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Common Reasons for Undergoing a Gastric Bypass Surgery - Lab Report Example

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This lab report "Common Reasons for Undergoing a Gastric Bypass Surgery" determines why there are some people who undergo gastric bypass surgery despite its health consequences. As a form of qualitative research method, IPA is commonly used in the study. …
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Common Reasons for Undergoing a Gastric Bypass Surgery
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IPA Report: Common Reasons for Undergoing a Gastric Bypass Surgery Total Number of Words: 3,012 Introduction Gastric bypass surgery is a surgical procedure that is commonly used to help fight health complications related to obesity (Adams et al., 2012). Among the two (2) common types of gastric bypass surgery include the “laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass” and the “laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding” (Griffith et al., 2012; Brethauer, Chand and Schauer, 2006: 1). As a common knowledge, one of the health benefits of gastric bypass surgery is a speedy weight loss particularly among people who are extremely obese (i.e. class III obesity) (Flum et al., 2009; Kushner and Noble, 2006). Despite the health benefits of gastric bypass surgery, a list of health consequences were known to be associated with this particular medical intervention (Adams et al., 2012; Brethauer, Chand and Schauer, 2006). For instance, Brethauer, Chand and Schauer (2006) revealed that few of the early health complications of gastric bypass surgery include: (1) anastomotic leak or strictures; (2) bleeding; and (3) wound infection whereas few of the common problems of using adjustable gastric banding include: (1) erosion; and (2) prolapsed. Based on the study of Adams et al. (2012), the authors found out that the process of undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery is highly related to increased risks of diabetes remission but with a lower risk of experiencing cardiovascular diseases. The main purpose of this interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) report is to determine why there are some people who undergo gastric bypass surgery despite its health consequences. As a form of qualitative research method, IPA is commonly used in the study of health-related subjects and psychology in order to gain better understanding about the real life experiences of people (Birkbeck University of London, 2015). In this particular IPA report, the IPA method seeks to determine the personal experiences of each person who has posted their feelings, thoughts, and ideas while waiting for their schedule to undergo a gastric bypass surgery. Based on the transcribed video diaries concerning the personal experiences of each person while waiting for their schedule to undergo gastric bypass surgery; this report analyses the gathered data set by determining the similarities and differences in the recorded videos. 2. Method This section includes four (4) subsections which will focus on discussing the IPA design, data sources, analytical procedure, and some ethical considerations. 2.1 IPA Design The design of this particular IPA report includes participant observation in several case studies (Maxwell, 2009, p. 214). As such, reflexive observational processes were applied in the in-depth analysis of personal experiences of very few samples (Maxwell, 2009, pp. 214–215). To collect the personal experiences of few samples used in this study, several uploaded videos in YouTube were purposely transcribed and analyzed in this report. 2.2 Data Sources To have a successful collection of data, it is important to be sensitive and flexible when it comes to organizing the gathered data (Smith, Flowers and Larkin, 2009, p. 40). Taken directly from YouTube, data sources used in this particular IPA report solely came from several uploaded videos of people who are waiting for their schedule to undergo the process of gastric bypass surgery. 2.3 Analytical Procedure A good analysis requires not only conceptual and critical thinking but also a good reflection and imagination (Smith, Flowers and Larkin, 2009, p. 40). As such, the transcripts of the personal statement of each one of them will be analysed on a case-to-case basis using a systematic qualitative analysis method (Smith, Flowers and Larkin, 2009, p. 4). In the process of analyzing the gathered data, inter-subjectivity or the “shared, overlapping, and relational nature” behind the personal statement given by each person scheduled to undergo a gastric bypass surgery will be identified and recorded based on their common themes or variations found on distinctive voices (Smith, Flowers and Larkin, 2009, p. 17, 38). To be able to achieve a good analytical interpretation of the video diaries, the researcher has carefully