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Policing Weapons and the Use of Force
8 pages (2450 words) , Download 0 , Report
The common pepper spray which is used to mime targets at close range is an example of a chemical non-lethal weapon.... Rubber bullets which are commonly used to repress rioters is an example of a projectile weapon.... Giving an example of death, it can be acknowledged that the act of disorienting or disabling the motor ability of targets is a sure way of arresting or cornering suspect without necessarily killing them in case lethal weapons were used....
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Infrastructure Projects Undertaken in Dubai
17 pages (4507 words) , Download 0 , Report
here is the major use of modern probabilistic techniques of analyzing seismic hazards to build up parameters of seismic design like for example time histories and response spectra.... his presents one major example that shows why risk management has been dovetailed with value engineering (value management), as the two are not independent processes and hence their integrations into different project processes can have important benefits regarding the project's entire performance....
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ITIL for Managing IT Service in Terra Firma
6 pages (1519 words) , Download 1 , Report
The author of this report "ITIL for Managing IT Service in Terra Firma" describes evaluating the current IT infrastructure and operations environment at Terra Firma.... This paper outlines the Terra Firma IT environment and two point service improvement for the company's IT system.... .... ... ... As a supplier, Terra Firma also offers technical support services as well as integration assistance for the imaging systems with developed visualization software, analysis, and storage of important medical images....
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Personal Psychology Issues
5 pages (1570 words) , Download 0 , Report
As a person is no more concerned with getting some food (for example), these needs go to the background, and she/he can focus on other more elaborate needs.... For example, when a person is engulfed in creating art, she/he may forget about food and sleep for a certain period of time.... Except that, as he is rather young and prone to follow the example of majority, he may have inherited such mindsets from his acquaintances and friends. ... For example, we would receive some nominal reward for each visit to the hospital\doctor. ...
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Health Care Decision Making for All Saints Hospital
6 pages (2116 words) , Download 0 , Report
In fact Price Waterhouse Coopers (2009) found in their review of AR-DRG system that in many Australian states and territories AR-DRG V5.... Australian Health review, vol.... ricewaterhousecoopers, 2009, ‘The review of the AR-DRG classification system development process'....
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The St. Petersburg Game and the Paradox
16 pages (4106 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, in deciding whether to raise, see, fold, or cash in and go home, in a particular game, you must consider not only probability and expected value, but also the facts that its 5 A.... Suppose, for example, that peoples desire for money is a logarithmic function of the amount of money.... For example, to a millionaire $1 is nothing, whereas to a beggar it can mean not going hungry....
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Publix Supermarkets Analysis
9 pages (2229 words) , Download 5 , Report
Particularly, the example on growing a vegetable garden instead of buying groceries represents the condition when the industrial products provide an attractive price-performance trade-off.... At the end of the day, companies make lower profits besides having to work harder as argued by Porter in the book Competitive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior performance (2008)....
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Evaluation of E-Commerce Models Technical Analysis
12 pages (3538 words) , Download 0 , Report
For instance, if a certain client purchases a Dell laptop with outstanding features from a company like Amazon, these happy customers will give it a positive review.... Potential laptop buyers will tend to read on these reviews first before committing personal resources on any machine and because this particular make and model has a positive review, there is a possibility that the potential customer will be convinced to buy the exact make and model of the laptop....
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Partitions and Principles for Secure Operating Systems
9 pages (2708 words) , Download 2 , Report
This report "Partitions and Principles for Secure Operating Systems" presents various essential system administration tasks offered by different operating systems and concludes that with the improvements in the tools available in modern operating systems has been eliminated to a great extent.... ...
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Was There Increased Demand for Product B So That the Sales Price Had to or Could Be Increased
7 pages (2001 words) , Download 1 , Report
This paper "Was There Increased Demand for Product B So That the Sales Price Had to or Could Be Increased?... focuses on the fact that there are various issues with the actual versus budgeted amounts given here in the companies financial information.... These issues are called variances.... .... ...
