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Creation of a Leadership Change: How Associations and Leaders Can Handle Leadership Transitions - Essay Example

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This essay "Creation of a Leadership Change: How Associations and Leaders Can Handle Leadership Transitions" discusses success changes that demand tactical and strategic leadership plans. These strategies should be directed towards the human side of changing the organization’s values…
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Name : xxxxxxxxx Institution : xxxxxxxxx Title : Leadership and change Tutor : xxxxxxxxx Course : xxxxxxxxx @2009 Leadership and change Introduction Success at both long-term and short- term change requires tactical and strategic leadership plans. In order for transformational change to be actualized, focus and understanding should be directed towards the human side, the organization’s values, culture, behavior and people. Whenever these factors are considered, the desired results are bound to be actualized. Moreover, the appropriate application of change management principles can greatly facilitate the actualization of this goal. My area of practice is centered in a health institution that is slow and hesitant to embrace the current technology in its operation due to factors such as lack of protocols and standards, technology obsolescence, risks of lives and technology integration. The inceptions of these technologies in the health care institutions will enhance the retrieval and storage of medical records among many other functions. Furthermore, embracing current technology in the health institution will ease and make effective procedures such as diagnosis and prescription in the healthcare (Gilmore 2003). The fact that the work force in the healthcare organization has been slow and hesitant to embrace current technology is indeed a problem. This is mainly because the technological resources in the healthcare are unexploited and underutilized. Additionally, the work load in the healthcare is largely done manually and as a result the operations in the centre are generally slow and relatively ineffective. By exploiting the available technological resources in the healthcare centre operations will drastically improve. The improvement will be in the form of speed and effectiveness in service delivery. Consequently, this is an area that requires a considerable level of change. Despite the fact that change in this area will prove to be challenging, there is hope that by applying change management principles the desired change results will be actualized. Literature Review Change in any form affects the organization by magnitude since it brings about considerable alterations in the status quo. However, the efforts directed towards change may take time or a particular duration for the targeted change to be realized. Strategic and persistent efforts geared towards change in frequent cases yields rewards at the individual and organizational level. The leadership of the alleged organizations needs to recognize that the implemented change strategies not only affect the organization but the workforce at different level and as a result a lot factors should be put in to account (Bennis & Chin 1999). In reference to the problem identified in my area of practice that revolves around the challenge of utilizing current technology in the operations of the healthcare centre, literatures from the American International Health Alliance (AIHA) vividly indicate how current technology can be invaluable to healthcare systems. For instance, current technology has over the course of time proved to be transformational especially when it comes to medical practice, education and communication. As far as medical practice is concerned, current technology has specialized features in form of soft wares that can allow the workforce in healthcare centers to carry out consultation with patients from different geographical areas. Furthermore, information found in the internet can be availed in teleconferences that can link the staff in a healthcare unit and provide information necessary for practice (Glaser 2002). Prior to the advent of technology, staff in healthcare centers worked in environments in which they were to a large extent virtually separated and as a result they could not collaborate effectively in order to actualize a common goal. Nevertheless current technology inherently addressed this problem through features such as video conferencing and a number of chat option available in internet social networks. These features have greatly improved the communication channels in healthcare centers. Through the intervention of current technology, staffs in different healthcare centers are enabled to store and easily confidential medical records in systems that have enhanced security. Moreover, diagnosis and prescriptions can be easily carried out through the application of current technology. The application of change management principles in addressing technology challenges in my area of practice aims at making the workforce to become more receptive and embrace the application of current technology in usual operations. Change management principles aim at providing clear understanding on the change that is to take place and the necessity of that change. In reference to the LILA management principle, there are four factors that greatly promote or impinge on change. These factors include the mind, the heart, motions or activities and patterns. In order for positive and transformational change to be realized new mindset that are characterized by thoughtful reflections on the vision, mission or the model of the organization need to be espoused (Welford 2006). The heart represents new attitudes revolving