read the transcribed texts coming from the personal statement of each participant. Given the fact that this particular IPA report focuses on analyzing the personal experience of each person who were waiting for their gastric bypass operation schedule, the philosophy of knowledge applied in this report is purely phenomenological1 by nature (Smith, Flowers and Larkin, 2009, p. 11). It means that this particular IPA report will focus on determining the way people these subjects are thinking about having the need to undergo a gastric bypass surgery and answering questions such as: What do they feel about being an extremely obese? What were their personal experiences being an obese? Were they extremely happy and looking forward to undergo a gastric bypass surgery? Often times, the IPA report requires both the use of phenomenology and hermeneutic in the sense that phenomenology provides the researcher some information or basic facts about the real-life experiences of the subject which then will be used in the actual interpretation of the gathered data whereas hermeneutic enables the researcher to clearly see the phenomenon to be interpreted (Smith, Flowers and Larkin, 2009, p. 37). Based on a narrative report, the researcher’s analytical skill was then applied in the process of interpreting the gathered data that was initially extracted from each person who were scheduled to undergo the process of gastric bypass surgery. 2.4Ethical Considerations When conducting a qualitative research study, the researcher should observe a “sustained reflection and review” (Smith, Flowers and Larkin, 2009, p. 53). Aside from the need to avoid causing harm to the research participants, the researcher should be very careful when talking sensitive issues about the research participants. In relation to the principles of confidentiality, all gathered data should observe anonymity (Smith, Flowers and Larkin, 2009, p. 53). For this reason, it is essential to edit the raw data transcribed from the video diaries. 3. Analysis and Discussion This section is composed of two (2) sub-sections known as the master table of themes and the analysis and discussion part. Based on the common themes presented in the master table, the personal experiences of each subject will be analysed in support of relevant data extracted from the video diaries. 3.1 Master Table of Themes The common theme presented in this IPA report includes the reasons for undergoing gastric bypass surgery. Earlier, it was mentioned that undergoing gastric bypass surgery can lead to health consequences such as anastomotic leak or strictures, bleeding; or wound infection among many others (Brethauer, Chand and Schauer, 2006). Therefore, it would be a good idea to determine what motivate these people to have gastric bypass surgery. Sample No. Transcribed Video Diaries Exploratory Coding 1 “I have decided to have a gastric bypass. This decision is one that I know that I really want because I am 324 lbs. and I am only 5’3”. Though I am very very unhealthy. And, I know a lot of people have gastric bypass because of health reasons. And, that is a really big factor on why I am doing this. But, a lot of it to be really honest is vanity. I am only 21 y/o and I can’t go to any amusement parks anymore and I can’t wear cute stuff. It’s hard going to a store and trying to find clothes to fit your budget and your body. So, I think that this is the right decision for me. And, I just cannot wait to experience this.” Source: YouTube, 2010a Health issues Very very unhealthy. (stressing out that being obese is seriously unhealthy). Vanity reasons 2 “…Let me tell you, I have been dieting for most of my life. …I have been currently on diet for 15 years only to still be morbidly obese. …and gaining ground to be malignant obese, which is their new category. So, what I am trying to tell you is my BMI is BM-oh-no! And, that was one of the things that I really having me think about doing this surgery. I guess my final draw about having this surgery occurred when I had to sit on the airplane. I was squished up in the seat and I had to sit like this… So, none of my fat or me would flow into the other seat. Ahm, you know… Ahm, it was just very uncomfortable. Of course I had to use a ah extra belt to tie myself in. On the way back, I decided to get the exit row there would be a little more room. And when I asked the stewardess, “excuse me stewardess, may I have a belt?” And ah, usually they’ll say “yeah, I’ll be right there”. And then most of the time they forget. Then you’ll feel embarrassed again. And you have to ask for another one… “May I have a belt?” To my surprised, I was told that in exit row, you couldn’t have a belt. So, at this point, I was on the line that I had to close that belt or they’ll have to find me another seat. How embarrassing! Sigh! Well, some time, when I was pulling on the belt, I managed to get it closed after sweating and taking