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The Second Amendment to the US Constitution and the Bearing of Arms Politics Coursework
7 pages (2109 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The Second Amendment states that ‘A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.  In 1903, Congress passed several acts to help states to develop their own militias. These acts were aimed at providing funding and other resources to organize state militias.
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The Democracy in America Politics Essay
11 pages (2993 words) , Download 0 , Essay
There are various challenges that affect American democracy which include impacts of the market economy and its effects on democratic governance for instance market economies have effects on the level of equality among citizens, especially for instance during periods of global recession as we currently experience.
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Foreign Policy as the Product of a Rational Decision Making Process Politics Essay
11 pages (3175 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The state today in the modern era performs a number of functions, due to the reason that most of the aspects of the country need to be regulated by the state. The state usually regulates the functioning of the nation-state through policy formulation and execution. These policies can easily be divided into two categories: domestic policy formulation and foreign policy formulation.
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Machiavelli's Assertion and Dirty Hands in Politics Politics Essay
11 pages (3051 words) , Download 0 , Essay
David and Paul (2000) argue that those politicians who are dirty-handed always act outside the constitution. Their actions in most times take place in the situations that are emerging. The politicians try to minimize suffering as they engage in any problem. They always try to balance on their part to avoid themselves getting into problems.  
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There Was Not One But Number of Cause That Led to Scottish Devolution in 1999 Politics Essay
13 pages (3803 words) , Download 0 , Essay
For the central government, independence was never an option since it must retain its power at all costs. Devolution is the only practical solution that would benefit Scotland and England since allowing the Scots to run their affairs can significantly reduce the enthusiasm for complete independence.
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The Study of the EC - the Challenge to Comparative Politics by Simon Hix Politics Article
8 pages (2218 words) , Download 0 , Article
The fact that the European community has surpassed its purpose as a simple international organization requires a definition of the organization as a whole. While its functioning cannot be compared to that of the US, it offers a valid example of how the integration of sovereign states can be carried out in the modern times of the post-industrialization era.
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The Rise of the Regulatory State in Europe by Giandomenico Majone Politics Article
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 0 , Article
Two key patterns mentioned in Majone’s argument were the analysis of, one legal authority and continuation of instruction of stabilization and redeployment, the other the role of European Commission’s growth through influential strategy if budgetary tools are absent. It has been now a common formula for living in a regulatory state, deposited by public service privatization.
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Was The Iraqi War-Operation Iraqi Freedom Legal or Illegal under International Law Politics Coursework
11 pages (3409 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
This reasonableness would have been guided by veracity, and their abiding respect for the laws as they existed and those who had been chosen to administer them. They would never have leveled a threat of extinction if decisions were not rendered in their favor. Bush and his neo-conservatives espouse the spreading of democracy across the globe.
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The American Invasion of Iraq Politics Literature review
8 pages (2366 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The outcomes of this invasion and the setbacks suffered by the US, on account of this invasion, have been discussed. Furthermore, the US lost a number of its troops in Iraq, which engendered considerable criticism in the US. In addition, Muslims largely developed animosity towards the US policy adopted Vis –a – Vis Iraq.
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Arms Control and Disarmament Politics Assignment
10 pages (3298 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Besides agreements and treaties, states can make arms control arrangements although they may be lacking in treaty tools and instruments, they are legally binding like the OSCE’s Vienna documents (VDocs) that were meant to pave way for confidence development. Arms control arrangements among states help in the development of political commitment to arms control.
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What Is Liberalism Politics Essay
6 pages (1577 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Wordsworth described this liberty as "sovereignty within"[1] which often necessitates state intervention for restraints and sometimes even requires government action. For instance, mandatory education for children can be identified as a liberal measure by rights. The worst foe of liberty is not a compulsion but rather the dependency on others' perspectives for making personal decisions.      
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Elements of Democracy Politics Essay
8 pages (2348 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the past, there was no such conception of collective unity. The ancient political analysts did not conceive of a collective cultural identity of the populace. In those times, people were not regarded as having a common past, traditions, and values (DeWiel, 2000, P.11). The modern paradigm of democracy considers the people in a nation, as a single entity with common beliefs and cultures.
