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Getting by on Less : Practical Recommendation on Personal Budgeting
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Rather than digging a very deep debt hole, it needs to be the responsibility of the individual to find and pursue a path of fiscal responsibility which seeks to inject a level of logic and self restraint with regards to the purchases and expenditures that take place on a daily basis....
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Turbine-Engine Ignition and Starter Systems
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
Each of the two ignition systems consist of an exciter, ignition plug and the ignition lead.... The article has gone ahead to describe the functions of each of the parts.... ... ... The exciter serves as the power supply for the entire ignition system.... As such, it provides sufficiently high voltage that is required to fire the igniter plugs....
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Cognitive behavior therapy for eating disorders; a transdignostic theory and treatment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
The CBT of BN was described first in 1981.... After several years Fairburn defined a detailed procedure that had the theory's complete exposition on which it based the.... ... ... The theory has been studied extensively and a treatment emanated from it.... The theory has been tested in many trials....
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Response Evaluation
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper presents a very good response to the article that is a very brief one by 'rabia al adiwyyah' because the response reflects the fundamentals of Islam in their true spirit that are often misconstrued by the critics as well as in the article.... ... ... ... She says that it is wrong to refer to the matter as 'political Islam' as Islam and politics are inseparable following the fundamental teachings of Islam....
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Enhancing Cognition in Older Adults
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The authors of this study examined a program directed towards improving cognition in older adults, which in turn was found to increase the openness of the participants to new experiences.... This finding is in direct contradiction to the long-held belief that personality traits are.... ... ... The study found that the personality trait of openness, which encompasses being creative and taking new ideas and challenges positively, is significantly associated with one's cognitive abilities. ...
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Should You Grant IRS More Audit Time by Robert W. Wood
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Should You Grant IRS More Audit Time by Robert W.... Wood" indicated that the IRS is obliged to follow regulations to notify taxpayers of their rights when they are requested to extend the assessment statute which he acknowledged can be reviewed and accessed through Audit Report No.... 2011-30-055....
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Words Don't Mean What They Mean by S. Pinker
1 pages (322 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Words Don't Mean What They Mean by S.... Pinker" discusses how words said normally don't mean what they say.... Human hypocrisy is depicted in how disguise is done to make others do the same yet we seek the plain truth.... ... ... ... According to Pinker (n.... ), people use different words or phrases instead of directly saying what they mean....
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Veterinary Population Medicine
1 pages (278 words) , Download 1 , Article
.... ... ... The paper "Veterinary Population Medicine" is a worthy example of an article review on health sciences and medicine.... The titles and authors of Article Assignment in Travis Lee's journal are, 'Veterinary Population Medicine'' by Travis D.... , Davee Center for Epidemiology and Endocrinology by Travis D....
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Leadership for Change
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Article
Leadership is a multifaceted concept that requires one to possess adequate intelligence and understanding of one's environment and roles thus becoming capable of envisioning the future of the team.... Leaders must be proactive and involve their subjects in the decision making.... ... ... In leading change, a leader must have the ability to sense opportunity and take both risks and responsibilities for the outcomes of the decisions they make....
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Seeing by Annie Dillard
1 pages (265 words) , Download 1 , Article
In the essay 'Seeing by Annie Dillard' the author analyzes the article written by Annie Dillard, which is a philosophical account of the fact that not every person can look at things clearly like a person who is blind from the birth, lovers, and infants.... ... ... ... The author's thesis in the paper is 'Seeing-is-believing' for those who can observe the obvious without prejudgments....
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Multicultural Education
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
It moves from the definition of multicultural education which is an educational movement that is aimed at fulfilling the values such as justice, equality, freedom as well as.... ... ... The article also provides recommendation of what can be done in classrooms to ensure that multicultural education is embraced and utilized....
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Reading in the ESOL Classroom: A Technique for Teaching Syntactic Meaning
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Reading in the ESOL Classroom: A Technique for Teaching Syntactic Meaning" discusses TESOL Quarterly proffered pertinent issues relative to a technique that is specifically used for reading classes in the ESOL classroom setting.... ... ... ... The article vividly illustrated the identified technique through sentence patterns using ' 'There" + "be" + complement' (Wilson, 1973, p....
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Determination of Fan Satisfaction
1 pages (299 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Determination of Fan Satisfaction" determines the effect of the uncertainty of the outcome of the game on the fan ratings and the final scores of the individual.... A hypothesis is performed by the authors to check the negative or positive effects of the victory margins on the game....
