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Classroom Practice and Student Achievement in Austrlia
12 pages (3233 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Classroom Practice and Student Achievement in Australia" shows that Australian education has seen policy changes in school-age education.... The new National Quality Framework has been introduced for maintaining new quality standards and rating systems.... ... ... ... Policy changes pertain to long daycare, family day care, outside school hour care, and preschools to be implemented by January 2012....
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The Catastrophic Terrorism
11 pages (3145 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This paper ''The Catastrophic Terrorism'' tells us that the strategy of the American national security was all intended towards curtailing the expansion of the Soviet Union building all the while arsenal of nuclear weapons.... But after the end of the cold war, the threat from the Soviet Union virtually disappeared....
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Strategic Management of the Triple Bottom Line
12 pages (3473 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper "Strategic Management of the Triple Bottom Line" aims at evaluating the concept of the Triple Bottom Line and discussing whether this tool is of importance to businesses.... It is a fact that business organizations have to remain competitive (Faux 2005, p.... 99).... .... ... ... Despite the fact that the concept of people's bottom-line might be attractive, there is always a challenge when it comes to making decisions on how far a business organization should go in terms of making their stakeholders comfortable....
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Impact of the Development of Tourism
12 pages (3529 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Impact of the Development of Tourism" it is clear that where culture is parcel of the attractions of tourists, cultural traits, over-amplification and creation of brand new traits in order to satisfy the taste of tourists might create a culture that is phony.... .... ... ... Generally speaking, the growth of the tourism industry has been a key contributor to raised economic activity throughout the world....
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Using Information in Human Resource Management
10 pages (2786 words) , Download 0 , Essay
With the changing market dynamics, the ability of an organization to attract and retain high-level employees is under threat from the current and emerging trends of employee turnover.... Employee turnover is the rate at which employers lose their ability to control and retain their.... ... ... Generally, the paper 'Using Information in Human Resource Management" is a good example of a human resources essay....
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Issue-Based Memorandum - Henry and Hanna
13 pages (3510 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Issue-Based Memorandum - Henry and Hanna" highlights that it is apparent that even though Henry and Hanna had gone against the guiding principles of the policy document, their presence would not have in any way stopped the Plano tornado from damaging the house.... .... ... ... A lot of people consider homeowners insurance an important purchase....
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History of the Monetary Policy in the UK
12 pages (3344 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "History of the Monetary Policy in the UK" explains that monetary policies are the central drivers of the economy of any country and affect the economic system of the world.... Monetary policies are policies that the government undertakes through the central bank.... ... ... ... This was followed by the Breton woods regime of 1946 to the floating of the pound against the US dollar in 1972....
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Major Business Strategies
12 pages (3100 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Major Business Strategies" focuses on the critical analysis of the major cases of business strategies.... The law on discrimination in employment seeks to prevent employees based on sex, race, religion, nationality, disability, and age.... ... ... ... Bias in hiring, termination, promotions and compensation in organizations are highly discouraged by the laws on discrimination in employment....
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Issues of Concern in Evaluation, Estimation, and Analysis of Accidents and Catastrophes
10 pages (2683 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Issues of Concern in Evaluation, Estimation, and Analysis of Accidents and Catastrophes" paper examines the likelihood of the incident resulting in a vapor cloud explosion and fatality and comments on the level of risk against the risk tolerance criteria.... .... ... ... There are a limited number of bulk petrol storage facilities in the United Kingdom that are important in playing a significant role as an energy source....
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Globalization in Ethics
11 pages (3034 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Globalization in Ethics" discusses that generally, every corporation is not to necessarily redevise the checks, turn up with a fresh deposit of Commandments or go into the worldwide principled mainstream practices without a diagram or scope.... ... ... ... With the advance in the trend of economic globalization of the world and inter-reliance in different businesses, it has now become all the more significant to expand a worldwide canon of rules by which the operations of business organizations can be monitored....
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External Forces of Cross-Border Restructuring in Airline Industry
9 pages (2633 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "External Forces of Cross-Border Restructuring in Airline Industry" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the external forces of cross-border restructuring in the airline industry.... Air voyage is still a huge and emerging business.... ... ... ... It assists fiscal development, global trade, worldwide savings, and sightseeing and is consequently vital to the internationalization taking place in numerous businesses....
