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Analyzing Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End - Essay Example

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The essay "Analyzing Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" focuses on the critical analysis of one of the most successful movies in Hollywood, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End. This movie has three installments in its series, though a fourth one is currently in production…
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Analyzing Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End
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ENG Review Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End One of the most successful movies in Hollywood is Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End. This movie has three installments in its series, though a fourth one is currently in production. Pirates of the Caribbean is about a group of pirates who have lived at sea for the majority of their lives. As pirates, their job was to destroy all the ships in the ocean and take all of the money, treasure, and everything else inside these ships that they could. This film also deals with the pirates’ attempts to rescue one of their pirate brothers and fight against the Royal Navy, who want nothing more than to put an end to piracy for good. First, we can see a lot of characters in this movie like Captain Jack Sparrow, William Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Captain Sao Feng, Hector Barbossa, and Davy Jones. Captain Jack Sparrow is the captain of the Black Pearl ship and the most notorious pirate on the ocean. Captain Jack Sparrow has the sense of humor that none of the other pirates have. Also, the Black Pearl is the most famous ship on the ocean, and all of the pirates, as well as many in the Royal Navy, know about this ship because it has the most dangerous pirates in the whole world aboard it. The second main character in the movie was William Turner, the brave blacksmith-turned-pirate in town, who always helped the weak and the poor people when he can. William Turner was the hero in this movie. The third character is Elizabeth Swann, the beautiful governor’s daughter, who ends up marrying William Turner by the end of this film. Elizabeth has helped William out of a lot of situations, and she also saves him from death many times. However, her love for him causes him to die at the end of this film, though a sudden plot twist brings him back. The fourth character is Captain Sao Feng. Sao Feng was the Pirate Lord of the South China Sea until his death during the third film. He was bold man, albeit a bit immoral. He has a very weird body and a scary face that makes you scream when you first see it. The fifth character is Captain Hector Barbossa, who is the Pirate Lord of the Sea. He seemed to have an apple addiction, which was an interesting characteristic for a rum-soaked pirate. Barbossa has a monkey named Jack; this monkey travels with him all the time and seemed to have taken the place of a potential son. The last important character is Davy Jones. Davy Jones was born in Scotland; very little else is known about his youth and childhood. He fell in love with Calypso, the Goddess of the sea, many years ago. It was Calypso who gave him the duty of making sure that people that died at sea had their souls passed over properly. However, Calypso gave Davy Jones the Flying Dutchman to finish this mission, a ship that turned out to be a bad thing for the other pirates. The actors in the movie were excellent because they did their job amazingly, like Johnny Depp. He did the part of Jack Sparrow; he was fabulous and humorous, really bringing his character to life, making him as convincing and likable as possible. For example, when he moved his hand in a freaky way; also, when he walked he looked like zombie, or like he was always on a ship in a storm. In fact, all of the characters in the Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End did unbelievable work that the journalists pointed out in a lot of articles that had been written about this movie. Orlando Bloom said, "It would be hard to suspend the belief that Jack Sparrow isn’t going to be back.” According to Orlando Bloom, if they didn’t let Jack Sparrow come back it would be a boring movie without him, so its better to make a movie with Captain Jack Sparrow. This just shows the popularity that the character of Jack Sparrow, as well as the other characters, have gained throughout the course of the series. When you see the movie you will see a lot of attractive graphics and details. For example, when the Flying Dutchman comes from under deep within the ocean and sails to the surface of the ocean. As viewers and fans, we can see how the producers and the director of this movie decided on such fantastic places to take their movie shoot. These amazing shoots were able to be made possible by where they were filmed or based. However, they also used many professional tools and editing and special effects programs in this movie to design some of the characters, such as Davy Jones and Calypso, who were more beast of great Goddess than human. The director of the movie was an awesome man because he, Gore Verbinski, picked some of the best locations, like the various islands that are seen inside the movie. Also, the director helped to pick an excellent, very talented cast such as Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Chow Yun-Fat, Geoffrey Rush and Bill Nighy. In addition, the director did his best to let this movie be a great success in Hollywood. There are also many hands working behind the scenes of the film that nobody knows about. During the movie, we could see many great costumes. I still wonder from where they brought these costumes from. These costumes reminded me about my childhood when I would always wear these kinds of costumes during dress-up. For example, the pirate hook and the pirate hat, with a green parrot on my shoulder that was able to talk like human beings. While these were fun, they were very unlike the costumes seen throughout the film. I used to fight with my brothers with the plastic pirate swords; even these were incredibly different from the weapons in the movie. The costumes in the movie were very pretty and traditional, perfect for the time period that the movie represented. When I saw William Turner, I couldn’t imagine where they bought these fabulous costumes, just to find out that, while many pieces were bought, most of them were made for the sake of the film. The costumes grabbed our attention. The last version of the Pirates of the Caribbean was related to the first and second episode. You can saw a lot of moments from each film that related them all. For example, in the end of the second episode we see how Captain Jack Sparrow was locked in Davy Jones’ locker, and then you can see in the last episode how William Turner, Elizabeth, Captain Barbossa and their crew save Captain Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones’ locker. Also, in the first film Jack Sparrow kills Captain Barbossa, but Barbossa is brought back to life and reintroduced in the second film, just to play a larger role in the third installment. There are many new scenes that are not related to the first and second films. For example, when they summon the nine pirate lords to gather in the Court with the intentions to release Calypso from her human body of Tia Delma by putting their “pieces of eight” inside a bowl and saying an incantation to release her. Though Tia Dalma is a familiar character from the second film, her role changes drastically in the third installment. The face of Davy Jones also changes, along with his crew on the Flying Dutchman, and the greed behind Lord Cutler Beckett also increases in the third film as he and the Royal Navy try to get rid of the pirates for good. In conclusion, Pirates of the Caribbean is one of the best movies I have ever seen due to all of the many wonderful elements that make up the film. The movie has a lot of funny parts, like when Jack Sparrow tries to get his crew to turn the ship upside down, but there are also many serious parts as well. The movie, besides being great entertainment, shares the important messages of teamwork, freedom, and the importance of never giving up. Also, this movie took a high rating in the box office in USA, beating out many long-standing records. In my opinion, this movie was fantastic, humorous, and thrilling, and I recommend it to everybody. Works Cited Breznican, Anthony." The Secrets Out: Sparrow Returns for Pirates 3". USA Today. 16 March 2006. Retrieved from 10 October 2010. Read More
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