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Motivation Through Psychology - Essay Example

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The paper "Motivation Through Psychology" tells that all the managers are recently aiming to ensure that their employees and work environment are motivated. This is because motivation has proved to have so many benefits towards the organization, meeting its objectives through the increased performance…
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Q1. You are a line manager, and you have noticed that one of your direct reports is suffering from low motivation. Discuss ways that you could increase this personal motivation regarding theories of work motivation.


In every organization, all the managers are recently aiming to ensure that their employees and all the staff in the work environment are motivated. This is because motivation has proved to have so many benefits towards the organization, meeting its objectives through the increased performance, which is stimulated by the motivated employees (Holbeche and Mayo, 2009). A line manager should ensure keen observation of the employees, and it will be easy to notice the individuals suffering from low motivation and come up with ways to motivate such individuals. This essay will discuss ways a line manager would use to drive a person suffering from little motivation.


As a line manager, there are so many ways which the manager can use to motivate a person in an organization suffering from low motivation. This manager can first engage directly with the person to know what problem could be making that person feel lowly motivated in the workplace despite all other motivation for general employees being out in place (Lerner, 2003). Through this engagement, the manager can know the problem affecting the person like family issues. Through this, the manager can actively counsel the individual and give him hope for the future and ways in which the person can solve the problems facing his or her family, and this will help the individual get motivated.

The line manager can also enquire from the person the reason for low motivation, and this could be that the department the individual is working at is not in line with his or her interests and through this the line manager can make changes and transfer the individual into the department that the individual will feel much attached to, and this will, in turn, increase the motivation of such an individual (Hemingway and Maclagan, 2004). This is because, in every organization, all the employees should be assigned responsibilities concerning their interests, which helps the employees work with motivation in their assigned departments, which helps improve the organization's performance.

The line manager can also promote the individual since it may be the cause of the individual to suffer from low motivation. This can be explained where an individual may have worked in the organization for so long without being promoted, and the employees who may have come after him or her may have been promoted even before he his promoted (Kaliprasad, 2006). This could be a very genuine reason for this individual to suffer from low motivation and the manager can only solve this problem by ensuring regular promotions among the individuals and will make the individual feel motivated and will be ready to offer his or her services in the organization to the fullest since the person experiences job satisfaction.

The manager can also promote better external and internal relationships where the manager interacts with his employees on a personal level. This will help the manager come up with a way of motivating the person who is lowlily motivated (Bailey, Albassami, and Al-Meshal, 2016). The manger can achieve this by giving a real-life story which either the manager experienced himself or a situation experienced by another person and how the person was able to cope up with the problem. This will help the manager offer psychological help to the person through the life story, and this will, in turn, encourage the individual, thus solving the problem of low motivation that the individual could be suffering from.

The manager should also ensure the right hiring where apparent consideration should be done. This will make the employees in the organization get placed in the right positions. This will make the individual get motivated, especially that person suffering from low motivation (Sandhya and Kumar, 2011). This will make the individual develop a passion for their work, and this will, in turn, increase motivation among the individual, and this helps improve the organization's performance.

The manager can also motivate an individual by ensuring that they treat the employees correctly. This individual may suffer from low motivation through the lousy treatment the person receives from the leaders. This individual may just act as a representative of what the rest of the workers are going through. Still, they only pretend to be motivated to keep their jobs (Cho and Perry, 2012). The manager can employ the strategy of treating his employees humanely, which will increase the motivation of an individual who is lowly motivated.

The person may suffer from low motivation in an organization where he or she may feel untrusted, which could make the individual feel unmotivated in such a workplace ( Harris, 2001). The manager can increase the motivation of this individual by building trust in the individual, which will motivate the individual to feel the confidence of their managers. Every individual will always offer the best services in an environment where they feel that their services are trusted.

The manager can also increase motivation to an individual suffering from low motivation by setting up clear goals of the organization and an individual and engaging the person so much in the achievement of those goals (Clark, 1998) This will make this individual being part of the organization and that their service is of importance to the organization. This bright set of goals will help the individual get motivated, which will improve the organization's performance.


Managers should ensure that all their employees are motivated by providing a good relationship among the managers and the employees. Hiring should also be done correctly and also setting up clear goals. Building trust among the employees will also lead to their motivation, fair promotions, and psychological counseling, among others, It will help the line managers motivate their employees even at a personal level.

Q5. Why should organizations aim to ensure employees are protected from excessive workplace stress, and how can this be achieved?


In the business world today, many businesses are focusing more on protecting their employees and staff from the Stress that comes along with the workplace. This Stress is contributed by the pressure in the work environment and also where the resources of the individual are not sufficient to cope with the demands, and the forces of the situation and this Stress is expressed in the employee's behavior (Beehr, 2014). This essay will discuss why an organization should ensure employees are protected from the excessive workplace and various ways how this can be achieved.


Why the organization should ensure that the employees are protected from excessive levels of workplace stress

The organization always put more effort in protecting its employees from extreme Stress because when the employees are stressed the productivity of the organization dramatically decreases since the employees are not in a proper psychological and physical position of performing the activities of the organization and that’s why the organization puts so much effort in protecting its employees from excessive workplace stress ( Wallace et al., 2009).

This is because excessive Stress can lead to increased sickness among the employees, and this will, in turn, result in increased absenteeism among the workers, and this will make the organization not be in a position to achieve its goals. Through the absenteeism, many employees will not have effectively turned over in the organization, which influences the organization's productivity.

This is because it can also result in reduced employee relationships, which, in turn, makes so many employees develop a negative attitude towards the organization (Johan, Skogstad and Einarsen,2007). This will also make the employee pull off from the organization leaving the organization with an insufficient workforce, and this will dramatically lead to increased performance in the organization. Through the poor employee relationship, the company's brand image will be destroyed, which will make the organization lose its position in the market place.

