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Financial Analysis of Abacus Distribution Plc
5 pages (1442 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Financial Analysis of Abacus Distribution Plc" paper focuses on Abacus Distribution Plc, a group of companies that mainly deals with various electronic components and their distribution.... 'Abacus Group plc distributes electronic components and electromechanical products.... ... ... ... IT is a spin-off company from UTS which has gained investment from ITem3, the BITS-funded IT industry incubator in Sydney....
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Chinese Automobile Industry
5 pages (1452 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Chinese Automobile Industry" focuses on the critical analysis of the major trends in the development of the Chinese automobile industry.... Automobile sale is projected at 12% in the coming years and it is a steady one for an industry that is already ahead in the global market.... ... ...
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Public Sector Safety Professionals
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The present case study "Public Sector Safety Professionals" is focused on the Centralia Coal Mine No 5 that exploded 25 March 1945, killing 111 miners.... It is stated that before its explosion, both state and federal agencies had conducted several inspections on the mine.... ... ... ... According to investigations by both Federal and state agencies, 'coal dust raised in the air and ignited by explosives fired in a manner considered dangerous and impermissible....
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Total Quality Management in Qatar Airways
5 pages (1404 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
This paper "Total Quality Management in Qatar Airways" reports due to the implementation of TQM by Qatar Airways the company is experiencing growth.... The focus has been laid on comfort, providing fine cuisine to the travelers, audio and video entertainment, and providing award-winning service.... ...
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Operations Management: Lens Crafters
5 pages (1481 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of the "Operations Management: Lens Crafters" paper argues that Lens Crafters concentrate on producing goods and services for a world market.... Technology reduces the product life cycle because products are quickly replaced by new products of better quality.... .... ... ... Optometry degrees, accreditations, and licenses dangling on the wall offer a physical indication of employees' skills....
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The Internal Environment Analysis of Kleenmaid Company
5 pages (1437 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The following paper under the title 'The Internal Environment Analysis of Kleenmaid Company' is a perfect example of a business case study.... Kleenmaid is a company that deals with manufacturing, importing, and distribution of household goods such as ovens, washing machines, dishwashers, and cooktops....
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Toyota Companys Recalls Problem
5 pages (1398 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Toyota Company's Recalls Problem " is a perfect example of a business case study.... Toyota Company is facing multiple recall problems of its cars from all continents of the world.... This recall problem has negatively impacted the image of the company in the world.... There has been a considerable economic process for the company too (Toyota USA Newsroom, 2009)....
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Life at the University
5 pages (1391 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper 'Life at the University' is an exciting example of the education case study.... It was the second month in a row of missing our regular monthly visits to the Centre for the Poor and Orphaned Children in the State of Western Australia.... The government had uncharacteristically delayed in releasing student loans that we used to support the noble initiative....
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The Bahrain Aviation Industry
7 pages (1693 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
From the paper "The Bahrain Aviation Industry" it is clear that the objectives of the project are to design a quality project tailor-made for the landing and take-off of celebrities and increase the economic growth of Bahrain through infrastructural development.... ... ... ... It is essential to state that the aim of this project is to design and construct a general aviation terminal in Bahrain to incorporate gliders, parachutes, and corporate business jet flights....
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Minimum Wage Regulation in Australia
6 pages (1636 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Minimum Wage Regulation in Australia" focuses on the critical analysis of the rival submissions of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI).... Every year the minimum wage in Australia is reviewed.... ... ... ... The Australian Fair Pay Commission is responsible for these reviews and it considers various factors like inflation, economic growth, and GDP....
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Human Resource Management at Emirates Airlines
5 pages (1634 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'Human Resource Management at Emirates Airlines' is a suited example of a human resources case study.... The Human Resource Department of the Emirates airline is headed by a senior president of the Human Resource and Business Development Section.... The company has over fifty thousand employees in general....
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Airbus - Internal and External Stakeholders Efforts in Diversity
5 pages (1355 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Airbus - Internal and External Stakeholders Efforts in Diversity' is an intriguing example of human resources case study.... Organizations should have strategic plans that identify future directions.... Organizations establish an organizational structure that identifies responsibilities for every job position and the relationships among these positions....