around set values, responsibilities and ethics. Motions or activities in implementing change refer to new activities centered on initiating change. Patterns are new insights or new methods of doing things. For change in any form to be realized the four factors are put into account prior to the execution of the desired change (Gonçalves 2007). Practice Application As stated earlier the staffs at my area of practice are quite hesitant and slow when it comes to embracing current technology in normal operations. As a result, services rendered are relatively limited and not up to standard. Over the course of time it was realized that if the healthcare centre embraced current technology then the standards of service would inherently improve. A key principle of change management entails addressing the human side of change in a systematic manner. Any form of change or transformation of considerable significance brings about people issues. For instance, when addressing the problem technology in my area of practice, it vital that human side of the change is addressed. The healthcare leadership needs to step up since new capabilities and skills will be incepted. Consequently, the leadership could face resistance as most people are uncertain about the changes that are bound to take place. Additionally, addressing issues of staff reactions towards the introduction of new technology models can put the speed, results of service delivery and the morale of the workforce at risk (Hatt & Creasy 2003). Need for Data Collection, Analysis and Implementation When addressing issues in the human side of change a disciplined approach to managing change entails considerable effort in planning, data collection, analysis and implementation. Moreover, a redesign of processes, strategies and systems is required. These measures should be integrated into the design and decision making process as this will enable the healthcare centre to get a clear direction of involving the staff in implementing the change. Strategies that could be used to prepare the staff at the healthcare centre may include optimum training on the technologies that are going to be adopted in the operations of the healthcare centre. Prior to the inception of the technologies in the healthcare centre the staff can be taken through training that will prepare them psychologically and technically. During the training sessions their questions or doubts concerning the operation of these technologies can be addressed. A change management principle requires that the implementation of change should begin at the top of the organization. The leadership of the organization plays a great role in ensuring that change is executed in the work settings since they are the role models. It is there fore recommended that the leadership should take the initiative of guiding the staff in a work settings towards the desired change results simply by being good role models. For instance in my area of practice in the healthcare centre, in order for the workforce to embrace the use of current technology in their daily operations there is need that the leadership should set the pace for this change to occur. The leadership of this healthcare centre should demonstrate faith in the use of current technology through the application of these technologies in their routine work. This would in turn encourage the staff of the healthcare centre at different levels to as well use these technologies to facilitate their communication channels and in the management of medical information. Role of Organizations In the endeavors of change the leadership of an organization provides direction, strength and support. In order for the rest of the organization to be motivated and challenged the leadership needs to change first. The team of leaders should work together and align their commitment towards the execution of change. They need to generally understand the concepts they are about to introduce to the workforce of the organization and their implications. A concept of change management also requires that change should as well be directed at the bottom of the work settings. This is mainly because as the change transformation progresses through the processes of strategy design and implementation individuals at the different levels of the organization are as well affected. The efforts of change should include implementation that extends down through the organization. For instance for successful to be realized in my area of practice the leadership to involve the work force in different levels of the health care centre. Since each staff is affected directly or indirectly either through cost implications or alteration in the operation models (Pugh 2007). The process of managing change requires the leadership to demonstrate faith, vision and confront reality. This is especially essential when addressing the reactions of the workforce towards change. Individuals are essentially rational and as a result they will generally question the extent to which change is required and whether by implementing these change things in the work settings will improve (Gonçalves 2007).The uncertainties exhibited by the work should be addressed by the leadership. Consequently, leaders need to direct heartening messages to the different internal audiences, illustrating the scope and effectiveness of the change that is about to occur. Foremost, leaders need to confront reality by articulating a compelling and realistic need for the change that is about to be implemented. Secondly, leaders need to demonstrate faith that the introduced models of change will defiantly yield positive results and the implementation of these changes is in the interest of the organization and the work force in the different levels of the organization. Lastly, leaders