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Stress Management - Essay Example

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This paper 'Stress Management' tells us that the mind, and soul are very much prone to stress affecting the physical, and social well-being of a person. The person should adopt the right coping strategy for stress management. Once the individual learns to adopt a coping style effectively, he might apply multimodal strategies…
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Stress Management
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Introduction The mind, body and soul are very much prone to stress affecting physical, mental and social well being of a person. The person should adopt the right coping strategy for stress management depending upon the type of situation. Once the individual is learnt to adopt coping style effectively, he might apply multimodal strategies to cope up with the stress on physical, mental, emotional and behavioural levels. Mastery in the respective styles would definitely prepare the stressed person to come out of the stressed situation. Another important thing to be noted that the coping strategy worked for one person in the same situation might not work for another individual, since every human being is unique. Good psychological adjustment to the situation and realization of inner capabilities would help to develop stress resistance. The diverse approaches of effective coping and stress management can be broadly classified into three Categories: I) Cognitive (Thought) Or Re-Framing Strategies II) Action-Based Strategies - Doing Something About The Problem III) Emotion-Based Strategies (Feeling): Distraction, Blunting And Relaxation Cognitive (Thought) Or Re-Framing Strategies and Emotion-Based Strategies (Feeling) are palliative tactics which are conceptualized to control emotional disturbances and distress. Action-Based Strategies falls under the Instrumental or problem focused approaches. Action-Based Strategies are directed towards changing stressed environment or adapt oneself to the situation to avoid the stress effectively (Koslowsky, Kluger, & Reich, 1995, p. 129, 130). Cognitive (Thought) Or Re-Framing Strategies The people often have irrational thought patterns causing stress, depression, and anxiety. The person starts blaming himself/herself for the negative consequence. The illogical thinking includes catastrophizing (exaggeration of harmful effect), personalizing (holding responsible for negative outcome), all-or-nothing thinking (feeling of losing always), overgeneralizing (fixing oneself to unpleasant endless pattern), and mental filtering (ignoring good part). (Tuller, Jan 22, 2002). Cognitive strategy is basically dealing with alteration of a thought process. Person is made to rethink the perception about the situation that made him upset. Basic assumptions about certain event is strategically changed or reframed to reduce negative outcome of the event. This might involve restructuring of words to change their meanings about worrisome event. The bothersome unnecessary thoughts are displaced by good and pleasing thoughts. This optimistic interpretation would help to sound and feel more pleasant about the same situation. The stressed individual should edit the situation by deleting the undesirable aspects in mental process, and make the condition more favorable (Pargman, 2006, p. 145). Reducing of thought errors is a difficult, time consuming job and requires lot of efforts. This long term tactic is effective, but requires training, practice and patience to have positive stress reduction. Humor is relabeling of stressed situation as a realistic funny situation. Humor enables to find the funny aspects of stressed situation which induces laughter. Liberating effect of humor brings temporary freedom from constraints in our daily lives. Effective humor is a pleasing phenomenon results in physical release of tension. The focusing on lighter side of the situation reduces the stress. Nondestructive emotional discharge is very effective and inexpensive path to alleviate stress. Laughter is the best medicine for stress related physical and mental ill effects. Deliberate positive reinterpretation associates to defense mechanism rationalization which reduces the stress. Good feeling release neuropeptides, boosts immune system that assists to combat stress. A rollicking laugh gives relaxed feeling by slowing down the stress reaction. Physical manifestations of stress like stomachaches, headaches ease due to good circulation caused by good humor (Mayo Clinic Staff, July 23, 2008). Humor gives an opportunity to look positively towards the situation without getting affected by defeat and capitalize on it instead of drowning in the situation. For example losing a job is real tension which can be taken more positively as losing of an unwanted work. Some personality flaws make us laugh over others, since it cherishes our ego. The transforming power of humor alters the external environment. When a stressed individual compares himself with others, he finds himself in a better position. He feels he is taking more stress than is absolutely necessary. He becomes aware of more severe and serious sufferers, his outlook towards the stressed situation changes. He begins to experiences less stress and simplifies the situation. Television shows, funny movies, comedy shows, videos, sharing jokes are the ways to introduce humor in our lives (Mills, Reiss, & Dombeck). Action-Based Strategies - Doing Something About The Problem At the mental level stress breeds anxiety and more tension. Some stressor or stressful situation can be approached by an action-based strategy. Instead of focusing on the problem, divert the attention on a constructive path to find out the solution. Time management, organization, problem solving, information gathering, and communication skills training are some of the tools of