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The War on Terrorism Politics Essay
9 pages (2618 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Over the recent years, violence and evil have gotten worst. Everybody is worried about the high crime rates across the country. Gangs are killing each other and innocent people every day. The point here is that the president asked congress for thirty billion dollars, of which over ten was to help find the terrorist. 
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Bradford Riots - Plural, Elite, and Marxian Model Politics Coursework
5 pages (1623 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The riots of the year 2001, was linked to more than four factors. The four main factors were unemployment and poverty that existed in city areas leading to a sense of disillusionment, long periods of mistrust with the police force and a resultant increase in racial violence, and the growth of certain groups that can be termed as far-right groups.
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Cause for the Iraq War and Were These Causes Justified Politics Coursework
10 pages (2945 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
If one was to try and answer the question about the justification of the war, one comes up with no reasons other than the arrogance, greed, and perhaps the hypocrisy of the Bush administration coupled with the urge that the President had to play god. The fact that Saddam was in fact a US pillion during the period of the 90s is now well known.
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Oil in the Middle East and its Political Effects Politics Coursework
11 pages (2883 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The resources that the Middle East has are enormous and these are the resources that not only form the backbone of the western economies.  Countries that are regarded as being the superpowers are the ones who have the main interest in the Middle East and this is because of reason that the Middle East holds one of the most important energy resources like oil.
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What Impact Has Globalization Had on the Nation-State Politics Research Paper
7 pages (2005 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The globalization of society is one of the dominant trends in the development of civilization in the 21 - st century, which has a very strong impact on socio-economic, political and cultural aspects of the development of almost all countries in the world. This process is very complex and internally contradictory. 
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Importance of Reform of the UK Public Services Politics Assignment
9 pages (2507 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The population in the UK through the last two decades has experienced a wide range of reforms in public services. These kinds of reforms have had an enormous effect on the political sector of the country. The UK government has brought about a considerable change in the history of public services through increased expenditure in the health and education sector.
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Hong Kong and China after 1997: The Real Issues Politics Case Study
10 pages (2564 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Academic research papers have some common characteristics. A research paper usually focuses on a thesis or research question and draws out pieces of evidence to support or oppose the hypothesis or answer the research question. Research methodology may be based on primary or secondary methods. The primary research tool encompasses questionnaires, telephonic interviews and field survey observations.
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Political Parties in the New Era Politics Coursework
8 pages (2490 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
It is essential to say that many studies have shown that the Political Parties of today have changed significantly in the past few decades, both in industrialized countries and in the developing nations. The changes have inadvertently resulted in the weakening of connections between citizens and the state.
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In What Ways Does the Political Socialisation Militate against Large Numbers of Women in Politics Politics Term Paper
9 pages (2467 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The process of political socialization has long been regarded as one of the major threats to the inclusion and free performance of large numbers of women in politics. It has resulted in several types of decayed practices in the political spheres of the modern nations and political thinkers have been almost unanimous about the defects of the system.
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Globalization and Democratic Government Politics Case Study
17 pages (5041 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Sweeping societal transformations have resulted from economic development in a number of countries over the past 30 years. Excellent examples of this are South Korea and Taiwan whose economic growth brought about expansive social, economic and cultural change that produced expansive societal pressure for democracy.
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Is Globalisation Producing More Losers Than Winners Politics Case Study
14 pages (4004 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Globalization is a word that has many connotations and definitions depending on the individual context it is used in. In fact, depending on the form of government, the type of economy, and even the economic situation of the government, globalization can be seen as a formula for winning an agenda for losing. 
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Why Did George Bush Win the 2004 Election Politics Case Study
9 pages (2626 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In spite of criticism the world over, especially the growing concerns of American society about the number of American soldiers killed on deputation in Afghanistan and Iraq, President Bush went on to win the 2004 election. The win, by a narrow margin, perplexed many political analysts as exit polls were largely skewed in favor of the Democrats candidate John Kerry.
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Liberalism as a Dominant Ideology Politics Essay
11 pages (3118 words) , Download 0 , Essay
If we compare Liberalism with other ideologies, it transpires that all other ideologies have certain specific boundaries and thus have limitations to be universalized or gaining globalized fame, while it is only Liberalism that is popular and prevailing throughout the world. Liberalism could be defined as the opposite of the unlimited power that a king would enjoy for example in the 17th century.