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Senior Students In Business Major With Higher GPA Pursue Their Master's Degree
8 pages (1980 words) , Download 1 , Report
However, these exams that assess the general skills and knowledge are administered to random samples of students in a given university. ... This report "Senior Students In Business Major With Higher GPA Pursue Their Master's Degree" discusses the higher education in the world since the 20th century that has created wide access to various opportunities and a network of numerous colleges and universities....
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Performance Management and Reward Procedures
11 pages (3247 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Performance Management and Reward Procedures" is a wonderful example of a report on management.... The paper "Performance Management and Reward Procedures" is a wonderful example of a report on management.... As far as the problems of DIY Stores are concerned, the company needs to seriously review their existing promotion and incentive guidelines in order to control employee dissatisfaction and attrition rate and to accomplish that the company should follow standard theories and practices developed by Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management experts (Perkins and White, 2011)....
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The Ecology of English in Saudi Arabia: Its Status and Roles in Relation to Other Native Languages
15 pages (4372 words) , Download 1 , Report
National review Online.... ‘The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign Arab Islamic state with Islam as its religion; God's book and the Sunnah [ways and practices] of His Prophet, peace be upon him, are its constitution, Arabic is its language' (International Constitutional Law Document, 2005). ...
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Descartes's the Philosophical Revolution
8 pages (2264 words) , Download 3 , Report
This form of the scientific method can be evidenced, for example, in Newton's law of gravity.... Using the example of the dream and inquiring whether the bodies we have are real, Descartes arrives at the conclusion that our existence in the shape we are in is not an illusion.... In the first Mediation of Descartes' book “A Discourse on Method, Meditations, and Principles,” he tries to convince the reader of his methodology of thinking.... On the other hand, Descartes' perfect link between his methods of doubt and inquiry is reflected clearly in Part Four of the book....
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The Departments Occupational Health and Safety Planning Process
9 pages (2454 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "The Department's Occupational Health and Safety Planning Process " is a wonderful example of a report on management.... The paper "The Department's Occupational Health and Safety Planning Process " is a wonderful example of a report on management.... ur organization has information on policies that govern efficient implementation, review, monitoring and improvement of our occupational health and safety.... The financial fraud control plan is available for review to all employees in every department. ...
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Islam and Buddhism
6 pages (1869 words) , Download 1 , Report
When compared with Christianity, Islam beliefs and practices differ in terms of God where Christians believe in the Blessed Trinity while Muslims believe in one and indivisible Allah; Jesus was regarded as a prophet by the Muslims, as contrasted to Christians' acknowledging Him as the son of God; their holy book differs – Bible and the Quran; and their place of worship – church and mosque, to name a few (Robinson, Islam: The second largest world religion....
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Mooroolbark Real Estate Agency System Design
5 pages (1506 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Mooroolbark Real Estate Agency System Design" is a great example of a report on design and technology.... The paper "Mooroolbark Real Estate Agency System Design" is a great example of a report on design and technology.... At present, information technology plays a significant role in almost every walk of life....
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A Close Relationship between Education and Social Class
4 pages (1170 words) , Download 0 , Report
University policies are under review and policy makers support programs whose basis is class background.... This report "A Close Relationship between Education and Social Class" discusses providing opportunities for students from various social classes.... Most colleges are now increasing the financial aid to allow diversification of the programs offered....
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Role of Human Resource Management in Managing Organizational Change Successfully
11 pages (3380 words) , Download 3 , Report
International Labour review, Vol.... (Caluwe & Vermaak, 2000) This book has presented different methodologies and insights into the world of change management within organizations and as to how the very same regimes are put in place.... The paper "Role for Human Resource Management in Managing Organizational Change Successfully" states it is significant to understand that having the most sought after employees and workers in the market is necessary since they will give the most productivity in the toughest times possible....