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Financial Reporting Analysis: French Connection Group Plc
10 pages (2741 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Financial Reporting Analysis: French Connection Group Plc" discusses that the latest press releases about the French Connection group only bring good news.... In September of 2011, the company announced its store opening in Vietnam on a 215 sq.... km area.... ... ... ... French Connection Group PLC specializes in fashion clothing and accessories for men, women and children as well....
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The Legal Claim of Unfair Dismissal
12 pages (3416 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Legal Claim of Unfair Dismissal" discusses that issues like the present one need to be remedied either by the employers themselves, through arbitrators or mediators, failing which the need for intervention by the Industrial Tribunal would be envisaged and sought.... .... ... ... The main issue at hand is whether, under law, Richard's dismissal on disciplinary grounds is valid, and could be enforceable by law....
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The Conception of Postmodern Art
15 pages (3896 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper "The Conception of Postmodern Art" argues in a well-organized manner that as visual art has always been at the forefront of thought and practice, it follows that visual art may be a bit ahead of the times, and certainly ahead of the common thoughts of the general public.... ...
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Merits of the Implementation of Trips Agreement vis-a-vis IP Policy
10 pages (3125 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Merits of the Implementation of Trips Agreement vis-a-vis IP Policy" discusses that the implementation of the TRIPs Agreements, the discussion has illustrated, offers certain positive and even negative effects to states in their enhancement of intellectual property development.... .... ...
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EU and US Bankruptcy Law
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Concrete systems of law conclude cultural varieties of the societies in which they operate.... For instance UK is considered to be creditor-friendly authority for it floats for mandatory commence insolvency that allows providers of finance to keep them aloof from the consequences of a debtor's collapse knows nothing of debtor in possession ....
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Fundatn Stage Currculum
11 pages (3062 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Fоundatіоn Stage Currіculum" concludes taht dіfferent levels оf gоvernment, schооl оffіcіals and prоfessіоnal оrganіzatіоns have unlоaded gоals and purpоses оf schооlіng tо teachers, whіch are tоо many іn number and tоо cоnflіctіng іn nature.... ... ...
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The Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas Hearings
11 pages (3110 words) , Download 2 , Essay
"The Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas Hearings" paper focuses on how a newfound public awareness of gender discrimination, sexual harassment in the workplace, and the need for women to be in Congress have impacted American Society as a result of the Anita Hill/ Clarence Thomas Hearings.... ... ... ...
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History of Race, Sport, and Culture in Modern America
42 pages (10500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The issue of racial profiling of African Americans encompasses all aspects of their participation in mainstream American society.... Discussions and debates that deal with it are always controversial even in these times of greater integration and social enlightenment.... ... ... ... A particular issue that has sparked controversy is the debate of the biological versus the cultural basis for African American dominance in high profile sports. ...
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An analysis of the financial crisis and collapse of Lehman Bros
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The financial crisis of 2007-2010 was an economic disaster impacting not only the United States, but many international regions in which the banking system was inter-linked.... However, by 2007, it was becoming increasingly clear to many large financial institutions, such as Bear Stearns, JP Morgan and Lehman Bros....
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Education Policies in England and Wales
20 pages (5511 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Education Policies in England and Wales" explains that the assessment regimes in England are intended to measure or assess all aspects of the education system, including the performance of students, teachers, principals, schools, administrative staff and to some extent, even the government....
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Prevention strategies for celebratory riots
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It was January 13, 532 A.... .... in Constantinople, when the deadliest riot in world history broke out.... The Byzantine Empire had developed chariot racing as both the cities most beloved sporting event and an outlet for political and religious debate.... The color of each team's uniform signified their political position and religious faction....
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Person Centered Counseling
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Carl Roger's “philosophy” has been matched with that of Zen Buddhism, the Bach Flower remedies, as well as with the Christian doctrine of original sin, and the New Testament virtues.... .... ... ... Rogers related, “at the urging of my students, I became acquainted with Martin Buber (first from his writings and then personally) and with Soren Kierkegaard....
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Mental Health Student Nurse at City University
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Mental Health Student Nurse at City University" states that the experience varies from one patient to another.... Although we can say from one ward to another, it is always on a per patient basis.... Multicultural diversities showed that the greatest challenge in this practice is communication....
