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Case Study 2: GE Healthcare (B): A CSR Dilemma
2 pages (500 words) , Download 10 , Case Study
Pressure from investors and human rights groups must therefore be directed at the right People, and not the GE who are only trying to lower the cost of healthcare, increase access to healthcare, improve quality of healthcare and help families prepare for new-born babies.... There are certain ethical issues that the GE (General Electric) faced when introducing diagnostic equipment of low costs as a strategy implementation in the developing world....
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The Role of Financial Statements and Financial Analysis for Organizations
12 pages (3240 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The fiduciary relationship between financial accountants and the People they work for demands that financial accountants dispense their duties within the ethical values of honesty, due diligence, objectivity and integrity.... However, in the judgment of most financial analysts, the information analyzed will only be used by those People who know how to interpret financial information (Beaver, Correia & Mcnichols 2011).... As such, you will find that financial analysts using financial jargon that most People do not understand....
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Business Case Study: The Apollo Group
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The organization does not need to depend on one person; rather it should be a formation of the efforts of experienced People.... This study “Business Case Study: The Apollo Group” gives a clear picture of the strategies implemented by the Apollo Group, the challenges it faced, the strategic planning and the key elements of the business strategy, showing the structure of the business, mission and major objectives....
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The Elements of Gross Negligence Manslaughter
7 pages (2106 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
However, its application is not affected by common law rules excluding liability in the law of negligence where People are connected in a criminal enterprise or where they agree to take a risk (Monaghan, 2014).... However, its application is not affected by common law rules excluding liability in the law of negligence where People are connected in a criminal enterprise or where they agree to take a risk (Monaghan, 2014)....
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Commercial Law Case: Hamid and Kathy
6 pages (1762 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
A contract is an agreement that is legally binding and it is formed between two or more People.... A contract is an agreement that is legally binding and it is formed between two or more People.... A contract is any agreement which is legally binding and it is formed between two or more People.... This statement is supported in the case of Mhondoro Muchabaiwavs John Katekwe 1984, whereby the court held that, only People who have attained the age of majority status have the capacity to enter into a valid contract....
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Principles Mens Rea, Actus Reus
7 pages (1934 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Reckless People are aware that they are creating risks which can harm although they do not intend to or is the last thing they expect.... This is because reckless People do not engage in a particular action with the intention of causing harm and they do not even anticipate that knowing harm is practically certain to happen.... Although the actions by the People in the case study are offenses, it is not necessarily that police will arrest them....
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The Adoption of Ethical Conduct in the Professional It Culture
6 pages (2074 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
If John allows the cars to be used on the roads, they may cause accidents and result in the death of the People.... If an act brings happiness to a lot of People, therefore the act is moral (Floridi & Sanders, 2002).... John should, therefore, refuse to commission the vehicles since it will result in the prevention of road accidents that can have a negative impact on the People.... John, however, should undertake an action that will bring happiness to most People as opposed to acting that will only please a few People....
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Jose's Southwestern Cafe vs Santa Fe Grill
6 pages (1515 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
For instance, the number of People, who frequently take their meals in both hotels, how often they visit the hotels, and the gender comparisons observed among others.... For instance, the number of People, who frequently take their meals in both hotels, how often they visit the hotels and the gender comparisons observed among others.... hen studies were made to determine the number of People visiting either of the two restaurants, it was discovered that the number of People who attended Santa Fe Grill on the given day was 253 as compared to that of Jose's Southwestern Café of 152....
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Philosophers Views on Abortion
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Most People who are against abortion argue that human life must be preserved.... However, some People especially those who support abortion have for centuries argued that the life of a mother is superior to that of the unborn; therefore, any life that put the life of the mother at any risk should be eliminated and the mother let to live.... However, even applying her proposed criteria including the fetus has potential of being persons; there is no sufficient reason for People to have right to life....
