with each other in the society.... Customers are normal People with names, independent as well as rational.... The whole scenario analyzes respect of other People's choices and preferences....
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Effects of the Environment on Consumer Behaviour
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
People learn a lot from the environment they are raised in and this influence their behaviours and consequently their responses to IAT.... Generally speaking, according to Gladwell People do know their preference for their partners, but they end up having a different partner from their dream romantic partner....
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Key Points Of The Conversation Culture
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Using personal experiences as extrapolating sources, Agar gives a prime for the People non-familiar with the various topics of socio-cultural linguistics. ... Qualitative research gains insight into People's behaviors, attitudes, values, beliefs, concerns, needs, motivations, lifestyles and culture, or in short, the unconscious and the subconscious mind.... he book ‘Language Shock' is a complete portrayal of definitive approach towards business management which is related to the various languages spoken by People from different social strata....
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The status of trustees
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees; and both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the People.... In fact, a trustee is someone who is looked upon as the keeper of something very significant, maintaining and sustaining the virtues of faith....
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The Inclusion Philosophy of Education
9 pages (2889 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
t is rather a very shocking to know that the largest minority group consists of “People with disabilities.... In this regard the Pakistan school had failed because the head of the school who is supposed to be “the architect of the institution” (Singal, 2005) was not involved in the policy making decisions and left different People to take care of it.... (2003) People's First Language....
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The Goals of Performance Management
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
ost organisations use some semblance of a performance management process to increase organisational performance, but some of the People in those organisations, managers and employees alike, report that they do not think that the process is entirely effective.... abrera and Bonache (1999) noted that since the early 1980s, human resource literature has suggested that the competitive capacity of organisations could be increased through establishing strong organisational cultures and effectively developing and managing People....
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Case Study: Volvo Corporation
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
Volvo Car Corporation: Case Study Volvo Car Corporation: Case Study Information Technology plays a major role in today's business environment where car manufacturing industry is not an exception.... Electronics, sensors, and microprocessors perform significant range of control over modern cars.... ...
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Learning From the Case of Joe Salatino: The Great North American
7 pages (2003 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Learning From the Case of Joe Salatino: The Great North American " paper discusses how Joe could address the importance of understanding how People form perceptions and make attributions about others with his employees, and evaluates which learning theory would be most appropriate for Joe.... Learning From the Case of Joe Salatino: The Great North American Discuss how Joe could address the importance of understanding how People form perceptions and make attributions about others with his employees....
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Kent Community Health NHS Trust
4 pages (1254 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The Kent community Health national Health Services Trust provides a wide-range of care for People, in a community irrespective of the location; the homes, health clinics, community hospitals or even nursing homes (Abubakar, Shakya & Forey, 2012).... Furthermore, the project and the organization claims to have a greater outreach to the People that they serve; serving close to a total of 1.... The key issue that is prime is that the project is one that serves the People and deals with the most pressing issue of human life; health....
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Global Talent Management
10 pages (2648 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Not only multinationals that have their factories in other countries, but also the local companies face diversity since People travel to different places for work.... Thus, it is the duty and responsibility of the management to ensure effective management and the development of People.... ot only the government, but the People of India and the consumers of Coca Cola also protested against the abuse to the Indian culture that Coca Cola was doing....
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Internet Search Analysis on Advocacy
7 pages (2136 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW (MDAA) This is advocacy for all People living in New South Wales who have disabilities especially those who come from a culturally and linguistically diverse (Non-English speaking) background.... his is an advocacy for all People living in New South Wales who have disability especially those who come from a culturally and a linguistically diverse (Non English speaking) background.... he organization has currently partnered with the government to establish CALD sibling Support Network project that targets young People and works in connection with information and Cultural Exchange to help in developing digital media skills that enables young People to express their experiences of having lived with a sibling who had a disability and were diverse culturally and linguistically....
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Application of the Right Motivational Practices at Nordstrom
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Choosing the right People for the job has always been the priority at Nordstrom; however, choosing the right leaders makes a huge difference in the way their business is run and also to their employee motivation (Baldoni, 2003).... This paper tells that the well-known Nordstrom stores, headquartered in Seattle, have experienced immense success and growth through their customer-oriented sales, employee motivation, and the Nordstrom Way, a culture that Nordstrom....
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Discovery in the Amazon
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In diametric opposition to the claim that it was the birth of capitalism (and the ability to produce capital) that was the turning point in the West and what freed People from poverty, there are arguments that the beginnings of formal property rights was what led to the extinction of customary and collective rights and the deprivation of access to land and other resources of the marginalized....
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Marketing Research Case study
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Marketing Research Case Study: SAT-RAD The purpose of this paper is to address two questions pertaining to budget decisions related to finding a representative sample to conduct research on.... The format that this paper will utilize is to first identify the question and then provide a short answer....
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Communication and Public Relations: a Sport Commercialization
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Many People or companies get involved with sports with a business mind hence losing its value and original meaning. ... ost corporations offer scholarships to the best People in sports.... This creates a reciprocal relationship where the athlete or team affects how People view the brand and vice versa. ...
