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The Condition of the Business: Change Management Theory
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper gives detailed information about the change management done by ICICI bank during 1997 and after the merger of Bank of Madura.... The major concern for the company is to manage the radical change which faces the maximum resistance.... The organizations are quite complex.... ... ... ... Every company during its lifetime has to bring some or other change in its management or structure....
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Do Proton Pump Inhibitors Increase the Risk for Hip Fractures
7 pages (2003 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Do Proton Pump Inhibitors Increase the Risk for Hip Fractures" discusses that PPIs are the most commonly used anti-acid drugs.... These drugs cause osteoporosis due to decreased calcium absorption.... Osteoporosis increases the risk of hip fracture.... ... ... ... Hip fracture is a devastating complication of osteoporosis which can lead to significant morbidity, mortality and decreased quality of life....
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Analysis of Air Transport Industry
8 pages (2323 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Analysis of Air Transport Industry" is a perfect example of a research proposal on management.... The air transport industry has been crushed by climbing fuel expenses and the declining economy.... ... ... ... The paper "Analysis of Air Transport Industry" is a perfect example of a research proposal on management....
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Erica Homes ltd. Project
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Because Erica Homes ltd.... has to do a lot in such a short time in order to profit from the upcoming Olympics it has to have the right staff to do it and the staff needs to be very well managed.... The employees need to be motivated in such a way that the goals of the organization become their own personal goals....
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Strategic Communication Audit in Samsung
12 pages (3372 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
arlsson, M, 2009, Online news, organizational websites and issues management: Swedish case studies on how organizations utilized their websites to address issues noticed by online news Media. ... This research proposal "Strategic Communication Audit in Samsung " thus discusses the concepts of strategic communication in relation to Samsung which is an international company....
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Juvenile Executions
11 pages (3042 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
These people also argued that juveniles were portrayed by the Media to lack conscience and were incapable to be rehabilitated even if the efforts were given.... This research proposal "Juvenile Executions" gives an overview of the juvenile execution system and how it came into effect....
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The Real Expense of Illegal Immigration
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The researcher of the essay "The Real Expense of Illegal Immigration" aims to analyze how the massive numbers of illegal aliens pouring across mainly the southern border have and continues to cause substantial economic, social and physical harms to legal citizens.... .... ... ... It is stated that numerous polls indicate that a majority of Americans, including Mexican-Americans, want the government to prevent the tidal wave of illegal aliens cascading over the border....
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Intended Meaning in Words
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Intended Meaning in Words" presents the racial words to name one another but only between them, when they are called that by a person who does not belong to the same group that can cause a problem.... The acceptance of racial words is the only option they have to resist.... ...
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Econometric Modeling and the Effectiveness of Hedging Exposure to Forging Exchange Risk
19 pages (5378 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Econometric Modeling and the Effectiveness of Hedging Exposure to Forging Exchange Risk" is a great example of a research proposal on finance and accounting.... The author of the paper states that there is a great financial risk posed in the world economy as a result of the instability of the currencies involved....
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Advantages and Disadvantages of the Strategic Alliance between Qantas and Emirates
48 pages (9893 words) , Research Proposal
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The paper "Advantages and Disadvantages of the Strategic Alliance between Qantas and Emirates" is a good example of a research paper on management.... Globalization has opened the doors to all major world economies and given rise to the liberalization of trade.... ... ... ... The paper "Advantages and Disadvantages of the Strategic Alliance between Qantas and Emirates" is a good example of a research paper on management....
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Impact of Technology on Organizational Performance
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The purpose of the current paper 'Impact of Technology on Organizational Performance' is to summarize some of the facts about the business values technology provides along with a special emphasis on the IT aspect.... There will be an elaborate discussion on the specification of certain metrics.... ...
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Marketing Plan for Attracting Business School Investors and School Boards Activities
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Marketing Plan for Attracting Business School Investors and School Board's Activities' is considered as a business school planning to implement key marketing concepts - segmentation, target market selection, and positioning, as well as CRM implementation.... .... ... ... Schools are feeling pressure to shift from public to private sector norms....
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The Beta-Return Relationship of the Companies on a Stock Exchange for the US Market
11 pages (3029 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Beta-Return Relationship of the Companies on a Stock Exchange for the US Market" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting research proposal.... Portfolio managers and investors are some special groups of people who are very much interested in the risk-return relationship a fundamental concept in finance as one of their main functions is to estimated risk in investments (Karacabey, 2001)....
