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Types of Addiction - Essay Example

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The following paper entitled 'Types of Addiction' presents addiction which refers to the process where an individual develops an emotional, psychological and physical dependence on something, which in turn causes dysfunction in other aspects of their lives…
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Types of Addiction
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Drug and substance addiction is the most prevalent of all addictions across the globe. It encompasses the development of dependence on any substance that chemically alters the body’s normal functioning. Drugs and substances addicts live for the next “high”; as such, they channel all their finances towards purchasing drugs neglecting their financial obligations. In addition, their social relationships suffer, as they rely on manipulation tactics to get money for their next hit.

Sex addiction encompasses an individual’s dysfunctional preoccupation with sex, which in turn hinders them from fulfilling other obligations or executing their social roles. Sex addiction is also a common form of addiction; however, because of the culturally imposed stigma, many people suffering from sex addiction shy away from seeking help. Gambling addiction, although not as prevalent as the other two, affects a vast number of people. It encompasses an individual’s dependence on taking unnecessary risks financially with the hope of gaining extra financial incentives.

Success in gambling depends entirely on luck, as there is no certain criterion for predicting the outcome. Gambling addicts are perpetually in debt.

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(Types of Addiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 260 words, n.d.)
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Types of Addiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 260 Words.
“Types of Addiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 260 Words”, n.d.
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