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Strategic Human Resource Management in Healthcare
10 pages (2851 words) , Download 2 , Report
For example, students from Africa are getting scholarship to study medicine work in China, health system culture and ethnic background is experienced in the healthy systems among other diversities.... Also, for example in developing countries like Kenya, the constitution suggests that one third of employees in an organization should represent women.... or example, I was involved in a crew that promotes teamwork where employees were made realize their strengths and weaknesses and how to perfect their abilities to improve in their assigned duties....
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Explaining Cooking, a Learning Activity, Using Cognitive Learning Theory
14 pages (3585 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Explaining Cooking, a Learning Activity, Using Cognitive Learning Theory" presents cooking that is a learning activity just like any other activity.... It entails knowledge of methods, food items, cooking apparatus, ingredients, and recipes.... ... ... ... Cooking requires dispositional and metacognitive knowledge which allows for the incorporation of changes....
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Revenue Management
5 pages (1922 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Revenue Management' is a cogent example of a finance & accounting report.... The paper 'Revenue Management' is a cogent example of a finance & accounting report.... from a book, handout, another student.... New York hosts the annual Tribeca Film Festival, which has become one of the most prestigious film festivals in the world (on the level of Cannes and Sundance)....
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Spear-Phishing Issues
5 pages (1521 words) , Download 0 , Report
This platform enables customers to book the ship in advance if they intend to travel with OCENIA ships.... Similarly, customers with cargo are able to book space for their cargo in advance and make payments to the company using their credit cards.... The report "Spear-Phishing Issues" discusses spear-phishing as a form of phishing, the security goals and vulnerabilities of OCENIA, how the vulnerabilities can be exploited, and the goals that will be compromised if the aforementioned vulnerabilities are exploited....
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Investigation of Footwear Industry: Nike Incorporated's Strategic Decision Making
9 pages (3790 words) , Download 0 , Report
or example, under the Bill Clinton regime, trade embargo was place on Vietnam in 1993, this resulted to corporations donating to the Democratic National Committee in order to lift the embargo, presence of Nike's name on that list led to unfavourable image especially when the embargo was lifted against the POW/MIAs families.... For example sales for Turkey and Russia rose by 25% in the EMEA segment, while revenue increase from China was over 50% in the course of 2009....
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Live Music Event
12 pages (3171 words) , Download 3 , Report
For example, Sizel and Hauche performed a unique and entertainment reggeaton during the “Fresh out of Urban” entertainment event.... The events management thus adopted adequate measures of enhancing security during the “Fresh out of Urban” festival; for example, hiring ten security personnel and also ten emergency staffs.... A budget was drawn to illustrate resource requirements (Rachlin 2013); for example, the financial allocation for hiring the 229 venue....
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Overview of Project Planning
11 pages (2988 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper " Overview of Project Planning ' is a delightful example of a report on management.... The paper " Overview of Project Planning ' is a delightful example of a report on management.... This aspect will be addressed during the weekly review meetings as well as during the design and code reviews.... dditionally, during the weekly review meetings, the time spent on milestone tasks will undergo review.... The manager will review tasks that are late and highlight tasks in the upcoming week....
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Various Practical Applications of Petroleum
12 pages (3442 words) , Download 0 , Report
A review on petroleum: Source, uses, processing, products and the environment.... This report "Various Practical Applications of Petroleum" analyses petroleum which is a non-renewable energy source.... Petroleum is a source of energy.... The report starts by analyzing the extraction of petroleum from the earth....
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Sports Betting Industry in the United Kingdom: Current Issues
11 pages (3455 words) , Download 2 , Report
The fact can be illustrated with the assistance of a recent example in which a 29 year old customer was identified selling gaming chips of Zynga games at a lower rate to satisfy his addiction for gambling.... This report will be based on the trends of the UK sports betting industry....
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Joseph Being a Prefigurement of Jesus Christ
6 pages (1629 words) , Download 1 , Report
There are many points of distinction between their personal lives and those of the other people who's life is also recorded in the book of Genesis.... Joseph being a Prefigurement of Jesus Christ Thesis In the book of Genesis, it could be argued that there are similarities between Joseph and Jesus.... While both were living a normal human life, there are many points of distinction between their personal lives and those of the other people whose life is also recorded in the book of Genesis....
