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Evidence Based Practices for Hearth Health - Essay Example

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Running head: EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICES FOR HEART HEALTH Evidence-Based Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Women – A Summary of Recommendations for Clinical Practitioners Insert Name Here Insert Affiliation Here Abstract Cardiovascular diseases have been a leading cause of death in women…
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Evidence Based Practices for Hearth Health
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Individual interventions and recommendations for women in the high-risk, intermediate-risk and low-risk categories for CVD have been summarized. Evidence-Based Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Women – A Summary of Recommendations for Clinical Practitioners Cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women has been subject to immense research as it is the leading cause of death for women in the US. The number of deaths due to CVD is higher for women than men. A majority of CVD deaths are attributed solely to coronary heart disease, which therefore is the major focus of most research.

It is often seen that women with no previous history or recognized symptoms of CVD are often fatally susceptible to it. Most studies conducted with an objective to prevent the incidence of CVD in women highlight the fact that evidence-based practices are extremely vital for effective prevention of CVD. It is essential to take into account the "full range of available evidence" in order to devise appropriate evidence-based practices for CVD prevention in a "diverse population of women" (Mosca et al., 2004, p. 673).

Therefore, in their study, Mosca et al. attempted to develop guidelines for evidence-based practices for the prevention of CVD in women. . ntion include "lifestyle interventions", "major risk-factor interventions", "preventive drug interventions", "atrial fibrillation/stroke prevention", and "Class III interventions". Lifestyle interventions include several interventions related to cigarette smoking, physical activity, etc. Women must be encouraged to abstain from smoking and also to avoid secondary smoking or environmental tobacco.

About 30 minutes of physical activity (moderate intensity) such as brisk walking should be done on all days. Women who have had a recent coronary intervention or chronic angina should get involved in a "comprehensive risk-reduction regimen", which includes cardiac rehabilitation. They must be encouraged to maintain a healthy eating pattern complete with fruits, vegetables, fish, legumes etc, along with protein foods that are low in saturated fat. The intake of trans-fatty acids should be limited.

Weight maintenance and reduction should be encouraged and a normal BMI and waist circumference should be maintained. Psychosocial factors such as depression, etc. should be regularly monitored and evaluated in women and they must be promptly treated whenever indicated. Supplementation of food intake with omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid is recommended for high-risk women. The interventions for major risk factors include maintenance of normal blood pressure through lifestyle changes, maintenance of an optimal blood pressure, apart from lipids and lipoproteins in blood.

When the levels of LDL-C are elevated or in the case of high-risk women, life-style therapy and statin therapy are recommended. In case of women with diabetes, normal HbA1C should be maintained through lifestyle therapy and pharmacotherapy. Preventive drug interventions include the use of aspirin for high and medium

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