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Human Resource Learning Log in Toyota
8 pages (2449 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Human Resource Learning Log in Toyota" is a great example of a Human Recourses case study.... The current Toyota company complications are a result of the poorly structured human resource management practices within staff members and the weak accountability within the organization.... The automobile's mechanical failures from the Toyota company led to the recalling of almost nine million cars globally to reflect on the issue....
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Behavior Support Program
8 pages (2316 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The school uses the TEACCH approach in teaching children with ASD and the Assessment, Evaluation and programming System (AEPS) curriculum is used to teach children in the other programmes (Fitzpatrick, 2004).... The case study "Behavior Support Program" points out that This Behaviour Support Program (BSP) is targeted at Ian, a child suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)....
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Human Behavior Theory - a Diversity Framework
9 pages (2405 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
She is able to think and her reasoning is logic.... The study "Human Behavior Theory - a Diversity Framework" states that the learning theory by Bandura, Watson, and Skinner, goes in line in line with psychodynamic theory by Erikson and other behaviorist theories and applies to children's development and day-to-day activity....
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Leadership in the Coca Cola Company
10 pages (2683 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The Modulator wizard enables the configuration without requiring programming code skills.... The case study titled "Leadership in the Coca Cola Company" states that the success of a company is to a large extent based on its workers.... An organization as defined by e-Wikipedia "is a social arrangement which pursues collective goals, which controls its own performance, and which has a boundary separating it from its environment'....
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Customer Service Issues
14 pages (3967 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Bi-level programming approach.... The study "Customer Service Issues" focuses on the discussion of the problem of why managers invest so much in customer service.... There is always one common rule in business that concludes, 'The customer is always right', and most business people understand this fact....
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Loss Contingency - Accounting Treatment
6 pages (1665 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This paper analyzes the accounting treatment, in accordance with ASC guidelines, of issues arising out of a long standing litigation between M International (M) and W Inc.... (W).... W filed a claim for patent infringement against M in May 2007.... For the year ended December 2007, M.... ... ... The paper 'Loss Contingency - Accounting Treatment' is a thrilling example of a finance & accounting assign case study....
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Identifying Interventions and the Role of Nursing Attitudes and Their Effect on the Care Given
10 pages (2750 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Identifying Interventions and the Role of Nursing Attitudes and Their Effect on the Care Given " is a worthy example of a case study on nursing.... Mr.... Bentoli is aged and he suffers from extreme issues brought about by his condition.... He has suffered from other diseases that have greatly hampered his ability to perform optimally....
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Cross-Cultural Communication at Walmart
5 pages (1569 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Hofstede has defined culture as the “collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another.... This case study "Cross-Cultural Communication at Walmart" discusses Walmart that has been praised for achieving lower prices for customers and its supply chain inefficiencies that have allowed it to gain a strong competitive advantage in the market (Hughes et al, 2006: 4)....
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Crisis Management Indonesian Tsunami and Earthquake
11 pages (3262 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The member countries had correctly established a mathematical programming approach to warn each effected country of future tsunami assaults.... This case study "Crisis Management Indonesian Tsunami and Earthquake" presents natural disasters that include hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, earthquakes, and tsunamis....
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Financial Analysis by Using Ratios: Bloodstone Ltd
9 pages (2649 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The logic for such a rule of thumb is that even if the value of current assets is reduced to half, the creditors would be able to get their payments in full and the enterprise can retain some amount as working capital in the business.... An effort is made in this study to calculate ratios from the statements of Bloodstone Ltd....
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Intellectual Property and Copyright
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In 1996 Sam Brown who is 26 and a jobbing guitarist on the flagging pub scene decides it is now or never for him.... He is sick of the whole Camden scene and wants his 15 minutes of fame.... Sam has a whole collection of songs he has written over the past 8 years and realises he needs a proper band if any of his dreams are going to come true....
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GE's Two Decade Transformation
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Is there a logic or rationale supporting the change process?... It was during this time that US was going through the recession and therefore, the economic environment was not conducive for business.... This period experienced high interest rates, in addition to the.... ... ... Such occurrence were obstacles to GE's success and had to be dealt with....
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Provide an in-depth analysis of the Gong Lum v. Rice case
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Rice' case entailed a mandamus that was filed by the plaintiff, Gong Lum in the state circuit of Mississippi.... Lum, a mercantile businessman, filed a case against the defendant Rice.... Lum was not involved in the consular services.... She was young during the filing of.... ... ... Unfortunately, she was sued by her friend Chew How, a Native American, who stayed in Mississippi....
