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In today’s society there is much dilemma surrounding the question should abortion be legal. Although this is a deeply personal decision, one may take scientific information of the development of a fetus and compare, contrast or combine it with the evolutionary process to derive an answer. A focus group derived of 5 randomly selected individuals were asked to watch the video “Conception to birth-visualized” by Alexander Tsiaras and asked to answer 3 questions relating to their feelings about the video.
The focus group consisted of 3 women and 2 men ranging in age of 21-35. The group was asked to answer 3 questions. 1. Before the video, what was their opinion on abortions and what reason confirmed this belief?. 2. Do religion or science hold the most weight in your answer and to give a reason to confirm this opinion? 3. Did your opinion on abortions change after viewing the video and what in specific made them confirm their answer? The video was watched simultaneously by all five participants and the conductor of the focus group.
Immediately after the viewing, the questionnaire was issued out for the questions to be answered. The testing sample exposed that initially, 4 out of 5 of the viewers believed that abortion should be legal prior to watching the video. The 1 individual who did not believe that abortion should be legal was a man. The primary confirmation answer was the fact that it was a personal choice and government should not be allowed to tell a woman what to do with her body. The sole participant that believed that abortion should not be legal based his answer upon the idea that life began at conception and it was a form of murder.
The 2nd question answered by the sampled group as to weather science or religion held the most weight in there answer was 3 for religion and 2 for science. The 3 polled that felt as if religion held the most weight in their answer confirmed themselves to be Christian and said that they knew of nothing in the Bible that stated that they should not have an abortion. The 2 that answered science confirmed that the zygote would not be able to survive on its own outside of the womb. The 3rd and final question of the poll asked if their opinion about abortions was swayed after watching the video.
The response remained the same. 4 of the participants still believed in abortion with the same 1 individual remaining constant to the answer that abortion should be illegal. Asked to confirm their answers, the general notion was that they were aware of the development of a fetus but did admit that they had a more in depth understanding about a fetus’ development. A group of 5 random adults were asked to watch the video “From Conception to Birth” and were given a questionnaire with 3 questions to answer.
The group was to help clarify the hypothesis of now knowing the development of a fetus, should abortion be legal. The sampled group was asked to tell if science or religion held the most weight in the answer and if their answer changed after viewing the video.
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