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Effect of Problem-Based Learning on Critical Thinking Skills in Undergraduate Nursing Students - Essay Example

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The author of the paper "Effect of Problem-Based Learning on Critical Thinking Skills in Undergraduate Nursing Students" will begin with the statement that nursing trainers are required to develop effective pedagogical techniques which ensure critical thinking and clinical problem-solving. …
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Analysis of the Effect of Problem-Based Learning on Critical Thinking Skills in Undergraduate Nursing Abstract Nursing trainers are required to develop effective pedagogical techniques which ensure critical thinking and clinical problem solving. This study helps in determining the effects of a problem based learning (PBL) on students’ ability to think critically. It provides a clear view of skills and disposition instilled in students through PBL. This study tackles on the effect PBL has on the ability of nursing student to solve problems. It is evident that PBL is an effective way to promote skills of critical thinking, cognitive maturity and self-confidence. These skills help in handling the great advances and transformations in health care. It is an adaptive measure to handle simple and complex scenarios in a nursing field. It is apparent that the problem based learning principles tries to develop a curriculum that is relevant and appropriate. This curriculum is based on the ability to provide students with a platform to grow their critical thinking capacity. Through the implementation, students develop skills to integrate knowledge acquired in problem solving. This study shows that PBL has a positive impact in critical thinking. It provides basic self-evaluation and the installation of personal effort in providing solutions. This helps in sailing through complex issues with ease through a distinctive reasoning. In a nursing field, the complex scenarios require prior knowledge and the ability to confidently face the situation. Introduction In the past few decades there have been great advances and transformations in health care. These are attributed in the rapid growth of technology and theory. Most of these changes in the nursing field are associated with incumbent moral and ethical dilemmas existing in their daily practice. Due to these changes, nurses must be more equipped to deal with the complex changes. They are required to be skilled in reasoning abilities and high level thinking. According to Fowler (2008), the complexity of current healthcare demands critical thinking. Daily, nurses are involved in decision making. They are required to navigate through different problems thus the need to have knowledge for problem solving. This makes the use critical thinking crucial in the examination of simple and complex scenarios in a nursing field. Critical thinking helps nurses and nursing students in quality improvement. There are clinical proficiencies that combine the analysis and synthesis of clinical information in patient care situations. They are designed to prepare future nurses think critically in a variety of their employment settings so as to manage patient care situations effectively. So, nursing educators are charged with the development of pedagogical strategies that are effective. This ensures that their students are skillful at clinical problem solving and critical thinking. It is clear that problem based learning in nursing promotes critical thinking, interaction and active group participation. This is attributed to the situation that students work in groups that support them in creating collaborative learning environments. The groups help students while interacting with others. In the discussions, they are able to analyze situations critically and tackle problems in different ways. In so doing, they seek information from resources needed. PBL thus helps them critically examine various researches and apply the skills obtained. It is a tool that improves information retention and development on critical thinking skills (Fowler, 2008). Background A teacher centered approach and subjected oriented methods in teaching of nurses have been common in the past. Educators would be required to introduce their students to particular skills and experience which formed the basis of nursing practice (Smedley, 2007). It was a normality that nurses learnt through observation and practice. This is because; those days the health care platform offered a wealth of on the job experiences. Traditional model of training served the requirements of health care systems in the past. Currently, it might prepare nursing students to deal with the complex health care situation today. The climate in todays’ health care there is increased knowledge and advancement in technology. This dictates that nurses should have the dispositions and skills to convey what is expected of them. It is therefore necessary for nurses to develop self-critical awareness of their own limitations and strengths. Unfortunately, traditional model calls for students to receive rather than to search for knowledge. The method is regarded authoritative where students are passive recipients in learning. Knowledge acquired in the nursing field needs to be applied. This makes it important for nurses to develop the ability to appreciate the existence of alternative solutions in different life situations (Smedley, 2007). It is necessary for nurses to integrate theory and practice in their scheme. This helps them to understand the reality of the practical world. There are many changes in the society’s expectation apart from changes in knowledge and technology. These expectations in the society impact the nursing field. There is increased awareness in consumers of health care. They demand their involvement in decision making of their health status. This needs for informed consent to take place in all treatments. In so doing, public confidence and trust are justified. The nursing field