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The Impact of Leadership Ethics on Business Productivity
10 pages (2727 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Three basic theories have been used to explain how People become leaders.... Ethical leaders strengthen the connection between profits and the development of People, thus achieving ethical goals as well as business objectives.... There are kinds of leadership ethics that cause conflicts and dissatisfaction among employees....
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Age Discrimination in the Workplace
6 pages (1812 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper ''Age Discrimination in the Workplace'' tells that this discrimination is a reality.... The research focuses on describing age discrimination policies.... The research centers on the rights, laws, and remedies about age discrimination acts.... Some management officers implement age discrimination acts....
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YouTube Ethnography
8 pages (2072 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The study of sociolinguistics in different contexts of language usually indicates that the different languages in play contribute to the different sociological views that People have of the language users.... This indicates that the main People in the video are Italian.... The use of more than one linguistic variety on the same conversation is mainly characteristic of People who are completely conversant in two or more languages, where they have the ability to use the two languages without a problem....
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Conflict Assessment: Syria
8 pages (2379 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
million People have moved out of the country since the war outbreak that occurred in 2011, apart from this, there have also been 6.... million internally displaced People.... million People, this is a sign that the Syrian civil war has had destructive effects on almost half of her total population (Rais, 2913).... Over the last four years, the Syrian conflict has been the reason for the Syrian People's distress.... million People have moved out of the country since the war outbreak that occurred in 2011, apart from this, there has also been 6....
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Evaluation of Red Bull
7 pages (2225 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Target's Red Bull pricing scheme rewards People who pay attention.... om/2008/01/targets-red-bull-pricing-scheme-rewards-People-who-pay-attention.... "Evaluation of Red Bull" paper describes Red Bull's sources of brand equity, analysis of Red Bull's marketing program, maintaining marketing momentum and extension opportunities, extending to non-drink markets, and effectiveness at advertising to varied groups....
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Red Bull's Sources of Brand Equity
7 pages (2226 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Target's Red Bull pricing scheme rewards People who pay attention.... om/2008/01/targets-red-bull-pricing-scheme-rewards-People-who-pay-attention.... The paper "Red Bull's Sources of Brand Equity" tells that sources of this equity include the heavy investment in advertising content that has been created for television, print literature, radio advertisements, event marketing, and even sampling efforts for consumers to taste the product....
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Australian Company Into a European and Asian Market
6 pages (1950 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
In Sri Lanka, two big operators lead the spending in the telecommunication sector, covering a relatively small population of 20 million People.... It must however be noted that if Austar attempts to enter the Philippine market, it has to consider the myriad economic issues plaguing the country, whereby growth in the sector is adversely affected by alleged graft and corruption, which might consequently affect the spending capacity of the People....
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Supply chain management
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Case study 13.... Answer 1 Chemtech, a flagship chemical company faces huge problems in its various areas of operations vis-a-vis logistics and supply chain management, purchasing and marketing.... The logistics and supply chain seems to have flaws because its main supplier, Potash needs at least three months time to fulfill the demands for slow moving products whereas Chemtech just uses one month's forecast for its inventory supply....
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Emirates Airline Communication
8 pages (2285 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This is mainly because the traditional media channels are easily accessible to most People in the world and their use proves to be quite effective and efficient.... This type of pull strategy also makes the People to get more involved in the activities and events of the airline.... Through the trade channels, the customers can easily get to know the airline as most People are involved in business.... Through the kids go campaign, it was able to increase its awareness among the People....
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Plagiarism in the Education Standards
4 pages (1368 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
lagiarism not only spoils the whole purpose of education but also affects the intellectuals who are beyond doubt the People behind the development of a nation.... The paper 'Plagiarism in the Education Standards' focuses on the need to understand and practice proper writing conventions and academic research that is one of the basic aspects of college learning....
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Operations Management - Coca-Cola Corporation
10 pages (2868 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
If all Coca Cola drinks were packed in 1 liter bottles, the People drinking their products daily would have definitely been lesser than the current number.... If most People in Argentina prefer drinking Pepsi, Coca-Cola must attempt to steal market share from Pepsi by highlighting the product features that make Coca-Cola superior (Ehow, 2011)....
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Deliberative Nursing Process Model
4 pages (1388 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Orlando identifies that "since the nurse and patient are both People, they interact, and a process goes on between them" (p.... This case study "Deliberative Nursing Process Model" highlights the contribution of Ida Jean Orlando, who presented the theory based on nurse-patient interaction and primarily emphasizes the fulfillment of the immediate needs of the patients....
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Improvement of London Ambulance Service (LAS)
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
It invariably brings discredit to technology because People have very high expectations without realizing how to use it as a tool.... LAS was the largest in the world, which covered 600 sq miles, 7 million People and had a fleet of 700 ambulances.... People do get excited at the prospects of being able to use technology and automate systems but deeper insight is called for.... As is evident from the LAS failure lack of accountability, lack or trained People to operate the system, inexperienced suppliers all contribute to the failure....
