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Political Theories in International Collaboration and Governance - Essay Example

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The paper "Political Theories in International Collaboration and Governance" argues that the economy should exert itself to meet capitalist goals because economic power resides in the hands of investors who can serve the society by investing money and creating jobs and generating economic activity…
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Political Theories in International Collaboration and Governance
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International Collaboration and Governance in the light of Political Theories International Collaboration and Governance in the light of Political Theories Introduction The world remained under the influence of realism for far too long and therefore, deep under all the fuss about internationalization and globalization, every nation is looking to fulfill its own private agendas1 even by deceiving and lying to other national systems in order to gain advantage. The countries tend to follow liberalism whenever it becomes necessary and unavoidable to work with other nations2. The politics of modern era is objective and goal driven only and nobody is concerned with the notion of causing scientific and economic development of all the humanity on an equal basis. However, the international institutions such as United Nations, World Trade Organization and International Monetary Fund are working to help powerful nations in terms of realizing their goals3. The philosophy of realism is being translated into practical application of capitalism4. The capitalism argues that economy should exert itself to meet capitalist’s goals because economic power resides in the hands of investor and he or she is the one who can serve the society by investing money and as a result he or she will create jobs and generate economic activity which will in turn cause the living standards in the society to improve. All these good things will not happen until society helps the capitalist in achieving his or her goals that may or may not be ethical and legal. The center of economic world is controlled by capitalists and that is for sure and therefore, they are going to collaborate whenever they consider it beneficial for themselves. The drama of globalization is nothing more than a scam because all of the decision power is residing in the hands of those who have the money. The capitalist looks to meet his or her goals with the help of realism which openly states that world is a nasty place and that is why, everyone must do whatever it takes to survive. The rule of fittest’s survival apply even in the modern era of the 21st century. Realism and Liberalism: The Dominant Philosophies of the Modern World In the light of above discussion, it can be assumed that the world is moving in between realism and liberalism when it comes to managing international relations5. The development of nasty nuclear weapons is known to delay the inevitable of Third World War but in the meantime, the nations are attempting to take each other down by playing economic games6. The trend of outsourcing is just another way of fulfilling capitalistic goal of making more money and it is literally shameful to observe the presentation of outsourcing as the greatest evidence in the support of the belief that nationalism has died out while, whole humanity is moving in the direction of becoming one nation in the current times and the era of Global Citizenship is just around the corner. Marxism: As a means of Explaining Capitalism The economic theory of Marxism can also be used in order to explain the current and prevalent economic order of the international community. Marxism states that society must work in order to fulfill the goals and objective of the few and this is what happening in the world right now as masses have been working to fulfill the goals of a few capitalistic powers of the world7. Painfully, the practice of outsourcing has allowed capitalist to get his or her hands on other nations’ resources which he or she is going to use to satisfy his or her greed. The application of utilitarianism is limited because no one is looking to serve the masses and everybody is either working for personal or national interests whereas, majority of the world’s workforce is unknowingly engaged in helping the capitalist in the process of gathering obscene amount of money. The social and economic differences amongst the developed and underdeveloped parts of the world are growing because of increasing income disparity amid national systems. The IMF is playing the worst kind of role in all this as it is assisting the advanced nations to burden less developed ones with debt and the interest charge eventually helps the lenders in making more money and therefore, the rich is getting richer and poor is constantly dropping poorer with the passage of time. Capitalism is hindering Development of Global Governance The international and global collaboration will only be made possible by ending the capitalistic hold on the international economics otherwise unification of Earth and Global Citizenship will remain rosy topics of Star Trek and they will not become something more than inapplicable concepts8. The true power to join the world into one single unit lies within the hands of international institutions. The international institutions are needed to have more power and authority over member nations but right now; they are working as informal consortium of nations which cannot operate without rendering help and assistance from the member states. In short, international institutions are playing in the hands of international powers such as America and France. Importance of International Institutions in terms of bringing the World together European Union took some bold steps in order to increasing its institutional power over the past few years. The creation of Council of Ministers gave EU much needed power to veto the decision of majority and take a new one that may serve the strategic plans of the institution more effectively. The journey of international institutions’ empowerment is at a premature stage and in the meanwhile, world will remain under the iron fist of capitalist9. In the 20th century, power remained with military but globalization and cross border investing has caused a shift in the paradigm and therefore, the political strength fell into the lap of capitalist as a reaped fruit. The economic interests are getting more and more intertwined and nations are becoming intensively dependent on capitalist’s assistance for covering their expenses. Recently, intellects started to argue that all of the nations in the world are either dead or dying and the only thing alive in the present is nothing but a bunch of international corporations and the inference appears to be solid because national systems are really held hostage by capitalism. The notions of national interest, sovereignty and honor are lost and even war has transformed into the form of a