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This article discusses the key aspects of a vital settlement that was reached between GlaxoSmithKLine with 37 s for selling prescribed antidepressant from its Puerto Rico factory subsidiary. This particular settlement divided the money between District of Columbia and other states. The case was headed by Oregon and Illinois because they company violated the protection laws which resulted in a $750 million in criminal and civil settlements. The root cause was the fact that GlaxoSmithKline contaminated two main ingredients in the antidepressant in the ointment they produced.
Although the two main ingredients: Kytril and Bactroban were not fully contaminated, the tablets possessed not a full dose of an active ingredient which did not satisfy the appropriate percentage of the substance listed in the bottle. Although the company denied of fraud, the head attorney confirmed that the accusation was legit and the attempt to earn revenue through illegal practices were exercised. Without a doubt, this article depicted the controversy related to a company who was charged of fraud because of varied content of substance in their capsules.
Although the company has an excellent reputation for following compliances implemented by the government; these type of instances should still be taken into account. Ethically speaking, the company should have made some attempt to at least inquire with the FDA to discuss the gravity of this situation. However, the company instead is denying the charges that it made to benefit itself in the long-run. Clearly, this type of hostile attitude does not only poses a risk for corporate ethics; it also serves as a reminder of these type of scenarios can be detrimental to society itself.
Corporations must make it their obligation to take responsibility in any sort of moral dilemmas so they lives of many can be saved.
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