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Resentment and the Genealogy of Morals
23 pages (5500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay demonstrates that in the "Genealogy of Morals", Friedrich Nietzsche continues his sustained attack on the moral edifice constructed by the Judeo-Christian ethic and the tenets of classical liberalism, tentatively begun in Human, All too Human.... ... ... ... In the analysis of "The Genealogy", there are some salient insights that can be "rehabilitated" in an attempt to construct a consistent line of analysis, perhaps more than in any other of his works....
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Female Genital Mutilation
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay stresses that having slight similarity in its ability to kindle an emotional response, the tradition of female circumcision has been encountering severe international attention from news media outlets, health professionals, policymakers, feminist and human rights advocates.... .... ... ...
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Compare the education between Saudi Arabia and United state
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There are many dimensions of education which need to be addressed to make education as a key to developing the nation.... The United States and Saudi Arabia have different views in terms of their educational systems.... Some.... ... ... United States of America has different ways of addressing its educational requirement compared to Saudi Arabia....
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The Art of Filmmaking
25 pages (6655 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Art of Filmmaking" explores the themes of voyeurism and masculinity in crisis.... As far as voyeurism is concerned, Hitchcock has used the staging almost perfectly, comparing the use of studio sets to location filming in the depiction of the city and city life in film.... ... ... ... Staging has a great influence on the minds of the audience as it goes through the movie....
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Different Spellings for Various Pronunciations between American and British English
23 pages (6865 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Different Spellings for Various Pronunciations between American and British English" clears up there are words with pronunciation different between GAE and RP, however with the same meaning.... The difference arises in how those words are articulated, in terms of pronunciation and accent....
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Arabian Oryx vs the Black-Footed Ferret's Chances of Life
20 pages (6542 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This essay "Arabian Oryx vs the Black-Footed Ferret's Chances of Life" compares reintroduction programs for two species in different parts of the world: a desert-dwelling species of antelope native to the Middle East, and a Mustelid predator that prospered in the vast prairies of North America.... ...
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Definitions and Impact of Collectivism and Individualism
20 pages (5354 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of this paper "Definitions and Impact of Collectivism and Individualism" will make an earnest attempt to critically discuss the movement from collectivism to individualism in particular how it has been expressed in pay systems over the past 30 years.... ... ... ... Collectivism is the belief that the individual person is subjugated to a group for the common good of all....
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Funding of Voluntary Sector in UK
20 pages (5741 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Funding of Voluntary Sector in UK" presents sources and sectors which help the voluntary organisations in UK in gathering funds from the government which is not only local government but also the central government.... ... ... ... The funds are also raised through donations which are coming from the legacies along with the selling of cards and gifts in order to gather donations....
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Habermas Political Philosophy
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Habaermas discourse ethics theory attempts to elucidate the inference of communicative rationality in the light of moral basics and normative validation.... ... ... ... The first part differentiates the Habermas' theory from that of John Rawl (moral theory) and the second one differentiates it from Kant's moral theory....
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Comparative LawHistory the medieval english coroner system
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The concept of the Coroner system is strictly a British tradition dating back as far as the 9th century.... Not much is known about the function or duties of the corner during that era.... It was not until the 12th century that the role of coroner was formalized in law during the reign of King Richard I....
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Australian Economy over the Last Two Years
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
How does Viper work?... (Click here for full explanation) Viper scans your work against over 6 billion web pages, as well as against all work previously submitted to our company.... Viper's report identifies content in your work that matches these sources.... A positive match DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN THAT YOUR WORK IS PLAGIARISED....
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Science applied to adult nursing
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
50 year old Sam was brought to the accident and emergency department with history of acute onset of abdominal pain since 12 hours associated with nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.... Sam had gone to a party the previous night where he consumed lots of alcohol and food.... He thought.... ... ... However, as the abdominal pain gradually increased and became intolerable, Sam suspected worse problem and came to the hospital....
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Physical Geography Of South And East Asia
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the essay "Physical Geography Of South And East Asia" it is clear that the region of South and East Asia is undergoing a lot of changes and transformations that are either positive or negative.... Environmental degradation has greatly affected this region.... ... ... ... The Asian region is divided into several regions namely East, North, Central, Southeast, West and South Asia....
