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Adverse T:E Ratio: Possible Doping
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Adverse T: E Ratio: Possible Doping" describes what the misuse of drugs in human sports in an attempt to enhance performance, usually known as doping, is, unfortunately, an extensive and old practice.... Ethical and health aspects are of particular concern.... ... ... ... The definition of doping adopted in the World Anti-doping Code is the occurrence of one or more of a set of doping rules violations....
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Research and Analysis of a Current Issue in Education
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay describes one of current issues in education and the changes that have оccurred sіnce the passіng оf the 1988 Education Reform Act, such as the Natіоnal Currіculum and the ways іn whіch schооls have changed tо accоmmоdate these new cіrcumstances.... ... ... ... The researcher focuses on dіscussing the іssues cоncernіng the Fоundatіоn Stage іn educatіоn whіch are the іssues оf prіmary currіculum where the chіldren оf 4-6 years оld are educated....
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Human Resource Management - Pregnancy Discrimination Act
11 pages (2912 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This paper "Human Resource Management - Pregnancy Discrimination Act" focuses on the fact that for centuries, the age-old tradition of confining women within the four walls of the house has somewhat taken a U-turn as far as the societies of the present times are concerned.... .... ... ... Civil societies now look up to their women with the same valour as they do to their men....
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Marketing in the For and Not For Profit Sectors
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay talks about the marketing strategies of both for profit and not for profit organizations have been discussed extensively.... All current theories have been examined and explained with relevant examples.... In the case of for profit companies, the buyer behavior was discussed.... ... ... ...
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Introduction to Indigenous Australia
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Introduction to Indigenous Australia Name Institution Land rights are the honest claim of a long historical movement, championed by the Aboriginal who resisted dispossession from their land, and supported by other non Aboriginal Australians.... This movement became opposed by the huge beneficiaries of the dispossession....
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Original Marketing Plan
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From modest beginnings in 1997 the company is now having as many as 60 stores all around the Middle East with a combined turnover of 80 million Dirhams annually. ... ... owever the company.... ... ... is now threatened by rivals that are older and bigger and who have started to gain an edge due to size and reach by imitating the successful steps taken by the company in the past....
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The Designation of Management Accountant
10 pages (2846 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This essay discusses "The Designation of Management Accountant", as far as recent technological innovations and developments have made 'management accountancy' so important that almost each and every section of business activity needs to be served by the expertise of a management accountancy expert in one way or the other....
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Roman Masculinities
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is well described that the role of masculinity plays a fatal role in the determining of the characteristics of Man separating him from the gentile characteristics of Woman.... Man has always been the front line of defense, in opposition to hindrance, conquest and victory in.... ... ...
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Analytical Reflection on Three Actual Events
10 pages (2762 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The first the author discusses" Level Up!... The Philippines, Philippine Ragnarok Online" event, the second the author examines the "BitingBeaver and Radical Feminism" event, and the last one is "PETA" which is currently the largest animal rights advocacy in the world, with over 2 million members....
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An Export Strategy for a Bridge Joint Manufacture
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
An Export Strategy for a Bridge Joint Manufacture ... nnis Prismo based in United Kingdom is a company that works in the production of rendering products related to the category of manufacturing and other traffic products.... .... ... ... Ennis Prismo based in United Kingdom is a company that works in the production of rendering products related to the category of manufacturing and other traffic products....
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Intellectual Property Law
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This research aims to evaluate and present Intellectual Property Law particularly observing such issues: “section 10 of the 1994 Trade markts Act“, The EUs “Information Society Directive 2001/29/EC “ and literal claim construction by English courts.... ... ... ... According to the research findings the CJEU was of the view that though the legal protection under Trade mark Act was limited to preventing imitation that misleads consumers on this point but in contemporary days, a trade mark is regarded as an expensive asset in its own right and needs efficient safeguard on larger area including investment, advertisement and essential function....
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Sociology of Education
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Functionalism theory is structuralist in nature and though its influence has waned over the past decades, it still makes important contributions in education system and society.... Functionalism holds that the main objective of education is maintenance of “social order in society” (Chris, and Tony, 2006, p5)....
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Ways in which contemporary art history engages with issues of difference in class, power, culture, etc
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper explores the ways in which contemporary art history engages with issues of difference in class, power, culture, gender, sexuality, ethnicity or, creed.... Contemporary art history looks at the current trend in art of the recent past including that which is currently at disposal.... ... ...
