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The Key Features of Emulsion
12 pages (3284 words) , Download 0 , Essay
(1983), Encyclopedia of Emulsion technology, Marcel Dekker, New York. ... This work called "The Key Features of Emulsion" describes the process of forming emulsions.... The author also takes into account that emulsions are very important in the pharmaceutical industry in the preparation of vitamin drops for patients and other liquid drugs....
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Corporate Social Responsibility in McDonalds
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
s opposed to the approaches adopted by McDonald that emphasized the need to introduce innovative technology into the market and not splashing cash in charities and societal activities, Cooks has announced a number of plans aimed at improving the relationship of the company with the stakeholders....
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Non-Profit Organization and Management
16 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The business case checklist: Everything you need to review a business case, avoid failed projects, and turn technology into ROI.... In the paper 'Non-Profit Organization and Management' the author evaluates activity of Future Hope, a not-for-profit organization that seeks to provide primary and secondary school youth with mentoring programmes within the greater London area....
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Asias Slowdown and British Consumers
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Due to the modernized ways of life through technology, the output of electricity does not match its consumption; matter of fact, consumptions is way ahead of production, it has done more than slowing down.... In the paper 'Asia's Slowdown and British Consumers' the author focuses on slow down of China's growth for sustainability purposes....
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Multinational Running And Study Of Spirent Communications
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It can be noted that as the competition in the technology market is increasing in terms of services such as cloud computing, network securities and broadband services, Spirent is falling behind in the industry rankings.... An author of an essay "Multinational Running And Study Of Spirent Communications" discusses the point that Spirent started expanding their business operations by acquiring and merging with various firms related to telecommunications and electronics industry....
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Effects of Growing Aging Population on the Workforce
10 pages (2780 words) , Download 1 , Essay
For most people, older workers lack physical strength, are less productive, are slow learners, are forgetful, afraid of technology, and are less motivated.... This paper ''Effects of Growing Aging Population on the Workforce'' tells that aging is the process of becoming older.... It refers to growth of changes in an individual over time....
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Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Management
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
he internet technology has made marketing easier and cheaper compared to the traditional methods.... The report 'Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Management' will focus at the trends and statistics of the toys and games industry and the advantage and disadvantages the sector is undergoing on the social media marketing....
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Durable Medical Equipment
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is an innovation that has placed the country among the world leaders in medical technology and provided American citizens with jobs totaling to almost a half million directly (Miller par1).... This paper 'Durable Medical Equipment' will discuss the implication of Medical Device Tax as well as arguments for exemption....
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Scientific Revolutions: A Historical Perspective
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In his book Novum Organum, Bacon presented his new and novel method of science, a method that was quite distinct from the medieval scholastic method of learning.... In this book, Bacon.... ... ... criticised Aristotle, who is the epitome of the antiquity learning methods, for using the wrong scientific methods in his inquiry on truth (Lindbergh, 1999)....
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Case study of Starbucks 03055
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The global business environment is constantly changing in terms of consumer behaviour, consumption pattern and industrial environment (Kotler and Keller, 2011).... This paper is focused on the evaluation of the current strategy of Starbucks.... It covers the marketing strategies that.... ... ... Several academic models have been used in this paper to analyse the current market position of Starbucks and how the company has reached its current position....
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Philosophical Debate on Education
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
"Building Student Skills and Capabilities in Information technology and eBusiness: A Moving Target.... This essay discusses the ethical and moral implications of recent educational debate in the UK and how this might impact on primary education in a democratic society.... As such, the essay examines the correlation between government and teaching establishment authorities in regulating education....
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Managerial Accounting
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Similarly, there is inherent competition among different organizations; as such it is critical that cost of production is reduced for a competitive edge.... ... ... Production at the most minimal instance is the only viable ways for organization; firstly to attain any form of profitability and, secondly to ensure adherence to organization goals and objectives....
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Should We Kill Embryos for Stem Cell Research
13 pages (3717 words) , Download 1 , Essay
uining of human embryos, with intent to harvest stem cells, should, therefore, be considered not as murder but as a clear and right path to the future of biomedical technology, as long as it is done for the right purposes. ... This work called "Should We Kill Embryos for Stem Cell Research?...
