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Addiction as a Primary Chronic Ailment of Brain Reward - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Addiction as a Primary Chronic Ailment of Brain Reward" describes that addiction affects the psychological make of an individual. The use of social media such as the Internet for a long time results in addiction; it affects the social make-up of the user. …
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Addiction as a Primary Chronic Ailment of Brain Reward
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Addiction Addiction can be regarded as a primary, chronic ailment of brain reward, incentive, memory as well as related circuitry. Dysfunction in these elements results in characteristic biological and psychological manifestations. Their dysfunctions also lead to social as well as spiritual events. This is portrayed in a person pursuing reward or relief by using substances or representing certain behaviors. Features of addiction involve inability to abstain constantly, impairment in control of actions, longing for, reduced recognition of evident problems with one’s manners as well as interpersonal relationships and an impaired emotional response. Like other types of chronic diseases, addiction occasionally includes cycles of not only relapse, but also remission. Without treatment or involving oneself in recovery activities, addiction progresses and can result to disability. It is also possible for addiction to cause premature death. There are many causes of addiction as well as many types of addiction. Addiction may result from abuse of drugs or use of technological devices such as internet. Addiction as a result of technological devices is often determined by the behaviors portrayed by the victim. In connection with this claim, the paper aims at expounding on social media addiction. In addressing social media addiction, the paper will also provide detailed information on the causes, symptoms, impacts, and management of social media addiction. Use of the Internet According to Cabral (2011), the internet has a very significant power to influence, link as well as mobilize the current people. Currently, technological advancements are not shocking as they used to be few tears ago. Today’s society is ever in expectation of something new for diverse types of relationships. As a result of this, relationships are entirely different; the tools used to link peers have significantly changed. The primary focus however is on the internet that has advanced social media greatly. As we all know, social media can be regarded as a web-based technology with the ability to transform how people behave and relate through dictating their communication. Cabral defines social media as “a group of internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content” (Cabral, 2011, p.1). In other words, social media are considered as a web-based production that is set aside to be used by the public. Thus, the expansion of social media depends on the usability of the users and their respective wants. How Facebook results in addiction Mar Zuckerberg, who was the founder of Facebook, claimed that over 175 million people are users of Facebook. From his assertion, one can deduce that if Facebook were one of the countries in the world, it would have been among the top ten countries in the world in terms of the human population. Facebook has the potential to pull people together as well as contain them irrespective of their relationships. One of the key reasons why Facebook has many users is that it links persons without considering any boundaries. Facebook is one of the sites that are used extensively in maintaining relationships. Currently, people access Facebook via their phones and other mobile devices. It is as a result of such contributions of Facebook that majority of the people is glued to the social media. Generation Y addiction to Social Media Social media are in the process of growing and advancing in other parts of the world in order to meet the demands of the users. However, the highest users of social media belong to Generation Y, also described as the ‘’ or ‘net generation’ who has undergone growth and development in the presence of the Internet. Generation Y is addicted to social media and because of this they ever feel the essence of remaining connected to their friends and peers through the use of connection technology. Their connection is the leading cause of peer-to-peer relationships. The extensive use of social media has resulted in relationships that are entirely different from the past generations. Impacts of Internet addiction to relationships Advancement in technology as a result of the digital age has negatively influenced the way people relate as well as use information. The exponential advancement of technology that connects the world contributes both positively and negatively to the human relationships. The World Wide Web is playing a very significant role in relationships; it is altering not only social interactions, but also the way human brain contain information. Scholars have found out that Internet addiction hampers with the behaviors of an individual (Cabral, 2011). Although the majority of the people doubt the existence of Internet addiction, it is evident that the digital age is influencing the development process of the human brain. Various factors can portray as well as evidence Internet addiction. According to Cabral (2011), the first step of identifying Internet addiction involves seeing where the emotional, as well as mental attachment, lies. Researchers claim that there are diverse mass media motivations such as surveillance, escape, and companionship. Adolescents mainly use Internet as a form of communication that reinforces their relationship. The changes in relationships are often evident in teens that rely on messaging as a form of communication instead of having face-to-face conversation with their peers. Majority of the scholars claim that this kind of communication aid in relieving group anxiety. The infinite potentials of the web help expound on alternative realities where secrecy is well concerned as well as potentially psychologically rewarding. It is evident that the rapid growth of alternative realities is advantageous. According to Bolton