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William Blake The Expending Paper Introduction In the backdrop of Romanticism in post industrialization period, when there was no dearth of talent and genius in literary as well as cultural figure, William Blake happens to be the stand alone figure. A true genius, scarcely recognized in his lifetime, Blake belongs to those rare breed of genius who scores high both in poetry as well as painting and visual arts. Blake had epitomized the highest order with his impeccable style and voyeurism. In this article we would try to understand what the holistic view that has been implied over the works of Blake and the criticism of one of his works like “Cradle Song”.. Blake as a Poet “His genuine delight in the older verse preserved him from the complacency with which his age regarded its own verification.
Like Keats, bit with more justice, he laments, in the lines of ‘To the muses’ the feeble, artificial and meager achievement of the time. His notes are neither languid, nor forced but remarkably varied and spontaneous. Even in his less perfect work, there is not only abatement of fresh enthusiasm, but, rather an overtaking of powers not yet fully equip for high flights” (1) . The criticism has been taken from ‘The Cambridge History of English Literature” Volume-XI; 1954 Edition. Unquestionably, this criticism depicts the inner song of Blake’s heart.
The romanticism is a multi layered subject in the period of French Revolution, in the post industrial Europe an well as America. The mature work by the writer often lefts us baffled with its complexity. No wonder whatever is being written by the poet, on later stage of the era, evokes much more applause as well as criticism from the erudite critics across the globe. It is the marvel of his work, discovered much after his death, makes our heart full of joy and mysticism that propels us to another paradigm.
“His delight in the Sun, the hills, the streams, the flowers and buds, in the innocence of the child and of the lamb, comes not from sustained contemplation but as an immediate impulse….His pleasure in the consciousness of the unifying spirit in the universe was still too fresh to give pause for theorizing; and perhaps for this reason, such pieces as Laughing Song, Spring, The Echoing Green, The Blossom and Night sung in pure joy of heart, convey more perfectly then all his later attempts at exposition the nature of his visionary faith.” (2). Perhaps there is hardly any other word that can express this type of feelings.
He was a genius of spontaneous outcome. To depict any particular poem in order to gauge the unfathomable depth of his writing with multipronged diversity will not be possible, but we are trying to do it as an offering of tribute to Blake. The Cradle Song The Cradle song was written on 1815 and it has been acclaimed by different critiques with highest order. As per Robert F Gleckner (3), “it is an expression of Blake's concept of moving into the realm of higher innocence” The elevations from “Pleasant Dream” to “Smile” are an escalation to adulthood.
It is also mentioned that this song is a prayer by itself, as per Gleckner. There are so many other noted scholars have aired their valued opinion and compared the same with another “Cradle Song” By Isaac Watts but the subjective study depicts what the poem actually signifies. It is nothing but the spontaneous outcome from the core of the heart of a mother and here lies the marvel of the doyen, William Blake. Reference Ref 1 : page -182, The Cambridge History of English Literature, Volume XI, -The Period of French Revolution, 1954 Edition, Edited by Sir A.
W Ward & A.R.Waller, Published by the syndics of Cambridge University Press. Ref 2 : page -185, ibid Ref 3:
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