about a minute or two to do so. I did my best so other passengers wouldn’t see but I am sure they saw it but… You know, what are you gonna do? I managed to keep it buckled all the way to the flight. And as soon as we landed, whoawwww!!! That’s what happened. So at that point in time, I decided no more… I am tired of cheers, wabbling, my knees cracking, my health is always unworthy. Fortunately, I don’t have any major issues but there are signs that they are coming. People on the other hand are also can be cruel. One time when I was in Vegas one lady told me “you are too pretty to be as big as you are”. At this point, I don’t know whether to hit her, or thank her. You know, is that a compliment or what? But people just say all kind of things to you. Unfortunately, I am 5 foot 9. So, a lot of people don’t say it very cruel to me because I ah… they might just get themselves bop… Ah-haha.” Source: YouTube, 2010b Failed dieting Health issues Embarrassing experiences 3 “I pretty much have been up and down my weight especially during my adult life. And I hope to change it, with this surgery… For myself and my family, especially my health. I would like to see them as I grow old and bigger and have their own families. But, this is gonna be my story, my rebirth, my new life.” Source: YouTube, 2011 Failed dieting Health issues Desire to be with family members when grow old 4 “I just want to be healthier and not stand up there and “hurry, and get this everywhere, and I am about to die…”. You know, on my feet, coz I can’t stand on my feet for a long periods or walk for long periods… So, that’s gonna be all not until I get some of my weight off and I am a lot healthier, and able to move. Some of the things that I wanted to tell you was that I weight 538lbs on my 5’4” frame for sure. And yeah, it’s a lot. It’s hard to get around without pain and you know being without breathe and I am so tired of that… I haven’t had a horrible life… My childhood life wasn’t horrible. You know, coz there is nothing perfect but you know… I make sure that I have a lot of friends coz I ah… they are going to like me when we’re there… Ahm… I have gotten myself involved in stuff… You know, of course you know I got the teasing and all that stuff. That’s what you get if you’re different from anybody. And I have been getting a lot of it now coz I am in my heaviest and… I get a lot of you know, stares and the laughs and all that. And yeah, it’s horrible and it bothers me… MAKES ME ANGRY more than anything but… I have just to learn to just let it go because I’ll be angry when I was not. I am just not used to… As bigger (excuse me)… As big as I have gotten, my life has gotten smaller. If that’s makes any sense. I do not like it. I am not… I am not used to this and I do not like it. So, I knew that this was the last resort for me and the best choice for me at this point in time of my life.” “I want to be just comfortable in my skin and not be all hot all the time and having to sit down. I want to be able to go out and play...” Source: Glambrone, 2008 Health reasons Inability to move freely Embarrassing moments Failed dieting 5 “I could probably weight around 300 – 340 lbs. It’s been 3 to 4 years causing back ache. Probably my joints, my knees, my ankles. Sleeping was a complete nightmare. Snore. I’ve got mild sleeping apnoea. The weight loss programme calls for it. So basically, it is a change of lifestyle for me. Don’t eat food…. Always half. I don’t eat massive amount of it, just the wrong stuff. Bread, pastries, fried food, take aways. In my work environment, you just basically grab food when you can. You just eat when you can coz you’re busy. And more often than not, it’s from the kitchen so it’s deep fried. …I am 47. Ah, I’ve had no heart problems but it is within the family so I don’t want to be a victim. There’s had heart attack in the family. So, I have decided that it is time to get this all out. …physically altered for that, I cannot… I have had the last 20 years which is all happy. People think I am optimistic, now go ahead… Maybe it is just a kind of disguise. I just don’t want to be 65 and all laid in the bed, with a broken back.” Source: Blue, 2010 Health reasons 3.2 Analysis and Discussion All of the five (5) people who were scheduled to undergo gastric bypass surgery explained that they have decided to undergo the surgical procedure because of health reasons that are strongly related to having a failed dieting process in the past. For instance, sample/participant no. 1 said that “I am very very unhealthy. And, I know a lot of people have gastric bypass because of health reasons. And, that is a really big factor on why I am doing this”. Sample/participant no. 2 revealed that “…I have been currently on diet for 15 years only to still be morbidly obese. …and gaining ground to be malignant obese”. Sample/participant no. 3 stated that “I pretty much have been up and down my weight especially during