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Globalization, Knowledge and the Myth of the Magnet Economy by Brown, Philip and Lauder, Hugh
1 pages (329 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author of the article "Globalization, Knowledge and the Myth of the Magnet Economy by Brown, Philip and Lauder, Hugh" proclaims that the world is at a stage of a global knowledge economy making education the overarching factor contributing to the magnet economy.... ... ... ... In the article, the authors acknowledge that through education, nations no longer engage in bloody wars rather than they engage in knowledge wars where new technologies are applied, barriers to international trade and investments are also broken, and this requires the application of high skills which of course links back to education thus human capital....
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Undertaking a Literature Review: a Step-by-Step Approach by Cronin, Ryan, and Coughlan
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Undertaking a Literature Review: a Step-by-Step Approach by Cronin, Ryan, and Coughlan" explains the process of completing a literature review.... The article is about reviewing the literature on a topic.... Writing literature reviews is a skill to be acquired and nurtured.... ... ... ...
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Modernization and Westernization of Kemalist Turkey by Henric Fuch
7 pages (2012 words) , Download 0 , Article
The main objective of the author is to focus on two factors: the failure of Turkey to represent itself as modernized according to Kemal Ataturk's logic of western civilization and the relevance of Kemalism regarding the modernization.... The paper "Modernization and Westernization of Kemalist Turkey by Henric Fuch" states that we might discuss Gidden's stress on retaining self-identity – 'we are faced with a situation where humankind becomes a 'we' and so we are faced with a situation where there is no other....
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How Should We Conceive Public Opinion if Bourdieu Asserts that Public Opinion Does not Exist
8 pages (2411 words) , Download 1 , Article
The logic of Collective Action.... "How Should We Conceive Public Opinion if Bourdieu Asserts that Public Opinion Does Not Exist" paper argues that there are problems in the society that requires the presence of public opinion.... No one can ignore the presence of public opinion....
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The Development of the Microchip as a Revolutionary Advance
8 pages (2318 words) , Download 2 , Article
The performance of microchips is extremely elevated for the reason that the minute size permits short traces which in turn permits small power logic (Jakeway 2001). ... The article 'The Development of the Microchip as a Revolutionary Advance' talks about the revolutionary progress in the development of computer technology - Microchip....
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The Bureau-Shaping Typology
8 pages (2190 words) , Download 2 , Article
The strategy path is extensively opened, if Public Sector Reform is to be put into practice energetically and according to its fundamental logic, for rising the extent for "hiving off and "privatization" of one form or a further.... The paper "The Bureau-Shaping Typology" analyzes that this theory quality the allocation decision to political dynamics such as governments strip themselves of disliked decisions, responsibility uneven by politicians, financial plan maximization and the propensity for bureau shaping....
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Ancient Egyptian Dance Culture
7 pages (2050 words) , Download 0 , Article
logic was rejected and they believed in the power of magic rituals.... The paper "Ancient Egyptian Dance Culture" tells us about analyzes the culture and dance styles that prevailed during all three stages of ancient Egyptian civilization and will also provide details on the comparison with modern dancing culture prevailing today....
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Implications of SNOMED CT Versioning by Leea, Cornetb and Laua
5 pages (1387 words) , Download 0 , Article
This paper analyzes the article 'Implications of SNOMED CT versioning' by Leea, Cornetb, and Laua.... The results of the study have some major impact on healthcare regarding its practice and service delivery.... The article analyses different changes to the SNOMED clinical terms.... ... ... ... Generally, the study found out that some of the changes could contribute to unexpected consequences especially in subsequent encoding, subsumption testing, and equivalency as well as the querying of a SNOMED clinical term (Leea, Cornetb and Laua 443)....
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Research and journalism
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Journalism and research are two different areas of analysis and writing.... This paper seeks to discuss the differences between the two.... For this purpose, the paper will discuss the differences from the perspective of philosophy and research methodologies.... The discussion will be based on various areas of developing a piece of work starting from conception and data collection, to the analysis and conclusion. ...
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Gender Dynamics of Organizational Leadership & Politics
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Article
This paper "Gender Dynamics of Organizational Leadership & Politics" focuses on the fact that in the US, as well as in other countries that mainly value the element of individual achievement as opposed to collectivism, an immense amount of attention is directed towards the capacity of the leaders....