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Lisa and The Two-Sues
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
These conditions are normal for most People and they ignore them for good.... This paper tells that Lisa has contrasting opinions about lifestyles and career as she has had enough stress from the long years of education.... She reports that she is a late entrant to the college because of her denial mood from active education....
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Lyme Bay and Tort Law
9 pages (2328 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The role of public was essential, because People had a chance to have an access to required information about the relevant inspections.... When young People are engaged in such kind of activities, there is an evident degree of risk and this fact cannot be denied....
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Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide as Sensitive Issues That Entail Judicious Treatment
7 pages (2345 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Many People expressed their sympathy for her state of suffering, and supported her wish to die with dignity.... The judiciary as well as the legislature were keen to ensure that susceptible and vulnerable People were not coerced or manipulated into ending their life....
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Organisational Culture: Life or Death
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Basically, values are important because they generally influence attitudes and behaviour of the People in an organisation (Robbinson, 1993).... In most cases, People in an organisation have shared values and beliefs as stated by their culture.... Whilst People come from different backgrounds with different cultural values, these have to be merged into one team culture that can give them an identity.... The Human equation: Building profits by putting People first....
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Feeding Tubes and the Prevention or Healing of Pressure Ulcers
10 pages (2913 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In recent times, the pressure ulcers have emerged as the major cause of death among the elderly People who are mostly bedridden or immobile (Kalava, Cha & Takahashi, 2011, p.... It is important to note that as People age, the skin also ages with time.... ractically, the expectation from the above stated facts is that People's skins deteriorate with age and disability.... In this regard, the quantitative research question will be does nutrition help to prevent pressure ulcers in the elderly People?...
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How to Improve Management Performance of Your Organization
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
It helps to retain and maintain People who embody the basic human capital of the organizations as they are the one responsible for the execution of the strategic plans of the business.... Effective People management is the only key to improve the businesses performance.... For example, laying off People will likely produce short-term profits....
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Altered Hematology & Cardiovascular System
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Congestive Heart failure (CHF) is one of the most significant diseases of the old age and approximately estimates of 5 million American People are suffering from this condition.... People above the age of 65 are most commonly hospitalized because of this heart disease, where the heart fails to pump blood to the whole body in an adequate amount....
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Foster Carer Applicants
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Informal social network, which should be understood as the social networks, that grows out of the families' interaction with other People in different settings such as extended family, work, recreation and other social groups.... This case study aims to illustrate the role of the social worker in the assessment and selection of foster carer using the systems theories applicable in social work....
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Nursing Mental Health: Personal Disorder, Eating Disorder, and Nursing Prevention
6 pages (2223 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Nursing Mental Health: Personal Disorder, Eating Disorder, and Nursing Prevention" paper examines possible psychodynamics or causes behind the development of Cassandra's borderline personality disorder and nursing interventions in managing borderline personality disorder.... .... ... ... Nurses should also use a behavioral treatment like motivational interviews to determine the main reason why the client has engaged herself in heavy drinking....
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Zurich Financial Services Australia
4 pages (1324 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In case a seller mistreats the buyer, he or she goes on complaining and as a result, decide to do business with other People.... The following paper under the title 'Zurich Financial Services Australia' is a perfect example of a business case study.... Business is the act of buying and selling goods or services at a profit....
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Nursing Law: the Rights of the Patient
9 pages (2467 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Brown, Ms White violated the element of an ethical nursing practice, which states that nurses value accession to quality nursing and healthcare to the People.... They are considered both responsible for reporting of any misconduct and take other appropriate actions that are pertinent to safeguard People and the public interests....
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Legal Case Analysis
7 pages (2024 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Alistair being the legal officer, if reports about the unethical practices identified in the organization for a humane cause, then it might affect the community, as the Bosnia People will not be provided with the required medical facility.... The theory implies that the People should not be discriminated and saved from punishment in case of any misconduct is conducted by the employee.... The action will allow the organization to avoid any future issues regarding the job responsibility of the People concerned....