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Cultural Hierarchies in Popular Fashion
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Introduction to Fashion technology.... The purpose of this paper 'Cultural Hierarchies in Popular Fashion' is to examine the idea of culture and taste as presented by Bourdieu in his conceptual writings.... The essence of this paper is to examine and review the idea of taste in the analysis of cultural hierarchies....
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Plato, Freud and the Question of Nature of Mind
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Despite the numerous and profound advancements in scientific method and technology today, surprising similarities and parallels exist as well between the the theories of ancient times and those of modernity.... This paper will highlight views of the two scholars, Plato and Freud, and then show their similarities on the nature of mind....
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Global Supply Chain Management
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
or any business to produce any service or product, there are resources that are vitally important including labour, premises, raw materials, technology, inventory and equipment.... An author of the essay "Global Supply Chain Management" has listed at least the three major obstacles that tend to impede the full realization of supply chains....
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Obamacare, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Studies in health technology and informatics, 129(2), 1414.... From the essay "Obamacare, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" it is clear that Obama care is undeniably a major force in the health arena as per now.... The Obama care has stipulated forth many benefits that will in a great way impact the wellbeing of Americans....
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Intro to Criminal Justice Final Exam
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
Clarence is sitting on a park bench minding his own business when an undercover police officer comes up to Clarence and talks him into buying some marijuana.... Then the officer arrests Bob for possession of marijuana.... Clarence can claim the defense of: ... ... hich of the following.... ... ... refers to gathering, transmitting, or losing information related to the national defense in such a manner that the information becomes available to enemies of the United States? ...
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The Struggle for Equal Rights of Women in America
9 pages (2622 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Women, science, and technology: a reader in feminist science studies.... The paper "The Struggle for Equal Rights of Women in America" describes that it is the shared responsibility of all stakeholders to ensure a conducive environment devoid of gender hierarchies and constraints that impede the development of women and the attainment of their aspirations....
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Learning and Development in the Workplace
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
assy, J & Phillips, J 2010, Evaluating investment in workplace learning and development: Demonstrate the contribution of skills development to organizational goals and the bottom line, Elsevier Science & technology.... This essay 'Learning and Development in the Workplace' will consider some flexible learning strategies that enhance the concept of workplace learning and development with short case studies....
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Continued Global Population Growth Seriously Limits the Prospects for Development
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper "Continued Global Population Growth Seriously Limits the Prospects for Development" focuses on the population growth which is one of the biggest problems of the contemporary world.... The total population of 18 countries in Asia will increase by 60 percent in 2030 of what it was in 1990....
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Long Term Conditions: A Case Study of a Patient Living With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Recent developments in Information technology have had great achievement in their applicability in management of LTCs.... This essay presents a case study, conducted by the researcher to analyze the condition of a patient living with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, that is a condition that affects most people within the global perspective due to poor cultural and diet practices....
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An online based photo gallery called
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
chneider, G 2009, Electronic Commerce, Course technology, NY.... The purpose of this report is to cover all the information about an online based photo gallery called “ePhotoshop.... om”.... The beginning of this report will focus entirely in detail about the business and will cover the major aspects of it....
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Inventory Management
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the above discussion it is also clear that firms that aim not to hold any inventory have the opportunity to utilize Just-in-time and material requirements planning One of the major strategy that the Wooden Wonders Ltd Company should adopt is the use of computer technology to control the level of the inventory and to determine the re order point....
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Iraq Invasion of Kuwait: Gulf War 1990-1991
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Towards the end of July 1988, Iraq deployed 30 thousand military troops along the Iraq–Kuwait border, a move which was easily unearthed by the Americans using their advanced satellite technology.... Kuwait has its origin in traced from the early civilization of the 3rd millennium B....
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A reaction to 3 articles
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
He says that food production largely kept pace with the growing global population until 1934 when advance in antibiotics, vaccines and technology saw a spike in population and life expectancy.... The paper comprises and thus will discuss the following articles: E.... .... Austin's article on immigration-“The United States V Canada”; Chico Harlan's article “strict Immigration Rules May Threaten Japan's Future”; Colin Butler's article “Human Carrying Capacity and Human Health”....
