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The Monolithic Term Standard English Is an Outdated Concept
6 pages (1684 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This does not mean that English is not the common form of communication and journalism, but rather that it is not in its Standard Form.... However, American English is very popular in spoken communication and hence sending a downfall to Standard English.... odern day journalism is not inclined towards Standard English....
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Survival of the Newspaper Industry
8 pages (2249 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The author of this paper highlights that newspapers and the internet have an unmistakable relationship, both being in the communication/information industry, although newspapers have been around for much longer than the World Wide Web.... Since the advent of the latter technology in the late 1950s, there has been widespread controversy on the impact that it would have on the world of print media, specifically newspapers, which have been the most common mode of mass communication for quite some time....
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Foundamentional Concepts in Application
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This study highlights the importance of palliative care nurses in facilitating communication between family members and patients, especially when family members disagree with end-of-life advance care planning.... Running head: FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS IN APPLICATION Fundamental Concepts in Application Student's First name, Middle initial and Last name Name of University Course Number and Name September 12, 2011 I usually access scholarly articles that are available through Mosby's Nursing Consult and Lippincott's Nursing Center for my regular reading....
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Investigating Factors Influencing Low MMR Uptake in the UK
36 pages (10016 words) , Research Paper
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"Investigating Factors Influencing Low MMR Uptake in the UK" paper demonstrates the MMR vaccine as a public health issue, investigates the adverse impact of media on MMR vaccine uptake, and explores the impact of healthcare professionals' intervention towards MMR vaccine uptake in the UK.... ... ...
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Marketing---Publics Relations
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The manner in which the formal and informal communication flows within an organization as well as outside it is governed by the fact that it is under a sound and proper PR policy.... Answer: Public relations run parallel with the other forms of marketing communications and within the symmetry of an organization, it is deemed as one of the very fundamental and intrinsic entities....
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Culture Jamming
5 pages (1544 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Consequently, some groups of communication guerrillas who would restore a vital dimension to passive reception would patrol the Technological communication universe.... tudies in Media communication,21.... Popular communication, 5....
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Relationship between the Company and the Public
5 pages (1559 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Hence, it is a managerial strategy that aims in specializing on two-way communication, which then fosters mutually beneficial relationships that will exist between an organization and its relevant publics4.... Making the Local News: Local journalism Context.... The paper 'Relationship between the Company and the Public' is a detailed example of a business essay....
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Personal and Professional Development - Self-Managed Learning
12 pages (3249 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
ay 3: On the third day, we were taught about communication and presentation skills.... The professors employed the use of different activities to measure and enhance our communication skills.... My manner of communication seems to be more informal and thus unsuitable in business communications.... According to me, my mannerisms and etiquettes are up to the standard and the trainer also gave similar feedback for my corporate communication skills....
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Virtual Groups and How They Effect Group Communication
9 pages (2914 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This lack of non-verbal clues also impairs the dynamics of interpersonal interaction and communication; it impacts negatively on the ability of team members to develop relations with other members of the team which is crucial for the social aspects of collaborative teams, whether face-to-face or virtual (Walther & Parks, 2002).... This research paper "Virtual Groups and How They Effect Group communication" aims to review the literature and research that focuses on how virtual group interaction affects performance and to make comparisons between the performance of small virtual teams and more traditional co-located small teams....
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Theoretical Change in Technology - Domesticating vs Technological
7 pages (2005 words) , Download 0 , Essay
echnological determinism resonates on the fact that technological gadgets tend to replicate and exemplify the different ways that we view ICT information and communication technologies.... ne of the iPhone tablets and phones like the iPad mini has small competing and educational apps to help with political platforms necessary for information and communication.... Information and communication are linked to studies that show how ICT concepts are quickly adopted by the known users through potential studies that are relevant to the demands of a modern world....
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Basic Principles of Advertising According to Academics
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
For me, advertising transcends from being mere “form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor” (Belch and Belch, 2001).... This stage, according to Altstiel and Grow (2006) is where one seeks to answer several journalism questions, such as “who, what, and why”....
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War Photography
32 pages (8000 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The word photography means literally "writing with light" (American, 2003), and since its first appearance in the 1830's photographers have been attempting to create a literal representation of what is in front of the camera.... To be succinct, the film (or latterly the sensor) is exposed and the "light" coming in from outside the camera is "written" on the film....
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Buyer Behaviour and Integrated Marketing Communication-Starbucks goes to India
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This review discusses buyer behavior and integrated marketing communication of Starbucks in India.... The American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA) defines IMC as: 'a concept of marketing communication planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic role of a variety of communications disciplines - for example, general advertising, direct response, sales promotion, and public relations....