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Shell Oil Company and the Technology Management Issues That It Faces
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Royal Dutch Shell, or Shell, is amongst the pioneers of offshore deep and ultradeep exploration and production of hydrocarbons.... This essay presents a discussion about Shell and the technology management issues that are of importance to this company.... .... ... ... This report will speak and discusses Shell has been responsible for discovering more than 8 billion barrels of oil in the past 7 years....
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Evaluation of Hard and Soft Versions of HRM
8 pages (2547 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
On one end, a people-oriented rhetoric management approach of the soft HRM model and on the other side, it is a hard practice of strategic management,.... ... ... The paper "Evaluation of Hard and Soft Versions of HRM" is a wonderful example of a research proposal on human resources.... Through a thorough analysis of the concepts and the best practices approach of each, the paper analyzes the gaps in the light of representative HRM factors from the operational point of view....
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HealthCare Reform in the United States
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
According to Cherpitel (2009), when developing policy alternatives, one way of solving a problem is through elimination or lessening of the causal factors or the triggering factors.... Another way is getting through getting ideas from the existent policy.... One may view the existing.... ... ... Thus, they may want a replacement, strengthening or improvement....
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The Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act
7 pages (1816 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was endorsed by the congress of the United States in 1996.... HIPAA is the only most important Federal legislation influencing the health care industry ever since the formation of the Medicare and Medicaid plans.... ... ... ... Title I of the Act perks up the portability and stability of wellbeing insurance treatment for thousands of American people and their families....
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The Use Security Cameras Being Used in Public Buildings and Places
8 pages (2559 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Use Security Cameras Being Used in Public Buildings and Places" discusses that active CCTV surveillance cameras and automatic face recognition where people's faces are checked against a database of known terrorist are security technologies that can be used to prevent terror attacks....
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Chinese Navy Expansion and the US Hegemony in Asia
10 pages (3110 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Chinese Navy Expansion and the US Hegemony in Asia" intends to analyze the outcomes of the Chinese Navy expansion.... The proposal aims to understand China's strategy in expanding its Navy and whether pursuing a hegemonic approach is a likely course of action.... ... ... ... China is pumping several billions of dollars into new warships and submarines to deny the US Navy the ability to be the supreme ruler in East Asian waters (Roy, 1995, 45 – 60)....
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Performance Management - The Need for a Focus on Public Value
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This work "Performance Management - The Need for a Focus on Public Value" describes various aspects of performance management of the policing sector.... The author outlines the primary problematic issue of police performance management is the unclear description of its culture and social outcomes which lead to poor performance and public mistrust....
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The Main Security Issues and Aspects in Cloud Computing Based Technology Arrangement
14 pages (4058 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
ustomary digital forensic methodologies allow technology crimes investigators to grasp equipment as well as carry out comprehensive analysis on the Media and data recovered.... The paper "The Main Security Issues and Aspects in Cloud Computing Based Technology Arrangement" analyzes security-related aspects and highlights them with a view of current technology-based hindrances in the way of successful application of new technology-based cloud computing arrangements....
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Software Development Project Easy Retrieval of Data from Hard Disk Drives
7 pages (1955 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Software Development Project – Easy Retrieval of Data from Hard Disk Drives'' tells that the proposed project is based on a software program that can easily retrieve any specific data from the hard disk drive of any computer.... This is because the hard disk acts as a form of storage device for the computer....
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Starbucks Corporation's Strategy: SWOT Analysis and Porter's Five Forces
15 pages (4332 words) , Download 8 , Research Proposal
Some of the external factors include climate, economy, technology, political, legal, competition, and Media. ... Social Media – Starbucks utilizes the presence of social Media.... Gallaugher and Ransbotham, (198) clarified that social Media enables a business organization to know the customers' view as well as their opinions.... "Social Media and customer dialog management at Starbucks....
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The Relationship between Investment and Interest Rates
6 pages (1985 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Relationship between Investment and Interest Rates" states that data was retrieved from the UK statistics website which included time series data for our two variables, the mean, mode, variance, standard error and regression were determined for the purpose of statistical analysis.... ...