et al., (2013), ambiguity of network profile is the main contributor for the adolescents taking part in creating identities as well as finding social acceptability without undergoing scrutiny. It is as a result of this that college students are considered as a population that is likely to suffer from Internet addiction as they are the most vulnerable population. To justify this claim, Bolton et al., (2013) asserts that college students often try to adjust to many developmental, as well as life changes in life. The exposure to many new things that are enhanced by use of new technology together with social networks that simplify new connections and get rid of societal pressures. Males versus females’ addiction to Facebook According to Pi-Chu (2013), “men have increased odds of acquiring an Internet addiction.” This is justified by the fact that men tend to use the Internet for longer periods than females. As Bolton et al., assert that men ensure they have remained online for most hours in order to listen to music, to get help as well as to e-mail friends. In most occasions, men use the Internet to flirt and get new friends. Females also depend on the Internet in reinforcing relationships as well as for social networking. In connection with these assertions, researchers have carried out diverse research to determine whether the use of social networking results to addiction. Among the things that have paid consideration in determining the Internet addiction is whether the addicts portray some signs such as depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders as outlined in the introduction of this piece of work. According to Pi-Chu, the recent growth of stress among Internet users correlates with an increase in the rate of Internet addiction. In such a situation, the users consider the Internet as the coping mechanism for the nervous tension (stress). Pi-Chu (2013) also claimed that there is a connection between Internet addiction and impulsive control disorders. This assertion is also justified by the rise of attention deficit disorder with the expansion of the digital age. For instance, it is evident that most youths find it hard to relate physically to each other because of the time they spend on their mobile devices. Internet addiction with the functionality of the brain The findings of the research that have also been carried show that the human brain activity increases with the increase in the use of technological devices in carrying out daily chores. According to Pi-Chu (2013), technology kindles brain alteration as well as neurotransmitter release that results in the strengthening of the new pathways within the brain. It is as a consequence of the technological influence that the human mind access and process information rapidly as well as switch attention quickly from one issue to another. All these functionality of the brain as the result of the technology use make users’ brains develop the continuous need for instantaneous gratification associated with loss of patience. Unfortunately, technological developments affect individuals who cannot multitask resulting in signs of ADD or ADHD. To express the relationship between ADD and the Internet, Cabral (2011) discovered that being rapidly bored is the principal symptom of inattentive ADHD. According to him, the Internet uses aid significantly in the overcoming the depression symptom and, as a result, lead to crop of physical addiction. Impacts of video games associated with Facebook “In the past, social media only attracted the attention of young people” (Pi-Chu, 2013, p.1). Currently, it use has diversified in that it is utilized by the aged as well young people. Additionally, it is evident that video games have become part of Facebook. After logging in to Facebook, the user clicks on a FlashTM application in order to start playing the game. The format of these games is very simple, and as a result of that, workers in offices as well as students in schools play them in their free times. Thus, from the extensive use of the social media through use of video games proves that the addiction can also be associated with applications. In other words, introduction of Internet games results to the use addiction. As a consequence of this, one can deduce that an individual with significantly high interpersonal relationships in actual life will develop weaker materialistic inclinations towards Internet addiction. Many new games have been launched to replace the older ones. Unfortunately, these new games call for quality hardware like high-performance graphics cards as well as hard drive space. The complexity of these games also requires a lot of investment in terms of money and time. It is as a result of their use that the majority of the people started being glued to the Internet. How the Internet addiction affects one’s efficiency Just like many other researchers, Pi-Chu (2013) also claim “Internet addiction is a byproduct of the technological development.” In 1995, a psychiatrist referred to as Ivan Golberg proposed the term ‘internet addiction disorder’ to expound on excessive as well as inappropriate use of the Internet result to low work efficiency as well as reluctance in engagement between peers. Pi-Chu (2008) further asserted that addiction to online games has a direct influence on the users’ loyalty to the games. However, majority of the users remain loyal to the games despite being unsatisfied by the design of the games. Pi-Chu in his work claims that this type of addiction can interfere with one’s experience in daily life in areas such as school, work, and family. How the Internet addiction affects the social structure The addiction may also interfere with the society as well as impair with physical and mental functioning of an individual. In connection to this, Cabral (2011) also argues that social pathologies have started to surface in cyberspace. As argued by Cabral, Pi-Chu also suggests that Internet addiction can be regarded as the addiction to applications. However, he further associated Internet addiction with other aspects such as social support, sexual fulfillment as well as the creation of a persona. In addition, he also argued that extensive use of the Internet leads to an individual developing some problems relating to personal control of the utilization