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Managing Financial Resources
5 pages (1703 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The following case study entitled "Managing Financial Resources" dwells on the current performance of 'Must Have Furnishers LTD.... According to the text, the end of year financial position will be examined and compared to last year's performance report.... ... ... ... New policies were followed this year and it will be interesting to see what effect (if any) that the new policies have had on this company....
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Shifts In Maritime Transportation Industry
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Maritime commerce has played an important role in human commercial activities.... The paper "Shifts In Maritime Transportation Industry" discusses the cyclic nature of the maritime transportation industry and the role of the global geopolitical environment on its dynamics.... ... ... ... The health of the global maritime transportation industry is linked to many diverse factors....
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Employee Reward Strategy for Heidelberg Insurance Services
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The purpose of the following study "Employee Reward Strategy for Heidelberg Insurance Services" is to assess the existing payment system at Heidelberg Insurance Servies as well as to provide recommendations regarding an effective reward strategy to be implemented as its replacement.... ... ... ... The performance of an organization depends directly on the performance of the sales department....
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Differences and Similarities between Chinese and Indian Economies
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Differences and Similarities between Chinese and Indian Economies" highlights that as at 2011, inequality levels in India stood at 39.... per cent, this is attributable to the division of poor and rich states in India, which is dependent on the infrastructure available in those states....
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The Decipline of Teams
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In the paper 'The Discipline Of Teams' the author evaluates the discipline of teams.... He tackles some issues ranging from the rationale or rather the factors that make a group qualify to be a team.... He also explores the techniques that managers ought to implement to leverage maximum benefits....
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Project Mapping Programme
6 pages (1761 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Project Mapping Programme" states that Project Mapping Programme (PMP) is a software programme that aims to improve on project management through various cost reduction and efficient and effective management statement strategies.... ... ... ... Effective project management is important for the realization of the required results and prevention of risks that could impact the progress negatively....
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The Value of the Judicial System
6 pages (1715 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The Value of the Judicial System' is a great example of a law case study.... An increase in crime rate and more and more people indulging in criminal activities have thrown light on the manner in which criminal justice and process is followed in the global economy.... It is seen that different court looks towards different ways....
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Country Factbook - Brazil
13 pages (1628 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Country Factbook - Brazil" is a perfect example of a macro & microeconomics case study.... Brazil is a democratic country with a democratically elected government.... However, the country's history is plagued with a dark past of military rule.... The democratic institutions that have been created after the democratization process has enhanced the democratic space in the country....
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Australian Aboriginal Communities and Non-Aboriginal Communities
6 pages (1641 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Australian Aboriginal Communities and Non-Aboriginal Communities" is a great example of a social science case study.... A community can be defined as a Self-organized group of persons with a common interest, cause, or agenda, who work together by sharing information, ideas, as well as other important resources (Taylor et al....
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Strategic management in Delta Airlines
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
Aviation industry is regarded highly competitive, requiring technical expertise and safety measures to be adopted.... ut the core competency that make two similar airlines differentiate are dependent on the role played by customers, people and employees irrespective of machinery and tangible assets....
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Company Policy - Recruiting and Selecting
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Company Policy – Recruiting and Selecting" focuses on the fact that the recent growth of business and advancement in technology prompted the executive manager to request me to conduct research aimed at evaluating our firm's recruitment and selection policy.... .... ... ... ASDA supermarket was recently taken over by an American wholesale and retail giant, Wal-Mart, and this advancement further called for the assessment of the recruitment and selection policy....
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Project Management in a Business Operation
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Project Management in a Business Operation" discusses that project management, therefore, is about planning, implementations, systems, approaches, mechanism, strategies, operational structures and evaluations.... It covers human resource management and accounting of finances.... ... ... ...
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What NL&C Needs to Include in a Comprehensive Management Training Program
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "What NL&C Needs to Include in a Comprehensive Management Training Program" focuses on the fact that the HRM function includes a variety of activities such as determining staffing needs, hiring of employees to fill the needs of the company, recruiting, and training the best employees.... ...