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The Effects of Political Instability on the Deregulation of Competition
6 pages (1666 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The Media does not criticize its government directly also freedom of speech and religion has also been curtailed in the Islamic run country.... Membership in the professional body of journalists (Association of journalists) is restricted to those who only work for the government run Media companies....
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Impact of Health Promotion Interventions on Quality of Life of the Elderly in an Australian Community
6 pages (3087 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Impact of Health Promotion Interventions on Quality of Life of the Elderly in an Australian Community" is a good example of a research proposal on nursing.... The population of elderly people worldwide is growing continuously.... ... ... ... The paper "Impact of Health Promotion Interventions on Quality of Life of the Elderly in an Australian Community" is a good example of a research proposal on nursing....
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Antibiotics for Meringa Oleifera
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Ths paper declares that Moringa oleifera is a medicinal plant, belonging to the genus Moringa, and of the family Moringaceae.... The plant has been significant for its medicinal values whereby almost its entire root, leaves and trunk extracts are used for medicine.... .... ... ... According to the paper, just like many other antibiotics, it can pose serious health issues to an individual with disseminated intravascular coagulation....
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Jailed Mothers and their Children in School
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the instant study and research proposal, the principal object of the undertaking is the case of schoolchildren from the Bronx of New York City whose mothers are behind bars.... Several studies have indicated that the academic performance of those children is adversely affected by the separation....
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Business Plan for Organic Light Emitting Diodes
10 pages (2688 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper "Business Plan for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes" is a business plan for innovation of 'Neoview OLEDs'.... With the growing need for innovative and newer technologically developed products in the market, this report has been made to provide the customers with a new and innovative product....
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The Concept of Job Satisfaction
15 pages (3651 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
With the development of mass Media and other sources of information, public opinion about ones job has become the source of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.... This research proposal "The Concept of Job Satisfaction" is designed to research the notion of job satisfaction in the context of human resource management....
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Sustainable Canberra
11 pages (3028 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Imaging the City: The Place of Media in City Design and Development.... This paper ''Sustainable Canberra '' tells that With the initiative wanting to get as much input as possible from different Canberrans, using various means, I came up with a sustainable model to present with a focus on the main areas of sustainability, transport, population, planning, and open space and the challenges therein....
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Cloud Computing
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 7 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Cloud Computing' the author analyzes a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.... ... ... ... The author states that 'Cloud Computing' matches a perception of an imaginary cloud that illustrates the Internet or most likely a corporate network environment that is represented by a cloud....
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Nature and Characteristics of a Marketing Plan
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Nature and Characteristics of a Marketing Plan,' the author describes how to develop a traditional strategic marketing plan.... Given the highly competitive nature of the business environment, an organization will be required to develop a creative business plan.... ... ... ... The author states that marketing planning engrosses planning operations linked to marketing goals and the varying marketing surrounding....
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Negotiation: The Best Method
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper 'Negotiation: The Best Method' will start off explaining the nature of conflict and when does negotiation come in.... After these concepts have been made clear two important types of negotiation are discussed namely, advocate approach which uses the win-lose orientation.... ... ... ... The author states that conflict and disagreement are a natural part of a day's work....
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Social Learning with Case-Based Decisions
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Social Learning with Case-Based Decisions' focuses on individual and social learning as forms of phenotypic plasticity.... Both modes of learning are developmental processes that cause organisms to acquire different behaviors in different environments.... ... ... ... The author states that phenotypic plasticity may be adaptive in temporally or spatially varying environments if the use of environmental cues enables organisms to acquire behavior that is adaptive in each local habitat....
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Technology and Teaching English for Specific Purposes
11 pages (3443 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The perception and interpretation of English will be easier as well as there are different Media through which the lesson materials are presented that are favored by the learners.... This research proposal "Technology and Teaching English for Specific Purposes" focuses on the class which consists of thirty adult learners undertaking English studies....
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Next Generation Data Center
25 pages (6796 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Next Generation Data Center" highlights that VMware is the forerunner in introducing products related to data centre virtualization and cloud computing, Cisco and EMC2 implement these packages and have proved that the private cloud implementation is a prerequisite.... ... ... ... Founded in 1984 and centred in California, Cisco is a public listed company in NASDAQ and SEHK....