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Comparing Research Methods
16 pages (4402 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Main emphasis of the essay is on “other side of the card,” at the messages inscribed by their users, than the picture side and discusses the relevance of both pictures and messages in terms of “exchange ritual and communication” (Rogan, 2005, p.... ocial science article by Rogan, B-- An Entangled Object: The picture Postcard as Souvenir and collectible, exchange and ritual communication ... Even though aesthetic appreciation of picture motifs popularized picture postcards, as a communication medium it carried messages more or less void of information, and served as a sign of life and a reminder of social relationships....
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Knowledge Management and Its Benefit to Business
7 pages (1916 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
oreover, knowledge management is beneficial in the sense that it improves team communication.... The process of collecting, sharing, and analyzing knowledge with the organization promotes communication among those involved, and this significantly contributes towards improved team communication (Pauleen & Gorma, 2011).... Since knowledge management provides business with ways of reducing its costs, increasing market share, enhancing customer satisfaction, and improving team communication, business performance is bound to improve and, therefore, lead to improved profitability (Oliver & English, 2007)....
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Human Resources Management
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Please read the attached case study, then read the following answer, it is for question number five in the case study.... You are required to read the answer and write a response to it.... The response must be in the following format I agree, disagree, partly agree, and so on.... ... ... ... In other words you have to analyse the answer and show which points do you agree with and which you don't....
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Goal Congruence: Analysis of WorldCom
9 pages (2569 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
A number of factors contributed to this fraud and this includes corporate culture, leadership, and communication style among others.... A number of factors contributed to this fraud and this include corporate culture, leadership, and communication style among others.... The report will show how the CEOs ambitions and need to satisfy the Wall Street expectations led to fraud as well as failure of the internet communication slow growth after massive investment. ...
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The Effectiveness of Dictionaries for L2 Learners
8 pages (2703 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The dictionaries have been somehow reluctant to add such words in their collection because primarily such words have no link with the language and communication protocol.... ictionary is considered as an effective mode of communication, because instructions delivered through this mode are clear and understandable.... The element of understanding, between the book and the learner is not a pre-requisite to conduct the communication.... It is important to realize that the mode of communication requires basic understanding of language and prior situation of occurrence....
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Rethinking Identity in the Age of Mass Communication
15 pages (4065 words) , Download 2 , Essay
eople, masculinity and femininity had been research topics for a long time now from various angles of psychology, sociology, anthropology, biology, journalism and mass media.... "Rethinking Identity in the Age of Mass communication" paper argues that communication between cultures, ethnicities, and media will make a great difference....
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The selection process
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
These multifaceted features of the internet should be seen as an opportunity for better communication and utilized for the benefit of the organization.... Assigning the right person for a job to be done is one of the most crucial steps to be taken into consideration in the success of the organization....
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Popular Music
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
This dissertation proposal is on popular music as an appropriate way to re-engage unfortunate young people within inner city London boroughs.... The objective of this study is to define methods for entry into the music business for inner city youths from London boroughs.... ... ... ... The city of London is host to a number of disadvantaged young people who are looking for a way to express who they are and what they have experienced while once again becoming a part of society in a meaningful and purposeful way....
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The United Kingdoms Approach to Privacy Law
7 pages (1858 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Cushing, Steve, GCSE Information and communication Technology for OCR Specification B, Oxford, Heinemann Educational Publishers, 2001.... “RIP dictates that every electronic communication has to be sent to the Government Technical Assistance Center (GTAC).... Investigatory powers covered by the act include the obtaining of communication data, the interception of communications, hidden surveillance in particular operations, intrusive surveillance, legal right to encrypted information, and the use of undercover officers, informants, and agents....
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Employment Opportunities for Students
5 pages (1455 words) , Download 0 , Essay
But oral communication alone may not be enough in some kind of sales negotiations.... Much of what is important in American life depends on clear oral and written communication.... But to utilize such opportunities students need effective communication skills such as oral skills and writing skills....
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Internet and Culture
18 pages (5185 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Biggest contribution of the Internet in our cultural transformation is in respect of information and communication.... "The notion of cultural dimensions originated in cross-cultural communication research done by Edward Hall and Florence Kluckhohn and Fred L.... Among them, one can list a larger Internet population or the numerous informational promotion of the Internet on TV and in the newspapers or even the easy availability of cheap and powerful computers or even highly improved communication channels....
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Why Egyptian Youths Use Facebook and the Effect of Facebook on Them
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Finally, Stutzman (2006) found that the internet gives people a form for both communication and identity formation and this medium has helped evolve the social networking and communication.... The paper "Why Egyptian Youths Use Facebook and the Effect of Facebook on Them" discusses that communication theory has just begun to fully understand the social and personal implications of online social networking sites on communications and individual development.... What are the implications of this shift in modes of communication in the Egyptian context?...