business. The companies developing and producing advanced weaponry urge political leadership of the countries to start a war so that their products can be sold and consumed in order to be sold again and the cycle goes on while, countless human lives are lost just to provide warmth to the pockets of capitalists. The international institutions must play their due role in terms of leveling the economic conditions all over the world. It is only the matter of time before emerging economies will become so powerful that present day developed countries have to take loans from the new world leaders. Economic difference and supremacy is often measured with the help of quantifying the difference between per-capita income between two nations and geographical regions as well. The role of international institutions will remain a significant one in terms of keeping balance of power in the world because too much drainage of financial resources from Western countries may well cause them to live by over-depending on emergent economies. The developed economic systems are already on route to becoming knowledge economies. Outsourcing: The new technique of Capitalism The developed economies and countries are experiencing overproduction and the inflationary pressures are mounting a great deal. The capitalists are forced to find new geographical locations to house their production facilities and they are using them as a means for attracting foreign exchange into the local economies of America10 and other so-called developed nations. The levels of per-capita incomes are dropping in the advanced parts of the world whereas, developing economies of South Asia are growing on the important scale. Changing World Order As difference in per-capita incomes is dropping in developed and developing parts of the world and therefore, it can be assumed that in near future, political power will also shift to the emergent economies. In this way, economic and social disparity will prevail in the world only tables will be turned and strong nations of the present time will become weak and the weak ones of the present will manage to accumulate power. Nevertheless, the point is that humanity will remain divided into various social and economic classes throughout the world, if capitalistic philosophy is continued to be followed in the future. Tables are turning Readers may believe this fact or not but it is a concrete reality in the time which is plagued with outsourcing that economic power is swarming in the developing and emerging parts of the world11. The economic power is accumulating in developing parts because their production capacity is not utilized to a fuller extent and because of this reason; the emerging economic systems are fully capable of generating viable economic activity. However, the current situation is featuring Western nations’ dominance because emerging economies are serving the needs and wants of Western population and providing warmth to the pockets of capitalists residing in the same area. The local business community of the emerging nations has to take charge of the situation and it can be done by freeing the production facilities from the demon of outsourcing and in this fashion, local production will be stimulated and foreign exchange will initiate to move into the deserted economic systems. Global Governance and International Institutions The international institutions must work in order to stimulate social exchange of a global nature which must compel the knowledge workers to share their expertise with other nations and in return, the consumer needs of the developed world will be fulfilled. The knowledge economies will not be willing to share their knowledge with other countries because it will be like giving a huge advantage to them and then, developed economies should remain ready for losing all political power that they are enjoying for past two centuries12. The need to do social exchange with developing nations will cause deadlock in the whole process of internationalization of economy. The dream of Global Governance along with that of Global Citizenship will demise before anyone can know about them. The basic and fundamental human psyche is programmed and accustomed to thinking within the academic framework of nationalism and people are not willing to work with individuals from different nations. Given the divergent natures of cultures and norms across borders will also hinder the process of applying international governance. Global Challenges and Global Unity The global level challenges are the only things that will cause the nations to join hands with each other13. The problem and issue of global warming, unemployment and semi-permanent recession are a few questions which have to be answered by humanity in a collective manner. The current situation does not allow the sense of unity to prevail in the global arena. The residual of nationalism and overpowered trend of capitalism are jointly causing hindrance in globalization of government’s path. The development in all fields and especially in area of technology is consistently pointing out the importance of collaboration but despite of having the means, the leaders of the world are lacking the will to go through the plan of joining the world once and for all. The fundamental mental maps which are developed during the early schooling tend to guide the decision making of humans in the later period of life as well. The schools are teaching students about a world which is nasty, mean and insensitive to human suffering. The pupils are guided to do whatever it takes to survive but it is not the human way. All changes initiate from the grass root level and therefore, schools have to train students to practice compassion, love and generosity in order to make them capable of living in the globalized world where there is no place for hatred and animosity. The schools have to implant the seed of humanistic values as they planted kernel of nationalism in the past generations. Feminism and Economic Pressures The theory of feminism attempts to bless the woman with equal social status as man does have in the society. The economic power and status is going to notably determine one’s social status and level and therefore, woman will be benefitted a great deal with globalization of commerce14. The internationalization of global economy will cause local economic activity to enhance and in this way, the local demand for human resource will also see an upturn. The capitalist will hire as many people as possible so that he could make the most of the new fiscal opportunities. However, each action has its consequences and hiring females will also have its ramifications. The most notable of them will be the empowerment of females as their economic status is going to improve after landing jobs. The theory of feminism will also be helped by globalization of economy. The Western woman was empowered due to economic pressures of The Great Depression as the capitalist had to hire females in order to compensate for the labor shortage and as a result, females in the Western world got empowered in all fields