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Medico-legal Issues in Radiology Case Analaysing
6 pages (1743 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
"Medico-legal Issues in Radiology Case Analyzing" paper discusses the case, in terms of negligence, focuses on the roles of both Leo and Polly.... The author also comments on any shortcomings in the procedures and suggest how this event may have been avoided.... ... ... ... There is every possibility of a claim being allowed for negligence on the part of both the radiographers and the two nurses....
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Case analysis of NO GO Railroad
1 pages (250 words) , Download 24 , Case Study
The NOGO Railroad case study shows a case of a corporation suffering from both macro and micro HR problems, poor performance and lack of morale among employees.... Among the macro problems facing NOGO railroad include miscommunication due to complications in the resolution.... ... ... On the micro HR problems, the problems identified include favoritism, featherbedding, poor labor distribution, internal politics, and gender insensitivity in assigning contracts....
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Analysis of Residential Law Cases
8 pages (2309 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"Analysis of Residential Law Cases" paper analyzes the case which potentially increases the categories of professional persons such as Sam who may be held to owe a duty of care personally to those who rely on their services (Hazel Khan) as well as to their employers (Southwark Council).... ... ... ...
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Analysis of Sickle Cell Disease Case
11 pages (2995 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
"Analysis of Sickle Cell Disease Case" examines the case Naomigirl of 20 who with sickle cell disease.... She lives at home with her parents and siblings but is the only family member afflicted with SCD.... She is currently hospitalized and is on a pain management regimen consisting of strong opiates....
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Attitudes towards the employment of women in security organisation: case study a UK security company
2 pages (683 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Gender centred discrimination faced by female security guards has documented by various authors and scholars, argues that it manifests itself as a result of employers.... ... ... itting to customer liking for male security personnel, thus reallocating women security personnel to inopportune, reduced remunerating posts (Louise, 15, 2001)....
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Analysis of Case Concerning Immigration Asylum
8 pages (2092 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"Analysis of Case Concerning Immigration Asylum" paper discusses the five Convention reasons and articles of the ECHR on which to base her claim, the issue of persecution/well-founded fear and future persecution, and sufficiency of protection from the Ecuadorian authorities.... ... ... ... One of the issues with the articles of the ECHR is that there is a statute that forbids any kind of illegal activity, such as human trafficking to go on....
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Analysis of Land Law Case
6 pages (1649 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
"Analysis of Land Law Case" paper presents a report on a case based on land law.... The reports are drawn from the letters presented specifying the various issues accompanying the case.... Miss Ann Richmond has purchased the Glebe Cottage and the title has been taken to the land registry for registration....
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An Analysis of US vs. Patel Case
1 pages (295 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"An Analysis of US vs.... Patel Case" analizes the case which concerned a cardiologist by the name of Dr.... Panel who was engaging in unscrupulous and unethical activities.... He performed operations on his patients without letting them know what he was doing.... ... ... ... The decision made by the judge to punish Dr, Panel was justified by the fact that he conducted his duties in a way meant to harm the patients....
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The Case of Medical Malpractice
8 pages (2287 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "The Case of Medical Malpractice" discusses that it was very apparent that had the thorough watch been observed, the nurses could have taken care of the vomiting which led to Rodney inhaling his own vomit, later on resulting in his comatose condition and subsequent death.... ... ... ... The ruling of the trial court found the hospital liable for the alleged lapses in the monitoring of its nursing staff....
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Information Security Map Study
5 pages (1358 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Information Security Map Study" critically analyzes the structural elements of the information security map.... The objective of implementing information security is to ensure that the resources or assets are protected from unauthorized while ensuring that we still maintain confidentiality....
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Coral Springs Medical Center Sage: Oral Care Protocol
60 pages (15000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper describes several factors about oral care responds such as oropharyngeal colonization, oral secretions that can migrate to the subglottal area and dental plaque, also the author describes the benefits of oral hygiene among mechanically ventilated patients.... ... ... ... The determination and change of these risk factors have caused the drafting of strategies that may preclude the high incidence of VAP....
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The Nursing Care Management
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 9 , Case Study
This is care study related to a patient whose identity will remain undisclosed for confidentiality and ethical reasons.... For the purpose of this work of care analysis, her case will be taken, and she has been nicknamed Patricia.... .... ... ... According to the paper this is the story of a young woman with learning disability, where her clinical situation has been complicated by detection and diagnosis mental health disorder such as manic depression and other medical disorder....
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Study of Clown Phobias
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
To Layla, a 19 year-old college student, clowns are wholesome and amusing especially to children who often anticipate tricks and surprises.... Most of her experiences with clown shows in the.... ... ... past, she claimed, were happy ones for she and her friends were greatly fond of unpredictable antics and colorful exhibitions they had kept their eyes on, hoping for the clowns to present more sights of clever fun....