action based strategies (Koslowsky, Kluger, & Reich, 1995, p. 129, 130). This positively focused performance related approach improves self-esteem and lower global levels of anxiety. The systematic problem solving involves four main steps: - Identify and clarify the exact nature of the problem - Think of various options to simplify the problem. Do not have a bias opinion about any one course. Any course of action can be best. Brainstorming strategy would be useful to generate diverse ideas with alone or in a group. Gather all ideas with all imagination without evaluating or criticizing any of them to have clear picture. This will help to adopt right decision by resisting the urge to settle on one of the first strategies. - List out all the ideas; scrutinize each one with pros and cons. Select the most suited, most feasible, desirable and benefited course of action. Evaluate the cost (in money, time and any other relevant resources) factor to get prepared for financial impact of action based strategy. - Execute the selected plan and follow all the steps. Monitor the progress of the action. The practice will improve the problem solving ability. This systematic steps taken to solve the problem definitely reduces stress. A good social support system is a great stress reliever. Supportive friendships can transform the person’s life. Therefore, the person should not be apprehensive when he wants assistance from family, friends, co-workers and others, and he/she should ask it openly. Support and delegation of work should not be equated with dependency or failure. Self made person is not the correct word because support systems play major role to realize their full potential. Therefore good social network provides physical and emotional comfort and should be considered as stress management ally. Time pressure cause tension, therefore learning effective time-management strategies is a good proactive strategy to reduce stress. The ability to manage time increases productivity. Rate of time usage depends upon inability to say no, failure to set or stick to priorities, over perfectionism (never finishing because its never good enough), resistance to the idea of delegating responsibility, pack rat behavior (never or rarely throwing things away), procrastination (delaying tasks until the last minute) etc. The mentioned factors inhibits appropriate us of precious time resource. It is necessary to learn and practice sound time-management skills. Monitor and evaluate how the time is being used by setting up a written classification system. Time planning and scheduling is necessary to control our task oriented life and to minimize tension due to last-minute rushes. Note all the tasks and goals to be completed in a day using a computer or appointment book in order to understand and clarify the various activities. This will able to differentiate truly important tasks to be finished in a prescribed period. It is necessary to allot protected blocks of time for crucial work or important leisure activities. A rest period is necessary to reenergize and to avoid building up unnecessary stress by strict organization. Similar tasks should be grouped and finished one by one in a given time slot. Lag period or downtime (waiting for meetings or appointments) should be intelligently used. Break large, time-consuming tasks into smaller tasks and delegate to colleagues if necessary. As a part of continuing education, take a time management course. To handle lifes problems effectively and to take control of life, time should be managed economically (Mayoclinic staff, July 1, 2008). Emotion-Based Strategies (Feeling): Distraction, Blunting And Relaxation Emotionally well being person is able to cope up stress effectively. Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to track, identify, express, and manage one’s own emotions; skill at identification and full comprehension of others’ emotions, and most of all the ability to use the information provide by emotions to guide one’s own thinking and actions. Without this emotional intelligence the person gets controlled by external stimuli. This emotional intelligence can function as a source of additional resilience in face of stress (Emotional Intelligence Research Consortium). Therefore it is necessary to develop emotional growth by inculcating different techniques like self-awareness skills, relationship building, decision-making, conflict management styles, self management and role-play etc. Emotions should be expressed properly by actions or words. The people who are able to control their emotions can easily become competent. If the emotional force generated by thoughts or perceptions is not discharged through appropriate action, the pressure will build up and these pent up emotions escape where it finds least barrier. If it is not discharged, building of such a force might lead to destructive level of pressure. It is important to recognise the origin of distress and put stress boosters into appropriate word. Let it all hang out idea of catharsis should not be applied in all cases. The anger feeling over small issues should be neglected. For example, the stranger who is rude or the driver who cuts you off on the freeway should not perturb us, since it is not going to affect our life in anyway. But, if your race, sex or other characteristic are the basis of discrimination, and affecting our life then anger should be speak out properly and convincingly. If anger is not given a proper vent it can trigger constant autonomic arousal, high blood pressure, and other negative long term after effects. Anger expressed in an assertive manner have positive outcome. Discrimination against personal matters are the most vulnerable arguments. If anger expression increases your arousal and causes trauma, then personal matters should be expressed in a safe place. In such situations, anger management is possible through self help and counselling. Blunting is rapid