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Critical Response Paper ID Lecturer Democracy is a Greek term which means “rule of the people”. Democracy is the form of government that gives right to the people to choose the leaders which give them their rights in essence. A democratic government could be called as one when it is given the right to go for elections and get the public approval through a mandate which speaks for its own self. The example from the American democratic government is apparent where they elected a President who was the popular choice and since he is the first African American President to take charge, there is reason enough to believe the incorporation of democracy within the reins of America.
The rule of the majority is indeed the very premise of democracy and this is the reason why it is successful. The different kinds of democracy are representative and direct. Direct democracy deals with a political system where citizens can have their say through voting in public affairs while the indirect form of democracy is that form of the democratic government which sees that the people elect their representatives to rule for their own interests and hence participate in elections to select a government of their own (Sen 1999).
One should believe that the democracy that exists within America is more representative than being direct as they hold fast on to the adage of democracy more than any other alternative. The element of consensus exists within democracy which is known as consensus democracy. Direct democracy is actually referendum while representative democracy is through elected representatives. References Sen, A (1999). "Democracy as a Universal Value". Journal of Democracy, 10 (3): 3–17
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