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Challenges HR Specialist May Face
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
technology transcends culture and historical differences and can be a platform for multi-nationals to establish consistent HR practice.... The essay explores challenges HR specialist may face and HR intervention mechanisms that he would consider using in an attempt to drive individual and organizational performance in a multinational company....
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Canadian Aboriginal Community Assessment and Diagnosis
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Interventions may be at the primary, secondary or tertiary level involving accessibility of care, inter-sectorial and public collaborations, supportive environments and technology appropriation.... The writer of the present paper shall conduct a community assessment and diagnosis in a light of health care services....
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Western heritage: Definition of Terms and Concepts
10 pages (2622 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Baruch Spinoza (1632– 1677): new science influenced the Dutch dweller in the 1650s and he embraced the move from old technology to modern science.... The main focus of the paper "Western heritage: Definition of Terms and Concepts" is on explaining such political terms as Mercantilism, Slave ships, Plantations, Asiento, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Charles Townshend, Intolerable Acts, Physiocrats, Cesare Beccaria, Baruch Spinoza and a lot of other....
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Marketing Plan for Tourism Destination
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
he country has tried in improving its technology level to increase infrastructural facilities in the industry sector even though much still needs to be done.... The above plan, if implemented for the next three years, will see Kenya recover its tourism industry and reach a target of 10 million international tourists per year....
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Comparison of Operating System Kernels
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The modern day digital colored screened computers that we see around us in form of laptops, desktops, mobile phone (operating system enabled), and tablets, all have a complete set of body inside them.... This body is known as the operating system.... This operating system itself is a.... ... ... Each of these components facilitates the core unit to operate and provide us with what we see outside....
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Capital Investment Decision Making
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Some examples of capital investment decisions include construction of a new factory site, launching a new marketing and advertising campaign, development of a new product, opening up a new branch for the business, introduction of new technology for the business processes etc.... This paper, Capital Investment Decision Making, outlines that the assessment of the capital investment decision along with the allotment of the appropriate capital funds to the project mainly depends upon the requirement of the project and its related aspects....
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China and the United States Study Tours: Differences Between the Two Countries
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I knew that they were talking about the United States, not Australia or Britain, because at that time United States was the world's biggest power, in terms of the economy and development of science and technology.... This paper describes complex relationships, such as person to person, business to business, government to business, the society that has been shaped from knowledge passed down by the ancestors and appreciates American culture and tastes authentic American cuisine....
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What are the Marxist explanations for the current global economic crises
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Capitalists engage in savage competition, and there is pressure to develop more efficient production and better technology.... According to Marx, this situation can only be changed through a social revolution.... In a capitalist society, capitalists own and control the productive....
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The most prominent battles of the Civil War of America
11 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The warfare that is used in the battle makes use of modern technology.... The following paper gives an overview of the Civil War.... The researcher of this essay aims to pay special attention to the most prominent battles of the Civil War of America as an example the Battle of Antietam or as the Battle of Sharpsburg, the Battle of Gettysburg so on....
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Government and its Policies for Entrepreneurs
9 pages (2629 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Today American firms are far ahead of their global competitors in the technology sector.... This essay "Government and its Policies for Entrepreneurs" talks about Entrepreneurs in today's age of global economy are considered an important force in a country's economy.... During the 80s and 90s America saw phenomenal growth in the entrepreneurial sector....
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Death Penalty Practice Nowadays
12 pages (3387 words) , Download 3 , Essay
International Review of Law, Computers & technology, 22(1/2), p.... The paper "Death Penalty Practice Nowadays" highlights that the death penalty is not an ideal punishment.... There is no rational cause or justification for continuing with this form of punishment, so it should be totally abolished....
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Blind Spot on the Eye
10 pages (2771 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Another relatively new technology, known as optical coherence tomography, is also a non-invasive technique which enables one to get a three-dimension high resolution or volumetric cross-sectional tomogram of the fine structure of the retina with histologic quality.... From the paper "Blind Spot on the Eye" it is clear that the filling in the phenomenon, responsible for completing missing information across the artificial and natural scotomata as well as the physiological blind spot, occurs generally under a selection of conditions....
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Is Bill Gates Correct in the View that Foreign Aid Truly Matters
10 pages (2803 words) , Download 2 , Essay
technology is yet another arsenal that can be used to tackle this vice.... The paper "Is Bill Gates Correct in the View that Foreign Aid Truly Matters?... underlines that with the evident progress that aid has contributed to, it would be justifiable to call for the developed economies to raise the fraction that they contribute to foreign aid....