are required to be visionary by giving a road map to direct decision making and different forms of operation. Application of Technology In reference to my area of practice, the leadership of the health care centre needs to address the uncertainties of the workforce towards the application of current technology in the routine operations of the centre. Leaders in the healthcare centre should demonstrate faith in the application of technology in the routine endeavors. They need to demonstrate that by utilizing current technology in the delivery of services positive results will be yielded and that the introduction of the new technological models is in the interest of the organization and the work force in the different levels of the organization. Furthermore, the leaders in the health care centre should be visionary. They should provide a road map of directing different forms of operations and decision making. Creating ownership is a key principle of change management. During the period of transformation leaders need to be increasingly zealous, they need to ensure that the efforts that are directed towards change are not passive. In order for this to be achieved ownership is greatly required. Leaders should be willing to accept full responsibility in ensuring that the desired change takes place especially in areas that they control and influence. On the other hand, ownership is created best by involving and engaging individuals from different levels of the work force in the process of identifying key issues and coming up with solutions for these issues. Each individual in the work force needs to feel that they are part of the change. This principle can be implemented in my area of practice. The leaders in the healthcare centre should be excessively diligent in during the period in which the new models of technology are being introduced in the work force. Moreover, they should accept the full responsibility of ensuring that work force embraces the new models of technology in their routine operations. The staff should as well be involved in the change process (Pugh 2007). Importance of communication Communication is as well a key aspect of change management. In most cases leaders make the mistake of assuming that the work force has to a large extent understood the various issue that encompass around the change that is yet to be implemented and that they are ready to adopt and act upon the presented changes. Change can be best introduced through efficient and timely communications at various intervals. The objective of such communications during the change should revolve around giving action –oriented direction and motivation. These types of communication are also inbound and outbound. These communications provide a base whereby relevant information can be imparted to the workforce. It also provides abase whereby the leadership can solicit feed back from the staff concerning the executed changes. Communication is inherently a vital aspect in my area of practice as far as change management is concerned. The leaders at the healthcare centre should not assume that the workforces at the healthcare centre are completely aware of the technological models of operations. Instead they should update the staff with relevant and timely information concerning the various modes of operation using the new technologies. The work force should in turn respond by giving their feedbacks. Change management principles also require the leadership to address cultural issues. An organizations culture comprises of common attitudes and practices, explicit beliefs and values as well as a shred history. In most cases the implementation of change requires creating new models or amending the set modes of operation. The issue of culture should be put into account just like any other issue. When addressing these issues what is required is that a baseline should be developed that explicitly defines the desired cultural outcome and the methods in which transition will be made. Leaders should evaluate the existing culture and identify the gaps that need to be bridged. Moreover they should initiate strategies aimed at accelerating the introduced culture. For instance in my area of practice a new culture has been introduced that involves the use of technology in the routine operations therefore the leaders in the healthcare centre need to come up with strategies that will ensure that the introduction of the new technological culture will be beneficial to the healthcare centre. Cultural Issues and Change in Leadership In reference to cultural issues another key principle of change management entails evaluating the landscapes of culture prior to the implementation of the change. Change programs that experience success gain intensity and speed as they proceed in the process of understanding the implications of culture at each level in the organization. Cultural diagnostics evaluates the readiness of the organization to change. It also identifies core beliefs, values and perceptions. This provides a platform for fundamental change elements such as initializing new programs and infrastructure. Preparing for the unexpected outcomes is also another fundamental principle of change management. In most cases there is like hood that the initial design of the change strategy falls short or fails to meet the needs of the organization. Individuals in the settings of the organization could respond in unexpected ways. In the process of effectively managing change, leaders need to evaluate the implications of the change strategies and the level of willingness that the organization has in adopting the new change concepts. In my area of practice, it would be very essential that the leaders of the health care centre should evaluate and identify challenges that are bound