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Why Professionalism is Mandate
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
A professional can be described as a person who is self-disciplined and is able to stand out among a group of People.... professional can be described as a person who is self disciplined and is able to stand out among a group of People.... Glaze (1998, 151-9) shows that the current studies have shown that professionalism does not only lie among the few characters such as People pursuing law or medicine but also in other kinds of studies such as radiography....
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The Ethical Aspects of the Nurses
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In this project, a case study is analyzed involving nurses abusing their power and sending unqualified nursing assistants into a room to care for a patient with full-blown AIDS.... Then, the ethical aspects of the nurses doing what they did are analyzed.... ... ... ... This essay analyzes that the primary ethical reasoning used in this case was deontological ethics....
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Fire Investigation
8 pages (2300 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In every year, 1000 People in the US perish, as well as billions of dollars spent in health care, fire emergency services and property damages as a result of fires caused by the cigarettes.... In every year, 1000 People in the US perish, as well as billions of dollars spent in health care, fire emergency services and property damages as a result of fires caused by the cigarettes.... Many People sustained injury due to the molten paraffin, which trickled down from tent roof....
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The Rise of CCTV Surveillance in the UK
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The author of the following paper claims that the development of criminal activity worldwide has led to the increase of measures taken by the state towards the limitation of phenomena of violence against the citizens in both urban and rural areas.... However, in most cases, criminals remain unpunished....
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Concept of Accountability in the Social Work
6 pages (1732 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "Concept of Accountability in the Social Work " discusses how in the last two decades, outlook towards disability and People with disability has undergone a dramatic transformation.... Introduction In the last two decades, outlook towards disability and People with disability has undergone a dramatic transformation.... It advocates a support system that empowers the People with disability with informed choice so that they can opt for best possible care that meets their individual requirement....
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Case Analysis(another one)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
For example, the price of tickets has increased irrespective of the sluggish Walt Disney Case Analysis So many People complain about the increase of price just after visiting the Walt Disney Company.... The prices are now out of touch for what the customers ought to be.... The strategic issue in this case study is the rise in price leading the loss of frequent customers at the Walt....
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Analysis of Business and Law Cases
14 pages (3444 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
However, a living contributor to a just and innovative legal system for the Australian People in the present and for all the years to come.... Negligence law encourages People to behave carefully in order to avoid liability.... "Analysis of Business and Law Cases" paper analyzes such cases as Steggles Limited v Yarrabee Chicken Company Pty Ltd in which the Federal Court in Sydney has handed down its judgment....
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Addiction problems
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
After all, doctors are places that are supposed to help People get better, not allow them to pass away.... Hospitals are technically supposed to be helping People.... Once People hear that a hospital has been sued for negligence, it is very possible that other patients will not want to be associated with such an outfit.... Although People may forgive, they certainly do not forget.... It is not uncommon in the news for People to hear about a person who has a mental health condition being arrested for doing something illegal....
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Development of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
11 pages (3017 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The bank has very rich and diverse cultural mix in its employees and hence a strong diversity policy in place along with one for employing People with disabilities.... "Development of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation" paper reviews strategic planning and resulting growth along with a brief history of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, the largest and oldest modern banking corporation in the world....
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Personal Lives And Social Policy
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Research is important in establishing answers to various problems that affect People in various aspects of their lives.... Prior preparation is always the main ingredient for any process that People involved in.... I paid attention to depression since it is a condition that is costing the lives of many People.... esearch is important in establishing answers to various problems that affect People in various aspects of their lives....
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The California Sutter Health Approach
6 pages (1804 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This means that they lock out People who are uninsured and cannot, therefore, afford upfront payments that these hospitals demand.... "The California Sutter Health Approach" paper looks at the steps that the California Sutter Health has taken to ensure that it is able to get more patients to pay for their treatment....