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Industrial Applications of Computers
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The QCS will consist of a scanner that is driven by a logic controller that is programmable, measurement sensors that are network-ready and a station for operations which is connected to a high speed Ethernet network.... he plug-and-play QCS technology will have the scanner driven by an off-the-shelf logic controller, which is already programmed, and will perform the scans, fixed points, off sheets, standardization of sensors and scanning platform service functions....
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Managing Human Resources in Health and Social Care
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper explores the significance of teamwork in a health and social care and evaluates various approaches that can be used by the St-Patrick's management to maintain strong work relationships.... This paper analyzes different leadership theories to improve the management of a healthy workplace....
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Managing Risks for IT Managers, Auditors, and Investigators
12 pages (3310 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This is the reason as to why consultants will not be required to learn any Internet programming languages as they find the use of this system as straight forward.... The author of the paper "Managing Risks for IT Managers, Auditors, and Investigators" states that forensic artifacts form an important role in computer systems....
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Research Methods in Education
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper, Research Methods in Education, presents there are several methods of conducting a research.... Naturalistic and ethnographic research refers to the study of 'people in naturally occurring settings or 'fields' by methods of data collection which capture their social meanings.... ... ... ...
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Ear and Audition
5 pages (1535 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Hearing means perceiving sound and interpreting it into a reasonable or logic meaning.... Hearing involves the detection of sound and interpretation in to a logic meaning.... The nerve impulse travel from the left and the right ear then through the vestibulocochlea nerve which is the eighth cranial nerve into the brain where it is interpreted into logic by the brain (Buser et al 1992, 139)....
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The Radicalism of Osama Bin Laden
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Whether his philosophy and ideology would stand up to scrutiny is questionable because like all radicalism, it lacks coherence and logic.... That it lacks logic is evidenced in the fact that while he has declared his primary enemies to be the Saudi regime and Israel, he launched his terrorist attacks on the United States and Great Britain instead.... In other words, there is no consistency or logic to his actions but, instead, a radicalism which recognises no bounds....
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The Information Spaces of the Future Will Be Entirely Digital, and This Is a Good Thing
7 pages (2023 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Computer Music: Rhythm programming, Processing and Mastering.... This paper "The Information Spaces of the Future Will Be Entirely Digital, and This Is a Good Thing" discusses motion technology, specifically the so-called interactive digital technology, as growing at tremendous rate today and that its impact resonates virtually in all aspects of our lives....
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Child and Family Development: Difference between Race and Culture
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
It is difficult to explain the logic and hidden factors underlying the process of human development.... xplaining the logic and hidden factors underlying the process human development is one the most intriguing and sophisticated tasks of psychological research.... The study "Child and Family Development: Difference between Race and Culture" critically analyzes the major issues on the difference between race and culture in child and family development....
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Multinational Running and Risk Management of Qinetiq Group Plc
11 pages (3268 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In this era of global competitiveness, most of the organizations strive for global expansion of their businesses in order to exploit cross border business opportunities.... Such enterprises control the production and operations of their goods or services in multiple locations.... ... ... The paper "Multinational Running and Risk Management of Qinetiq Group Plc " is a perfect example of a finance and accounting case study....
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How Positive Psychology Interventions in the Workplace Have Improved Outcomes for Depression
11 pages (3547 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
5 numerical programming language.... The paper "How Positive Psychology Interventions in the Workplace Have Improved Outcomes for Depression" states that workplace cognitive behavioral therapy interventions are the most effective at alleviating symptoms of stress and depression at the workplace....
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The Epistemological Assumptions Schommer-Aikins and Hutters Study
6 pages (1766 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This paper "The Epistemological Assumptions Schommer-Aikins and Hutter's Study" describes a survey that was designed to analyze people's belief about the certainty of knowledge as well as the manner and rate of their learning.... The assumptions in Schommer-Aikins and Hutter's study qualify as epistemological thinking as well....
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Knowledge in the Natural Law
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Statement: The Role and importance of Knowledge in the Natural Law and I support John Finnis1 in his argument that it is good to have knowledge on basic principles of all practical reasoning to evaluate moral judgements.... Natural Law and Jurisprudence are very closely connected with each other, even in the meanings of two words. ...