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The Becoming Company
6 pages (1664 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Users also need training on how to retrieve files and other key elements in the system before any set logic bomb blows up the system if detected early (Inc, 2002).... The whole system should be disconnected and handle the systems and computers separately to prevent the spread of the logic bomb.... After that, Lois should put in place implementation that tries solving the problem by blocking the logic bomb from moving to other systems within the organization....
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Asbestos in Industry: A Reflective Analysis of Johns-Manville Case
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
An author of the essay "Asbestos in Industry: A Reflective Analysis of Johns-Manville Case Study" aims to investigate the implications of workspace safety measures in asbestos producing and manufacturing companies.... Moreover, the writer would address legal responsibility in cases of accidents.... ...
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Business strategy case analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This strategy analysis is about the old and very popular "video format war" between Sony's Betamax and JVC's VHS technologies.... Betmax failed in the market although it was the first of such innovative technologies and VHS won the war.... This war is now a major case study in marketing studies.... ...
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The Case of an Accountant
6 pages (1625 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "The Case of an Accountant" focuses on Blake, an accountant, who owns a number of Apropex X18 computers.... At the start of this year, Blake was concerned that he required computers but could not afford the outlay involved in purchasing a new set of computers.... .... ... ... Sufficient notice was not given to Blake and though on the circular a small red hand was printed but it was not pointing to any trade term it was not more than a sign for PTO(Please turn over) and that too was non-descript....
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Dunworth Center Case
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author examines the case associated with Dunworth Centre, a company which has a problem with its human resource and now it has to acquire an appropriate course of action to address the problem.... The author tries to address the issue by employing relevant theories in handling human resource....
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Case Summary LEGO ( Based on the case reading to answer the four questions)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 12 , Case Study
Similarly, there are different evaluation criteria for different organizations and businesses, which ideally, depend on the operation mechanics of a particular organization.... In the.... ... ... se of LEGO, the criteria for use in evaluating the different product lines and business operations include accountability, competition, and lessons learnt....
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Analysis of Cross-Cultural Psychology Case
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
"Analysis of Cross-Cultural Psychology Case" paper suggests that different parts of this world hold different notions of incompetent communication during an interpersonal conflict.... Conflict research has been fixated for so long on behavioral manifestations.... ... ... ... Mundane conflicts are part of everyday life....
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The Failure of the Merger and Acquisition of AT & T and TCI
13 pages (3274 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
TCI through its other ventures it provides a broad array of video programming, comprising local, regional and national cable programming services, pay per view channels, local broadcast stations and sports programming packages to business and homes nationwide.... In spite of the recovery John Malone (the COE of TCI) wanted to get off the distribution business and return to his original area of programming.... The deal also left him with being in control of the programming segment of the company while enabling him to abandon the distribution operations of the business, which was his original mission in the botched Bell Atlantic merger....
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The New Strategy of Price and Product
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The aim of the study is to analyze the TiVo company which utilizes internet technologies to manipulate live television programming according to customer's preferences.... Product & Pricing (Marketing Management) Introduction Conceptually, TiVo is a well-thought out innovation of the modern age which utilizes internet technologies to manipulate live television programming according to customer's preferences.... The more quality programming TiVo and DirectTV present to its subscribers the more profit the will make because trust is developed....
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Zynga Case Analysis
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper presents a case analysis of Zynga, basing on the March 11, 2013 Harvard Business School article by Chen and Pikorski, entitled “Zynga (A),” which provides important insights into the company.... ... ... ... ZYNGA CASE ANALYSIS.... This paper presents a case analysis of Zynga, basing on the March 11, 2013 Harvard Business School article by Chen and Pikorski, entitled “Zynga (A),” which provides important insights into the company....
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Case Analysis: Vancity
5 pages (1394 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The focus of the paper "Case Analysis: Vancity" is on Vancity as a community based, member-owned financial institution, on British Columbia residents in Great Vancouver, Squamish, Victoria, and Fraser Valley, on Citizens Bank and Vancity, its social justice commitment.... ... ... ... The institution's day-to-day activities are investment services, lending, and banking....
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Construction law cases
2 pages (500 words) , Download 8 , Case Study
In the remodeling phase, the client orally requested for the work and later refused to pay the contractor after execution of work.... A contract is a binding document that is in written form in the tender document.... ... ... ... Claims in the change of scope of work are only payable if communication was in writing....
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Investigation, Research, Analysis and Real-World Case On Insider Trading
11 pages (3027 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Investigation, Research, Analysis and Real-World Case On Insider Trading" concerns unethical activity taking place in the firms dealing with finances and with stock broking agencies.... CEO of Galleon Group and the ex MD of McKinsey and the ex-director of Goldman Sachs come into contention....