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Critical Reflective Log
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 6 , Essay
A reflection log accounts for what one sees and his or her take on such things (American Psychiatric Association 1994).... The core characteristics of an effective reflection.... ... ... clude identification, analysis, and exploration of what one has done, understand what he or she has done well and see how he or she can be more effective in future....
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Positive and Negative Effects of Music upon Mental Health
20 pages (5635 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Positive and Negative Effects of Music upon Mental Health" analyzes and evaluates both the positive and negative effects that music has on human health, specifically focusing on mental health.... The paper focuses on the history of music therapy, its influence on our immune system, and IQ....
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Analysis of the Characters in Emilia Galotti by Lessing and Die Rauber by Schiller
26 pages (6912 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Analysis of the Characters in Emilia Galotti by Lessing and Die Rauber by Schiller" highlights that even in a good or adverse situation, actions are highly dependent on various external influences, with a tinge of inherent benefit on the part of the individual initiating that action.... ...
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State of the Art of Project Management
22 pages (5551 words) , Essay
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The paper "State of the Art of Project Management" is a good example of a literature review on management.... The general application of strategies, processes, and methodologies in project management is not of help unless there is strategic consideration of every element applied in procuring valuable projects....
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Television, Ethnicity and Cultural Change
24 pages (6418 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Television, Ethnicity and Cultural Change" discusses minorities as a group that does not constitute a dominant voting majority of the total population within society.... It may not necessarily a numerical minority as it may include any group.... ... ... ... The term "minority" typically refers to a socially subordinate ethnic group (maybe in terms of language, nationality, religion, and/or culture)....
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Establishment and Operation of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon
19 pages (5805 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Establishment and Operation of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon" highlights that although the Lebanese government initially intended to agree to the establishment of an STL, they nevertheless withdrew by refusing to ratify the STL Resolution.... ... ... ... The Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) was established by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1757 of 2007....
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Lear Concept of Agency Theory
22 pages (5849 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Сlear Concept of Agency Theory" discusses that dividend is calculated regarding the firm's inappropriate profits & the business profile in the future year.... While there are negative NPV, the return will exceed the hurdle rate, so the manager must back the extra cash to his investors....
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Poetry of the World War I
27 pages (6750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The World War gave rise to new forms of poetry arising from the base of Georgian poetry and it represented a new era in poetic verse because it stripped away the restrictions on what poets could write about.... ... ... ... The poems arising out of this world war era are significant in that World War I symbolized a time of trial and tribulation and of great suffering for mankind....
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Human Rights and Sexuality
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Sexual relationship, sexual orientation and human rights; these interconnected issues have raised their values to a large extent in the contemporary social setting of human life.... .... ... ... Sexual relationship is widely considered as an inevitable part of human life and with the rapidly growing complexities in the outer world configuration, this most private manifestation of human life is also witnessing transition which evidently provides a disclaimer to gender hierarchies and national identities....
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Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Children
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The paper operates mainly based on research questions which can be stated as follows: How well does existing policy and practice protect and promote safeguarding and welfare?... How safeguarding and children's welfare has been developed in the UK and what the impact it has had on education and care?...
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A Critical Evaluation of Normative Power in the EU
17 pages (5464 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper "A Critical Evaluation of Normative Power in the EU" attempts to detail the evolution of the normative power of the EU, how it is being administered, the darker side of it and further reforms to be carried over to refine the disadvantages it possesses.... ... ... ... It is undeniable that the EU advocates a large set of norms for any nations to become a member of the EU well within its frontiers and its demeanour towards the European Neighbourhood Policy....
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Comparison of Healthcare Systems of Canada, United States and France
25 pages (7100 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Comparison of Healthcare Systems of Canada, United States, and France" is about healthcare data, focusing on cancer incidence rate.... Healthcare reflects population health.... Was revealed that cancer-related deaths were higher in the U.... .... than in Canada, for both men and women....
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Persuasion According to Perloff and Campaigns
26 pages (6852 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Persuasion According to Perloff and Campaigns" discusses that the reputation of an organisation is literally everything to that organisation.... If the public trusts the organisation, then the organisation will have a good reputation that will sustain it through the bad times.... .... ...
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