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Whitbread Analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The company has achieved the same by offering its products at affordable prices; or rather, it has offered inexpensive food and hotel prices.... In.... ... ... For the company to provide the services in a cost effective manner, it has focused on improving procurement practices, managing menus and scheduling labor....
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Establishing Requirements, Low-Fidelity Prototyping and Proposed Data Gathering
10 pages (2558 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"Establishing Requirements, Low-Fidelity Prototyping and Proposed Data Gathering" paper examines the process of establishing requirements and low-fidelity prototyping in the proposed design of MaxiMarket (A shopping mall consisting of 87 outlets) Interactive directory.... .... ... ... Organizational needs must not be considered at the expense of human needs....
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Theme Park Management
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The logic employed was that since the number of people was relatively large, a quantitative approach was employed.... The author of the following paper claims that the Europapark, which is located in the border area of Germany, France, and Switzerland, was started in 1975.... The town of Rust, in Germany, was considered the perfect location because of the huge catchment area provided by these countries....
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How Historical Perspectives Influence the International Relations
10 pages (3090 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The logic applied in other sciences is also applied to the social sciences.... Some thinkers apply a rationalist approach, employing reason and deductive logic in their analyses.... This case study "How Historical Perspectives Influence the International Relations" discusses the nature of each of these milestones and comments on how taking them into account affects and influences modern thinking on international relations....
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Authority Judicial Review Jurisdiction
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In several cases, it is clear that an authority which is deemed to be wholly private, even if exercising quite wide-ranging powers affecting many people, is not susceptible to the judicial review jurisdiction.... In the case of the Jockey Club1, the Football Association2, the imam of a mosque3, Lloyd's of London4, the RSPCA5 and the British Council6, it was held that since these bodies were exercising powers which were not akin to the essentially governmental nature of truly public activity, despite the possible effect that their decisions might have on members of the public. ...
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Depiction of Oil Sands Pollution in Waterways in Canadian Print Media
6 pages (1757 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The key logic behind this discourse lies in the fact that people motivated by a broader public interest can work more effectively in managing the natural resources and help in developing a plan through cooperative management.... This paper "Depiction of 'Oil Sands Pollution in Waterways' in Canadian Print Media" discusses the environmental discourses in the media that not only help in influencing the perceptions of people but also help in understanding the workings of the natural world in a broader perspective....
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Samsung Group External Environment Analysis
12 pages (3393 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
From the external environment analysis, the strategic economic logic of Samsung basically revolves around the economies of scale and replication efficiencies Stroh, 101).... The paper 'Samsung Group External Environment Analysis' is a meaningful variant of a case study on marketing....
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The Issue of Psychodrama for Therapy
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The author of the current case study "The Issue of Psychodrama for Therapy" points out that music therapy has proved a blessing to the septuagenarian patients.... But there are other significant psychological therapies, which can cure them of their dysfunctional state of mind.... ... ... ... The author states: "Psychodrama is what I would like to focus on my second case study....
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Bill Gates Leadership
12 pages (3269 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
icrosoft underwent two successful transitions; from programming through to graphical computing was through the help gates involving people, and also the transition from desktop to internet.... It was through the directive of Gates that Microsoft diversified from programming languages to applications, games, enterprise software, MSN online and desktop operating systems....
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Analysis of the Positive and Negative Problems of Irish Primary Health Care
5 pages (1802 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
The paper "Analysis of the Positive and Negative Problems of Irish Primary Health Care" describes the importance of nurse or health worker patient communication and working as a multidisciplinary team highlights the need for adequate policies that would make public health services suitable.... ... ...
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Nordstrom as an American Based Company
6 pages (1660 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Nordstrom as an American Based Company" discusses that the company can choose to invest more in the improvement of their services rather than choosing to expand their current store.... This will make sure the customer gets some of the best services even after the dollar drops.... ... ... ...
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The Construction Management
9 pages (2274 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
he project is in its programming phase. ... This paper "The Construction Management" presents the business of construction that is, indeed, a very rewarding one.... But, it requires the businessmen to be extremely smart and competent to enjoy the flavor of success in this rough and tough industry....
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Teachers and Students Producing Together
8 pages (2475 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Collaboration: The case for indigenous community-based organization support of dropout prevention programming and implementation.... The paper "Teachers and Students Producing Together" is a perfect example of a case study on education.... The organization that is funded by the US department of education, the office of educational research and improvement is being considered for the community visit report....
