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Sexual Abuse Trauma in the Military By Why does sexual abuse take place in the military? Department of Veterans Affairs applies the term Military Sexual Trauma (MST) to single or repeated sexual assault or sexual harassment that takes place in the military. Touching, grabbing, and sexual remarks are also included in the category of MST. Most MST happens against the will of a victim as he/she is pushed to sexual activity. The offender may threat with negative consequences in service in case of denial or promise promotion and other perks.
In many cases MST occurs without voluntary consent of a victim (as he is in condition of intoxication or physically forced) (Military Sexual Trauma).What are the symptoms of MST?Sexual trauma in the military is especially serious for the victims because most of them are prone to keep it in a secret in a fear of public accusations. Thus victims experience shame, guilt, and anxiety they have to suppress. Other symptoms include:Depression, emotional outbreaks, anger and irritability;Emotional numbness and insensitivity; possible disassociation;Loss of memories about sexual trauma; blocking unpleasant memories by avoiding certain places;Problems with building intimate relationships and trusting people in general; problems at work;Sleeping and eating problems; unpleasant feelings during sexual intercourse;Problems with keeping attention and staying focused; (Military Sexual Trauma RAINN).
What policy changes are made to prevent MST?New SAPR training program (April 2014). The program will include a training directed on the recognition, reporting, and prevention of MST.National Defense Authorization Act (January 2013). The NDAA includes offenders’ punishment, relevant data regarding sexual assault victims’ accumulation, creation of special resources to support victims of MST (Military Sexual Trauma, CDP).Works CitedMilitary Sexual Trauma. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Retrieved from: Sexual Trauma. RAINN. Retrieved from: Sexual Trauma. Center for Deployment Psychology. Retrieved from:
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