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Adolescent and Young Adult Discussion #Question It is during the fifth phase of adolescent development that youngsters attemptto establish their identity. This process is covered under the Erikson’s theory and there is clear stipulation that this stage is laden with confusion, hence the identity versus confusion conflict. The stage takes place between the ages of 12 and 19. It is also during this phase that teenagers are supposed to develop self sense, as well as, personal identity. People start exploring their independence in the course of this phase, but as they transit to adulthood, they begin to get confused and insecure over their existence in the society.
This is the time youngsters start to experiment with diverse roles, behaviour and activities. The Erikson’s theory posits that, identity development is an imperative process because it helps individuals to form strong identities, in addition to a strong sense of control and independence (Youth Indicators, 1993). As mentioned earlier, confusion is inevitable during this phase, especially in consideration of financial responsibilities. Many youths are getting financial assistance from their parents throughout college, as well as, they get into young adulthood and this is really negating development of their identity.
This is because; the teen does not get sufficient motivation to be independent, or even to explore diverse activities that might assist them to attain financial independence. Motivation is a crucial aspect at a tender age, since identity development starts when an individual becomes a unique and separate person, without having to rely on others. Further, youngsters develop stronger identities when they discover their own ways of doing things, before they become adults. Based on this assertion, financial dependence on parents binds teenagers from facing the real responsibilities in future.
This dependence was acute in my teenage years, because I had to constantly ask for up keep money from my parents. It is my belief that this contributed to the late discovery of my identity. I also had a hard time when my parents ceased giving me money, and I even developed some bitterness towards them before adjusting fully. Financial dependence is, therefore, an attribute I would advice developing youngsters to shun. Additionally, adolescents should develop their identity at a tender age, in order to make the transition to responsible adulthood smooth.
#Question 2 One of the most difficult decisions in a person’s life is selecting a profession. The difficulty is attributable to a wide array of challenges, which are best explained through the multiple development phases as discussed herein. Fantasy period The fantasy period of vocational development is the phase during which children achieve insight into the career options they fancy, by fantasizing about them. This phase usually occurs over the high school period, when all the teenagers can think is careers based on their fantasies rather than rationality (Youth Indicators, 1993).
Tentative period The tentative period of development, is a time when adolescents think about their careers in a more profound manner. This developmental phase occurs when the young individuals have a higher comprehension of their interests, and they are also more aware of the personal, as well as, educational requirements needed to qualify for diverse vocations. Additionally, this phase is more profound since the adolescents are capable of discovering their values and abilities (Youth Indicators, 1993).
Realistic period The realistic period of development is characterised by adolescents’ attributes, such as facing life more realistically and making the right choices in life. At this phase, older adolescents or even young adults are able to narrow down their career options, by engaging in further explorations before permanently settling for their chosen areas of work. However, society and culture plays a vital aspect in influencing these choices at each stage. This is because, these factors help in shaping people’s values and expectations as they relate to numerous aspects of their life, including jobs and careers.
As an IT technician, the path to my career was affected immensely by my societal and cultural background. In the Indian community many people tend to become IT specialists and this contributed greatly to my present career. #Question 3 The culture today is changing drastically and new values are being introduced even in familial structures. This is evident from choices made by adults in the contemporary society, such as choosing to stay childless, becoming single parents, pursuing fertility treatments, and adoption options, among others.
These options are, however, affecting people’s expectations in regard to values of family institution. In the past, a complete family comprised of a man and woman and a child or children. Clearly, family values were and still are all about companionship, and changing these norms is evidently affecting many children negatively. This is because children lack the opportunity to be all rounded and may occasionally feel bad about their familial status. Some of these issues are covered in Erikson’s phase of intimacy versus isolation.
At this stage, people tend to look for love and companionship and some of the young adults begin to settle down by starting their own families (Youth Indicators, 1993). Young people attempt to have satisfying relationships, by seeking deep intimacy and if it fails they might indulge in isolation. Therefore, people are seeking to have families even when they are single or cohabit instead of getting married in accordance with customary norms. Owing to the fact that many people do not want to be alone in isolation, they resort to staying together without formal approval from relevant parties like parents.
For this reason, family ties are gradually breaking, with parents getting isolated from their kids and as a result, they do not meet their grandchildren. Isolation may not only be as a result of weakening familial ties, but also increased focus of individuals in their careers. The prevailing situation undoubtedly requires some remedies, if families are to regain their former unity, hence fostering children and youngsters’ stability. Reference Youth Indicators. (1993). Trends in the Well-being of American Youth.
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
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