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The Problem with off Label and Unlicensed Medication
8 pages (2191 words) , Download 0 , Article
his form of learning inculcates use of logic and scientific analysis.... The paper "The Problem with off Label and Unlicensed Medication" states that the multiple-choice answers equip the person with a competitive spirit.... The Disadvantages of Multiple choice would be that it leaves no element of doubt and should the examinee be wrong, he would lose all his marks....
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Marketing: Research, Theory and Practice
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
In this article 'Marketing: Research, Theory, and Practice' the writer has taken the focus away from mere sales growth and profit figures in order to show how the various aspects of marketing can contribute to the overall brand image and thus create a better environment for garnering of financial inputs....
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Healthy Case for Letting Doctors Judge Teens Best Interests by Dominic Wilkinson
6 pages (1529 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Healthy Case for Letting Doctors Judge Teens Best Interests by Dominic Wilkinson " provides situations that help in the justification that teenagers should not be allowed to make their own resolutions concerning their health.... The situations provide a basis for judging the decisions made....
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Discussion of Global Problems of Humanity
5 pages (1423 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Discussion of Global Problems of Humanity" describes that hunger is yet another issue affecting a significant portion of the human population.... In a simple equation, if every human being can sufficiently produce his or her own consumption of food then there is an absence of hunger.... ...
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Managing Gas Prices and the Law of Supply and Demand
5 pages (1524 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Managing Gas Prices and the Law of Supply and Demand" focuses on the critical analysis and discussion of the relationship between gas prices and the law of supply and demand that play a major role in the managerial principles during the managerial classes.... ... ... ... In the field of management, there are different events which the manager needs to comprehensively understand to ensure that the company or the organization he is managing would not collapse or fail....
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Explaining Mens Entry
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
This essay analyzes that 'Explaining Men's Entry into Female Concentrated occupations: Issues of Masculinity and Social Class' by Ben Lupton has forced the people to look at the gender issue from a new perspective of men foraying into so-called women dominated area of work.... ... ... ... The article is a research study that has touched an aspect of the gender issue that is not voluntary but forced on the so-called dominating male....
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Involvement and Young Adults Sexual Health Knowledge
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Article
In the paper 'Involvement and Young Adults' Sexual Health Knowledge' investigated the effects of magazine reading on the sexual health and behaviors of undergraduate students.... Particular emphasis has been placed on social media artifacts because they are so heavily used by adolescents and young adults....
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IPhone Demand Outstrips Supply in China By Owen Fletcher
2 pages (1115 words) , Download 0 , Article
Apple iPhone 4 was released in the U.... .... on June 2010 and introduced in China last September 2010.... Normally, it would take years before a new Apple product is introduced in the.... ... ... This shortened release time is one of the cited reasons why there is an unbalanced demand and supply of iPhone 4 in China....
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Schooled by Success
4 pages (1147 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'Schooled by Success' is an intriguing example of a business article.... The current employment market is becoming highly competitive.... This has made young people be more creative in the creation of self-employment and of course creating wealth.... It has undertaken this study to explore factors that have facilitated the growth and the advancement of entrepreneurship in Australia....
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Alleviating Problems in Police Agencies
51 pages (12750 words) , Download 2 , Article
This essay "Alleviating Problems in Police Agencies" is to examine and synthesize the knowledge of democratic governance theories, and evaluate the potential conflict between police stress and police misuse of force.... The essay analyses the notion of a government of the people, by the people.... ...
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Impact of the European Union and EU Law on the UK Law and Business
18 pages (5115 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article considers the impact of the European Union and EU law on UK law and business.... It discusses the tension between European Community law and national law.... It outlines the legal framework of the EU and its enforcement practice and makes references to both European and national laws....
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(Ethics and Communication) Illinois among states to settle with GlaxoSmithKline
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article discusses the key aspects of a vital settlement that was reached between GlaxoSmithKLine with 37 states for selling prescribed antidepressant from its Puerto Rico factory subsidiary.... This particular settlement divided the money between District of Columbia and other states.... ... ...
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Roots of development
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the article “Roots of development”, the author discusses different points of views of various economists on factors that determine economic growth with each of them arguing differently.... Some argue that climate which is affected by geography affect economic growth while.... ... ... However, for rapid and sustained economic growth, both geography and governmental policies have to be mutually inclusive. ...
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Culture and Business
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
Culture in business affects the operation, focus and the hierarchy of leadership.... The role of culture in business has been massive because they determine the mode of.... ... ... Culture defines the development of relationships between suppliers and customers as well the development of a marketing plan and objectives....