requires a nurse to be appropriate in their service delivery. This is because there are many challenges that call stronger knowledge base. This knowledge helps in the exploration of the complexities in nursing practice and in safeguarding health standards. Nurses are required to deliver according to consumer rights thus need for accountability. It is clear that nursing education should be in a way to develop thinking that best suits the practice. Critical Thinking Critical thinking is a process that is self-regulatory and relies heavily on the ability to interpret, analyze, and evaluate situations. According to Brookfield (1987), it consists of four major components. One, it requires identification and interpretation of the world exploration of alternatives. It also requires the expanding of thoughts through self-reflection. The other components include endorsing the significance of context a problem is based. Critical thinking is result oriented and meaningful. For this reason, it is necessary for nursing students in clinical decision-making. It provides a problem solving technique and decision making process. Critical thinking embraces the process of raising questions to every situation and the critique of the solutions (Fowler, 2008). This involves expanding of the thoughts of a person in finding solutions to life problems. It is important for critical thinkers to be mindful of how the assimilated assumptions shape their perceptions. In nursing education, students are required to apply critical thinking to respond on complex clinical problems. This is achievable if they can think quickly, identify and comprehend what is required of them. Their thinking must be accurate and rigorous to allow for logical, reliable and trustworthy conclusions. It is clear that, teaching students how to think critically prepares students to succeed in the world that is rapidly changing. Critical thinking skills promote the standing of nurses in their health care team. Measuring Critical Thinking There are dimensions that define critical thinking. These dimensions comprise of both affective dispositions and cognitive skills. Having the requisite cognitive critical thinking skills is important to be good critical thinker. The whole concept is associated with a set of personal dispositions and attitudes that help in defining a person who is included to apply critical thinking. Cognitive critical thinking skills involve accurate interpretation of problems, objective and subjective data in patient care. They also involve analysis where one examines ideas and problems thus the ability to find a course of action. Evaluation is another skill that helps in ascertaining the trustworthiness of information and its relevance in a nursing sector. These cognitive skills also help in self-regulation. They give the ability to monitor personal thinking using general criteria (Choi, 2004). On individual disposition, open-mindedness is essential. It provides the ability to have an alternate perspective and respect the opinion of others. Having a curious and enthusiastic mind provides a platform to acquire information. This is attributed to the will of knowing how things work. Courage of asking questions is another element of individual disposition that helps in truth seeking (Fowler, 2008). This calls for analytical thinking and use of information that is verifiable. Thus, it is imperative to trust one’s own reasoning to utilize these skills. It is clear that critical thinking has unique elements. It is associated with the knowledge that helps in reasoning thus the ability to solve problems. Making of contingency related value judgments is also a major element in critical thinking (El-Hessew et. al, 2007), critical thinking is a weapon that helps in distinctive interaction with the surrounding circumstances. Principles of Problem Based Learning Problem based learning ensures that education is based on the professional practice. Students are allocated tasks in their field of study. Little theory is done while students are required to research more so as to solve the task. When they encounter these scenarios, they able to read more and interact effectively with their group members when finding solutions. In this case, critical thinking abilities are developed. Competent performance requires a professional approach. This means that, when students are given a real problem in their field they are able to develop a positive attitude towards their professional. According to Smedley (2007), students are confronted with real-life problems that provide a stimulus for self-taught content. They work in small groups that are facilitated by a tutor, and they are required to solve authentic problems like those in an everyday situation. Students assume an active role, in search and acquiring new knowledge. This is different from being a passive recipient of knowledge. These experiences help students develop great critical thinking abilities in search of information. Problem based learning aims at providing a curriculum that is appropriate and relevant. This learning strategy creates a platform that is favorable for the growth of critical thinking ability for students. It embodies the fact that the prerequisite of learning is a problem. The process of providing students with a problem helps them in finding a way to sail through. In tackling the problem, critical thinking is enhanced (Akinsanga & Williams, 2004). Analysis Problem based learning (PBL) is an important strategy in teaching and learning. It emphasizes on student centered approach on learning, and a self-directing mentality in education (Yuan et al., 2009). PBL is majorly used in a nursing field. Students are presented with a case problem to solve. In this problem tutors offer minimum guidance and students are left to generate learning issues through brainstorming discussions. On the course of problem-solving, they learn to collect patient information. On getting the information, they are able to interpret objectives and the subjective outcomes. This helps them create individualized