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The Becoming Company - Case Study Example

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In the paper “The Becoming Company” the author discusses the case of the involvement of the Becoming Company in training and inspiration together with the recent online e-business. The computer networking is composed of topologies such as bus, star and linear topologies coupled together…
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The Becoming Company
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The Becoming Company The involvement of The Becoming Company in training and inspiration together with the recent online e-business involves a lot of computer networking. The computer networking in this case is composed of topologies such as bus, star and linear topologies coupled together to form the network. Internet Gateways have also been utilized. These components need to work efficiently without interruptions for performance and attainment of company’s goals. The performance and well-being of these topologies and arrangements is only possible when the staff and management are involved in the operation of computers, and other applications works in the system, which does not jeopardize service provision by these facilities. It is in this note that the computer facilities should be operated with distinct order and adequate security of its servers. The Becoming Company in its networking utilizes the three topologies; that is the star topology, bus topology and the linear topology. It also uses a Sun Microsystems Blade 6048 with 48 server modules as an Internal Gateway helps ease the operation of the company, and beneficial to the company since operating it is easy. Its unique features make the blade powerful, efficient and reliable. The design of 6048 allows it to perform its duties such as database, enterprise operation, high-performance computers and data consolidating and visualization (Bicsi, 2002). These features are coupled to improve the performance of the system. The company has managed to increase and maintain its performance by combining the three topologies to form 3 Internet Gateway web servers S1, S2 and S3. The bus topology (S1), which is the simplest network, is made up of the trunk and segment connecting all computers in the network. The system acts as an operating system, which enables the company transfer data and business transactions carried out effectively and pass through the gateway for processing. In this topology, every system is normally attached to signals over the channel. One computer usually sends data at a time; bus topology, however, is slow in data transmission. This form of arrangement is cheap since it requires short cable and its simplicity and makes it efficient and economical to the company. Data collision does not occur in the system since all networks are connected to a cable terminator (lanoff, 2010). The use of ring topology involve connecting nodes to form a single closed data path, these enables the system achieve high transmission rates than when connections made using bus topology network. The cost of establishing and installation of this network is considerably reduced since there is no central server making cost efficient. In this system, data are transmitted through a single channel hence data collision avoided. Star topology (S3) consists of central nodes with all other nodes connected (Bicsi, 2001). The network connection is normally used when dealing with data with existing information in the system and when dealing with data processing and voice communication. This system enables the company accomplish its activities like; finance, marketing, business management and other useful services offered by the company. The system does enable the company to diagnose and isolate a problem in its early stages with ease. The system is efficient in that addition of new computers to the system is easy thus, service provision made easy. The system is, however, expensive as it requires several nodes and the long cable required makes the system inefficient. Security of the system was achieved by use of DMX, which are proxier and usually used for directing traffic and inspecting the information before directing it to the internal network S2 for processing. The arrangements of this system ensure that security is maintained. Writing of application in plain old java and using java services ensures that security is maintained; thus, the information and data processing is always safe (Bicsi, 2001). The company, however, using this system of the network where all the three topologies used does face problems. Arranging the system and installation becomes a difficult process and an expensive one. Policy statements Establishment of necessary security control mechanism for computer network system, this is for the purpose of providing security of networks of data transfer and offer protection to the network The company to adopt a system, which will ensure that the operations of the system are cost effective, efficient and reliable to ensure that the company realizes and meet its objectives. The network users to access network within the scope. Management and controlling of data transfer will be achieved by deploying firewalls at the points linking with external networks. Equipping firewall with proxy servers for the provision and control of network services. Technical and administrative controls for the configurations The Becoming Company experiences technical and administrative problems in its configuration and; thus, it should look for everlasting solutions. Devising administrative and technical controls for the configuration is the best way to go. Adoption of these control measures brings about efficiency, accuracy, reliability and effectiveness in performing its roles and duties. This is crucial for the company since the company’s activities depends on the accuracy of data from the system. A system, which is ineffective and insecure, is vulnerable to problems leading to failure to execute its roles (Marakas & O'Brien, 2011) Technical control to be adopted by the company includes; ensuring that the workstations and servers have enough protection, accomplished by use of power outages. This ensures that power supplies do not experience any interruptions. By so doing the system will be reliable and, thus, its effectiveness attained. Physical security of the system should be secured, for example, if the company is using laptops then security achieved by use of cable locks or using swipe cards within this company. This control approach ensures that the system is always secure. Ensuring that the wireless network remains secure, the use password will ensure that users of the network are the only one with information regarding the network and its security. Use of passwords will ensure that there is no misuse due to easy accessibility, thus leading to extra costs to the company (lanoff, 2010). Administrative control of the configuration achieved through various ways. Firewall activation and adjustment of administrator’s settings will make the system safe and free from possibilities of employees disabling. This will prevent the employees accessing the firewall; it ensures it is only accessed by the administrator. Creating a system whereby the administrator is the only who can change the password. The control reduces chances and tendencies of employees from changing the company’s password. These changes need to be put in place by the company as it will assist in its operations, thus its success and efficiency in its activities (Marakas & O'Brien, 2011). The other administrative control is to ensure everyone operates with a different password within their workstation and they should be kept secret by the user. This way in case, one member has evil intention of doing anything, other systems will not be affected. The last administrative approach is to have another set of alternative password that can reinstate the system in case one user messes up with their area of operation. Users also need training on how to retrieve files and other key elements in the system before any set logic bomb blows up the system if detected early (Inc, 2002). Episode What Lois could have done? In the episode, Lois should have taken an initiative of listening to both sides; he could consult the system administrator concerning the cause of the matter and let all the other programmers know of the situation. This should have come before termination. This is because his action denies the administrator the freedom to express himself; she should have taken the view from both sides rather than being partial. It would also have enabled them to reset password so that the programmer would no longer have access to the system (Bicsi, 2002). What Lois could do now about the whole episode? Being the manager in the IT department, Lois should seek to determine the cause of the problem. The process is achieved by involving analysts and other programmers to diagnose the problem. The whole system should be disconnected and handle the systems and computers separately to prevent the spread of the logic bomb. After that, Lois should put in place implementation that tries solving the problem by blocking the logic bomb from moving to other systems within the organization. The manager should also ensure hierarchy is maintained with effective communication. This will enable the episode root minimal effect before full correction, and implementation put in place to avoid future occurrence (lanoff, 2010). Policy statements to address the episode Policy statements to be adopted by the Becoming Company in addressing the episode in order to avoid future occurrence include; The company to work on installation of port blocking software for preventing the effects of antivirus software affecting the hardware. The company needs to develop and maintain healthy communication with all the parties involved, these will ensure that potential weaknesses and effects on the software are eliminated. The company will work to give every user a distinct password for their workstation and no one should share theirs as it will amount to breach of regulations. Termination of employees will only take place after the management has met and discuss on the issues. Inter units transmission of data will only be managed by the administrator and authorized entities only to avoid likely viruses affecting the whole system. Front-end transactions, and ring topology will be two separate sections and no one is allowed access of either of login details (Heijden, 2009). References: Bicsi, B., (2002). Network Design Basics for Cabling Professionals. City: McGraw-Hill Professional. Heijden, J. G. M. (2009). Designing management information systems. New York: Oxford University Press. Inc, S. (2002). Networking Complete. Third Edition. San Francisco: Sybex. lanoff, L. (2010). “Computer Trouble Isn`t Always What You Think It Is.” PC Magazine, Nov. 2010. Web. 3 Dec. 2010. Marakas, A. and O'Brien, George M. (2011). Management information systems (Global ed., 10th ed. ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Read More
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