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Intrusion Detection System
11 pages (2911 words) , Download 0 , Report
iterature review ... In order to know the people who are visiting, there will be a need to buy a registration book.... This report "Intrusion Detection System" discusses security as a paramount thing to consider in any kind of development.... This is because society has greatly changed and any organization developing any new facility should be well prepared to counter any attacks....
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Boston Consulting Group Matrix, Ansoff Market Model, Porters Three Generic Strategies
13 pages (3981 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Boston Consulting Group Matrix, Ansoff Market Model, Porter's Three Generic Strategies' is a helpful example of a marketing report.... The paper 'Boston Consulting Group Matrix, Ansoff Market Model, Porter's Three Generic Strategies' is a helpful example of a marketing report.... The market development strategy is riskier than market penetration strategy because companies go beyond their familiar environment and step into new markets, for example a new country (Luxinnovation G....
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Seven Processes of the Open Systems Interconnection
8 pages (2593 words) , Download 2 , Report
In addition, network layer of OSI model carries out following tasks: (Fairhurst, 2001; Fairhurst, The Internetwork Protocol (IP), 2008; Microsoft, 2011) 9 DATA LINK LAYER 10 The data link layer is the place where logical data and information (for example network IP addresses) are actually interpreted into the electrical pulses that move over the physical layer....
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Recent Changes in the Employment and Labor Law
5 pages (1443 words) , Download 0 , Report
An excellent example here is that of Tennessee and Florida where there is no rule in terms of answering personal calls during regular work hours (Employee Issues).... This paper ''Recent Changes in the Employment and Labor Law'' main aim is to develop a plan for the company's human resources department....
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Marketing Audit of Apple Company
6 pages (1679 words) , Download 2 , Report
To take an example of the way in which Apple's ads signify the differences with Microsoft, an ad features an older man and a hip youngster in formal and casual attire respectively.... The report "Marketing Audit of Apple Company" describes the promotional strategy of Apple.... This paper outlines advertisements and trade shows, personal selling, and PR....
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A Government Initiated Water Infrastructural Project
9 pages (2506 words) , Download 0 , Report
Then as per the objective, this critical review of EIS will check out for each of the 4 topics selected: ... This paper ''A Government Initiated Water Infrastructural Project '' tells about Traveston Crossing dam is a Government initiated water infrastructural project (SEQ).... This project takes many short and long-term measures not only to secure reliable water supply but also aims at different socio-economic developmental aspects....
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The Description of the Unit
10 pages (2822 words) , Download 1 , Report
This work called "The Description of the Unit" describes the stages of learning Spanish in a particular unit.... The author takes into account its structure, content, the concept of every stage.... From this work, it is clear about reflections on quality teaching and the author's own experience with Spanish....
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Leadership in the Information Technology Sector in a Global Economy
8 pages (2348 words) , Download 2 , Report
For instance, the Canadian agencies like the Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton and Toronto have given leadership in the realm in the recent times and the federal government could utilize the digital option process to go by their example by dedicating to an open access approach to government data....
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Market Analysis of Jollibee Fast-Food Restaurant
7 pages (2249 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, it served Asian style hamburgers and the pastas tasted like ‘Chinese Chowmein'.... For example, if the UK residents prefer fish and chips, they should introduce items which include fish and chips. ... For example, in 1997, Jollibee overcame a major setback....
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Fresh Direct Business
16 pages (4112 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, an email campaign can be sent to customers who recently bought vegetables from Fresh Direct, promoting their Prime Vegetable offering.... For example, a customer has not ordered for a number of days X or the frequency by which they order might be like V orders every Y number of days.... For example, the customer sent emails by the firm with links to the firm's website that click and follow the link can be tracked.... For example, when a customer adds something like steak to their cart, a dialog box appears suggesting that they purchase complimentary products like potatoes, spice rubs, and fresh herbs....
