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Adjustment in Chinese Students - Essay Example

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The paper "Adjustment in Chinese Students " discusses that in the first paper Sherria, the referencing of the article is done properly and the brief introduction does justice to the paper. The post also gives the limitations of the studies, which is important in determining their validity…
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Adjustment in Chinese Students
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The post is arranged in a coherent and logical sequence that from the introduction to the research design, to the results and discussion. All these give a better understanding of the paper and the issue it sets out to do. The post also discusses the paper’s methodology in a manner that is clear and comprehensible. The post does not offer support for the article as far as discussing its results in a satisfactory manner. It would have been better to state that there were four distinct readjustment trajectories for students; 10% of them who are consistently distressed, 14% of them who are relieved, 11% of the international students who suffer from culture shock, and 65% of the students who are adjusting well to studying abroad (Wang et al, 2012). In addition, the post could have said something about the significant predictors like lower maladaptive perfectionism before acculturation, improved problem-solving appraisals, and increased personal esteem. However, generally, the paper does provide-e the basic points discussed by the article and even makes provisions for any future research, as well as the article’s practical implications.

The second article, applying cognitive adjustment theory to cross-cultural training
for global virtual teams, attempts to discuss global virtue teams and it is my opinion that it does so satisfactorily. The outline of the article is well thought out and developed, giving a sequence of events for the entire article from its introduction to its recommendations. In addition, the fact that the paper discusses the lack of a study into the participant pool and the lack of clear guidelines on how the study should be carried out ensures that the paper’s limitations are discussed without removing from the significance of the study, especially being one of the first of its kind in this research area.

In the research outline post, the discussion of these global virtual teams and the challenges that are faced in order to develop an environment of trust in a context that is mediated by uncertainty and anxiety of interaction could have been mentioned in order to give a better understanding of the research study. For example, it would have been well placed to mention that the research clearly indicated that adjustment acts as a function of the ability possessed by the person in the management of their uncertainty and anxiety in a context of the unknown (Brandl & Neyer, 2009). While the article’s proposal is discussed, it would have increased our understanding if this had been expounded on more through a mention of the article’s proposal that cross-cultural training could lead to increased cognitive adjustment influences on the virtual teams (Brandl & Neyer, 2009). The article's discussion, however, is well presented and succinctly gives the author’s contention that training requires the development of capabilities among the participants, although a mention of the exact methodology would have sufficed. Overall, this was a great post.

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