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Construction Concepts of Sky City - Essay Example

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As the paper "Construction Concepts of Sky City" outlines, the mounting industrialization and soaring economy have convinced people from different settlements to seek residence in the urban region. This has generated high-density function concentration in urbanized areas…
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Construction Concepts of Sky City
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SKY 1000 INTRODUCTION The mounting industrialization, soaring economy, and other lucrative contributions by the urbanized region have convinced people from different settlement to seek residence in the urban region. This has fundamentally generated high density functions concentration in the urbanized areas. However irrespective of the rising industrialization, which has turned the urban areas to under go series of transformation in phases of commercialization, the population’s grievances regarding having natural environment has to be taken care of, and therefore it is expected that there will be similar increase in the demands for the implementation of healthy and natural environment, that is based on green and healthy environment. To maintain equilibrium between the two dominant factors i.e. to mange the concentration of population, and at parallel to cater for their environmental needs the Japanese construction company Takenaka has evolved a design proposal for constructing Sky City 1000, ‘a super high-rise, huge multilevel city with a height of a kilometer’. The design concept of Sky City 1000was introduced in 1989, and the concept has gained worldwide popularity, and many urban developers and planners are looking forward towards the success of the plan, ‘lot of expectations are around, planners are highly optimistic about the success’. As the 21st century is in progress, there are increasing expectations for the implementation and execution of the plan. Sky City 1000 is based on total floor area of 2000 acres, and has an elevation of 1,000 meters, the structure of the Sky City 1000 comprises of 14 concave dish-shaped, aerial bases called Space Plateaus piled one upon the other, and viewed as perfect super high-rise city. The structure has been conceptualized to adjust and support residences, offices, commercial facilities, schools, theaters. The tower has the capacity to offer accommodation to 35000 people, and more than hundred thousand people as employees will perform their respective task. Different systems have been employed by the construction authority to ensure the safety and protection of the city, and in this regard latest security focused technologies have been used to maintain the comfortable state of the city, and offer maximum possible cover to residents. The technology employed by Takenaka has attracted many investors and commercial giants. The concept of Sky City 1000 was launched by Takenaka with the cooperation of Shizuo Harada of ESCO Co Ltd. CONSTRUCTION CONCEPTS The Sky City 100 is innovative and modernized version of regional and town planning, the city has modified concepts and innovative plans invested which intends to offer intensive functions and suitable natural environment. The newly designed and fabricated projects seek compatibility with the environment, and the project of Sky City 1000 has been launched after ensuring the harmony of the plan with the natural environment. The functions of the project modules are like those of a medium sized city, which successfully incorporates housing, commerce, education, and recreation. The planned city of high elevation offers blend of architecture, transportation, communications, and energy. The core features of the city tower includes, 1. This artificial city rises 1,000 meters above the ground and covers 2,000 acres. 2. People exist in harmony with the natural environment. The city can accommodate 36,000 residents and 100,000 workers. 3. Thus, the workplace can truly be close to home. A comprehensive environment is constructed with a global outlook that can help alleviate land problems and preserve the natural environment. The proposed project intends to cover up the problems of congestion and lack of natural environment in Tokyo, the project is expected to be trend setter for the coming urban projects, to emphasis more on human comfort and requirements in view of urban restrictions. The project intends to offer other basic and important modern amenities to the residents. The announcement of the Sky City 1000 project has gathered major attention from the international architectural establishment. It is hope that within decade the plan will be completed, and will be in a position to offer Tokyo with better quality and modalities of urban planning. DESIGN FEATURES AND PLANNING The project has gathered much needed and required support of the Japanese government, and local city administrative authority. The project has been given due importance by the government, and while the simulation test were being conducted the government provided the construction task force with fire helicopter, the test was performed to observe and determine the extent of danger that would resurfaced if fire breaks out. The construction company also intends to install triple decker high speed elevators, the elevators have the capacity to accommodate maximum 75 people, and elevators are being designed in the experimental labs near Tokyo. The project of Sky City 1000 is viewed similar to projects like X-Seed 4000 and Sir Norman Fosters Millennium Tower, and is further viewed as the submission of construction theories proposed by Paolo Soleri, and Le Corbusier. However according to internationally acclaimed newspaper, ‘Taipei 101 is more than the worlds tallest building; it is the likely cause of two recent earthquakes in Taiwan. Geologists say the strain of 700,000 tons of concrete and steel over a relatively small area may have reopened an old fault line. Japans vertical Sky City 1000 is starting to look like a very bad idea’, (Guardian Unlimited). Following are few predicted and derived results that have been concluded after series of observations and market surveys, the cost of the entire project of Sky City 1000 is expected to be more than $150 billion, and is considered suitable for the industrialized and commercialized city of Tokyo, having population of more than million people. The exterior surface area of the entire building is expected to be 150,000,000 square feet, and the enclosed volume is 53,000,000,000 cubic feet, the building has square footage of 1,500,000,000, and the entire enclosed area of the plan is 39,000 acres, the planners are of the opinion that elevator speed should be 20 feet per second (13 miles per hour) 9 minutes and 40 seconds to reach the top floor from the basement. The height of the entire project is approximately 1000 meters, and the dimension of the base diameter is 6000 feet, the number of floors is 500, and the entire square feet have value of approximately 5,000,000 square feet. The reason for building a structure two mile long, and one mile wide is to prevent the uncontrolled blight of the natural landscape by rapacious developers and industry. It is expected that large structures like that of Sky City 1000 will nature upward to preserve the natural surroundings and to add natural surroundings in a controlled environment. The shape of Sky City 1000 is viewed as ‘most stable and aerodynamic shape ever conceived