my adult life. And I hope to change it, with this surgery”. As explained by sample/participant no. 4, “I can’t stand on my feet for a long periods or walk for long periods… So, that’s gonna be all not until I get some of my weight off and I am a lot healthier, and able to move”. Sample/participant no. 5 admitted that he was experiencing “back ache and problems around the joints, my knees, and my ankles on top of having mild sleeping apnoea for 3 to 4 years” now. Aside from not wanting to be 65 y/o lying down on bed with a broken back, sample/participant no. 5 also mentioned that there were heart problem issues in his family history. Other than health-related issues, sample/participant no. 1 said that she has decided to undergo a gastric bypass for “vanity” reasons. In line with this, sample/participant no. 1 pointed out that she is 21 y/o and “she cannot go to any amusement parks anymore and cannot wear cute stuff”. She added that “it is hard for her to go to a store and find clothes that fit her budget and body.” Sample/participant no. 2 pointed out the fact that one of the reasons that made her decide to undergo the surgery process is because of her negative or embarrassing experience while riding the airplane. Similar to sample/participant no. 4, sample/participant no. 2 also had experienced the cruel statements of other people (i.e. “you are too pretty to be as big as you are”). In the case of sample/participant no. 4, she admitted that she has been constantly getting “stares” and “laughs” from other people which make her really angry. Other reasons include their desire to be with their family members and loved ones. For instance, sample/participant no. 3 mentioned that he would like to see his family members when he grows older. 4. Conclusion A good and reliable IPA report is highly dependent on the ability of the researcher to effectively gather and interpret the qualitative data. To be able to effectively gather or list down similar and differences in the identified themes, it is necessary to make use of exploratory coding. As soon as similar themes were successfully identified, it is much easier to analyze the gathered qualitative data coming from the transcribed video diaries. Based on the personal experiences of people who were waiting for their gastric bypass schedule, common reason why they have decided to undergo the surgery is because of their health problems. Due to excessive weight, some of the participants have been experiencing difficulty in breathing, inability to walk or stand for a long time, increased risk of developing cardiac problems, and other body pains such as back pain and knee or joint problems. Other possible reasons include their negative or embarrassing moments associated with being obese, vanity reasons such as inability to purchase good clothing given their budget, and desire to prolong their lives so that they can spend more quality time with their loved ones once they have reached the old age. References Adams, T., Davidson, L. L., Kolotkin, R., LaMonte, M., et al. (2012). Health Benefits of Gastric Bypass Surgery After 6 Years. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 308(11): 1122-1131. Birkbeck University of London. (2015). IPA. Retrieved April 14, 2015, from Blue, N. (2010, May 11). Gastric bypass surgery video blog clip 1.WMV. Retrieved April 17, 2015, from Brethauer, S., Chand, B., & Schauer, P. (2006). Risks and benefits of bariatric surgery: Current evidence. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, 73: 1-15. Flum, D., Belle, S., King, W., et al. (2009). Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery (LABS) Consortium. Perioperative safety in the longitudinal assessment of bariatric surgery. New England Journal of Medicine, 361(5): 445-454. Glambrone, M. (2008, March 14). WLS Diary Entry #1. Retrieved April 17, 2015, from Griffith, P., Birch, D., Sharma, A., & Karmali, S. (2012). Managing complications associated with laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for morbid obesity. Canadian Journal of Surgery, 55(5): 329-336. Kushner, R., & Noble, C. (2006). Long-term outcome of bariatric surgery: an interim analysis. Mayo Clinic Proc, 81(10): S-46-S51. Maxwell, J. (2009). Chapter 7 - Designing a Qualitative Study. In Bickman, L. and Rog, D.J. (eds) "The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods". 2nd Edition. Sage Publication Inc. Smith, J., Flowers, P., & Larkin, M. (2009). Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: Theory, Method and Research. Sage Publications Ltd.: London. YouTube. (2010a, May 27). Gastric Bypass Pre-Op V*diary week 1. Retrieved April 17, 2015, from YouTube. (2011, May 30). Video Diary Gastric By Pass Surgery (Isaac). Retrieved April 17, 2015, from YouTube. (2010b, January 10). Why I decided to have Weight Loss Surgery in 2 days.... Retrieved April 17, 2015, from Read More
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