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The Psychology of Sexual Offending
9 pages (2458 words) , Download 1 , Article
om/articles/46368.... "The Psychology of Sexual Offending" paper argues that although sexual offenders continue to offend there still remains the difficulty in deciding the types of treatment that are needed.... This may be due to the fact that there are such discrepancies between offenders and their characteristics....
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Patient- Centered Framework
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper elaborates some of the research findings on patient autonomy and analyses the results of a few research articles.... PATIENT-CENTERED FRAMEWORK Abstract Patient autonomy is the focus of patient-centered care.... Research has investigated the various aspects of patient autonomy and how the nursing process facilitates it....
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Overcoming Cultural Differences in an Overseas Subsidiary
7 pages (2042 words) , Download 1 , Article
This work "Overcoming Cultural Differences in an Overseas Subsidiary" focuses on formulating adequate strategies of the cultural paradigm.... The author describes a cultural difference in the working styles of some nations, their attitude towards hard work, hospitality, masculine nature.... From this work, it is clear about the strong parts of nations....
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Post Discharge Care and Hospital Readmission
8 pages (2266 words) , Download 2 , Article
Much research conducted in this topic have focused on different parameters and it creates difficulty in the determination of the relevance and appropriateness of the articles Moreover, there is little literature that explores the unintended outcomes and consequence of these interventions....
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Are You a Collaborative Leader by Herminia Ibarra and Morten Hansen
6 pages (1658 words) , Download 0 , Article
In the article, ‘Are You a Collaborative Leader', the author, Herminia Ibarra and Morten Hansen, tried to describe the importance of collaborative leadership in this age of competitiveness.... This is because through collaborative leadership style, a leader might easily.... ... ... The paper 'Are You a Collaborative Leader by Herminia Ibarra and Morten Hansen' a persuasive example of human resources article....
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Effect of Positive Affective Displays
5 pages (1367 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'Effect of Positive Affective Displays' tries to explain how these behaviors affect the receivers or the customers.... The article indicates that the affective displays can be categorized into two distinct sections, namely intensity and authenticity.... ... ... ... With regard to intensity, the employees are required to display certain actions like smiling, changing intonation, and greeting the customers with high frequency....
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Falling to Vegetable Prices in Australia
5 pages (1752 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Falling to Vegetable Prices in Australia" is about brief mentions of estimated losses on national wealth, and this estimation seems farfetched as it focuses only on one aspect – the actual loss.... To summarize, the flood and cyclone were a hard blow to the Australian economy....
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Throwing Mechanics and Elbow Valgus in Professional Baseball Pitchers by Sherry, L.W., Tricia, A.M
6 pages (1698 words) , Download 0 , Article
The main aim of the research indicated in this paper "Throwing Mechanics and Elbow Valgus in Professional Baseball Pitchers by Sherry, L.... .... Tricia, A.... " is to identify and explain the relationship between throwing mechanics and the elbow valgus in professional baseball pitchers.... ... ...
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Critical Evaluation of A Fly in the Buttermilk
6 pages (1603 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "Critical Evaluation of A Fly in the Buttermilk" discusses that Minor et al discussed findings in relation to its impact on the particular field.... While discussing the findings, the authors not only kept an eye on the purpose of the study but also related it to other studies in this field....
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London Residential Property Market Crisis
7 pages (1853 words) , Download 1 , Article
The continued bombardment of the public with negatively phrased articles by the media especially the newspapers cast aspersion on the London property market.... "How the Media's Coverage of the London Residential Property Market Crisis Has Affected Public Opinion" paper states that the coverage by the media about the London residential property market crisis during affected public opinion in a negative way that made the people look for alternative methods....
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What Is Meant and Understood by the Term Computer Misuse
6 pages (1963 words) , Download 2 , Article
n undertaking this piece of work I utilised a combination of statute, articles, books and online sources. ... The focus of this analysis is to consider the definition of the term 'computer misuse' within the context of UK criminal law.... It is submitted at the outset that closely linked to the consideration of computer misuse is the growth of online use....
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Working-class Women on an Access Course
6 pages (1648 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Working-class Women on an Access Course" presents the manner in which the past experiences and identities have an effect on the learning experience of women through the Access program.... It also looks to present the different perceptions that women have with regard to risk.... ... ...