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Class room management: Two case studies
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Class room management: Two case studies Introduction Any discussion on discipline in classrooms has to be based on the notion of “positive discipline” (Purkey and Strahan, 2002, p.... ).... A viable definition for discipline is, “actions that facilitate the development of self-control, responsibility and character” (Savage and Savage, 2009, p....
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Auditing Case Analysis
4 pages (1461 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Auditing Case Analysis" critically analyzes an auditing case providing an insight into the ups and downs of WorldCom and the world's largest fraud committed by it.... WorldCom started as a very small company with an internal audit group comprising of two staff without any prior auditing experience....
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Strategic Management for Travel and Tourism: Case of MyTravel plc
9 pages (3391 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Strategic Management for Travel and Tourism: Case of MyTravel plc" paper discusses the growth and development strategies adopted by MyTravel plc (formally Airtours) to rise gradually from a two people company to one of the biggest travel and tourism organization of the day.... ... ... ... The report investigates the problems, encountered by such big business magnates while treading on the path of success, due to poor management, legal disputes, and wrong decisions, besides other factors....
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Financial Management: Analysis of Butler Lumber Company Case
14 pages (4896 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The "Financial Management: Analysis of the Butler Lumber Company Case" paper sought to study the situation and prospects of a company seeking to expand its sales volume but is hampered by a lack of working capital with which to pursue its objectives.... ... ... ... For lack of standard common-size ratios, this study will apply the ratios of 1990 to 1991, which should look reasonable in view of the slight variability observed during the 3 years of financial data we have studied....
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The Practice of Persuasion Theory
3 pages (1149 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Nothstine & Michael (1989) have mentioned that 'most people have never been trained in formal logic and reasoning' (p.... ffective communication requires an adequate appeal to the passion, logic, and character of an individual.... In addition, she does not appeal to their logic by demonstrating clearly in very basic language how the project would be helpful to society as well as the donors.... The response given to the bank manager was not adequate and beats the logic for the event....
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The Case of Domestic Violence
8 pages (2307 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This paper "The Case of Domestic Violence" discusses the situation in the relationship between Maria and Homer.... Maria is likely to be regarded as a victim of domestic violence as the couple has had an intimate relationship in that they have regularly engaged in sexual intercourse.... ... ... ... My advice to Maria would be to apply to the courts for a non-molestation order and also request that an occupation order be issued to forcibly remove Homer from the property....
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Marketing Plan for Victoria's Secret
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The important elements of marketing Victoria's secret is to precisely define the business, identify the goals and serve as the Victoria's secret resume.... Pro forma balance sheet, an income statement, planning precise strategies and cash flow analyses comprises the basic components of a marketing plan Victoria's secret....
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Case Law: Graham v. Florida
4 pages (1320 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Case Law: Graham v.... Florida" focuses on the critical analysis of the real legal case, i.... .... Graham v.... Florida.... Graham committed an armed burglary at the age of 16 years with the other two defendants.... A co-defendant hit the head of a restaurant manager with a hard object....
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Care of Patient Undergoing General Anesthesia
8 pages (2462 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
The author of the case study "Care of Patient Undergoing General Anesthesia" states that As an anesthesia assistant, this writer comes across patients undergoing surgical operations in practice.... However, in practice, anesthesia is mandatory before any surgical procedure.... .... ... ... As an assistant, this writer has to carry out different parts of the whole procedure of anesthesia where safe transit of the patient from preoperative state to postoperative reversal is the goal, while the surgical team performs the surgery....
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Chipotle case analysis
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
CMG happens to be the largest player in the over $ 7 billion-plus “domestic fast-casual Mexican restaurant category”.... In terms of total equity, CMG boasted of approximately US $ 1.... 45 billion as of 2012.... With its international expansion, having 17 locations out of the.... ... ... ited States as of October 2014 and a highly dedicated field team that delivers nothing but quality with the apprentice team leaders, and response to customer's needs, CMG's success is definitely on an upward trajectory in terms of equity, client base, operating income and Chipotle's Case Analysis al affiliation Do you think CMG is currently a successful company?...
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Integrative Counseling and Psychotherapy: The Case of Janet
17 pages (4818 words) , Download 11 , Case Study
"Integrative Counseling and Psychotherapy: The Case of Janet" paper argues that psychological cases require specific intervention measures in order for therapists to tackle them appropriately.... This includes taking appropriate approaches to aspects such as theoretical models to use intervention models....
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The Law for Non-Lawyers: Analysis of Billy Case
8 pages (2320 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of the paper titled "The Law for Non-Lawyers: Analysis of Billy Case" explores the guidance and general principles that need to be put into consideration when making the decisions regarding whether to prosecute Billy for the alleged assault.... ... ... ... The law is an important instrument for enhancing orderliness and peaceful co-existence within the community....
