If Americans Knew by Mearsheimer and Walt Book Report/Review - 1. https://studentshare.org/politics/1882457-writers-choice
If Americans Knew by Mearsheimer and Walt Book Report/Review - 1. https://studentshare.org/politics/1882457-writers-choice.
In their book, Mearsheimer and Walt claim that the movement of people from one country to another is often associated with committing crimes against the native inhabitants. According to them, it is as a result of such crimes that resistance takes place between the Palestinians and the Israelites. However, the conduct of Israel is very brutal; it brutally treats Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. The action of Israel's Defense Forces in Lebanon was also very severe; they dumped million deadly cluster bomblets in not only towns but also villages of Southern Lebanon.
Surprisingly, Mearsheimer and Walt claim that the U.S. still holds its relationship in addition to supporting Israel despite the above-described actions tarnishing the public image of Israel. According to Mearsheimer and Walt, it would have been advisable for the U.S. to support Palestinians instead of Israel because they are neither prosperous nor powerful in terms of the military in the Middle East. According to Mearsheimer and Walt, the U.S. supports Israel in her war with Palestine because of the Israel Lobby.
In support of their claim, they provided a list of reasons which included the ability of Israel to influence the Congress, as well as the executive. They also claim that in addition to demonizing the Palestinians, Israel is in a better position to manipulate media. Apart from policing academia, Israel also has dominating think tanks. Additionally, Mearsheimer and Walt argued that Israel likes misusing anti-Semitism in which they love to discriminate against the Jews.
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