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Operating Systems and Networking
5 pages (1502 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The organizational logic of a business includes diverse concepts, planning principles, decision-making procedures and use of information systems.... The case study 'Operating Systems and Networking' demonstrates that there are various functional tools or requirements that are involved in a network solution....
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Health Care Waste Management Project in the Pacific Islands
10 pages (2977 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This case study "Health Care Waste Management Project in the Pacific Islands" discusses poor waste management as a major threat to sustainable development in the Pacific islands region.... This is because it has an adverse effect on the region's environment.... ... ... ... Improper management of the health care wastes can lead to contamination of water, the release of air pollutants as well as infection risks to the patients and the public (CIRILLO 2008)....
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Health Care Reform Act Bill in the US
9 pages (2411 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Health Care Reform Act Bill in the US" discusses that poverty has hit most people not just in America but also the rest of the world.... The high poverty levels experienced by the populace in the globe today can be greatly attributed to the economic hard epoch.... ... ... ... It is quite essential to state that the bill on healthcare will adequately address the issue of healthcare mostly for the deprived who find difficulty spending and attaining quality healthcare services....
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The Conflict between the Management and the Shareholders
8 pages (2271 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The Conflict between the Management and the Shareholders' is a great example of a management case study.... When companies are formed, they are formed on the principle of going concerned which states that companies are established and are deemed to exist or operate into the unforeseeable future....
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The Legal Burden in Criminal Proceedings in England and Wales
10 pages (3433 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "The Legal Burden in Criminal Proceedings in England and Wales" discusses determining the allocation of the legal burden of proof continues to remain acutely problematic in criminal proceedings in England and Wales despite the decision of their lordship in R v Hunt.... ... ... ... There are however occasions when this burden of proof can be reversed thereby placing the onus on the defendant to prove their innocence....
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Transfusion reaction in a case with the rare Bombay blood group
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Diagnosis indicated unstable angina.... Further angiography revealed a three-vessel arterial disease.... The case represents a classical instance of misdiagnosis in determining the patient's.... ... ... The patient had Bombay blood phenotype instead of the usual blood group O.... The focus, in this case, is to determine the blood group of the patients and phenotypes in an accurate manner. ...
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Mental Health Through the Lifecourse
12 pages (3506 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
he patient's thought process can be said to have some varying levels of clarity and logic.... The paper "Mental Health Through the Lifecourse" is centered on providing a social work assessment of an assigned case.... The assessment will be focused on three major areas, which are risk assessment, a mental state examination, and a needs assessment of the individual in the case....
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Advertising Approaches based on Maggi Brand
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper is based on providing a vivid explanation of the advertising of brand Maggi.... Maggi was founded by Julius Maggi and founded by Nestle.... The brand Maggi is known for sauces, instant noodles, instant soups, bouillon cubes, Maggi noodles, and Maggi cube.... ... ... ... The prime mission of the company is to make food better that helps people to live a better life....
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Young People as Competent Community Builders
9 pages (2711 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
“Collaboration for youth development: Youth action programming”.... This paper "Young People as Competent Community Builders" discusses youth work that can be defined as activities with and for young people of a social, cultural, educational or political nature.... Increasingly, youth work activities also include sports and services for young people....
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The Tort of Negligence, Breach of Duty of Care, Harm or Loss Suffered
8 pages (2105 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The Tort of Negligence, Breach of Duty of Care, Harm or Loss Suffered' is an affecting variant of a case study on the law.... Does a legal duty of care exist between the Rocky Shire Council and Nerla?... Relevant Law According to CLA section 9(1) (a), for a legal duty of care to exist, the risk of harm must be reasonably foreseeable, and the defendant must be in a position of control....
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The Significance of Multinational Companies to the Economies of Less Developed Countries
6 pages (1757 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Significance of Multinational Companies to the Economies of Less Developed Countries" paper appreciates that multinational companies are not charities and that self-interest drives their activities first and foremost.... Multinationals possess what many Third World countries lack, and that is knowledge....
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Comparison of Research Designs on the Capital Structure of Cadbury plc
6 pages (2059 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Comparison of Research Designs on the Capital Structure of Cadbury plc" paper discusses two research designs that are applied in the analysis of the capital structure of Cadbury.... Cadbury is a global confectionery corporation.... The British company is owned by the Mondelez international.... ....
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