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Boston Consulting Group Matrix for Microsoft
6 pages (1449 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
This paper builds on the assignment done for the first part about knowledge of companies and builds a marketing report for the chosen company, Microsoft.... The paper maps the BCG (Boston Consulting Group) matrix for Microsoft as well as identifying the market segments that the company operates in....
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A Response to a Potential Terrorist Attack on Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets
6 pages (1594 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This case study "A Response to a Potential Terrorist Attack on Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets" is presenting a plan to work with private and public stakeholders to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a potential terrorist attack on critical infrastructures and key assets.... .... ... ...
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The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler as a Living Document of the Socio-Economic Anxieties
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper describes Chandler's 'The Big Sleep' that represented through the character of Philip Marlowe is a resultant of the depression, conflict and anxiety of the time.... Among the seven novels written by Raymond Chandler, the debut novel is 'The Big Sleep' and arguably the best too.... ... ... ...
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Analysis of Subaru Company
6 pages (1698 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
"Analysis of Subaru Company" paper argues that though more Subaru cars are used in the Portland area than any city within the US however, it does not mean that consumers of Subaru are geographically concentrated.... The overall success of Subaru is based on design, durability, and fuel efficiency....
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Problem Identification and Quality Improvement at Stop It Limited
6 pages (1788 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
"Problem Identification and Quality Improvement at Stop It Limited" paper states that modern computerized evaluation and testing procedures with experts in the quality assurance department yield the desired outcomes.... By doing the correction measures Stop IT LTD is poised to regain its market glory....
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The Worlds Most Ethical Companies: PepsiCo
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This essay discusses the ethical responsibilities and company policies of PepsiCo towards consumers, employees, and the environment.... The sustainable growth of PepsiCo has been maintained by deep commitment towards the empowerment of people and its employees.... .... ... ... Ethics in an organization can take multinational companies into a new dimension....
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The McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet
5 pages (1380 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "The McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet" highlights that Hornet has established itself as one of the central aircrafts the Navy developed for its aviation wing.... The hornet boasts a rich combat history and has successfully served its duration for the US Navy.... ... ... ... The F/A-18 made its maiden flight in 18th November 1978 and entered active duty in 7th January 1983....
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The History of the Taj Mahal
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "The History of the Taj Mahal" highlights that despite expanding the parking area around the Taj Mahal and closure of a number of particularly polluting industries in Agra, the mausoleum is still yellow.... It has to be cleaned regularly with special white clay.... ... ... ... According to scientists, cracks may be caused by shoaling of the nearby river Yamuna....
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English Poor Law
6 pages (1780 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This work "English Poor Law" focuses on the viewpoints of Thomas Robert Malthus and Jeremy Bentham concerning this issue.... The author outlines the change in making working conditions worse.... From this work, it is clear that individuals will stop indulging in activities that create illegal children, and thus the problem of an increase in poverty will be countered....
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Unilever the Highs and Lows of Driving Sustainable Change
5 pages (1346 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of this case study "Unilever the Highs and Lows of Driving Sustainable Change" comments on the detailed analysis of Unilever starting from studying its purpose, goals, operations, leadership, structure, size, values, norms, culture and environment.... ... ... ... This paper defines the effectiveness of the organization by comparing it to several theories....
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Huffman Trucking Knowledge Worker
6 pages (1732 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The paper 'Huffman Trucking Knowledge Worker' states about Huffman Trucking, a logistic company founded by K.... Huffman in 1936.... Due to the author, a knowledge worker through analyzing the systems will come up with different ideas to support the firm and vice versa.... ... ... ... Upon is the establishment, The Second World War fueled its growth due to the increased need for good transportation in the U....
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Job Analysis Paper
5 pages (1345 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Job Analysis Paper" focuses on the critical analysis and evaluation of the job of marriage/family therapist.... Notably, it is a mental healthcare profession where an individual at least requires a master's degree in a specific subject area.... ... ... ... This job will require an individual with a minimum of 2 years' experience in the domain of clinical supervision....