The organization also protects the employees from excessive Stress because this results in employee dissatisfaction. This will make the employees reluctant as they offer their services. This will also contribute to customer dissatisfaction since they will not have been given the service they require (Ahsan et al., 2009). This will make the customers turnover in the organization reduce, and this will automatically make the organization experience low profits since the customers do not consistently buy from them.

How an organization can achieve protecting employees from excessive workplace stress

The Stress experienced by the employees is mostly from the working environment pressure. The organization can protect the employees from Stress by ensuring that the working environment is conducive and that the situation is a healthy one. This will help prevent sickness that the employees can experience from an environment that is not favorable for them (Bond, Tuckey, and Dollard, 2010).

The organization can also ensure that the working hours are carefully looked into to prevent the employees from overstraining. This will have protected the employees from Stress that comes up with overworking (Beauregard and Henry, 2009). The organization can also ensure extra payments for the individuals who will be working extra hours beyond the regular working hours. This will prevent employees from workplace stress, and this will improve the organization's productivity


The introduction of an employee wellness program can also be instrumental in preventing workplace stress (Baicker, Cutler, and Song, 2010). This is because this wellness program will allow employees to express their feelings about the changes they need in the workplace, especially in the areas where they feel much burden. This will make the employees stay Stress free in the workplace, and this will remarkably improve their performance since their wellness is put into consideration.

Implementation of a system of checks and balances in the organization that will help in delegating and assigning work in the organization will help the employees be placed in their respective positions based on their skills (Hayes, Douglas, and Bonner,2015). This will ensure that the employees do not strain when doing their work, and this will, in turn, has helped the organization protect its employees from Stress that comes from their workplace.

The organization can also achieve this by offering a flexible work environment and avoiding strictly controlled and restricted workplaces (Willness, Steel, and Lee, 2007). This is because no one feels free to offer their services in an environment where every work is done is under supervision since working in a restricted environment may impose Stress on the employees, mainly psychological Stress, since they are not free to do some things. The flexibility of the working environment and limited control in the work environment makes the individuals protected from Stress.

Implementation of technology in the workplace will help the organization protect the employees from excessive Stress. This technology will ensure that employees are not exposed to physical or mental or physical strains that may lead to illness or even accidents. This introduction of technology by the organization will have significantly helped reduce Stress from the employees.


An organization needs to come up with ways to protect its employees from excessive Stress in the workplace by ensuring that the working environment is conducive and that the working hours are carefully considered. Implementation of checks and balances in delegating work, the involvement of technology, and the introduction of employee wellness programs, among others, can help the organization reduce Stress among its employees. This is because Stress in the workplace leads to reduced productivity of the organization, among others.

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The manager can also promote better external and internal relationships where the manager interacts with his employees on a personal level. This will help the manager come up with a way of motivating the person who is lowlily motivated (Bailey, Albassami, and Al-Meshal, 2016). The manger can achieve this by giving a real-life story which either the manager experienced himself or a situation experienced by another person and how the person was able to cope up with the problem. This will help the manager offer psychological help to the person through the life story, and this will, in turn, encourage the individual, thus solving the problem of low motivation that the individual could be suffering from.

The manager should also ensure the right hiring where apparent consideration should be done. This will make the employees in the organization get placed in the right positions. This will make the individual get motivated, especially that person suffering from low motivation (Sandhya and Kumar, 2011). This will make the individual develop a passion for their work, and this will, in turn, increase motivation among the individual, and this helps improve the organization's performance.

The manager can also motivate an individual by ensuring that they treat the employees correctly. This individual may suffer from low motivation through the lousy treatment the person receives from the leaders. This individual may just act as a representative of what the rest of the workers are going through. Still, they only pretend to be motivated to keep their jobs (Cho and Perry, 2012). The manager can employ the strategy of treating his employees humanely, which will increase the motivation of an individual who is lowly motivated.

The person may suffer from low motivation in an organization where he or she may feel untrusted, which could make the individual feel unmotivated in such a workplace ( Harris, 2001). The manager can increase the motivation of this individual by building trust in the individual, which will motivate the individual to feel the confidence of their managers. Every individual will always offer the best services in an environment where they feel that their services are trusted.

The manager can also increase motivation to an individual suffering from low motivation by setting up clear goals of the organization and an individual and engaging the person so much in the achievement of those goals (Clark, 1998) This will make this individual being part of the organization and that their service is of importance to the organization. This bright set of goals will help the individual get motivated, which will improve the organization's performance.


Managers should ensure that all their employees are motivated by providing a good relationship among the managers and the employees. Hiring should also be done correctly and also setting up clear goals. Building trust among the employees will also lead to their motivation, fair promotions, and psychological counseling, among others, It will help the line managers motivate their employees even at a personal level.

Q5. Why should organizations aim to ensure employees are protected from excessive workplace stress, and how can this be achieved?


In the business world today, many businesses are focusing more on protecting their employees and staff from the Stress that comes along with the workplace. This Stress is contributed by the pressure in the work environment and also where the resources of the individual are not sufficient to cope with the demands, and the forces of the situation and this Stress is expressed in the employee's behavior (Beehr, 2014). This essay will discuss why an organization should ensure employees are protected from the excessive workplace and various ways how this can be achieved.


Why the organization should ensure that the employees are protected from excessive levels of workplace stress

The organization always put more effort in protecting its employees from extreme Stress because when the employees are stressed the productivity of the organization dramatically decreases since the employees are not in a proper psychological and physical position of performing the activities of the organization and that’s why the organization puts so much effort in protecting its employees from excessive workplace stress ( Wallace et al., 2009). Read More

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