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Personal Leadership and Communication Skills - Essay Example

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The paper "Personal Leadership and Communication Skills" highlights that leadership refers to one's ability to influence other people’s perceptions in accordance with your view and sustain their efforts towards attaining your plan. It may also refer to the style of management adopted by the manager…
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Personal Leadership and Communication Skills
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At the end of the program, a gala was to be held, and the other competing schools-and in essence, companies-would gather for a competition to showcase what type of company they operated, how they operated and awards were up for grab for:

• The most profitable company.
• The best financially kept/managed company.
• Leadership award.
• The best overall company.

Yes, visions can indeed be negative. As far as visions are what we see as the situation in the future and this being the only drive necessitating changes towards realizing it, and in resting the job of creating the vision solely in the hands of “the leader” then certainly, visions can be negative. What is desirable is different from what is not desirable. Most firms focus on what they are to avoid rather than what they aim to achieve (Senge 2006). The source of visions is primarily centered on the aims and preferences of the particular individual generating it instead of the prevailing conditions in the operative environment. A leader that is cut off from the world can lead to the development of visions that are impaired. The substance of that vision in particular can be extremely retrogressive and archaic as was the case with leaders such as Adolph Hitler.

In the Company project, I was privileged to have worked on two fronts: Firstly, as a salesman, and secondly as a human resource manager. It was ironic indeed, and rather vaguely clear to my fellow company members as to the excisions of my duties in both capacities. However, to me, it was a chance to bring about the skills of adaptability-integrating both my outstanding leadership skills with my ability to work as part of the team (Woodcock 2007).

A paradigm shift in my life occurred when I got the opportunity, shortly after the conclusion of the Company program, to form part of the team representing Kenya in an exchange program between Kenya and Nederland. This opportunity opened my view on a lot of major aspects of my life, certainly culturally. The exchange program introduced me to the cultures of 3 European nations namely France, Belgium, and Nederland. My view of the world was immensely enriched, and the sight and first-hand experience of life in a developed society cannot be matched with any other in my life. I now understood what local policymakers meant by “development geared towards pushing the country into a developed nation”.

Communication skill is certainly my strongest point. The ability to articulate thoughts, ideas, and arguments in a manner that enriches discussions, and induces and sustains action is by far my greatest asset. I believe strongly in the right of individuals over any matter; that one must speak up and rationally express their choice both in speech and in action.

Historically, the very act of dissent has proved time and again as the driver of change. For where there is dissent, comes change; with change, progress comes (Woodcock 2007). Again from a personal experience during the Company program, indeed both the shareholders and the executive board were against my dual role position. Claim that it would affect the performance of the team as a whole on either end was my constant fear. Such differences in opinion and stiff resistance only served to strengthen my desire for the jobs. Clear explanations on how you plan to perform your duties, how they integrate with the overall team effort, and providing a mechanism against which performance can be assessed continuously in line with overall company targets helped prevail over the critics.

My assumptions about leadership include:
• Leadership does not necessarily require a top-down approach.
• That with proper delegation within the organizational structure, the leadership matrix coefficient, is greater than a particular top management vision for the whole firm.
• Leaders are not extraordinary individuals.

My beliefs have served to instill confidence in my ability to deliver in any capacity I am appointed to work in. A weak leader is a stumbling block to his subordinates. In the same spirit, a self-righteous one is a barrier to progress and success. It is within my practice to listen to others' opinions, filter, and take valuable inputs to enrich my thoughts and opinion.

Focused leadership development models are a typical learning mode. This includes a focus on culture setting, a focus on the future, and a focus on developing the organization to realize its missions and objectives (Rodgers-Healey 2003). This model has been remarkably effective so far. I have gained a vast knowledge of how to assess and effect change within organizations and how to develop and effect objectives in line with a vision for both the short and long term.

The module has reaffirmed my assumption that leaders are normal people. I have come to understand that although leaders can be nurtured, most successful leaders have an incline to the role intrinsically (Rodgers-Healey 2003). However, such intuition unless properly guided can amount to nothing much. Read More
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