stress relief psychological technique which can be used as a temporary stress reliever, when the person is helpless about the situation. Blunting refers to the reinterpretation of perceived threatening situation. Blunting is the developing careless and indifferent attitude towards the encumbering aspects of a situation. It is of vital importance that danger cues should not be ignored (Voss, Kolling, and Heidenreich, 2006, p.111). Distraction is a type of blunting technique which involves intentionally diverting the attention from the problem or perceived threatening external stimuli. The unwanted focus is interrupted and shifted to something else so that it would be temporarily out of mind. There are two groups of people based on how they could handle stress: repressors and sensitizers. Repressors have natural ability to distract from stress causing situation. Therefore, distraction technique should not be used in such people to keep them away from unhealthy levels of ignorance and refusal. Sensitizers continuously think about the particular event and can not be easily diverted to other activity. Such people should be convinced about the distraction strategic technique which would temporarily focus their attention to other activities. Sensitizers have more beneficial effects by reducing worries for time being, and should be assured that they are not completely ignored about the threat. The distraction becomes easy by doing interesting, absorbing and immersive activities. The distractions could be achieved by doing chores and work, involving oneself in hobbies and projects, socializing, engaging in entertainment activities such as movies, games (including video games), reading books, and listening to music. This temporary stress reliever can be successfully used in short term frustrations. If the person is caught in a traffic jam, then turn up the radio and wait. This will reduce anxiety. (Mills, Reiss, & Dombeck). Meditation and relaxation techniques nurtures competency of the individual in natural environment enabling him/her to lead successful life. Meditation is a conscious process to focus attention in a non-analytical way to achieve physical and mental relaxation. This is kind of self hypnosis inducing alerted state of awareness. The meditation technique can be learnt through Transcendental, Zen, yoga etc. Meditation offers numerous physical and psychological advantages by quieting of the mind, emotions, and body. The heart and respiration rate gets controlled by meditation. The psychological benefits include decreased fatigue, improved mood, and reduced anxiety. Stress increases hormone cortisol. It has been studied that increased levels of stress hormone cortisol are substantially reduced after meditation sessions. The stress related symptoms of anxiety, depression, anger and fatigue also alleviates due to meditation. Thus, it has been proved that meditation plays crucial role in stress regulation (ScienceDaily, October 9, 2007). Systematic relaxation procedures are analogous to meditation technique. The different techniques of relaxation include autogenic training, progressive relaxation and Herbert Bensons relaxation response. The relaxation procedures and associated benefits are studied in detail by many researchers. Herbert Bensons relaxation technique involves 10 to 20 minutes of daily procedures avoiding 2 hours before or after meal. Take a comfortable position on a chair and close the eyes. Then, relax all the muscles from feet to face. Concentrate on breathing in and out by counting easily and naturally. Neglect distracting thoughts and try to concentrate on breathing. After this around 15 minutes procedure, slowly open eyes after few minutes (Benson). Progressive Muscle relaxation procedure involves applying tension to certain muscle groups followed by their carefully observed relaxation (Richmond, Progressive Muscle Relaxation). Autogenics Training is time consuming procedure which requires lot of discipline and patience to learn. This passive concentration offers numerous positive outcomes than simple muscle relaxation technique. This consists of warm up breathing exercises followed by imagining both arms and legs to become gradually warm, limp and heavy. Finally, the person should attain supremely calm state of mind. This technique is also useful to remove unwanted bad habits, undesirable behaviors and resolve anxieties (Richmond, Autogenics Training). The forgiving tool is useful to reduce the pain resulted from anger and for your own personal happiness. If it is possible and appropriate to forgive others, then it should be done without any hesitation. It has been proved that hostility, anger and holding grudges have long term negative health outcomes. It has been studied in Johns Hopkins medical students the link between rage and cardiovascular disease. It has been reported that medical students who get annoyed very fast under stress, they are three times more prone to premature heart disease and five times more liable for heart attack than normal calmer collegemates (Crossadale, June 24, 2002). This is the driving force for an individual to learn different anger management techniques. It is good to avoid scrutinizing about others past wrongs deeds, and eliminate revenge attitude towards other. This would definitely assists in release of builded tension. Psychosomatic Illness Psychosomatic illness is the disorder involving both mind and body and therefore also termed as psychophysiological disorder. The persons suffering from psychosomatic disorders are innocent victims of psychological factors, such as severe stress leading to somatic damage. Sometimes, this disease is thought to be imaginary or given a feigned illness (malingering) status. But it has several ill effects like high blood pressure, ulcers, asthma, and skin disorders. This sickness also attributes to early onset and prognosis of cardiovascular illness, asthma, stroke, chronic