of life15. Same is going to happen in the case of developing nations as capitalist will attempt to benefit from the emerging economic opportunities16 and he or she may knowingly or unknowingly empower the suppressed classes of the society. Schools and Grass Root Level Change Based on the previously presented arguments, it can be argued that Globalization of Government is not going to take place anytime soon17. The residual of nationalism is governing the decision making processes of political leadership of all the nations18. The philosophy of realism is being applied in order to manage the national affairs19 and therefore, all national systems are looking to maximize their benefit in a lonely setting. The collaboration is forged where it inevitable to work with other countries20. The cultural and normative differences are also strongly repelling the nations from working with each other21. The globalization is the next logical step in the process of human evolution and therefore, it is going to take place. The global nature of problems like increasing temperature of Earth will cause humanity to gel in sooner or later22 but it is not going to happen in the near future23. The schools had implanted the seed of hatred in the mindset of Generation Y24 and they are now needed to guide the next generation to be humans25. The educational institutions have the power to change the psychology of students who are going to be the citizens of the changed world order. Findings The world remained under the influence of realism for far too long. The countries tend to follow liberalism whenever it becomes necessary and unavoidable to work with other nations. The politics of modern era is objective and goal driven only and nobody is concerned with the notion of causing scientific and economic development of all the humanity on an equal basis. However, the international institutions such as United Nations, World Trade Organization and International Monetary Fund are working to help powerful nations in terms of realizing their goals The capitalism argues that economy should exert itself to meet capitalist’s goals because economic power resides in the hands of investor. The drama of globalization is nothing more than a scam because all of the decision power is residing in the hands of those who have the money. The rule of fittest’s survival apply even in the modern era of the 21st century. The development of nasty nuclear weapons is known to delay the inevitable of Third World War but in the meantime, the nations are attempting to take each other down by playing economic games The trend of outsourcing is just another way of fulfilling capitalistic goal of making more money. The economic theory of Marxism can also be used in order to explain the current and prevalent economic order of the international community. Marxism states that society must work in order to fulfill the goals and objective of the few. The application of utilitarianism is limited because no one is looking to serve the masses and everybody is either working for personal or national interests The social and economic differences amongst the developed and underdeveloped parts of the world are growing because of increasing income disparity amid national systems. The IMF is playing the worst kind of role in all this as it is assisting the advanced nations to burden less developed ones with debt. The international and global collaboration will only be made possible by ending the capitalistic hold on the international economics The international institutions are needed to have more power and authority over member nations. European Union took some bold steps in order to increasing its institutional power over the past few years. In the 20th century, power remained with military but globalization and cross border investing has caused a shift in the paradigm and therefore, the political strength fell into the lap of capitalist as a reaped fruit. Intellects started to argue that all of the nations in the world are either dead or dying and the only thing alive in the present is nothing but a bunch of international corporations The companies developing and producing advanced weaponry urge political leadership of the countries to start a war so that their products can be sold. The developed economies and countries are experiencing overproduction and the inflationary pressures are mounting a great deal. The levels of per-capita incomes are dropping in the advanced parts of the world whereas, developing economies of South Asia are growing on the important scale. The international institutions must play their due role in terms of leveling the economic conditions all over the world. The current situation is featuring Western nations’ dominance because emerging economies are serving the needs and wants of Western population The role of international institutions will remain a significant one in terms of keeping balance of power in the world. The international institutions must work in order to stimulate social exchange of a global nature which must compel the knowledge workers to share their expertise. The knowledge economies will not be willing to share their knowledge with other countries because it will be like giving a huge advantage to them The basic and fundamental human psyche is programmed and accustomed to thinking within the academic framework of nationalism. The global level challenges are the only things that will cause the nations to join hands with each other. The development in all fields and especially in area of technology is consistently pointing out the importance of collaboration. The fundamental mental maps which are developed during the early schooling tend to guide the decision making of humans in the later period of life as well. The schools are teaching students about a world which is nasty, mean and insensitive to human suffering The schools have to implant the seed of humanistic values as they planted kernel of nationalism in the past generations. The theory of feminism attempts to bless the woman with equal social status as man does have in the society. The Western woman was empowered due to economic pressures of The Great Depression. Globalization of Government is not going to take place anytime soon. The collaboration is forged where it inevitable to work with other countries. The cultural and normative differences are also strongly repelling the nations from working with each other. Conclusion This paper has reviewed and analyzed the possibility of application of Global Governance and found that the idea is more theoretical in nature. The nationalism, realism and Marxism are being used as leading economic frameworks in the world. They collectively argue that the world is a nasty place and fittest will only survive so this belief has to be challenged by educational institutions by promoting humanistic values in students. References Underhill, Geoffrey RD. "State, market, and global political economy: genealogy of an (inter‐?) discipline." International Affairs 76.4 (2000): 805-824. Moravcsik, Andrew. 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