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A good essay progresses as per the outlines formulated in the beginning. A skyscraper is never built without making a detailed blueprint that helps construct a building right from its pillars to plinths to plasters. And construction without a blueprint never provides strength to the building and so is true with proper essay writing and its completion. For an essay writers, outlines are blueprints that guide them in writing. A well-defined thesis topic is not just enough. Outlines set the whole process and indicate whether the essay is complete or not. Outlines are a roadmap for the cohesive, constructive and concise progression of the topic (read thesis statement) that writer wants to stress. Freehand essay writing means a construction of a building just to break and alter it again and again realizing that it has not been shaped as per the original idea.
Outlines are clear reflections of the writer’s idea. They draw a clear picture in the mind as to how one wants to progress with the given topic. Though ideas are in mind outlines are laid down on a piece of paper. It is always easy and less exhausting to make changes to outlines at the beginning itself – before finishing a draft of the paper. When the essay emerges following precise and clear outlines, it is an indication that nothing is omitted in preparing the essay. That is a measure of its completeness and such an essay is likely to create a lasting impact and inquisitiveness in the minds of readers.
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