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November 3, 2006 Committee Address Address Address Dear Committee, Petition for change from Credit to Grade This is to state that I enrolled in the MBA program after completing my MPA. I had a low GPA in my MPA; however, I was unaware that this would also affect my MBA degree as well. My overall GPA of 3.0 was adversely affected by my low MPA score (I got a D in SPPD 100); hence, I was given the cumulative GPA of 2.9. I also applied to get the grade changed to a B due to family circumstances, however, even though the professor approved the petition, it was denied by the academic department.
To improve my grades I took the class called 590 Research in MBA, which comprised of 6 units this semester. I not only enrolled in the class, which entails paying the fee and working to complete the course, but I also put a lot of hard work in it, which resulted in me getting an A grade. I registered in the class because my professor, Dr. Dekmejain, led me to believe that the course was a grade course. When I received the transcript, much to my surprise, the class was listed as a Credit/Non Credit Course.
By this time I had completed my research, and not only that, I was hoping to get a Cumulative GPA of 3.0 with the grade that I achieved in this class.Now, as it stands, not only is my GPA going to suffer, because the class is a Credit/Non Credit course, instead of a grade course, but because of the GPA being lower than 3.0 (it stands at 2.9 now), I cannot get the job that I was hoping to get, because I will not receive the MBA diploma I was hoping to, with a GPA of 2.9.I am desperately in need of this course to get a job, as without a GPA of 3.
0 I will not be able to land the job that I so desperately need. My situation is made more serious by the fact that I have a parent to support who is completely reliant on me financially and for whom I am the only “bread winner”.I would reiterate here that I would be grateful if you consider my situation with sympathy and keeping all the facts in mind (how I was misled to believe that it was a grade class, how I did well in the class and received an A, how I was relying on this course to boost my Cumulative GPA to a 3.
0 to receive the diploma, how I will not be able to get a job without this diploma, and, finally, how I have financial obligations towards my parent for which I need to land this job), covert the class from a Credit/Non Credit Course to a Grade Course.I will be extremely grateful to you if you do grant my request. Once again, it is a very serious matter to me and I would be extremely thankful if you did all that you can to help me solve this problem.Sincerely,Your Name
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