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Aircraft Fleet Planning
9 pages (2568 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The aviation sector is facing many challenges now, and the factors such as increasing fuel prices, environmental issues, the emergence of low-cost airlines, deregulation, the introduction of more efficient aircraft, development in technology, the trend of mergers and acquisitions are pressuring the airlines to review their business model to adequate their structure to the new requirements of the industry.... Aviation sector is facing many challenges now, and the factors such as increasing fuel prices, environmental issues, the emergence of low cost airlines, deregulation, introduction of more efficient aircraft, development in technology, trend of mergers and acquisitions are pressuring the airlines to review their business model in order to adequate their structure to the new requirements of the industry....
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The Digestion, Transport, and Storage of Lipids in the Human Body
10 pages (3123 words) , Download 0 , Essay
European Journal of the Lipid Science and the technology, 114(2), 101-102.... The author of the paper "The Digestion, Transport, and Storage of Lipids in the Human Body" will begin with the statement that lipids are considerably large molecules that are insoluble in water.... Lipids are consumed as fats that are generated from plants and animals....
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The Human Element and an Excellent Presentation
12 pages (3116 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I tested the technology by making sure that I tested all of the technical components of my presentation in advance.... The paper "The Human Element and an Excellent Presentation" explores the logical sequence of arranging information within a presentation.... The logical sequence includes a start, middle, and conclusion....
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Attainment of Gender Equality
13 pages (3659 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Moreover, it has set targets for improving the total number of graduates in mathematics, science and technology.... This paper 'Attainment of Gender Equality' discusses the extent of the EU's facilitation of the attainment of gender equality in the Community.... This paper specifies some of the means by which the EU can effectively address gender issues in various disciplines....
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Loss of Memory through Misleading Post-Events Imposed on an Eyewitness
9 pages (2852 words) , Download 3 , Essay
With increased computer technology, it is possible to change a photo to suit any situation and this brings the question of how far can a human memory be interfered with these happenings.... The role of memory in witnessing is important.... This is because the information received is relied upon to make a judgment on a suspect....
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Theories about Children's Experience Life on This Planet
11 pages (3148 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Despite continuous advances in technology and an increasing number of scientists studying the minds of children, there will always be some level of mystery.... Despite continuous advances in technology and an increasing number of scientists studying the minds of children, there will always be some level of mystery....
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Quality of Drinking Water and Climatic Changes
10 pages (2635 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Environmental Science & technology, 24(4), 571-575.... The paper "Quality of Drinking Water and Climatic Changes" discusses the significant level of difference between total plate counts found in drinking water during warmer periods.... The presence of E.... coli in turn means that fecal bacteria are infecting the drinking water....
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Marketing and Strategy Theory Application
11 pages (2888 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It asks whether or not the company is on the company embraces business innovation and cutting edge technology.... The essay "Marketing and Strategy Theory Application" focuses on the critical analysis and examination of the marketing and strategy theory and its application.... It identifies and justifies alternative perspectives on approaches to marketing and strategy theory....
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Wal-Mart International Business Strategy
14 pages (3772 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Coupled with improvements in technology and mass production capacity, apparel became a very competitive retailing concept.... According to the paper 'Wal-Mart International Business Strategy', which started in approximately 1897, the era of the discount retailer began, with major discount retailers such as Woolworth's maintaining market dominance on commercial Main Street....
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The Performance of the Global Marketing
9 pages (3176 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The dimensions used for comparison are influence of industry and technology, the components of marketing plan, the importance of key policies and strategies, and the financial influence of global standardization.... The focus of this paper "The Performance of the Global Marketing" is on marketing that has been traditionally a customer-oriented task, and it should be so....
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IC Insights - Dataset Analysis
12 pages (3085 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With the recent developments in the computing technology, it is easy for individuals or businesses to prepare datasets and transform them into meaningful information.... The paper "IC Insights - Dataset Analysis" states that the main purpose of the dataset is to integrate the sales data of leading industry players into a single chart and thereby to assist stakeholders to compare the market performance of various smartphone companies....
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