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Ways to Build Successful Manager-Employee Relationships
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
It is clear that the relationships among these three People are in trouble.... Dealing With Difficult People: You Can React or Respond.... The present case study "Ways to Build Successful Manager-Employee Relationships" concerns the strategic mistakes of human resource performance....
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Potential Barriers to Effective Planning to Transition of Care
11 pages (3097 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This is because any planning has to involve the level of skills of the People involved.... Stereotypes that exist about certain groups of People can also be a potential barrier to effective planning of transition of care for Jessica.... Stereotypes are normally unfounded beliefs about the traits of certain People which other People believe to be true and which they use to define other individuals.... Stereotypes are normally as a result of prejudice or lack of knowledge about certain People (Bryant & Nix 2012, p....
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Mental Illnesses: Altered Perception
12 pages (3487 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In Australia, mental disorder prevalence refers to the number of People compared to the whole population who require mental disorder diagnosis at a particular time in their lifetime.... million People and affective disorders was estimated to be about 1million Australian (AIHW, 2006).... Stigma among the mentally ill is a factor of concern as it can prevent persons from seeking medical attention following a previous experience due to fear of being discriminated or can just prevent People from seeking medical health care....
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Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research in the United Kingdom
6 pages (1582 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The said series of surveys had the primary purpose of providing up-to-date information about the prevalence of psychiatric problems among People in Great Britain, as well as their associated social disabilities and use of services. ... Social work involves dealing with People with various problems and seeking various services from service providers.... Thus, it is vital for social workers, such as me, to know and understand what the disorders that most People, especially children, suffer from....
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Relationship between a Health Care Practitioner and a Person Seeking Treatmen
8 pages (2364 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Aiming to find a cure for different kinds of illnesses, there are People who visit alternative therapies as compared to Western-based physicians.... Aiming to find cure for different kinds of illnesses, there are People who visit alternative therapies as compared to Western-based physicians.... Since CAM practitioners are able to provide each patient with longer time to establish a therapeutic relationship with them, some People tend to become more at ease when dealing with CAM practitioners more than the general physicians like the orthodox practitioners (Lee-Treweek and Stone, p....
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Ethics in Nursing
9 pages (2394 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
In applying the principle of autonomy, which asserts that People should be allowed to make their own decisions and self govern to the issue concerning storage of records next to patient's bed, Ralph would determine whether it would be the wish of the patient to have the records accessible to everyone.... nother aspect that may guide Ralphs review is value statement one in the Australian code of ethics for nursing asserting that nurses value quality nursing care for all People (ANMC, 2005)....
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Facebooks Acquisition of Instagram
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 8 , Case Study
Strategic Opportunities and Threats Facing Facebook The social media industry is cluttered with social networking sites, which are quite popular among People in different countries.... The security infrastructure of Facebook is not up to the mark and in this scenario the acquisition of Instagram might be of unproductive for the company because if the privacy and security norms are not strong People will not upload photos.... On the other hand it can be said that Facebook would be successful in getting hold of Instagram's huge user base and it would be able to cater to the mobile user segment because People are using internet on their phones mainly....
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The Battle for Stirling Bridge
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This move by the company not only gratifies Economic Responsibility but also fulfills the Ethical Responsibility by helping the People of Caledonia to sustain their growth.... In the paper 'The Battle for Stirling Bridge' the author tries to answer the questions: who are five of Stirling Bridge's key stakeholders in this case?...
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Merger and Acquisitions: Description and Characteristics
8 pages (2536 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "Merger and Acquisitions: Description and Characteristics" presents the role of mergers and acquisitions in the increase of shareholder value in both the companies that involved can be easier understood if referring to the context of M&A, i.... .... to their main characteristics.... ... ...
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Ecological Systems Theory
7 pages (2054 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
It also builds the infant self-esteem by social interaction and communicating with other People.... This case dispute was that systems could handle People complex lives instead of focusing on models developed from psychodynamic and psychology theories. ... cology is important for encouraging social workers to focus on transactions within systems to pursue short term change which are sustainable to People's lives.... tress: When People perceive an imbalance between the demands of their environment and their ability to mobilise resources to manage such demands, the result is stress. ...