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Financial Exploitation of the Elderly Population in Los Angeles
11 pages (3017 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The paper "Financial Exploitation of the Elderly Population in Los Angeles" states that if the benefits significantly exceed the costs, the course of action is worth pursuing.... Otherwise, the course of action should be abandoned in favor of another alternative.... ... ... ... The costs and benefits include both the monetary and non-monetary ones such as social and environmental impacts....
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The Definition of an Organization
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This research is being carried out to evaluate and present the definition of an organization as a group of people who work together in an organized way for a shared purpose.... ... ... ... This paper illustrates that every formal organization has mission, which highlights the reason why such an entity exists....
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Perspective on the Syria case and Saudi Arabia's attitude towards the U.N
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
Lebanon do not have camps for refugees, this has caused the international organizations fail to respond since no refugees are seen.... This is.... ... ... The UN launched 5.... billion dollars aid appeal for Syrian and the neighboring countries affected by the war.... John Kery the US secretary visited zaatari camp but he was associated him of nonaction which is a He responded to this by offering another 195 million dollars to help Syrians....
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Deviant Act: Timing People in Public in Real Life
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
An essay "Deviant Act: Timing People in Public in Real Life" reports that deviant act is such a delicate topic, which needs to be researched with great consideration and effort.... The sociological theories have now transited into the theoretical perspectives for a better understanding of the same....
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A Tale of Two Stones
10 pages (2738 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From the paper "A Tale of Two Stones" it is clear that Bailey's discourse drives home the point that France has always suffered from external forces and conquests and that those outside pressures have erected several aspects of French internal history.... ... ... ...
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What Are the Appropriate Channels for William to Seek Any Compensation for Loss of Job
14 pages (3802 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "What Are the Appropriate Channels for William to Seek Any Compensation for Loss of Job" discusses that the influence of Natural law theory in implementing the laws and the governments of many nations in which, the United Kingdom and the United States of America cannot be set aside.... ...
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United Nations Convention
14 pages (3825 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "United Nations Convention" presents the United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables that has become an unexpected success story.... It was concluded after more than 30 years of preparation in 1980 by a United Nations conference in Vienna, at which 62 member-states participated....
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The Application of Evidence-Based Nursing in Orthopaedics
12 pages (3601 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Application of Evidence-Based Nursing in Orthopaedics" discusses that professional nursing associations, nursing regulatory bodies, and nursing schools should share the responsibility of facilitating and promoting evidence-based nursing practices and decisions.... .... ... ... True to the concept of management, the utilization of resources should be maximised but this may cause the lack of insight and judgment for certain cases where lives are concerned....
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Virtues a Successful Ruler has According to Machiavelli
11 pages (2805 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Virtues a Successful Ruler has According to Machiavelli" shall discuss his theories at a critical angle and justify his conclusions.... Machiavelli was one such individual who drew some conclusions on qualities that led to a successful ruler.... ... ... ... A ruler stands for the ultimate rule of any social setting with his power being revered by his subjects irrespective of their liking towards him or her....
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Methods of Research
10 pages (2971 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''Methods of Research'' tells us that without a doubt, applied research is one of the most vital parts of healthcare administration.... It serves as a basis on which a relationship between theory and the solution to the most pressing medical, social, psychological, and other problems is built....
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Major Issues on Earthquakes
10 pages (2759 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Major Issues on Earthquakes" focuses on the critical analysis of the major peculiarities and issues concerning earthquakes.... Earthquakes occur within the Earth's crust along fault lines that suddenly release large amounts of energy that have built up over long periods of time.... ... ...
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Economic Environment in Which Barratt Developments PLC Operates
11 pages (3224 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "Economic Environment in Which Barratt Developments PLC Operates" begins with an analysis of the economic environment in which Barratt Development operates and it is noted that present the economic indicators of interest and income levels are favorable to the business of the company.... ...
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Do Any Foreign Policy Models Help to Explain American Failure in Vietnam
10 pages (2827 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Do Any Foreign Policy Models Help to Explain American Failure in Vietnam" discusses that the Vietnam conflict cannot be understood by looking at the situation in 1965 when the major U.... .... commitments were made.... It is necessary to go back to 1945 or even earlier.... .... ... ... In this paper, attempts have been made to understand the bureaucratic model first in the Middle East and then in Vietnam....