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Nissan - Corporate-Level Strategy
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This paper "Nissan - Corporate-Level Strategy" focuses on the fact that the corporate level strategy can be considered to be actions that are taken by an organization so as to gain competitive advantage through managing and selecting different forms of businesses that compete in product markets.... ....
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The Public Campaign No More
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper highlights that the campaign uses a blue signature symbol to increase and foster for more dialog instead of fighting.... The campaign seeks to make domestic conversations about violence and assault normal and increase the resources available for discussing current issues.... ... ... ... According to the study, many people in the U....
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Pharmacology Oxybutinin
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
X is a 20 year old male who came to the clinic complaining of increased frequency of urination.... The patient reported that the symptoms have lasted for six month so far.... The patient farther reported that the condition are precipitated at night where she urinate frequently.... ... ... The condition is precipitated when after eating heavy meal....
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Domains of 3G and LTE Enabled Technologies
6 pages (1552 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Domains of 3G and LTE Enabled Technologies" highlights that L.... .... -Advanced provides a number of features such as Evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Control.... This enables the features of the L.... .... to perform on multiple nodes such as the broadcast domain.... ... ... ... The manner in which the L....
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The Geology of Beirut
5 pages (1509 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "The Geology of Beirut " highlights that the geology of Beirut has not been constant for a long time just as any other region's geologic orientations around the globe.... Various factors have influenced rock formations in the regions of Beirut and beyond.... ... ... ... The volcanic and earthquakes have been noted to be the most influencing factors that have affected the geologic formations in the regions of Beirut over time and scale....
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Policy Document on Education
6 pages (1663 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The policy document reviewed in this paper under the title "Policy Document on Education" sets out guidelines for school principals and teachers in terms of their responsibilities towards 'student safety and risk management (document title, p.... 1).... ... ... ... The policy document would serve as a reference document for parents, lawyers, and any other professionals who have to deal with the aftermath of an accident involving a student....
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Analysis of McKinsey Consulting Company
5 pages (1367 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Analysis of McKinsey Consulting Company" paper focuses on McKinsey, one of the first major consulting firm that provided businesses with the service and business application the clients desired .... The company utilized an organic growth model to become a multinational corporation in the early 1960's....
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The UAE-Dubai Service Sector
5 pages (1377 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The UAE-Dubai Service Sector" is a great example of a management case study.... The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the Middle Eastern countries.... UAE has seen a remarkable growth for the last couple of years a fact which has placed the service sector on the world service map.... The Country's burgeoning service industry is footed on the fact that the UAE government has invested a lot of efforts in economic diversification....
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Kudler's Strategic Choice and Evaluation
5 pages (1478 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Kudler's Strategic Choice and Evaluation' is a thoughtful example of the management case study.... Strategic choice is a key element in the strategy formulation process.... It is simply the decision to select among the grand strategies considered, the strategy which will best meet the enterprise's objectives....
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The Process of Budget Preparation in Hamilton County Ohio
5 pages (1165 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Process of Budget Preparation in Hamilton County Ohio" focuses on preparing budget guidelines before the start of the fiscal year, timetables of submission stages, and informed on any constraints.... Departments are supposed to gather data about current operations, future programs, etc....
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Strategic Management - Pre-Money Valuation, Private Placement, and Non-Accredited Investors
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper "Strategic Management - Pre-Money Valuation, Private Placement, and Non-Accredited Investors" focuses on the widely used terms in venture capital or private equity industries and explains the valuation of a company or an asset before undertaking any investment.... .... ... ... A particular investment adds profit to the company, the organization may likely have various different valuations before and after that investment....
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History of Occupational Health and Safety Timeline
5 pages (1576 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "History of Occupational Health and Safety Timeline" is a great example of a case study on health sciences and medicine.... The development of occupational health and safety regulations can be closely associated with industrialization.... As more and more industries were developed, the ideal workplace concept was coined....
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The Usefulness of Mercantilism
5 pages (1377 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The Usefulness of Mercantilism' concentrates on Mercantilist policy that was a driver of many decisions England made concerning the colonies.... In short, mercantilism produces wealth by using colonies in two ways.... Colonies are to be the suppliers of raw materials and natural resources....
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