communicable diseases such as tuberculosis. Therefore, certainly psychosomatic illnesses are genuine and not imagined physical ailments, hypochondria and volitional attention-seeking behaviors. The disease may arise due to chosen lifestyle and the individual’s vulnerability associated with mental and emotional condition. The extent of damage to our body depends upon the individual’s experience and response to stress. Clinical manifestations should be treated with various drug strategies available. These disorders should be treated using holistic approach to treat mind and body. The mental treatments are related to ease stress, anxiety, depression, etc Coordinated efforts of health care providers, psychologists, social agents, counselors, and other support systems are able to combat psychosomatic illness (Psychosomatic Disorders, Surgery door). True Connection Between Stress And Health The culprits like negative emotions and stress might not directly attribute to sickness every time. The uncontrollable factors like genetic disorders, accidental exposure to toxins are also known to induce physical diseases. But the culprits certainly influence the individual to engage in risk-taking and self-neglecting behaviors. The consequences of behavioral and psychological factors should not be overestimated. It would have bad impact and deteriorate the condition. The incidences of bad implications of sedentary lifestyle on our mental and emotional state of mind are increasing. The people are experiencing higher spells of depression than past centuries when work and life was not machinized (McAuliffe 43). Stress may be a "central factor" and have direct contribution to quality of life in a number of important areas: diet, exercise, substance use, regular doctor visits. Effective implementation of coping strategies regulates stress levels and delivers good quality life in mentioned areas. It has been already known that controlling negative emotions and use of effective stress management techniques on reducing stress can lower the chance of heart disease (Tuller, Jan 22, 2002; Mayoclinic staff, July 1, 2008). It has been studied that HIV-infected men are highly vulnerable to chronic stress and depressed mood leading to significant pathophysiologic negative consequences. It has been reported that cognitive behavior stress management has positive influence on immune status by alleviating stress and by altering maladaptive appraisals of stressful stimuli. Reduced stress levels assists to reconstitute naive T cells over a span by enhancing cell-mediated immune responses to novel antigens and protecting against pathogens (Antoni et al., 2002, p. 144). Conclusion As the global environment is changing at fast pace offering more challenges, stress and anxiety are the prime factors of many mental and health problems. The stress coping strategies like Cognitive (Thought) Or Re-Framing Strategies, Action-Based Strategies - Doing Something About The Problem, Emotion-Based Strategies (Feeling) should be aimed to improve behavioral outcomes, enhance life satisfaction, and greater level of competence in activities of daily living. The persons suffering from psychosomatic disorders are innocent victims of psychological factors, such as severe stress leading to somatic damage. Coordinated efforts of health care providers, psychologists, social agents, counselors, and other support systems are able to combat psychosomatic illness. The culprits like negative emotions and stress certainly influence the individual to engage in risk-taking and self-neglecting behaviors. Effective implementation of coping strategies regulates stress levels and delivers good quality life. Give our body a chance to stay physically, emotionally and socially healthy. Take care of and be kind to yourselves. References Koslowsky, M., Kluger, A. N., & Reich M. (1995). Commuting stress: causes, effects, and methods of coping. Illustrated, Springer. Pargman, D. (2006). Managing Performance Stress: Models and Methods. Illustrated CRC Press. Mills, H., Reiss, N., and Dombeck M. Distraction and Humor in Stress Reduction Austin Travis County Mental Health Mental Retardation Centre Mayo Clinic Staff (July 23, 2008). Stress Relief From Laughter? Yes, No Joke - Mayoclinic.Com Www.Mayoclinic.Com/Health/Stress-Relief/Sr00034 Mayoclinic staff (July 1, 2008).Time management: Tips to reduce stress and improve productivity ( (Updated July 1, 2008). Voss, U., Kolling, T., & Heidenreich, T. (2006). Role of Monitoring and Blunting Coping Styles in Primary Insomnia. Psychosomatic Medicine, 68,110-115. University of Oregon (2007, October 9). Body-mind Meditation Boosts Performance, Reduces Stress. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 24, 2009, from­ /releases/2007/10/071008193437.htm+meditation+reduces+stress&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=in Benson, Herbert. University of California Human Resources EAP (2009) The Relaxation Response, Last Modified 04/18/2009 Richmond R.L. Autogenics Training, A guide to psychology and its practice (n.d.) Retrieved April 24, 2009, from Richmond R.L. Progressive Muscle Relaxation, A guide to psychology and its practice (n.d.) Retrieved April 24, 2009, from Psychosomatic Disorders, Surgery door. Retrieved April 24, 2009, from Croasdale, M. (2002) Anger spawns higher heart disease risk. , AMNews staff. June 24, 2002. Mayoclinic Staff 1 July 2008. McAuliffe, Katherine. "Out of the Blues." Walking March/April, 1994: 42-47. Tuller, D. (2002). Calculating the Benefits of Managing Stress.New York Times, New York, N.Y.; Jan 22, 2002. Antoni, Michael H. et al. (2002). Stress Management and Immune System Reconstitution in Symptomatic HIV-Infected Gay Men Over Time: Effects on Transitional Naive T Cells (CD4+CD45RA+CD29+). Am J Psychiatr, 159, 143–145. Emotional Intelligence Research Consortium. Retrieved April 24, 2009, from Read More
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