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Multicultural Education - Article Example

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It moves from the definition of multicultural education which is an educational movement that is aimed at fulfilling the values such as justice, equality, freedom as well as…
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Multicultural Education
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Multicultural Education Affiliation: Summary The article is a brief discussion about what multicultural education is and what it entails. It moves from the definition of multicultural education which is an educational movement that is aimed at fulfilling the values such as justice, equality, freedom as well as opportunities to its goals, advantages and disadvantages. The article also provides recommendation of what can be done in classrooms to ensure that multicultural education is embraced and utilized.

These recommendations are provided through a series of examples which can be provided through different lessons in a classroom (Garcia, 2009). How it could be used to better teach students from different culturesStudents from different cultures are still new to the issue of ethnicity and racism and hence are the best people to be provided with multicultural education for the future of the nation. These students who are from various communities should be imparted with important knowledge such as of eliminating stereotypes and any behavior that is prejudicial.

They can also be taught to embrace positive self-image of themselves and that of other as well. With the students being made to think about freedom and justice at all times, they are bound to have increased cultural awareness as well as intercultural awareness. This will mean that they will aim at creation of a safe and free environment for people to learn and reflect positively about the multiple histories of different cultures. This will eventually lead to creation of a society and nation that is together and strengthened as one despite their differences in cultures.

Challenges are bound to arise during teaching due to socialization patterns but determination and curiosity of the students can be counted upon to counter the challenges. ReferencesGarcia, E. (2009).Multicultural Education in Your Classroom. Teach Hub. Retrieved from

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