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Brand Terrorism - a Powerful Corporate Responsibility
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
These are enough challenging and bad news for big companies and nowadays, mass Media are fast picking up these stories in the social networks (Elkington 2012, P.... ould social Media networks serve as a tool to end brand terrorism since raising an idea on these sites, one stands a chance of getting more supporters to push the idea....
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Educational Psychology
17 pages (4370 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Educational Psychology' the author analyzes educational psychology, which is different from other branches of psychology for one main reason, that is, it is focused on mainstream psychology but with an added dimension of special education.... ... ... ... The focus of the paper is on learning and teaching, on special educational and exceptional needs....
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Error Correction in Language Teaching and Learning
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper 'Error Correction in Language Teaching and Learning' will try to answer this question by analyzing some of the historical and current assumptions about error correction in the area of linguistic research.... The issue of error correction in language classrooms has a tendency to ignite debates....
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The Culture of Art within the Society
15 pages (4086 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
New age careers in designing and Media of different kinds has given an impetus to learning of arts.... Interdisciplinary art Media is crucial to learning and I would definitely incorporate this concept into the curriculum of arts. ... The following paper entitled 'The Culture of Art within the Society' focuses on the importance of art within a society that is both vital and undeniably part and parcel of humankind....
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Global ,societal,and contemporary lssues
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
New Media and Society (2010): 3-11.... For instance, engineering profession has developed over the years with the introduction of various technologies that impact all aspects of human lives.... Engineering technologies.... ... ... Some of the recent developments in engineering include automated manufacturing methods, nanotechnology, introduction of mobile phones among many more....
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Corporate Social Responsibility of China Telecom
78 pages (9732 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Corporate Social Responsibility of China Telecom" discusses the entire CSR report with mere claims, future intentions, and ambiguous objectives.... The management of China Telecom must make a distinction between a CSR and commercial activity.... ... ... ... Corporate Social Responsibility is a voluntary action carried out by the companies....
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Patient Satisfaction of Health Care Service Quality in Saudi Arabia
19 pages (5621 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Patient Satisfaction of Health Care Service Quality in Saudi Arabia'' tells us that patient satisfaction refers to the feelings of an individual in form of pleasure or disappointment as a result of comparing the perceived performance outcome of healthcare services in relate about an individual....
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The Major Differences in Leadership Approaches Used by Male and Female Leaders
47 pages (9855 words) , Research Proposal
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This paper ''The Major Differences in Leadership Approaches Used by Male and Female Leaders '' tells that The differences between male and female leaders can be used as a powerful tool to get the job done by placing the right leaders in the right places for the right careers.... ... ... ... Note that tables are numbered in sequence, beginning with 1....
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The 360 Degree Evaluation System
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'The 360 Degree Evaluation System' looks at a process utilized in human resources and management in which feedback is gathered from multiple sources both internally and externally related to individual work performance.... ... ... ... The author states that the general purpose of 360 degrees evaluating is to take into consideration the broader job roles and responsibilities related to individual performance to give a more accurate picture of how well an employee is working toward meeting organizational goals....
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Management Consulting
17 pages (5085 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
K is also undergoing rapid social changes due to higher exposure to international Media and increased number of multinationals that are operating from the country.... This research proposal "Management Consulting" discusses Taylersons Malmesbury Syrups brand as a new brand of the market....
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Needs of a Child With Tourettes Syndrome
15 pages (4177 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Needs of a Child With Tourettes Syndrome" highlights that syndrome is a very multifaceted condition.... It frequently engages comorbid conditions.... There is no recognized cure for TS at this instance.... Continuing research is offering a wealth of new information concerning this condition....
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Personality and Executive Functioning
15 pages (4220 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Personality and Executive Functioning' aims at investigating if the relationship exists and the connecting factors.... It utilizes existing literature and recent data from empirical findings.... The findings of the paper are instrumental in adding the knowledge of the existing findings....
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Cyclones Disasters Reduction for the Dhofar Region South of Oman
15 pages (4303 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
l-wardi, A, 2015, SDI initiative in Oman, Geospatial Media and Communications Pvt Ltd.... The author of the paper "Cyclones Disasters Reduction for the Dhofar Region South of Oman" is aimed at discussing the effects of cyclones in Dhofar region and the mitigating measures that can be used in reducing cyclone disasters within the region....
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