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Describing and Illustrating the Rehabilitation Process - Visual Impairment
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
WHO statistics show that there are 314 million People who are visually impaired around the globe among which 45million are blind.... Worldwide, females at all ages and older People are at higher risk to become visually impaired.... 82% of visually impaired People are age 50 and above.... 87% of People who are visually impaired belong to developing countries which indicate that they are not distributed evenly through out the world. ...
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Legal case study memorandum
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Forestland is a member of WTO and produces 50% of the world‟s ForestFuel.... Ecoland, another member of WTO, produces nearly 80% of the world‟s RecycloFuel.... By chemical description, both RecycloFuel and ForestFuel are monoalkyl ester biofuels.... When burnt they give off less.... ... ... There are ten other states that produce ForestFuel but only one state (Enviroland) produces RecycloFuel....
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Narcissistic Personality Disorder Treatment
18 pages (4930 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The symptoms of a person inhibiting this disorder include a situation where one takes advantage of other People with an aim of achieving his own goals, exaggeration of one's talents and achievements, having feelings of self importance that are excessive, reaction to criticism with humiliation, range or shame and being preoccupied with the fantasies of power, intelligence, success, beauty and ideal love.... Treatment of a person with this disorder will hep him or her to relate in a more compassionate and positive way with other People....
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Conflict Interests and Goals
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
(Foundation Coalition, 2011) How each TRIP goal functions for 2-3 of the People involved in the case study?... Conflict Interests and Goals – Reflections from Case study Discuss the nature of goals in a conflict.... Why goals are important?... Usually speaking, a goal is something that a person deeply cares about and is the objective, which he or she wants to succeed in....
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Terry Cannon, MBA
2 pages (500 words) , Download 8 , Case Study
Information systems have become a vital part of organizations and the People working in such organizations.... In this case, the types of knowledge regarding the information systems that Terry Cannon would need considering his position in each of the companies.... In this company i....
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Rational Decision Making - Too Risky for Merck
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Over the years, the company followed a particular approach by choosing People with scientific experience and the necessary charisma as CEOs.... This case study "Rational Decision Making - Too Risky for Merck" sheds some light on the Merck pharmaceutical in 1668 when he bought it as a drugstore....
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Rehabilitation of Morrie at Home
21 pages (5638 words) , Case Study
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Many People are sent home from the hospital when they still need nursing care, so nurses often provide care in the home that is very similar to the care they give to patients in the hospital.... From the paper "Rehabilitation of Morrie at Home" it is clear that patients can take an oral solid diet immediately after removal of the naso gastric tube....
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Interview with an Adolescent
10 pages (3940 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
I like doing the rounds ‘cause I get to meet many nice People. ... The paper "Interview with an Adolescent" discusses that Michael's story made the author realize how different parents, dealt differently with their children.... In Michael's case, he had parents who were totally different not only in their outlook on life but also in dealing with their son Michael....
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Cluster Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms
7 pages (2166 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Therefore, since distance is big factor in the invitation for new members to use the beautify facilities of the club, then the club must first entice People living near the club.... This also shows that more People in the club prefer to go and while away the sunshine at the pool area while the other members prefer to go tennis.... ore People prefer pool because it is relaxing.... Whereas, the People who love tennis and gold will have to sweat it out to enjoy....
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Risk & Value Management
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Political intervention would lead to demand of hefty compensations for the health-affected People and any disagreement on mutual points would lead to unplanned expenditures of the company that is likely to affect the profit margin of AutoPlast Ltd (Coleman, 1988, p.... is considered to be a major player in the local economy employing several local People surrounding the river Cruze, the present scenario of fire outbreak due to the operations of the company leading to respiratory and health issues of local mass would generate a sense of disloyalty and hatred towards the brand of AutoPlast Ltd....
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Ensuring Maximum Body Gains
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Most People neglect their health without really knowing the importance of nutrition management and fitness training in their lives.... Despite the increased sensitization on healthy living, most People fail to prioritize their health, and often cite “complex work schedules” as the main hindrance to achieving the objectives of the nutritional and fitness plan.... It affects the loss or gain of weight in People, and it declines by 1-2 percent every decade by age twenty, associated to loss of fat though the variance in different individuals is significant (Mcmurray et al....
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Interventions and Modes Applied for Correcting the Lame Organizational Leadership Systems
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
According to the socio-technical system (STS) approach, work design should be such that it increases interaction between People and technology at workplace.... The author states that poor leadership skills portrayed in poor organizational communication lead to increased conflict....
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Underlying Problem at AcuScan
10 pages (2488 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
(5) Based on the workload analysis two years ago, when we had more People BTW, every hour of every support engineer is promised to existing customers.... Explain the arguments made by each of these People.... His feelings that some People are against the company's interests are emotional since there are no facts to support this argument.... His argument that there are People who are against the company is based on logic.... Describe specific fallacious arguments, and identify the People who hold them ...
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