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Politics and Media Politics Case Study
9 pages (2515 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
It has been claimed that particular mass media, mostly the women’s magazines have for a long term been promoting alternative health products of no worth and consequently engaging in an effective conspiracy with this industry to defraud billions of dollars from the consumers every year (Fog, 2004, p. 2).
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Is the US Supreme Court Too Powerful Politics Essay
6 pages (1834 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is apparent that the United States Supreme Court is the highest court in the States. Over the federal and state courts, the Supreme Court has ultimate appellate jurisdiction. On the other hand, it has original jurisdiction on only a few cases. The membership of the court comprises of one chief justice and eight associate justices
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Understanding the Nature of Politics Politics Essay
10 pages (2769 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Power is a fundamental component of our work as activists and organizers. In circumstances where individuals are dealing with elected officials, corporate executives, landlords, or school boards, they are dealing with matters of power (Dahl 201-205). The concept of power has proven to be very difficult to describe as it has multiple sources.
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UK Foreign Policy and the Joining of the European Community in 1973 Politics Case Study
16 pages (4318 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The British people began slowly to yield to the concept that the Commonwealth no longer belonged to them. Thus, the political elite became less resistant to an effectual distancing from the Commonwealth. Moreover, the United States after undermined it by intervening in the Suez crisis where it sided with the Egyptian government. 
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The Politics of Thatcherism Politics Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The first is that in 20th-century Britain she was the only leader to govern over three consecutive general elections, and through eleven years of service as Prime Minister, she set the record for that century. Second, as the first and so far only woman British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher is strikingly the one individual to bequeath her name to an operative philosophy for a political course.
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The Binding Nature of International Agreements Politics Term Paper
12 pages (2808 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Every binding is an encapsulation of facts on some explicit presupposition or situation, and there is normally no overlap amid divisions. Since the fact is characteristical, self- expressive, it should be anticipated that a nearer of philosophy is that to the concluding phase the better is also its authority to control acquiesce. 
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Change in Contemporary China Politics Case Study
9 pages (2635 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The significant and unique outstanding observation about china is the broad and extended cultural history. The Chinese people rank as one of the societies that have long cultural ties. The governance history of a country influences its current trends. The governance system of a country in terms of influence can be analyzed in the context of social, technological, and economic change. 
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English Local Government Politics Coursework
11 pages (3001 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
One of the major forms of decentralization in the 20th century has been the break up of empires and colonies into nation-states, the recent example being the break up of the Soviet Union and the separation of Kosovo from Serbia. The pressure for pursuing and adopting democracy as a political ideology and system has led to a new emphasis on local governance below the level of the nation-state.
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Terrorist Strike at the Heart of the United Kingdom Transport System Politics Case Study
8 pages (2028 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper discusses the incident in relation to the political and national implications of the event. The follow-ups were all well managed and there was an understanding of the instructions as discussed in the International Journal of Emergency Management. I have also made an analytical inspection over the statutory services during such an emergency.
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Impact of Globalisation on Engineering Firms Politics Term Paper
12 pages (3352 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
We continue to fight, kill, and destroy—so much so that our aggression threatens to annihilate us. It is not clear whether we will survive our own "advanced" weapons. As the world is brought closer to the realization of a global village, we must apply ourselves more diligently and sincerely to improving intergroup relations and conflict resolution. 
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Lack of Democracy in International Organization Politics Essay
9 pages (2405 words) , Download 0 , Essay
International organizations have gained increased legitimacy due to their wide membership and their increasing importance in providing effective solutions to problems that face more than one state. Major theories assert that international organizations are created in response to barriers of Pareto efficiency and welfare improvement among members (Barnett and Fennimore, 2004).
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Genocide in Bosnia - the Policy of Ethnic Cleansing by Norman Cigar Politics Book Report/Review
8 pages (2247 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The author outlines vividly in a crystal clear manner so as to avoid cases of repetition in that he points out the root cause of the issue at hand. Still, he goes at length to come up with ways that will make the prey aware of the forthcoming danger. This is seen whereby he points out that the prey should be in a position to read both subtle and open signs of a forthcoming animosity.
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Australian Foreign Relations Politics Essay
8 pages (2168 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Australia’s ability to attain global influence has been seen to range from serious matters regarding the global change in climate to responses and participation in activities that are aimed at ending terrorism in the world. This way the nation exercises a sense of diplomacy aiming at making a better place for everyone and for every nation. 