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Social Enterprise and Future
9 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Finally, it improves communication between the employee and their supervisors.... However, the understanding of the medium of communication is integral in the evaluation of the impact of social media in communication (Beverly and Thomson 43).... The argument may be true because current physical communication such as face-to-face communication have been affected.... Journal of Computer-Mediated communication, 682-707....
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Innovations of the Internet
3 pages (824 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The pervasiveness of the Internet has been a confluence and result, and indeed also the driver, of many of the information and communication technology changes that we see today.... Domains like journalism and art, which were limited to mainstream and traditional spheres of influence, have opened up to individuals who can express and create their own identity and personal following.... Previously unimagined, the Internet has allowed people to have instant online access to information including news, education, and entertainment as well as allowed communication through email....
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E-Business Fundamentals - Gartner Hype Cycles
4 pages (1327 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Journal of Computer-Mediated communication, 10(1), 38-48. ... Human communication Research, 28(3), 317-348. ... The paper "E-Business Fundamentals - Gartner Hype Cycles " is an outstanding example of a business essay.... Gartner is the organization that carries out research on internet technology and then gives out advice to the relevant authorities....
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The Main Themes of La Peste by Albert Camus
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The need for human communication and affection is poignantly shown in the figure of this obscure, limited man .... The object of analysis for the purpose of this paper "The Main Themes of La Peste by Albert Camus" is La Peste written by Albert Camus(1913-1960), which is a story of the outbreak of the deadly epidemic, in the Algerian town of Oran in N....
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Public Relation & Media Campaign - Final Exam
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
he communication plan will be important to the influencer's because it will lay down the ultimate goal of Frito-Lay which is to maintain the customer's loyalty and improve the reputation of the business.... It offers excellent net worth individual and business insurance supported by industry-leading entitlements and threat management solutions....
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The Secret Behind Music Industry
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Communications involves making communication with the band managers, booking agents, music journals, plus the label reps found on websites, facebook pages, and band contact pages.... Therefore, communication and having a list of contacts is quite crucial for one in the music industry....
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Women's Rights In Saudi Arabia
18 pages (5082 words) , Download 0 , Article
Such challenges include communication barrier, availability of resources, security issues, cultural barriers, and transport barriers.... From the paper "Women's Rights In Saudi Arabia" it is clear that gathering information from direct sources or personal interviews is probably the best source of information....
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Project Management - Communication for Improvement
36 pages (9000 words) , Download 7 , Essay
7 Name Professor Subject Date Project Management: Department of Transportation and communication 1.... communication: A Brief Elucidation 15 2.... communication in Project Management 17 2.... Contents Contents 1 1.... Introduction 3 1.... .... The Topic 5 1....
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The Benefits of Knowledge Management to Business
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper 'The Benefits of Knowledge Management to Business' explains the concept of knowledge management, how this technology improves team communication and how the benefits of knowledge management enable the business to remain relevant in the dynamic and competitive business environment.... Moreover, knowledge management is beneficial in the sense that it improves team communication.... The process of collecting, sharing, and analyzing knowledge with the organization promotes communication among those involved, and this significantly contributes towards improved team communication (Pauleen & Gorma, 2011)....
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Group Work in the Classroom
2 pages (618 words) , Download 1 , Essay
As a requirement by the lecturer we formed groups, came up with a critical question, discussed it, and prepared a presentation which enabled us to gain communication, presentation, and teamwork skills.... Due to every member participating in the final presentation, I gained superior communication skills; therefore each felt a sense of belongingness hence team work was promoted in class....
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What Is the Impact of the Media On the Body Image of Girls 16-20
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Any form of mass media including the internet tends to project an image of a ‘perfect body' that is inappropriate both in biological as well as artificial terms.... Media images often depict a concept of ideal young woman with certain stereotype features such as slimness, clear skinned and so on, so it will be discussed in this paper....
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Reception Developed in Contemporary Film Studies
5 pages (1480 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Another analysis conducted with the same data to test this concluded that audience taste diverge over time and these were published in an article published in Journalism & Mass communication Quarterly (Vol.... Journalism & Mass communication Quarterly, 83(4), 883-900. ...
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The Lawn Tennis Association of England
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A need to restructure the Coaching system: LTA proposes setting up better communication system within the coaching network, improving the career structure of Britian's coaches to provide them greater incentive and ensuring the right coach is working at the right position. ... This essay analyzes the Lawn Tennis Association of England, which is the National Governing Body of sport for tennis, a sport, which for centuries was exclusive to the upper-class sportsman and has, only recently become a more masses-friendly sport like football....
