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Affirmative Action in the workforce - Essay Example

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Since its inception in the mid 1960’s, affirmative action has aided many thousands of previously disadvantaged peoples who have since gained previously denied access. This includes those of color, other minorities and all women who were previously excluded from jobs,…
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Affirmative Action in the workforce
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Affirmative Action in the Workforce Since its inception in the mid 1960’s, affirmative action has aidedmany thousands of previously disadvantaged peoples who have since gained previously denied access. This includes those of color, other minorities and all women who were previously excluded from jobs, educational opportunities, or were denied chances for advancement within the institution once given access. These gains have led to very real changes not only in individual’s lives but in the advancement of society’s value of justice for all.

Affirmative action programs do not have the ability to eradicate racist attitudes, just some of the effects caused by it. Though there are no legal requirements to hire unqualified people, opponents argue that affirmative action causes the minority to get a job over a more qualified worker. This logic has two flaws. One, the employer can choose many reasons to hire a ‘qualified’ applicant. It is an open and ambiguous term that can easily be largely ignored or manipulated to suit the employer’s possible racist tendencies.

Another problem with the opponent’s argument is the previously discussed method of standardized testing. The quality of education a person receives doesn’t necessarily predict their future potential. Another argument by those opposed to affirmative action is that it disproportionately benefits middle and upper-middle class minorities, not the poor and working class people of color who need it most. A more careful examination of this criticism shows that affirmative action programs have benefited substantial numbers of poor and working class people of color.

“Access to job training programs, vocational schools, and semi-skilled and skilled blue-collar, craft, pink-collar, police and firefighter jobs has increased substantially through affirmative action programs. Even in the professions, many people of color who have benefited from affirmative action have been from families of low income and job status” (Ezorsky, 1991, p. 64). Opponents point out that affirmative action is patently unfair to white males because they must pay for the past discriminations of people of a different era and mindset and may not get the jobs they might be more qualified for.

These opponents are correct in that specific white people may be passed by for some job opportunities because of affirmative action policies and that they and their families suffer as a result. Proponents counter that the lack of employment opportunities is unfortunate and its causes are what the debate should be about, not whether affirmative action should exist or not. Those that make the opposition’s argument are concerned with white applicants who don’t get a job because of their race and not with the people of color who don’t get a job for the same reason.

The argument that white people are losing jobs to affirmative actions policies is valid, but it certainly hasn’t materialized into racial equality. “If one looks at the organization of various professions such as law, medicine, architecture, academics and journalism, or at corporate management, or at higher-level government positions or if one looks overall at the average income levels of white men one immediately notices that people of color are still significantly underrepresented and underpaid in every category” (Sklar, 1995, p. 115). Therefore, opponents argue that there is no positive outcome from federally mandated affirmative action tactics.

Proportionately, minorities do not represent employment of near the proportions equal to their corresponding percentage of the population nor do they earn wages comparable to white men. “White men are tremendously overrepresented in almost any category of work that is highly rewarded except for professional athletics. According to a 1995 government report, white males make up only 29 percent of the workforce, but they hold 95 percent of senior management positions” (Sklar, 1995, p. 115).

Simply put, no matter the good intentions, affirmative action represses competition and excellence and rewards no one. By virtue of their skin color, middle class minorities have indeed benefited from affirmative action but then people of color in all socio-economic classes have experienced the effects of racial discrimination for a lifetime. While experiencing financial success buffers some of the most extreme effects of racism, it doesn’t guard minorities from everyday racial discrimination.

Works CitedEzorsky, Gertrude. (1991). Racism & Justice: The Case for Affirmative Action. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.Sklar, Holly. (1995). Chaos or Community?: Seeking Solutions, Not Scapegoats for Bad Economics. Boston: South End Press.

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