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Definition of World Trade Organization Politics Report
8 pages (2466 words) , Download 0 , Report
WTO was born after negotiations among the members, and this became the method to be used in their proceedings. Nothing can be passed in the organization without deep negotiations (Palast, 2004, 14). WTO is helpful to many countries because it is a trade liberalizing union hence in case of a country faces trade barriers and wants them lowered, it has to contact the WTO for assistance.
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Views of Simpson and Echevarria on the Relevance of Clausewitz to Conflict in the 21st Century Politics Assignment
6 pages (1571 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Based on the Echevarria comment regarding holders of contrary opinion not understanding the application of Clausewitz's theory, one could therefore ask, did Simpsons or even Echevarria really understand what Clausewitz meant? Well, perhaps none of them did, or perhaps all two analysts were right in their interpretations since, after all, the interpretation of meaning is different among people.
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The Democratic Deficit in America Politics Case Study
8 pages (2343 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Critics have become increasingly skeptical of the democratic soundness within the European Parliamentary system and have been satisfied to assign the phrase ‘democratic deficit’ as an adequate reflection of its mechanisms. The reason for this resolve is manifested by the European Union’s administrative processes.
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Trade Policy and the European Union Politics Term Paper
7 pages (2026 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
There are valid points on the criticisms on a bilateral agreement, particularly on the levels of development of the countries. US and EU are two economic giants whose competency is almost equal, such that each one can afford to declare a trade war and be able to impose their own conditions of trade.
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American Foreign Policy and Manifest Destiny Politics Case Study
8 pages (2425 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The English colonizers of the new world had a vision of establishing a government founded on freedom and a new order. Among the settlers were visionaries and idealists. The government in North America is viewed to have the divine destiny to expand its territory to justify occupation and control over other territories.
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Difficulty to Secure Solution to Israel-Palestine Conflict Politics Essay
6 pages (1745 words) , Download 0 , Essay
For centuries, the land of Palestine had no wars and was inhabited by a diverse population, about 86% Muslims, 10% Christians, and 4% Jews – all living in harmony. However, in the late 1800s, a group of people from Europe came to colonize the land. This group was known as Zionists, representing an extremist minority group from the Jewish population.
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Was the United States Policy of Containment Successful Politics Essay
8 pages (2250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
U.S. containment policy was a component of the Cold War responding to a string of moves made by the Soviet Union in order to increase the influence of communism in Vietnam, China, Korea, and Eastern Europe.  The policy had two major strategies. One of the strategies was the economic approach and the other was the military approach.
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Hu Jintaos Discourse on Building a Harmonious Society Politics Coursework
10 pages (2916 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
In his definition, all the issues that hinder development for any nation are addressed, for this reason, the rubric, building a “harmonious society” turned into building a harmonious world and it was later employed by all states that wished to attain economic, political, social, cultural and environmental stability (Bank of China International, 2008).
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Functions of Elections Politics Case Study
8 pages (2155 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Elections have been the way through which democracy has been executed since the 17th century. Different offices of governance are filled by way of elections. These offices include the legislature, local government, the executive, regional government, and the judiciary. However, these vary in different countries as per the provisions of conducting elections stipulated in the constitution.
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Maintenance of Human Rights in Contemporary Politics Politics Essay
8 pages (2320 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Maintaining human rights should be accorded less importance or focus, based on the difficulties that arise in the fulfillment of human rights. Mertus, (2009) highlights that one of the fundamental difficulties that are associated with the implementation of human rights is that it is applicable to each individual and culture in a different way.   
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Why States Decide to Go to War Politics Case Study
10 pages (2294 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
As states decide to go into wars, they conduct themselves in certain ways, and more often than not, these behaviors characterize their foreign policies. This forms the basis of this formal report that seeks to explicitly discuss the quote on foreign policy behavior in relation to why states decide to go to war
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Modern American Government Politics Assignment
9 pages (2143 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The outlets can influence voter turnout and voting behavior through the particular stories that they cover. A wider cross-section of American voters only watch TV channels or listen to radio stations that align with certain political causes. This leaves people to be close-minded about other political issues and beliefs. 
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