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29, January Virtual Academy in Function of Long Life Learning Virtual education is a 20th century phenomenon which is widely practiced nowadays because of its advantages. Education provided by these virtually existing academies offer students to select courses and get education without formally attending any institution. In a research by Singh, O' Donoghue & Betts, “A UK study into the potential effects of virtual education: Does online learning spell an end for on-campus learning?” , it was found that virtual worlds are a more influential media for education that offer many opportunities for students all over the world.
The research holds the concept that the time constraints and place are eliminated in virtual academies. Stacy & Riley, in "Teaching in Virtual Worlds: Opportunities and Challenges", suggested that virtual worlds play an effective role in learning process as learning environment is generalized rather than contextual. A research by Travis & Price, “Instructional culture and distance learning”, stated that the use of virtual technologies to deliver courses in education has challenged faculty to examine their culture of teaching and faculty must examine the impact of these technologies on different aspects of coaching.
An article by Russel, “Is Virtual Schooling a Virtual Reality?” identified three categories of virtual schools i.e. “independent, collaborative and broadcast” models. It was also discussed in the study that virtual schools aim at expansion of education facilities to those who cannot go to proper schools and help them to educate themselves while being at home. There are some models too that are used in virtual academies in order to better educate the users. In a research by Holotescu, "Open educational resources and FLOSS”, FLOSS model was presented which described that how users can become resource creators by making learning processes visible in order to benefit other learners.
Jefferson & Arnold in “Effects of virtual education on academic culture: Perceived advantages and disadvantages”, found that virtual academies provide advantages to students encouraging them to invest their time on online studies. A research by Clarke, “virtual schools: status and trends”, figured out that access to an extended syllabus was the major aim of establishing virtual schools which is not sufficiently met yet. Page elucidated in “The Advantages of Virtual School”, that virtual schools provide support in terms of location, flexibility, and direction and better help the user to get them educated.
Schulz, “Benefits and Drawback of Virtual Learning”, envisaged that if best parts of online education are provided to home users then online learning can become a driving force of change. MacDonald, “On-Line Learning: A Radical Pedagogy?”, explored that “online environment allows students to learn by observing another student's learning experience, relating it to their own, and progressing from novice to expert vicariously”. Taylor, “Education online: Off course or on track?”, pointed out that the longer processing time in the online setting is a benefit for disabled students who need longer think time and support.
Keeping in view the findings of researchers, in my opinion your research should be focused on influence of virtual academies on users and its implication for long life learning. As virtual academies phenomenon is widely spreading across the world, the research must be conducted to find its impact on users, its advantages and disadvantages, its implication in different field of studies, modes of online communication (conversations, video conferencing etc), advancements that can be made in virtual institutions and curriculum improvement programs.
Works Cited Clarke, T., “Virtual schools: status and trends, phoenix, AZ”: west Ed/ distance learning resource network, 2001. Web. 24 January 2011. Holotescu, C. "Open educational resources and FLOSS". Paper presented at eLiberatica, Brasov, May 2007. Kluge, S., & Riley, E., "Teaching in Virtual Worlds: Opportunities and Challenges". Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology , 5 (2008): 127-135. Print. MacDonald, J., “On-Line Learning: A Radical Pedagogy?”, Adults Learning, 12.5 (2001): 20-22. Print. Renee N.
Jefferson, Liz W. Arnold, “Effects of virtual education on academic culture: perceived advantages and disadvantages”. US-China Education Review, 6.3(2009):1548-6613, Print. Russell, G. “Is Virtual Schooling a Virtual Reality?” 10.6, May 2001. Web. 27 January 2011 Schulz, B.,Eds., “Benefits and Drawback of Virtual Learning”. Virtual Learning Education consulting firm. Web. 27 January 2011. Singh, G., O'Donoghue, J. & Betts, C. “A UK study into the potential effects of virtual education: Does online learning spell an end for on-campus learning?
”, Behaviour & Information Technology, 21.3(2002):223-229. Print. Taylor, S, “Education online: Off course or on track?” Community College Week, Vol. 14. 20, (2002):10-12.Print. Travis, J. & Price, K, “Instructional culture and distance learning”. Journal of Faculty Development, 20(2), (2005): 99-104. Print.
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