to occur as they try to introduce the work force to the new models of technology. Experts in the field of change management advocate that as a principle of managing change and leadership. Leaders in an organization need to communicate with individuals in the work force personally and at the organizational base. This is mainly because change is essentially an individual journey as well an organizational one. People are supposed to know their duties and what is expected form them prior to and subsequent to the change period. Leaders should ensure that they provide a platform in which individuals in the work force can honestly express their grievances or concerns. Moreover the leadership should come with reinforcement strategies that will ensure the work force in the organization is motivated to take part in the implementation of change (Paton, & McCalman 2008). In regard to my area of practice, the leadership of the healthcare centre should centre their communications at the individual as well as the organizational level. The should ensure that they provide a platform whereby individuals in the work force can express their challenges in reference to the application of the new technological models. By providing such a platform issues revolving around the modes of applying or adapting to the new technological models will be addressed at the individual level. Consequently, each person in the organization will take part in the process of implementing change. Reinforcement strategies such as rewarding and reaffirming can play a great role in ensuring that the work force full adapts to the new technological applications in their routine work. For instance whenever, good results are achieved as a result of using these applications the leadership should affirm or reward the persons involved. This will in turn challenge and motivate other members of the work to follow these trends (Grol & Grimshaw 2003). Another key principle of change management entails the analysis of the contents of change. It is to large extent vital that the leadership should identify the areas or the scope in which changes are required or new concepts are to be introduced. For example in my area of practice the leadership needs to determine the extent in which changes in operation will take place. Furthermore, when introducing the concepts of change the leadership needs to minimize the negative aspects of change. For instance they leadership of the healthcare centre needs to consistently communicate the benefits of applying current technology in the daily operations. These benefits should always outweigh the risks of the proposed technological changes (Neilson 2005). Conclusion Success either in long-term or short- term changes demands tactical and strategic leadership plans. These strategies should be directed towards the human side of change the organization’s values, culture, behavior and people. Above all the appropriate application of change management principles can greatly facilitate the actualization of the change implementation process. My area of practice which was generally centered in a health institution that is slow and hesitant to embrace the current technology in its operations consequently is great problem since, the work load in the healthcare is largely done manually and as a result the operations in the centre are generally slow and relatively ineffective. Moreover, technological resources in the healthcare are unexploited and underutilized. However, there is hope that by applying change management principles the desired change results will be actualized. A fundamental principle of change management entails addressing the human side of change in a systematic manner. The implementation of change should begin at the top of the organization’s leadership. Change should as well be directed at the bottom of the work settings. The process of managing change requires the leadership to demonstrate faith, vision and confront reality. In regard to my area of practice, the leadership of the healthcare centre should centre their communications at the individual as well as the organizational level. They should provide a platform whereby individuals in the work force can express their challenges in reference to the application of the new technological models. Additionally, they need to prepare for the unexpected outcomes. Bibliography Gilmore, T, 2003, Creation of a Leadership Change: How associations and Leaders Can Handle Leadership Transitions. Universe publishers, New York. Cameron, E & Green, M, 2004, Making sense of change management: a complete guide to the models, tools & techniques of organizational.Kogan Page Publishers. New York. Hatt, J & Creasy, T, 2003, Change administration: Persons side of change, Prosci Publishers. New York. Gonçalves, M, 2007.Change management concepts and practice. Volume three of Technical manager's survival guide. ASME Publishers, New York. Glaser, J, 2002, The strategic application of information technology in health care organizations, John Wiley and Sons Publishers, New York. Grol, R & Grimshaw, J 2003, ‘From best evidence to best practice: effective implementation of change in patients’ care’, The Lancet, vol. 362, pp. 1225-1230. Finkelman, AW 2006, Leadership and management in nursing, Pearson, New Jersey, pp. 32-52. Welford, C., 2006, Change management and quality, Nursing Management, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 23-25. Pugh, L, 2007, Change management in information services, Ashgate Publishing, New York. Bennis, W & Chin, R, 1999, The planning of change, Holt, Rinehart and Winston Publishers. UK. Paton, R & McCalman, J, 2008, Change Management: A Guide to Effective Implementation, SAGE Publications. New York. Read More
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