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Oranizational development careers - Essay Example

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The focus of this responsibility lies in project leadership of the organizations retail pharmacy training initiatives. However, the job…
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Oranizational development careers
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Organizational Development Careers Job s OD Project Leader (HR Jobs, 2009). 2. Director, Leadership Development (HR Jobs, 2009). 3. Trainer (HR Jobs, 2009).4. HR Specialist (HR Jobs, 2009).5. Succession Planning Supervisor (HR Jobs, 2009).Industries1. Wholesale/ Retail Trade2. Health3. Education4. Insurance5. Oil and GasJob Duties of an OD Project Leader The job duties for this position are essentially being responsible for the development of training programs for retail pharmacy employees. The focus of this responsibility lies in project leadership of the organizations retail pharmacy training initiatives.

However, the job duties are likely to include a wide range of other projects that are related to front store or corporate initiatives, which are considered as a component of the training team. The job duties also involve leading projects that involve the cross functional teams in the organization, designing and developing the training programs across a wide variety of formats including self guided, instructor led, and computer or web based formats, assessing the effectiveness of the training programs, and updating training programs and training materials (HR Jobs, 2009).

Job Requirements Educational qualification of BA/BS or an advanced degree in any of the disciplines of pharmacy, education, instructional design, human resources, organizational development or any other related field. The experience requirement is three to five years, with preference for experience in instructional design, development and implementation of training programs and a degree of pharmacy experience. Sound organization, planning and project management skills, strong skills in writing, excellent interpersonal skills, proven ability for influencing others for the purpose of buy-in, a work style that is assertive and self-directed, and effective presentation skills are the attributes that are required for the job.

Experience aspects that are a preference in the job requirements include experience with technology-based training solutions and program implementation in a multi-unit, geographically dispersed organization (HR Jobs, 2009).Discussion The job of an OD project leader portrays the need to lead through the human resource function of increasing the value of the human asset in the organization, through the development and implementation of training programs which are essentially concentrated for this organization on the retail front level, though it is likely to extend to other areas of team development.

The job requirement calls for appropriate education level of BA/Bs or n advanced degree along with a mix of experience and a wide range of attributes. This essential feature of the job stems from the challenges that will be thrown up in the execution of the job duties. OD project leaders are bound to be required in organizations that recognize the value of the human capital asset and seek means to exploit this human capital asset in the organization.  Literary ReferencesHR Jobs. (2009). OD Project Leader.

Retrieved October 31, 2009, from Web Site: Jobs. (2009). Director, Leadership Development. Retrieved October 31, 2009, from Web Site: Jobs. (2009).Trainer.

Retrieved October 31, 2009, from Web Site: Jobs. (2009).HR Specialist. Retrieved October 31, 2009, from Web Site: Jobs. (2009). Succession Planning Supervisor.

Retrieved October 31, 2009, from Web Site:

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