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Web 2.0: Practical Use
5 pages (1489 words) , Download 0 , Report
Annual review of anthropology 103-115, Vol 33, 2004 ... This report "Web 2.... : Practical Use" examines the relevancy of Web 2.... software, specifically blogs, wikis, social networking, and social bookmarking tools.... Ultimately, It's necessary to understand that the Web 2.... software does and will continue to have a far-reaching effect on the world....
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What News Management Strategies Do Pressure Groups and Large Corporations Use
8 pages (2353 words) , Download 0 , Report
Various pressures groups like trade unions used to maintain close links with political parties to an extend that it was practically impossible to distinguish between the two an example being that the United Kingdom's Labor Party was formed on the basis of the trade union movement, the trade union movement at one time used to provide the bulk of the party's funding as well as majorly dominate and influence the direction taken by the various party policies (Williams, 1998). ... An example of a protective pressure group in the United Kingdom is the British Medical Association....
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Computer Communications and Networks
8 pages (2119 words) , Download 2 , Report
example demonstration via TCP/IP Model Protocol Layering Up till now we have discussed the TCP/IP model, protocols and functions associated with each layer.... This report ''Computer Communications and Networks'' will discuss the cjmmunication of networks in each layer of the TPC/IP model....
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Customer Oriented Operation Management
6 pages (1884 words) , Download 2 , Report
Then only, he/she can set example and imbue it, in his/hers employees.... The report "Customer Oriented Operation Management" analyses how organizations as part of operation management should focus maximally on quality to produce and deliver products and services to satisfy market and customer requirements and to provide the customer with an experience that goes beyond the point of sale....
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The Factors which Characterize Ecotourism
8 pages (2193 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, many eco-tourists are said to travel to areas where they feel that they will be able to contribute to help save specific natural habitats or even wildlife (Ceballos-Lascurain, 1996).... This report "The Factors which Characterize Ecotourism" discusses and considers principles and values and as such, it demands that circumstances should be right for it to thrive....
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The Usability Testing of Mobile Application
11 pages (2918 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, due to variety of mobile phone devices, some methods such as keypads touch screen or both touch screen and keypads can be used to inter inputs.... For example, some of the University council members or political leaders may be against the idea of launching the mobile application in the University.... For example, those issues that seems to be obvious takes less time when handling them, a factor that creates time for more complicated problems....
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Obesity in the Healthcare Providers in America
7 pages (2027 words) , Download 0 , Report
"A systematic review of fast food access studies.... This report "Obesity in the Healthcare Providers in America" analyses the increase in cases of obesity is caused by the increase in the number of Fast food restaurants, which are available than ever before.... People are consuming food with high-fat contents, calories, and carbohydrates....
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The Field Trip
7 pages (2157 words) , Download 1 , Report
Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 INTRODUCTION 2 BACKGROUNDS 3 AIM OF THE REPORT 3 SITES 3 THE FIELD TRIP/LITERATURE review 4 IMPACT OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT; 4 ... HE FIELD TRIP/LITERATURE review ... This report "The Field Trip" focuses on aims to investigate tourism activities and its impact in both Palma Nova and Magaluf coastal regions, compared to east and west coastal regions....
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The Social Determinants of Health and Their Importance in Public Health Work
11 pages (3391 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "The Social Determinants of Health and Their Importance in Public Health Work" highlights that the disparity in the control of power and resources within societies generates stratifications within institutional and legal arrangements and alters the political and market forces.... ... ... ...
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Marketing Plan for DraftServ Technology
6 pages (1802 words) , Download 2 , Report
For example, to attract the individual customers the company is going to launch small sized machine.... This report "Marketing Plan for DraftServ Technology" focuses on a new in the Australian market and it is going to offer beer taps and other beverage dispensing systems to the customers....
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The South West of England DMO Consultant
18 pages (4847 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, Spain made a new strategy to encourage visitors to visit Spain again by using Facebook fanpage.... This report "The South West of England DMO Consultant" focuses on South West of England (SWE), a destination management organization (DMO) that delivers tourism-related services ranging from transportation to helping people in overcoming language barriers....
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