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Indeendent Nurse Prctitiners in ustrli frm Sci-Pliticl Persective
9 pages (2954 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper "Indeрendent Nurse Prаctitiоners in Аustrаliа frоm а Sоciо-Pоliticаl Persрective" will begin with the statement that the cоntributiоn оf nurse prаctitiоner services tо pоpulаtiоn аnd public heаlth is being highly recоgnized in а grоwing number оf cоuntries аrоund the wоrld....
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Jews, Christians, and Muslims
8 pages (2595 words) , Download 2 , Essay
this essay "Jews, Christians, and Muslims" discusses differences of ideas in each tradition.... For the Muslims, charity involves giving to fellow Muslims, whereas for Jews and Christians, charity refers to any poor and needy regardless of religion or no religion.... ... ... ... Justice is based on the truth for all three religious traditions....
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Representation of Women in Political Fiction
12 pages (3197 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Representation of Women in Political Fiction" highlights that Marie St.... Clare, an upper-class mother living in New Orleans gives up all her responsibilities and consumes her time inactive upon a sofa, abandoning her home in a complete mess.... ... ... ... Cassy, a tough, compassionate character, is motivated to violence in reaction to brutal losses compelled upon her; she once killed an owner with a knife who sold their children and afterward poisoned an infant she had by another owner to put away the child from the dreadful realities of slavery (Fisher & Silber, 2003)....
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War as a Strategic Tool of Policy
16 pages (3963 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''War as a Strategic Tool of Policy'' tells us that the political purposes of war vary; however, they should all be clearly expressed.... According to Vego, they can vary from 'preserving national territorial integrity and political sovereignty to preserving one's own or breaking up the opposing alliance/coalition....
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Global Value Aspect of Consumer Buying Behaviour
12 pages (3419 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Global Value Aspect of Consumer Buying Behaviour" observes that buying behavior of consumers has changed considerably, and the factors behind the changes include the replacement of consumerism with planned consumption and the financial implications of recent financial crises.... ... ... ...
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How Parliament Hold Government Cabinets Responsible
12 pages (3256 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "How Parliament Hold Government Cabinets Responsible" examines the different measures that political and parliamentary systems in Western Europe use to hold the government cabinets responsible.... The main angles of approach will be Financial accountability, Administrative matters, etc....
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The Australian Day
11 pages (3021 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This paper ''The Australian Day '' tells that Tracing from history, Australian Day marks the anniversary of January 26th when Captain Arthur Phillip and his first fleet managed to raise the flag on Australia's European settlement.... It is for this reason that the event has been celebrated every year....
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Employment Law Memos
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Employment Law Memos" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the employment law memorandums.... The first one is served upon them to shed light on issues involving the cases which were recently filed by one of their employees, Ms.... Tanya against their company.... ... ...
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Africans in the Conquest of Mesoamerica
11 pages (3007 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Africans in the Conquest of Mesoamerica" describes that the popular view of the Spanish conquest and colonization of Mexico very often does not include, or makes little mention of, Africans, despite their numerically significant role in the affair.... ... ... ... Cortes emphasizes the prosperity of the city of Churultecal and gives as evidence the fact that the citizens are better dressed than those of Tascalteca, wearing a kind of 'African' burnoose, but with armholes, as an overall covering....
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Influence of Laugier's Treatise on Ledoux
11 pages (3028 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Influence of Laugier's Treatise on Ledoux" states that influences that were associated with Laugier and the impact on Ledoux furthered with the changes which were in architecture and the associations which individuals had according to these alterations.... ... ... ... This was different from past architecture, specifically with a growing belief that different forms of buildings were superior in quality and make to other forms of architecture....
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Theoretical Bases of Nursing
12 pages (3279 words) , Download 4 , Essay
From the paper "Theoretical Bases of Nursing" it is clear that research findings on various nursing problems offer data to develop nursing practice theories, as nursing is essentially evidence-based and it engages in research-based development of theory and practice.... .... ... ... Nursing theories both implicitly and explicitly direct all avenues of nursing that including nursing clinical practice, education, and administration....