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Comprehensive Standardisation and Assessment of Higher Education Argument
5 pages (1431 words) , Download 0 , Article
This paper ''Comprehensive Standardisation and Assessment of Higher Education Argument'' tells that Increasing tertiary schooling without proper examination is not justifiable.... The reason is that making such a move without examining the procedure first satisfies the ego of the avaricious overseers....
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The Changing Face of Teenage Drug Abuse --- The Trend Toward Prescription Drugs
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article is a summary of Richard Friedman's “The Changing Face of Teenage Drug Abuse --- The Trend Toward Prescription Drugs” (Friedman, 2006).... The article is about the decreasing popularity of the use of illicit drugs among teenagers and the growing trend toward their use of prescription drugs....
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Turning Poverty Into an American Crime by B Ehrenreic
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article discusses social classes do exist in America mostly built around the economic abilities of different people.... The primary focus of this article is the working poor in America who have held jobs in retrospect but are currently jobless because of the recession.... ... ... ... This article is centered on the issue of criminalization of poverty, which leads to poor people being treated as if they committed a crime by being poor....
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Cells and Molecules by Yasuhide Miyamoto and Aziz Sancar
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Cells and Molecules by Yasuhide Miyamoto and Aziz Sancar" presents circadian rhythm with a special focus on photoreceptors.... It reviews the day light–dark cycles in all living organisms from bacteria to mammals with emphasis on the latter.... ... ... ... It looks at studies that have been made to advance the understanding of clock genes, that respond to light and establishes their molecular basis in circadian rhythm....
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The Origin of Plastids by Chan and Bhattacharya
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "The Origin of Plastids by Chan and Bhattacharya" probes the literature on the origin of plastids and makes a fairly informative overview of what plastids are, and how the debates on the origins of plastids impact our understanding of how they came to be constitutive of eukaryotic cells....
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What is culture
1 pages (250 words) , Download 6 , Article
The article entitled "What is the concept of culture?... written by Langley (2010) presented the thesis that probed on the ultimate concept of culture by defining it and delving into the categories of subculture and popular culture.... .... ... ... To present the concept in ways that would enhance the understanding of the readers,Langley used various approaches of description with examples....
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How to Motivate Workers in Tough Times
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article looks at the importance of employee engagement during tough times as well as things that the managers need to do to keep the focus and motivation intact among the employees.... Related to the chapter concepts, the author highlights the importance of the managers to connect the workers in the organization....
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Muscle and Strength by MastaShake15 from the M&S Forum
1 pages (350 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article was researched and written by MastaShake15 from the M&S forum.... It focuses on the majority of the frequent mistakes of beginners in weight training often make, varying from what they do in the gym, to supplementation and diet.... ... ... ... This article is intended to aid one steer clear off some of the crucial mistakes that a lot of beginners make (Weight Lifting mistakes, pg....
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A Defense of Abortion
1 pages (368 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author of this paper says that this article was one of the earliest serious works in support of pro-choice activists.... An important element about this article is that it makes the pro-choice argument while accepting the anti-abortion argument.... ... ... ... The example that Judith Marvis gives is that of the violinist with the failing kidneys....
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Vaccinating cattle against E.coli could cut human cases of infections by 85 percent
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article to be summarized in this case is, Louis et al.... “Predicting the public health benefit of vaccinating cattle against Escherichia coli O157.... ?? The independent variable in this article is testing whether a bacterium causing stern gastrointestinal sickness is brought.... ... ... The dependent variable is the effect that cattle have been confirmed to be the main reservoir for the growth of the bacterium....
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Congressional Methodology Prices
22 pages (5711 words) , Download 1 , Article
The following paper 'Congressional Methodology Prices' focuses on the means by which financial aid is determined are unfair.... The author wants to fix this issue by suggesting that Congress change the Congressional Methodology for determining financial aid.... ... ... ... The author of the paper states that the system for determining financial aid is unfair....
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Key Challenges Which Confront Environmental Governance
8 pages (2147 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'Key Challenges Which Confront Environmental Governance" is a perfect example of an environmental studies article.... This article discusses the key challenges which confront environmental governance.... The challenges are caused by the rising connectivity of 'resource-use systems' and the growth in 'functional interdependencies' of social and ecological systems....
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Significance of Lifestyle Change in Diabetes Prevention
7 pages (1909 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "Significance of Lifestyle Change in Diabetes Prevention" reminds diabetes is one of the leading causes of death, which is proof enough that the condition is more serious than earlier presumed.... Prevention is much productive than cure.... Embracing a healthy lifestyle proves more advantageous....