of the Internet. It is also evident that the attractive Internet applications may enhance growth of addictive behavior. Additionally, Pi-Chu claims that it is the addiction that makes people creates a virtual persona on the internet in order to remain active in the social media. How the Internet addiction relates to psychiatric illnesses Gomes-Franco, Silva and Sendín-Gutiérrez (2014) also “claim that there is an association between Internet addiction and some mental diseases such as pathological gambling, sexual deviations or compulsive shopping.” Unfortunately, these problems affect Internet users without their consent. Majority of the Internet users do not think of whatever they do via use of Internet as wrong. It is as a result of this thought that some of the young people indulge in cyber-porn. Unfortunately, such practices detriments not only one’s ways of reasoning, but also ways of conduct. In connection with this claim, Grace, Gordon, Mitchell, Porter and Shinosky (2012) claim that the Internet addiction results depression, anxiety as well as stress among college students. In justifying their claim, Grace et al. assert that overuse of the Internet results in disruption of the lives of not only the Internet users, but also of those around them. Additionally, they claim that the excessive use of the Internet as a result of addiction results from displacement of time that is elemental in bringing family members and friends together. In other words, Grace et al. claim that excessive use of the Internet leads to the creation of small social circles as well as high levels of loneliness in addition to stress. Grace et al. also associate Internet addiction with occurrence of anxiety and stress. According to them, most people find hard times to manage their stress, as well as their anxiety, because of the isolation they create through associating with the Internet than physical humans. The Internet use and wastage of time As introduced above, it is evident that too much time spent on the Internet as a result of addiction affects relationships, habits, and daily routines of doing things. The attraction of the Internet makes an individual disregard other people close to him or her. Additionally, the extensive use of the Internet makes a person forget relationship obligations, and as a result, end up in conflicts with a person in the relationship. Additionally, it is evident that the excessive use of the Internet may become reliability. In other words, Internet addiction may make an individual feel uncomfortable in its absence. To justify this, it is evident that there are some people in the society who cannot avoid spending some minutes away from the Internet (Gomes-Franco, Silva & Sendín-Gutiérrez, 2014). How the Internet addiction results to dependence on social media According to Grace et al. (2012), Internet addiction results to dependence on social media. Grace et al. further claim that such relationship results in both beneficial and detrimental effects. Some of the benefits if the Internet addiction include associating with different people all over the world as well as accessing different sort of information. However, it is also evident its use may result in isolation of people. This is evidenced by the fact that Internet users regard doing everything online including things that cannot be effected by using the Internet. For instance, it is evident that the Internet use makes many people become cold to the people close to them. Additionally, it is obvious that the Internet use makes students spend lots of their time communicating online instead of doing important things in life. Management of social media addiction (the Internet) Social media enhance the coming together of people as well as sharing of ideas on different aspects. However, social media addiction has many diverse impacts on the user as well as to the society. As a result of this, it is elemental for it to be managed. Among the steps that enhance its management include taking occasional breaks from the Internet. However, this action is only possible if one agrees that there is a problem that needs to be solved. Among the measures that enable the Internet addicted person overcome his addictive behavior is to track the time spent on every activity online. It is also crucial to make calls, go outside occasionally as well as limit oneself membership in many sites (Bolton et al., 2013). It is also elemental for the Internet user to consider using the Internet effectively and not for chats only. Additionally, it is crucial for one to prioritize things appropriately. Playing or associating with close friends physically in addition to removing Cellphone Apps will aid one overcome the addiction. In conclusion, addiction is a behavior that results from repeating doing or consuming something for a long duration. Addiction affects the psychological make of an individual. Use of social media such as the Internet for a long time results to addiction; it affects the social make up of the user. Management of the Internet addiction involves detaching oneself from Internet proximity through participating in many activities. References ANDREASSEN, C. S., & PALLESEN, S. (2013). FACEBOOK ADDICTION: A REPLY TO GRIFFITHS (2012). Psychological Reports, 113(3), 899-902. doi:10.2466/02.09.PR0.113x32z6 Bolton, N. et al. (2013). Understanding Generation Y and their use of Social Media: A Review and Research Agenda. Journal of Service Management, 24 (3), pp. 245-267. Cabral, J. (2011). Is Generation Y Addicted to Social Media. The Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications. Vol. 2, No.1. GOMES-FRANCO-E.-SILVA, F. f., & SENDÍN-GUTIÉRREZ, J. j. (2014). Internet as a Haven and Social Shield. Problematic Uses of the Network by Young Spaniards. Comunicar, 22(43), 45-53. Grace, M., Gordon, V., Mitchell, J., Porter, K. & Shinosky, S. (2012). A Study of the Effects of Social Media Use and Addiction on Relationship Satisfaction. Meta-communicate: Chapman University Communication Studies Undergraduate Research Journal, 2, 1-27. PI-CHU, W. (2013). ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOR IN RELATION TO THE HAPPY FARM FACEBOOK APPLICATION. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 41(4), 539-553. Read More
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