Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words.
Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 Words.
The experiment is designed to confirm the classical results. The experiment also aims to examine the pervasiveness of the classic results. The following method was applied in carrying out the experiment. Method The experiment was conducted using the Coglab software (, 2015). We first obtained the participants who were all university students. In the experiment, nine stimuli were presented. They were used to generate 48 observations covering every level of all of the major variables: cueing condition, type of the material and stimulus duration (Kaan & Carlisle, 2014).
During every session, the participant were presented in three blocks of the trials that corresponded to the three stimulus durations. In each of the blocks, the positions of the critical letter and the order of the presentation were random. We also selected at random the order of the variables were. The durations were changed systematically after every second trial so that all the likely orders of the stimulus duration for both the non-precued and the precued conditions could be observed (Coch & Mitra, 2010).
For the study we used a total of 216 four-letter words. The letters for each word were chosen so that either letter would result in a real word. For example, K and D were the alternative for the word “WORD”, were as the letter D being the critical letter. This method prevents the participants becoming confused and choosing the letter to fit a real word (Hayashi, Schmidt & Saunders, 2013). We created single-letter groups by the use of the same critical letters, in similar positions as they were applied in the word set.
For example, with the word “WORD”, there was the letter “D” with an alternative K and D. The letters could feature in any of the possible eight positions in a stimulus display of four columns and two rows. A single letter could feature similarly often in any of the eight positions. Within the experiment with the two-letter set, the critical letter appearing regularly in every eight location with the other letter occurring randomly in any position not occupied by the critical letter.
This same pattern was applied for the one and two quadrigrams and one and two words. A three-channel tachistoscope (the Scientific Prototype Model GB) were employed for the presentation of the stimulus materials (Coch & Mitra, 2010). During the experiment, a fixation point was exhibited on a blank field. It was then followed by the display of the stimulus material that was initiated by the participant after the ready signal. The stimulus was then followed by the visual noise-masking field.
The masking field had two response alternatives that were right above or below the place of the critical letters in the previous stimulus display that depended on whether the critical letter had stood in the bottom or the top row of the display. In the first session of the experiment, the total duration at which every participant performed at 90% accuracy in the documentation of single letters from the two reaction alternatives was determined. The experimented materials were a pair of 120 single-letter displays in which every of the letters of the alphabet were employed an equal number of times.
There was random choosing of the incorrect alternatives. The mechanism for getting the 90% point an improvised up-and-down threshold procedure. Only, the last 60 of the total trial were employed in the determination of the 90% performance duration (Kaan & Carlisle, 2014). In the second session, the duration that yield 60% performance for every participant was determined. The exact durations used for every participant were the time at which participant attained 60% performance, the period which a participant acquired 90% performance plus 5ms and the duration that lays midway between the stated two points.
The variance between the larger and the shorter duration was 25ms. There was six types of material that were sorted into blocks of 48 stimulus items.
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