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The Impact of a Mental Disorder in Adolescents on Their Health
8 pages (2330 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "The Impact of a Mental Disorder in Adolescents on Their Health" shows us that creating life skills in young People and adolescents and offering them mental health support in schools and in other social settings can assist in improving and encouraging them to manage their mental health.... Young People, as well as adults who suffer from such chronic mental illness, tend to feel aloof from the entire world.... They feel ashamed of themselves and find it even more uncomfortable to disclose the issue in front of unknown People....
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The Pros and Cons of Informed Consent
5 pages (1542 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Retrieved May 2, 2008, from Seeking Consent: Working with Older People: http://www.... The paper "The Pros and Cons of Informed Consent " states that parents should know that patients should be informed of all information related to his/her medical care and treatment procedures before the health care providers could deliver any forms of treatment and care....
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IKEA: Furniture Retailer to the World
8 pages (2147 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The management team comprised of young People who had not been employed by other enterprises before.... KEA was accused of copying designs and People were discouraged from buying their staff.... There was also a publication that indicated the high quality of IKEA's products, giving People more confidence in them.... For a company to prosper, it has to satisfy a specific need of the People it seeks to serve.... As much as that gives People the freedom to interact freely and work as a team, there is the need for a chain of command....
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Travel and Society: Social Equity, and Inclusion
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Travel and tourism have become part of modern man's life and the rapid growth of transport has facilitated accessibility of People for travel and has made man's journey more comfortable and easy.... Travel and Society: issues of social equity, social inclusion and disability Travel and tourism has become part of modern man's life and the rapid growth of transport has facilitated accessibility of People for travel and has made man's journey more comfortable and easy....
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Information security in a real-world business or government agency - Research Paper/ Case Study
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Credit card companies handle private and sensitive information about customers; hence it has to follow various security policies.... This case study focuses on credit card processing company CardSystems.... ... ... The case will first discuss the implementation of CISP (Cardholder Information Security program) by CardSystems to ensure the security of the cardholder information during the processing and storage by Later in 2005, Cardsystems implemented payment cardholder information (PCI) which was assembled by security standards council (SSC) to address the changing technology....
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Persistent Vegetative State Patients: Legal Issues
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
urthermore, researchers suggest that “People in PVS do not have the capacity to value their lives and have little prospect of ever recovering that capacity and therefore in such cases, there can be no ethical and legal consequences to halt the treatment”16.... The aim of the paper is to analyze the legal charges against a doctor, who had refused to treat a patient, who had been in a vegetative state for more than three years, in the lights of academic resources....
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An Understanding of Legal Implication on Self-Medication
24 pages (6265 words) , Case Study
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"An Understanding of Legal Implication on Self-Medication" paper argues that supplementary prescribers while recommending medicines should limit the health risks of patients by ensuring that the medicines are correct and they abide by the standard operating procedures of pharmacists.... ... ... The independent prescriber was ultimately the doctor who diagnosed the problem of the client and made treatment plans and CMPs whereas the dependent prescriber had the means to take care of patients in the long run through clinical guidelines, and treatment plans that could be prescribed according to the patient's needs, looking at his history....
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Previous Disasters in Asia
8 pages (2221 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Even though natural disasters might strike any part of the world, the poor People suffer the most.... First is the Japan's earthquake and tsunami of 2011 that kills approximately 20,000 People (Asian Century Institute 2014).... Second is the tsunami that occurred in the Indian Ocean in 2004 killed more than 200,000 People while the third one is the Cyclone Nargis of 2008 in Myanmar took away 140,000 lives.... In 1991, there was a Cyclone Gorky in Bangladesh that took 140,000 lives and the China's 2008 earthquake that killed 90,000 People....
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