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Periodontal Disease and Diabetes
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Article
This paper will show the association between periodontal disease and diabetes by summarizing an article from the Journal of Periodontology of April 2013.... The article shows that evidence has linked diabetes to the prevalence and severity periodontal (or gum) disease.... Diabetes is.... ... ... haracterized by a weakened and deregulated immune system, and among the consequences are a notable, ongoing inflammatory state and limited immune response....
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What Stocks to Buy by Mankwin
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "What Stocks to Buy by Mankwin" aims to pass across the point that while it is difficult to presume which stocks are the best for investment.... It is much safer to invest in those that do not fluctuate easily than investing in those that may be doing well at the time in question.... ...
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The Role of Uncertainty of Outcome and Scoring in the Determination of Fan Satisfaction in the NFL
1 pages (327 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "The Role of Uncertainty of Outcome and Scoring in the Determination of Fan Satisfaction in the NFL" embarked on an investigation of the fan rating after each game was played.... The authors would have included a section of how the performing leagues manage to attract fans to their games....
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The Metrics That Will Make Your CMO Love You
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article 'The Metrics That Will Make Your CMO Love You' highlighted initiatives used by marketing officers to ensure higher returns by attracting more customers.... Decoding the customer metrics and realigning present marketing plans will lead to positive results.... ... ... ... As the paper tells, understanding how the customers make their decisions on various brands in the market will help the officers to balance their approaches on media channels used in advertising....
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Debt Hamstrings Recovery by Tom Lauricellay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Article
As the paper "Debt Hamstrings Recovery by Tom Lauricellay" tells, the global oil prices, US inflation rates, and unemployment are not sufficient indicators of a country's economy.... Currently, nearly all US citizens have mortgages and more credit-card debt than they had five years ago.... ... ... ...
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Wireless Company Has Its Roots in Wire Sales by Joe Mosley
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Article
"Wireless Company Has Its Roots in Wire Sales by Joe Mosley" paper contains a summary and reflection of Mosley's article that narrates the history of the Feeney Wireless of Eugene (FWE).... The company named Feeney Wire Rope & Rigging (FWRR) has an essential difference in comparison to FWE.... ... ...
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Group Productivity
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Group Productivity" comprehensively discusses the topic of group productivity and how an individual can best use the skills of a group while leading it.... There are multifarious factors explained in the article which suggest the importunate value and paramount importance of group work....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Nonprofit Management Name Institution Introduction According to the Michael article regarding on the Nonprofit Management and its principles, nonprofit organizations play an important role in our society.... Their efforts help attend the needs of underprivileged groups that are not properly attended by governmental entities....
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Bodily Labour among Professional Boxers
6 pages (1643 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Bodily Labour among Professional Boxers" outlines the relationship between the physique of a pugilist and the social interaction associated with the performance of the boxer.... The article compares pugilist social behaviour, their training involvement and field performance.... ... ...
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Oil Dependence is a Dangerous Habit by Rebecca Lefton, Daniel J. Weiss
1 pages (299 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article " Oil Dependence is a Dangerous Habit by Rebecca Lefton, Daniel J.... Weiss" emphasizes the concept of the dependence of the world and specifically of the United States of America on Fossil Fuels.... It states the importance of revolutionizing the concept of energy reforms.... .... ...
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Who Develops Posttraumatic Stress Disorder by Ozer and Weiss
1 pages (285 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article " Who Develops Posttraumatic Stress Disorder?... by Ozer and Weiss " attempts to answer a question that has gained significant interest in posttraumatic stress disorder research, that is, why certain people who have experienced a traumatic event develop PTSD, and others do not.... .... ...
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Analysis of Satirical News
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article analyses satirical news such as the 'The Daily Show', 'The Colbert Report' or 'The Onion' may not be one's traditional news but it certainly evokes a deeper meaning beyond what is hilarious and unbelievable.... Satirical news is a welcome relief from all the reports.... ... ... ... Today's news is often packed with news of wars, disasters, political bickering, terrorism, crimes and economic and financial problems such as inflation and unemployment....
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Online Obsessive Relational Intrusion: Further Concerns About Facebook
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article proffered issues pertinent to an examination of social networking sites, particularly Facebook, as facilitators of Online Obsessive Relational Intrusion (o-ORI), or stalking.... The research question focused on determining if social networking sites encourage this kind.... ... ... Through conducting an online survey, the authors solicited the participation of 230 respondents of a Canadian business university....
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