care plans which are patient centered. PBL helps students develop clear clinical reasoning and self-directed approach on health issues. In PBL, learners view health issues from a diverse angle. They can to approach issues from a psychological, physical, health, economic and cultural perspective. The approach used in PBL seems to make it outweigh traditional didactic teaching process. PBL is a suitable approach in nursing study as students use critical thinking and inquiry to seek information, and obtain information towards clinical problems (Vittrup & Davey, 2010). It is an effective learning strategy as it helps nurses to think critically thus they are able to provide safe and effective care in health systems. PBL enhances content knowledge and fosters communication development, solving of problems, and self-directed skills. The impact of PBL on students is usually evident when they are presented with a problem and required to unfold a hidden result. Students are able to seek additional information in the efforts of explaining the situation. This gives them extra problem solving skills required in the nursing field (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2008). It is evident that students who are equipped with PBL experience have more problem solving skills than those using traditional educational learning. This is attributed to the handling of real life activities which encourages the student to research and discover on their own knowledge. It is achievable through the reflection on experiences and use of problem solving methods. According to Del (2004), PBL has a positive effect on nursing students in problem solving process. He had also seen that PBL was effective in helping students increase the ability to integrate practice and theory in clinical practice while solving problems. PBL develops crucial professional competencies which require finding information, communication skills and management skills. This is because PBL applies real-life contexts in capitalizing on student knowledge and reinforcement of managerial concepts. Presentation of problems without lectures gives students pressure to have self-directed learning mentality. Here students are able to seek information through intensive dialog with other nursing colleagues. They are also able to read textbooks, search on the internet and access community resources to get required information (Azer, 2009). Within nursing discipline, Williams (2005) noted that PBL is essential in facilitating the development of self-directed learning. This is important as nursing needs cognitive ability. The ability helps students in decision making, problem solving and clinical judgments. According to Levett-jores (2005), nurse tutors are attracted to the PBL system than a traditional model. They preferred its approach due to the relationship with professionals. This makes students assume greater responsibility. According to the Hwang & Jang (2005), Students go on identifying their roles and defining clinical issues. This creates motivation as students rely on various sources of information rather than just textbooks. So, working with problem scenario stimulates student learning more than formal input from a teacher. It is an active learning in PBL that promote skills that are self-directed. This is important in meeting learning objectives. Comparison between PBL and Traditional training reveals that, course content is not sacrificed in the implementation of PBL. Instead, it influences the learning styles which make students develop the ability of thinking critically (El-Hessew et al, (2007). Traditional method of training is for this reason regarded inappropriate for preparation of nurses in this fast changing world. Problem based learning can be regarded as a basic tool in the enhancement of critical thinking, in undergraduate nursing students. Conclusion The method of problem based learning can be regarded as the appropriate way of preparing nursing professionals. It provides a solution to the rapidly changing world. This process helps in nurturing skills and dispositions required for competent practice in nursing. It is effective in enhancing learning and thought processes. Thus, PBL helps students think critically which gives them a deep approach to learning. In undergraduate nursing training, PBL portrays a deep approach to general education learning. This provides the need to validate their relationship with nursing education. This analysis shows that in undergoing PBL, students are able to evaluate situations, synthesis and make valid judgments when faced with study problems. Students are also motivated in their learning that makes it easy to gain needed skills. PBL thus has a high effect on critical thinking of nursing students. References Akinsanga , C, & Williams , M. (2004). Concept mapping for meaning learning, Nurse Education Today.24(9) 41-46 American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2008). The essentials of baccalaureate nursing education for professional nursing practice. Washington, DC: Author Pub. Azer, S.A. (2009). Interactions between students and tutor in problem-based learning: The significance of deep learning, Kaohsiung J Med .25(5), 240-9 Brookfield, S.D. (1987). Developing critical thinkers. Jossey-Bass publishers. San Francisco. Choi, H.J. (2004).The effect of problem-based learning on the meta-cognition critical thinking & problem solving process of nursing students. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.34(5),712-720 Del Bueno, D. A. (2005).crisis in critical thinking. Nursing Education Perspectives. 26(5):278-82. 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(2010)Problem based learning – ‘Bringing everything together’ – A strategy forGraduate Nurse Programs, Nurse Education in Practice. 1(2), 88-95 Yuan. H., Kunaviktikul. W., Klunkin. A., and Williams. B. (2009). The Application of Problem-Based Learning in Chinese Baccalaureate Nursing Education, Nursing Education Perspectives, 30 (4), Retrieved from Read More
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