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An Exploration of Support for Breast Cancer Patients by Multidisciplinary Teams
4 pages (1924 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The paper "An Exploration of Support for Breast Cancer Patients by Multidisciplinary Teams" outlines that the multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are composed of different health care professionals who are in charge of making important clinical decisions for breast cancer patients.... ... ... ... This study will focus on answering the question: Is the support given by multidisciplinary teams (MDT) to breast cancer patients effective?...
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Can ICT Enhance Education In The 21st Century
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Information communication and technology is creating real change in schools in the industrialized nations as well as schools in other developing nations.... Information communication and technology is creating real change in schools in the industrialized nations as well as schools in other developing nations.... Information communication and technology is creating real change in schools in the industrialized nations as well as schools in other developing nations....
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The History of Advertising
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Advertising is an indispensable, crucial form of communication, ad as soon as man could grunt he began to advertise.... echniques of persuasion has also changed, most of them circumscribed only by the ingenuity of the creative mind, the limits of various channels of communication, by certain legal restrictions and by the standards self imposed by the industry.... dvertising is an indispensable, crucial form of communication, ad as soon as man could grunt he began to advertise....
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What News Management Strategies Do Pressure Groups and Large Corporations Use
8 pages (2353 words) , Download 0 , Report
Environment, Media and communication: Routledge. ... This report "What News Management Strategies Do Pressure Groups and Large Corporations Use" discusses pressure groups that can be defined as being groups of several like-minded individuals.... These individuals are organized so as to be able to influence the formulation of government strategies....
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The Battle between Journalism and Literature
5 pages (1461 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "The Battle between journalism and Literature" discusses the fact that just like the business environment; literature is also a discipline that is also very dynamic.... journalism and literature Introduction In the recent past, literary journalism has been on a rapid growth in many places, with a lot of criticisms being raised about the essence of journalists turning to become novelists.... he battle between journalism and Literature ...
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Irans Refusal to Release Iranian Americans
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The situation before the US and Iran in early June 2007 seem ludicrous and petty when closely perused.... The two countries have been at loggerheads ever since the US decided to place troops within Iraq as a preventive measure against insurgency allegedly fomented by the Iranian government, a move that has so far appeared to be unsuccessful....
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Strategic IMC for the British Petroleum Brand
8 pages (2465 words) , Download 3 , Essay
(2008) writes that the integrated marketing communications comprises of a comprehensive communications plan that incorporates all the strategic communication disciplines of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, sponsorships and other relevant activities for consistency and maximum impact.... Public Relations Koekemoer (2004) defines public relations as management through communication and building strategic alliances between an organization and its internal and external stock holders....
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Public Relations in Travel and Tourism
11 pages (2843 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Transportation and communication have become easier as compared to the past century.... Transportation and communication havebecome easier as compared to the past century.... orporate communication is an important PR activity since it covers internal and external communication and enhances cohesion within the organization.... PR can be defined as the function of communication within the tourism and travel organization....
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Effects of Multicultural Diversity on Multinational Corporations
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This is because different cultural backgrounds influence different social communication skills that define personal relationship amongst members of a certain workgroup.... This benefits the organization by improving and enhancing communication links within operational units.... This presents barriers to effective communication, hindering the flow of the necessary organization processes pivotal to the business.... For instance, the three major sources of prejudice, namely communication proficiency, physical attractiveness, and legal issues such immigration affect relations among individuals in a multicultural group created to achieve a certain objective. ...
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An Integrated Marketing Strategy for Xiaomi Brand
6 pages (1634 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In order to grow this potential, there was set a marketing communication objective – to build the overall image of the Xiaomi brand in the international arena, with a focus made on teenagers in Russia.... In order to achieve this goal, there was developed an integrated marketing communication plan comprised of both traditional and digital marketing campaigns.... In order to grow this potential there was set a marketing communication objective – to build the overall image of the Xiaomi brand in the international arena, with a focus made on teenagers in Russia....
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Purposes of the Team-Building
5 pages (1346 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
To address Team Building Areas like Skills – Find out Individual Skills; Styles – Identify communication and expressive styles.... other means of communication ... tyles – Identify communication and expressive styles ... his is the place to place emphasis on collaboration by means of communication and agreement. ...
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Criminology: Crime Prevention, Disorder and Community Safety
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In recent years, an entirely new field of research in science has emerged known as risk communication (cf.... No one, to my knowledge, has grappled with risk communication about crime, but the lessons of this field are nonetheless useful and enlightening.... The effect of a communication can only be ascertained empirically.... 1994, 796) Fischhoff, Bostrom, and Quadrel (1997, 993) similarly observed: “Effective risk communication requires careful empirical research....
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