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Corporate Governance
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The author of this paper "Corporate Governance" provides the review of an article on corporate governance.... It is stated that the article deals with the organization of composition of boards to ensure responsible corporate governance from two perspectives.... ... ... ... Shareholder approach to corporate governance theory suggests focusing the corporate strategies of a firm towards satisfying the interests of the stakeholders....
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Southwest Airlines Co
7 pages (1850 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper 'Southwest Airlines Co.... aims at informing a reader that both the internal and external factors within a business environment ought to be considered before laying strategies that would facilitate the success of a business within the market.... ... ... ... Both external and internal business environmental factors are situations or events that take place within the business environment that alters the normal operation of a business in either a positive or a negative manner....
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Outlook on the Neoliberal Agenda
9 pages (2600 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Outlook on the Neoliberal Agenda" describes that proposers of the neoliberal agenda overplay its benefits since financial openness allows investment of funds in the most productive ventures across the globe with total disregard for important economic factors.... .... ... ... The flow of funds to areas with available resources and the abandonment of barren areas translates into an imbalanced economy (Snyder, 2001 p....
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Chinese Foreign Currency Reserves Swell by Record Amount
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The essay "Chinese Foreign Currency Reserves Swell by Record Amount" tries to raise public alarm over the swelling foreign exchange reserve levels of China and how this contributes to the country's 'worsening inflation problem'.... A high level of reserves causes the renminbi to appreciate against the dollar....
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Just read and answer
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The question under consideration, seeks to find an answer on whether the redesigned SAT examinations will be able to eliminate racial inequalities found in the Test Scores.... This question recognizes that there is an inequality.... ... ... It further recognizes that there is a policy developed to eliminate these inequalities....
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Chinese Foreign Currency Reserves Swell by Record Amount
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
A high level of reserves causes the renminbi to appreciate against the dollar.... The problem is this will make China's substantial exports more expensive; thus, losing its competitive.... ... ... This then could lead to the loss of jobs by millions of people working in the export industry.... This led to China's central bank's decision to keep the value of its currency low....
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The Gamble on Teslas Gigafactory in The Nevada Desert
1 pages (351 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "The Gamble on Teslas Gigafactory in The Nevada Desert" discusses the construction of Tesla Company on Tesla Motors Giga factory East of Reno, Nevada.... In partnership with Reno-Tahoe International Airport, the companies created a warehouse.... ... ... ... However, Reno-Tahoe only managed to sign up only two people to enroll in the program before Tesla came in....
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Entrepreneurial Strategy: How the Eagles Followed the Numbers to the Super Bowl
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Entrepreneurial Strategy: How the Eagles Followed the Numbers to the Super Bowl" presents an article narrating how the Eagles made use of data to predict they're possible wins in the future games.... The strategy they used is the same used by companies to gain an advantage.... ... ... ...
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Evidence-Based Practices: A Critical Evaluation
1 pages (345 words) , Download 2 , Article
The intention of the article "Evidence-Based Practices: A Critical Evaluation" is to provide a critical response to a few particular pieces of study that feature the discussion concerning the Evidence-Based Practices and application of its fundamental principles in health service delivery.... ... ...
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Application of Qualitative Methods in a Research Setting
1 pages (393 words) , Download 2 , Article
The objective of the article is to analyze the research methodology chosen for a particular piece of study regarding the usage of information at the workspace.... The writer of this article additionally provides an outline of a few types of research in relation to the best-suited methodology.... ....
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Effects of Employee Turnover on Organization Performance
1 pages (423 words) , Download 5 , Article
This paper "Effects of Employee Turnover on Organization Performance" dwells on employee turnover and its profound adverse impact on the overall performance of an organization.... The increased level of employee turnover within an organization can result in incurring costs related to recruitment....
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Changing Beliefs and Behavior through Experience-Taking by Kaufman and Libby
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
As the paper outlines, Kaufman and Libby used six studies to investigate how heightened and reduced psychological states, combined with the features of the narratives, cause individuals to engage in experiential-taking, and how the experience affects an individual's attitudes and behavior.... ... ...
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Shrinking in a Bad Economy: Americas Entrepreneur Class by John Bussey
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
Within the article 'Shrinking in a Bad Economy: America's Entrepreneur Class by John Busse,' the author discusses how the recent recession in the USA impacted people who own their own businesses or are self-employed.... The recession has really hurt the entrepreneur class in America.... ... ... ... There are fewer people trying to start their own businesses these days, and those people who do have their own businesses are failing and losing a lot of the money they have put into their businesses(Bussey)....