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Copyright Law and Contemporary Works of Art
10 pages (2868 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Copyright Law and Contemporary Works of Art" highlights that is not very new existing copyright law protects original works of art against being protected.... However, many contemporary works are not defined by the existing law, for instance, visual art.... .... ... ... The paper discusses the inconsistency between Copyright Law and contemporary works of art (appropriation art)....
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Emotional Intelligence as It Comes to Business
12 pages (3255 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The paper "Emotional Intelligence as It Comes to Business" highlights that management performance is in direct correlation with the emotional drive that they feel for what it is that they are doing, as is the case for non-management employees who work in the corporation.... .... ... ... It is quite essential to state that to be able to think emotionally is an ability that many humans draw upon at some point throughout their lives....
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The Nobleman in the Owain Glyndwr Revolt
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "The Nobleman in the Owain Glyndwr Revolt" focuses on Owain Glyndwr who was the famous Prince of Wales who successfully led the people's rebellion in retaliation to the strong iron-fisted rule of England that took place in the ancient 15th century.... .... ... ... Glyndwr tried his best to realize his cause with his diminishing forces....
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Performance of the Leader as Affected by Followers
10 pages (3030 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "Performance of the Leader as Affected by Followers" discusses that depleting the bank of credits for lack of motivation, and responsibility for failure may lead his followers to take a path separate from him.... This is the explanation of the leader-follower relationship in this contest....
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Dental Implants Therapy
11 pages (3021 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Dental Implants Therapy" it is clear that almost all the studies indicated that patients without periodontal disease fared better regarding implant survival, although in most cases differences in implant survival between the two groups were not statistically significant.... ... ... ...
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Informational Interview with the Owner of Toms Coffee Shop in New York
10 pages (2680 words) , Download 0 , Scholarship Essay
"Informational Interview with the Owner of Tom's Coffee Shop in New York" paper contains the interview with Thomas Patterson, the manager who exposes the various issues that small business owners and operators go through in starting and operating a business.... .... ... ... Various aspects of the business have remained the same while others have changed....
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The Port Hedland Case Study Analysis
10 pages (3043 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "The Port Hedland Case Study Analysis" focuses on the critical analysis of the overall and in-depth knowledge about community planning and development needs in the Port Hedland area and how the author proposes to undertake and carry out the proposed community development needs.... ... ... ...
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Family Medical Leave Act: A Vitally Needed Law
10 pages (2913 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The paper "Family Medical Leave Act: A Vitally Needed Law " highlights that generally speaking, abuse and fraud in regard to FMLA are not unknown, but it is rare.... Companies can demand that a medical professional certify an employee as seriously ill.... ... ... ... When a person gets sick or infirmed and requires a caretaker to tend to their daily needs, the necessary instrumental support almost always comes from the family....
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Hofstedes Cultural Dimension
11 pages (3162 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "Hofstede's Cultural Dimension" highlights that it is impossible to maintain good relationships if we are unable to cope with multicultural differences.... Therefore, it is essential to create awareness of all the positive outcomes due to multicultural .... ... ... Managers need to have broad-ranging skills and high adaptability to work in a multi-cultural team....
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The Development of the Self-Worth
15 pages (3850 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "The Development of the Self-Worth" focuses on the concepts associated with the overall development of the self which is shown through complex levels of behaviors, emotions, and responses that show a lack of self–worth from various angles.... ... .... ... ... Working with depression as a counselor was one of the most common and most difficult in helping to develop a sense of self–worth....
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Analysis of a House and a Unit Located near Clayton Station
10 pages (2744 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Analysis of a House and a Unit Located near Clayton Station" states that the people consider the local market and the proximity of that house to the local market.... The assignment has helped me come up with ideas that are necessary for determining what kind of apartment is worth living in....
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Early Political Events That Shape American History
9 pages (2618 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Early Political Events That Shape American History" states that having a well-established political system and effective checks and balances; Americans have little worry about the mismanagement of the oval office.... Americans were economically and politically insecure.... ... ... ... American society has undergone various phases and eras since the creation of the union....
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Paid Maternity Leave and Benefits for Adopted Puppy
12 pages (3373 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Paid Maternity Leave and Benefits for Adopted Puppy" discusses that it is the duty and the mandate of the employer to accommodate all their workers, who have special or undue hardships, because of their child care or elderly persons care responsibilities.... ... ... ... It is essential to state that Ms....
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