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Leadership Coaching As an Effective Tool in Developing Strong Leadership Skills - Essay Example

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In this paper, the benefits of leadership coaching as a tool for developing leaders shape their behaviors and develop strong management skills will be analyzed. The different approaches to leadership coaching, their relevance to organizations today will be critically evaluated…
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Leadership Coaching As an Effective Tool in Developing Strong Leadership Skills
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 Leadership Coaching As an Effective Tool in Developing Strong Leadership Skills Introduction Continuity in an organization ensures that an organization grows to develop its policies, missions and visions and to grow into one uniform organization. It enables organization to develop leadership structures that are understood by all that inherit the leadership positions at any point in time. Continuity in an organization can only be achieved through the development of proper succession planning and coaching (Hogan, 1994). It is an internal activity that involves the development of the leadership skills of specific people in the organization to enable them assumes leadership position after the current leaders retire or leave the company (Bates, 2004). In the processes of planning for succession, different approaches are adopted which enables an organization to grow its people and develop their leadership and management skills. Leadership coaching is one of the approaches so far identified for its effectiveness in the development of leaders from among the available employees. It involves processes, which seek to inculcate the proper leadership skills, management abilities, and qualities on different employees to enable them develop into people with proper management skills (Ellam-Dyson & Palmer, 2011). In this paper, the benefits of leadership coaching as a tool for developing leaders shape their behaviours and development strong management skills will be analysed. The different approaches of leadership coaching, their relevance to organizations today and the advantages it presents to an organization will be critically evaluated. The effectiveness of executive or leadership coaching has been analysed in details in a number of research articles, which classify them into individual benefits and organizational benefits (Anderson, 2002). Leadership coaching Coaching in any context enhances the effectiveness of leaders in an organization and thus improves their performance, which is highly beneficial to the organization. Leadership coaching has different facets and the option adopted by an organization depends on the result expected. Leadership coaching as an approach of succession planning results into the development of people with the right skills to serve in various roles within an organization. It is thus an essential tool in developing individuals with the right behaviour needed for the assumption of various leadership positions within the organization (Ellam-Dyson & Palmer, 2010). Leadership coaching is an effective way of ensuring the development of proper leadership abilities within an organization and the enhancement of teamwork and collaboration within the organization. One way through which effective leadership breeds a crop of leaders that enhances teamwork, collaboration and participation of other employees is through the development and advancement of organization culture. An organization culture influences the behaviour of the employees towards each other, the management, the stakeholders and the society in general (McCall & Lombardo, 1983). Through leadership coaching, the next crop of leaders is provided with an opportunity to understand the various aspects of the organizations culture. This develops continuity, cohesion and understanding of the values and norms that guide the management of the organizations. Executive coaching also provides an opportunity for the management of an organization to include the views of new leaders on the strengths and weaknesses of the organization’s culture and practices. This results into changes, which may provide fresh impetus into the organization, an important aspect for improved growth and development within an organization (Cavanaugh & Grant, 2004). Most scholars argue that leaders are born and not made, an argument that is relative and dependent on the situation of an organization. Born leaders may not understand the numerous aspects of an organizational operation and may also lack the necessary interpersonal skills needed to succeed in the organizational environment. Leadership coaching provides organizations with leaders who have high and proper interpersonal skills, which help in the building of proper communication and interaction between employees (Palmer, 2009). For teams to produce constructive and beneficial results for the organization, each member of the team must possess proper communication and interpersonal skills. This reduces chances of misunderstanding and improves the chances of the team to achieve its set objectives at any given time. Interpersonal skills can only be achieved through executive and leadership coaching using experienced and respected leaders within the organization (Garman & Glawe, 2004). Within the management level, leadership coaching is also effective in improving the leadership abilities that foster teamwork within the organization through improving the ground for exchanging and developing new ideas. Through coaching and consistent executive assistance, leaders at different levels of the organizations develop the skills which enable them develop proper discussion skills. This is highly beneficial to the organization especially at the team level as it allow leaders to develop and introduce new ideas. An organization thrives on the development of new ideas, which borders on innovation and skills (Cavanaugh & Grant, 2004). This is achieved through proper leadership coaching and counselling at different levels especially in situations where organization intends to improve its products through the development of new ideas (Bentz, 1967). Leadership coaching, as mentioned in the introductory parts of this paper creates room for the development of future leaders for an organization. As practiced by most companies and multinationals, internal promotion and succession is responsible for the development of continuity not just in policies or approaches but also the culture that is developed by the organization (Garman & Glawe, 2004). Samsung, a Korean based company is known for its internal promotions and leadership coaching, a practice that has increased the ability of the company to develop new products that meets the needs of the market. It is today one of the leading electronic companies due to its leadership coaching policies which has lead to development of much informed, trained and capable leaders (Lynn, 2001). Within leadership coaching, leaders in an organization are made to understand the various aspects of the market, both local and international, that affects the success of the organization. They thus grow with an in depth understanding of the various variables in the market and how these affect the ability of the business to succeed. This coaching approach does not just identify the challenges the organization meets but also some of the areas that require innovative ideas (Hogan, 1994). This is responsible for the growth of companies such as Samsung, which despite the high competition in the electronic industry because of new entrants; continue to enjoy a significant share of the market. Innovation in the company is also diversified and a participatory approach adopted that embraces the strengths of teamwork and cohesion in an organization, which is improved through leadership training, consultation, and coaching (Hogan & Kaiser, 2005). Leadership coaching in itself seeks to develop coaching abilities among the leaders, a