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Case Analysis of Currency Risk Management
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Foreign exchange hedging is a very significant aspect of the company.... This is because AIFS generates majority of its revenue in the American.... ... ... However, the expenses of the company ire incurred through other global currencies, especially the British Pounds (GBP) and the Euros (EUR).... The currency mismatch is expected and very normal, due to the internationally diverse business nature of AIFS....
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Comment Letter on a Study
18 pages (4875 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Comment Letter on a Study" is an outstanding example of a Finance & Accounting case study.... The conceptual framework in accounting is aimed at describing the objectives, the concepts, and the general purposes of financial reporting.... The conceptual framework assists International Accounting Standards Board to develop accounting standards that are consistent....
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Analysis of Property Law Case
7 pages (2013 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
"Analysis of Property Law Case" paper argues that the Grays' assertions are most peculiar given the tenor of the law in this area and its apparent certainty and clarity.... Having said that they may be in possession of materials not currently at my disposal.... ... ... ... Intriguingly, the Grays seem to be suggesting the polar opposite of the law in this area....
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Factors Contributing To Individual Differences in Stress Response
7 pages (2286 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The researches on the developmental programming of the stress system have examined the roles played by the environmental stressors or the exogenous glucocorticoids in the development of sensitivity to stress by an individual (Claessens et al, 2011).... The researches aimed at examining the effects of more adverse experiences in the developmental programming (Claessens et al, 2011).... It is then evident that early adversity plays a significant role in developmental programming of various disorders....
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Terry v. Ohio Case Brief
3 pages (750 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
The short description of Terry v.... Ohio can be explained as the U.... .... Supreme Court decision that upheld the 4th amendment prohibition pertaining to unreasonable search and seizures.... The decision of the court states that the 4th Amendment right is not violated when a police officer stops a suspect in the street and proceeds to frisk him even though there is no visible probably cause to arrest the person....
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The University Art Museum Case Analysis
2 pages (500 words) , Download 10 , Case Study
With the firing or resignation of the museum's previous director a number of competing perspectives on the nature of the.... ... ... The previous director has assumed a management structure from an individual with a long history at the institution and shifted the museum's focus from one largely entrenched in scholarly and university concerns to one with a more Museum Case Study Analysis In considering the development of an overriding vision and direction for the Museum there are a number of factors that must be considered....
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Background of the Medical Sector in the US - Perpetual Mercy Hospital Case
5 pages (1448 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The current case study "Background of the Medical Sector in the US - Perpetual Mercy Hospital Case" is of a hospital Perpetual Mercy Hospital that might face stiff competition in the future.... This is a nonprofit general hospital that is the largest in the city and one of the largest in the country....
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Enterprise Architecture: Case of AchiFarm
7 pages (1943 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Enterprise Architecture: Case of AchiFarm" is a great example of a case study on business.... The stakeholders involved in AchiFarm's dairy activities include the management of the company, retailers, distributors, the board, animal feed producers, equipment suppliers, farm staff, and veterinarians....
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The Design of an Operating System Performance - the Windows Kernel
9 pages (2509 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
5 File Organization In structuring a system, the C programming language source code file plays a vital role.... Along with same lines, the percentage reveals that the labeled statements must go on to the targets for example, an intense violations regarding structured programming principles.... There are three other ways to identify the programming practices that contain style guideline generally and they are: overly long lines of code (characters per line metric), the direct use of “magic” numbers in the code (% of numeric constants in operands), and the de?...
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The Interesting Case of Dr. Hawley Harvey Crippen
7 pages (2115 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The "Interesting Case of Dr.... Hawley Harvey Crippen" paper takes a close in-depth look into this interesting case with a brief study on Dr.... Crippen's life history.... It also investigates the details that led to the capture, trial, and subsequent hanging of Dr.... Crippen.... ... ... ... Hawley Harvey Crippen, more famous as Dr....
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Cases of Bile Duct Blockage and Subsequent Acute Cholecystitis
8 pages (2430 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper 'Cases of Bile Duct Blockage and Subsequent Acute Cholecystitis' presents acute cholecystitis which is an inflammation of the gallbladder that is characterized by a sharp pain in the upper right quadrant.... It is usually caused by the presence of gallstones.... ... ... ... There may also be bacterial species present, including Escherichia coli or Salmonella spp....
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Tegan & Hrad cases
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Hrad Technika had shown that they could deliver on such projects within time and within budget, at acceptable quality levels.... Tegan did not feel confident enough that by using internal resources,.... ... ... Time was of the essence for his project.... As Vogl pointed out, there was a very strict time in which the system should have gone live....
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