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What Price Ergonomics
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Article
This paper "What Price Ergonomics" tells that ergonomists greatly determine the nature of events and how things are carried out through the adoption of the usability concept.... This concept makes artifacts, easy, comfortable to use, and efficient.... .... ... ... Poorly designed objects are most likely to cause frustration or cause injury and death when inappropriately handled e....
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Tragedy of the Commons by G. Hardin
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "Tragedy of the Commons by G.... Hardin" states that the article has aged somewhat in terms of the style of language used.... One example of this is the mention of psychological constructs such as 'the conscience' and 'the commons' which sound very old fashioned to the modern reader.... ...
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Jet Packs Raise Safety Worries
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The recent emergence of water-powered jet packs on beaches in Hawaii, Florida, and California has prompted concerns about their safety and environmental impact.... Operators of the device claim that they serve as a tourist attraction, helping to spur business in coast cities and towns.... ... ... ...
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How the Group Changes What We Think by Shirley Wang
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article "How the Group Changes What We Think by Shirley Wang" presents the article, 'Under the Influence: How the Group Changes What We Think,' Wang divulges into theories that attempt to explain how norms within groups alter the way that people think and behave.... ... ... ... Human behavior is shaped by what people around them consider to be appropriate or desirable....
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Kael on Roger and Me
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The author of the paper "Kael on Roger and Me" argues in a well-organized manner that Pauline Kael, a film critic asserts that Roger & Me is an inaccurate factual film despite its comic attributes.... Kael argues that the film has satirical exaggerations.... ... ... ... Kael argues that Mr.... Moore has the guilt of manipulating historical events sequences as well as compressing them with the intent of political and emotional impression....
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Valuation of Corporate Social Responsibility Report
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
This essay discusses the article "Valuation of Corporate Social Responsibility Report".... The main goal of the article was to investigate the valuation variables of corporate social responsibility and to analyze the social responsibility reports of Lithuanian companies.... ... ... ... The main topics from the course discussed in the article Valuation of Corporate Social Responsibility Report are ethics and social responsibility....
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Plagiarism, an Issue of Trust: Jingbo Ma (Albee)
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Retrieved from Washington Post: http://articles.... This article discusses the role of plagiarism and an issue of trust.... The article analyses a case of plagiarism: in 2012, Zakaria faced allegations of plagiarism owing to his article on Gun Control published by the Time Magazine in August 2012....
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Online Assingment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Gastric bypass surgery is normally believed to be used for overweight people but a new study has discovered that if a person has type 2 diabetes, regardless of their weight, it is important to use the gastric bypass surgery as one treatment option.... This essay will briefly summarize key issues on this topic and whether it does in fact benefit the recipient of surgery to have the surgery or not....
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Impact of Changing Curriculum in Schools
5 pages (1304 words) , Download 0 , Article
"Impact of Changing Curriculum in Schools" paper argues that public schools almost rob the enthusiasm of studying these other subjects due to lack of incentives.... The private schools also contribute socially by giving employment to many teachers who are proficient in science and arts.... .... ... ...
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I though I knew what good management was
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article elaborates on a personal experience of the author concerning management after being appointed as a general manager in Westinghouse Synthetic Fuels Division (SFD), which was involved in coal gasification research and development.... Peace was assigned to tackle a set of.... ... ... He had been working as a general manager of a division that engaged in marketing turbine generators and related services, before he came to SFD (Peace, 59)....
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Trailer Park Boys
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'Trailer Park Boys' the author discusses series about three Canadian petty criminals started its fourth season to the joy of their loyal fans.... The show crossed the borders for the first time in its history as it debuted on BBC America TV channel.... ... ... ... The article was issued 9 days before this actually happened, therefore it tackled the questions of whether or not this launch will be successful and why, and whether the three characters will be able to find a response in the souls of the USA citizens....
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Motivational Interviewing
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Article
In the article by D'Amico, Miles, Stern & Meredith (2008), the population discussed is the teens at high risk of alcohol consumption and drug use and who are kept in a primary care clinic to cater for their health.... The youth in this article age between 12-18 years with the.... ... ... The setting in a clinic is effective as they are locked in and monitoring them will be easy....
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