trait which is beneficial in employee motivation. As a practice that appreciates the fact that leadership is not static, it develops approaches that allow the current leaders to inculcate the abilities to coach among the fresh leaders. Leadership coaching thus enhances continuity of the coaching skills itself within the organization (Hogan & Kaiser, 2005). Employee coaching improves the morale of the low-level employees as they made to understand the changing dynamics of the business environment. Employees understand the organizations culture and how the growth of this culture influences their productivity and personal growth (Nelson & Hogan, 2009). As Bates (2004) explains, the development of leadership coaching within an organization creates leaders who appreciate the basic importance of employee engagement. It eliminates the attitude of one-man-syndrome from the leadership of the organization, an act that encourages teamwork and participation of all employees in the organization. Enthusiastic of the employees is not build through strict management and leader practices but through the adoption of approaches which involves the engagement of all employees. An organization that seeks to adopt such a participatory policy can only achieve meaningful results through the coaching of the existing and future crop of leaders Dotlitch & Cairo, 2003). In his arguments, Bates stresses the need for ensuring that the employees are not turned off from work due to lack of proper motivation and encouraging approaches by the organization. Encouragement, motivation and participation in his view is not developed in an organization in one single day but formulated, implemented and bred. Breeding all these positive practices in an organization is only possible through leadership and executive coaching which allows other employees and leaders to understand their benefits and importance (Kaplan & Kaiser, 2006). In an environment filled with competition for effective employees, an organizations ability to attract and retain the best employees is influenced by its ability to motivate them. Leadership coaching enhances the employee loyalty and dedication to the organization that is beneficial to the growth of the organization (Hawke, 2005). Through this important tool of leadership, an organization develops a breed of employees who are not just dedicated to the organization due to the benefits they earn but develop methods of improving the organization. Developing a more personal interest in the success of the organization also eliminates the occurrence of conflicts between employees themselves and even the management. With improved relationship with the management and the development of proper management of conflicts, an organizations leadership enhances its growth and capacity to compete in the international market (Charan, Drotter & Noel 2001). As highlighted in a number of journals including Hawke (2005), proper leadership training in an organization enhances teamwork through the development of proper leaders. Teamwork leadership requires special skills, which can only be achieved through the use of engagement between all the employees by the top level executives. As an organization that seeks to involve the employees through different levels of decision making by engaging teams, identified employees must be coached to provide them with the necessary skills essential for the steering of the teams. Team leaders must be capable of handling different conflicts that may arise from working together including conflicts of interest (Kim, Min & Cha, 1999). A team must stay focused on the end and steer itself towards achieving the objectives for which it has been created. This can only be achieved through the leadership visionary, articulate and strong leader who understands the different viewpoints and perspectives of the group members. Such an individual can only be achieved through the use of leadership coaching. Garman and Glawe (2004) states that a leader with strong teamwork ability has the right credentials to lead an organization beyond the different challenges facing organizations today. This further strengthens the argument of this paper that leadership coaching is of much benefit to an organisation’s success. An organization needs to move from its current practices, culture and principles to adopt fresh momentum and approaches that improves its market position, control and performance. This makes continuity an odd practice in today’s business environment especially to organizations that eye the international and regional market. Organisation’s culture has been highlighted in a number of research articles as one the core tenets of an organisation’s success due to the role it plays in developing employees (Ellis, 1995). This is the reason why most organizations adopt leadership coaching as was highlighted in the previous section. However, culture becomes obsolete as an organization grows or as a business progresses. This calls for the development and adoption of more pragmatic practices in line with the demand and needs of the market. Achieving this cannot be done through leadership coaching that seeks to entrench continuity and progress with their old age practices (Nelson & Hogan, 2009). Organizational coaches are also managers or leaders who are the highest level of management in an organization which makes it difficult for them to understand the situation of the employees. Coaching in any area requires empathy and understanding of the different situation of the employees at the lowest level in the organization. This is tough to achieve as the managers and leaders are highly detached from the situation that other employees are in making it highly ineffective. Leadership coaching is also ineffective due to its inability to address the various issues that the employees may be facing at any given time. It seeks to address restricted issue with the employees who majorly revolve around the leadership abilities and the continuity of the organization. This creates lack of motivation and interest of the employees on the motives and goals of the process, further weakening its impacts of the tool Worrell & Davidson, 1987). Coaching also requires a lot of time and patience from the employees and this can be a challenge especially in a situation where the employees have different integral roles to play on a daily basis. Getting adequate time to pursue objectives of leadership training may thus result into decreased productivity as the employees are engaged in different stages of training. To enable them understand the different practices, culture and norms within an organization, an employee must be taken through different approaches will is time consuming and involving (Bentz, 1985). Despite the challenges that I have highlighted in the last section of this paper, leadership coaching has been identified as one of the best approaches to ensure continuity in an organization. Leadership coaching also improves the team leadership qualities of different employees, a practice which is essential in improving employee involvement and participation in an organization. References Anderson, J.P. (2002). Executive Coaching: Some comments from the field. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy. 20(3/4), 223-234. Bates, S. (2004), “Getting engaged”, HR Magazine, Vol. 49 No. 2, pp. 44-51. Bentz, V. J. (1967). The Sears experience in the investigation, description and prediction of executive behaviour. In F. R. Wickert & D. E. McFarland (Eds.), Measuring executive effectiveness (pp. 147-206). New York: Appleton-Century Crofts. Bentz, J.V. (1985), “A view from the top: a thirty year perspective of research devoted to the discovery description and prediction of executive behaviour”, paper presented at the 92nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA, and August. Cavanaugh, M. & Grant, A.M. (2004). Executive coaching in organisations: The personal is the professional. International Journal of Coaching in Organisations, 2(2), 6–15. 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