for a tall structure’. The upper and lower wall thickness is of same dimensions, unlike in previous structures where structural systems were extremely tall. Few stated facts regarding the structure of the Sky City 1000 are, ‘It is like a suspension cable bridge stood on end. There are 120 levels to the structure with great heights at each level. The scale of this structure is such that the entire central district of Beijing could fit into its base. One must not think in terms of floors but, instead, imagine entire landscaped neighborhood districts with "skies" that are 30 to 50 meters high. Lakes, streams, rivers, hills and ravines comprise the soil landscape on which residential, office, commercial, retail and entertainment buildings can be built’(Gavan McCormack., The emptiness of Japanese affluence). The concept employed to incorporate natural environment into Sky City 1000 can be explained as, the nature grows upwards with multiple levels of soil, and therefore the structure itself will behave as living organism, having wind and atmospheric energy conversion modules, with photovoltaic exterior sheathing, and cowl vent windows which can be opened and closed such that the flow of natural air into the interior can be allowed without any mechanical intervention. The exterior walls of the structure are made of glass which is conventional to the double helix, cable strand tension system, which disperses the impact of all the exterior forces along the surface. In case of any natural calamity including wind or earth shock, the waves disturbs one portion of the structure, and another portion absorbs the impact of forces. ‘Large bodies of water are placed at twelve separate levels and serve multiple functions; as fire barriers and fire sprinkler system reservoirs, as recycled water catch basins, as recreational lakes, rivers, waterfalls and streams. Whenever possible the whole of ecosystems are supported within the building. The building is thought of as a living organism in itself capable of sustaining life at many scales. Human beings are an indivisible of this larger life system and are nourished by the presence of other life forms. In this way the best attributes and experiences of nature are brought together to mutually benefit one another physiologically, emotionally and spiritually--a home and work environment unlike any other that as existed in the world’ (Gavan McCormack., The emptiness of Japanese affluence). Ecological efficiency is another parameter, which is the submission of resource conserving technology; the resource conserving technology includes different operations like recycled building materials, compost toilets, nature-based water cleansing systems for all buildings, plentiful amounts of forest, plant life and water-based ecosystems. The general consensus has been reached to term the Sky City project to be more ecosystem design than an architectural habitation design. The design of Sky City 1000 provides with an approach for applying architectural development upon which architectural diversity can flourish. The designed has been made such that Sunlight passes through the center of the structure through hollow, mirrored core that reflects the sunlight and scatters it all inside the structure; consequently for both interior and exterior sunlight exist in plentiful amounts. Furthermore, the tower lies in natural setting in a large lake, the lake water is circulated throughout the structure, and the purpose of the circulating the water is to cool the floors and walls. Momentous part of the water is heated by means of large passive solar panels, and then used at different levels by the influence of gravitational pull. Thereby ignoring the use of internal combustion engines, and this way no toxic pollutants can be found within the confines of the structures. In the structure all the machineries are fueled by hydrogen gas or those machineries are electrical or water powered, in the similar manner all heating and cooling is intended to be controlled by plants and trees. It is has been decided by the construction company to use the following materials for building purposes i.e. high-strength steel, high-strength concrete, stainless steel, anodized aluminum, acrylic, patina copper, stainless steel cable, self-shading glass, composite ceramics, and tempered glass. The highlighted features of the Sky City 1000 are atmospheric thermal energy conversion power supplies, built-in windmills, photovoltaic solar cells, hydrogen gas power supplies, self-regulating/self-shading glass, twelve storey-vertical high-speed train system, non-mechanical heating/ventilation and air conditioning system, ground level waterfalls for air cooling and humidity control, aerodynamic cowl window systems, open garden areas on each floor. The construction company has introduced certain amendments and modifications into earlier design to ensure structural stability. The construction company has given momentous consideration towards environment, and has given considerable space allocation in this regard. For the preservation of nature has been practiced by condensing the areas of living, working environments, commerce and industry into an upwardly directed architectural structure. The company has provided certain area on each of the floors to implement the project of Multi-storied Gardens, which are planned to be infused with architectural characteristics. The importance of natural sunlight, fresh air, breeze and panoramic views has been judged, and therefore these are the paramount features of designing. The ease and quickness of transportation vertically and laterally is crucial, and has been given appropriate attention by the construction company. The building, ad building material are fire proof, and in view of the geographical location of Tokyo, the designed structure is extremely earthquake resistant, also the designed structure is able to resist wind velocities. ‘The shape of the Sky City 1000 makes it virtually impossible to be uprooted or structurally disturbed by any kind of calamity. The buildings structure can be thought of as a giant stainless steel net stretched and anchored over a central high-strength concrete hollow core with a double helix configuration. Thus the entire building is in constant tension able to produce equilibrium of stress and strain forces coming from any direction. Even in a tornado or hurricane the building cannot buckle or become dislodged because of its inherent strength and ability to dissipate pushing and pulling forces. Add to this its superior aerodynamic qualities of wind deflection (compound surfaces in two planes) and you are presented with a building that, for its weight and size, is virtually indestructible. Using this tension cable system the size of the cables and surface sheathing can remain constant--unlike a typical tall building where the ground level thickness of the walls must be big and heavy’. The designed trumpet bell shape has taken inspiration from termite’s nest structure. The nest structure is most efficient for its compressive characteristics, and allows the thickness of both the upper and lower walls to be uniform. No other such shape is known which can dispel loads from top to bottom, the shape and structure is effectively aerodynamic and lures stability in tall buildings. Gardens are situated at all exterior and interior openings. The whole tower could be thought of as an upward extension of the earth with layers of vegetation growing, level by level. All residences have a minimum of 100 feet by 100 feet of property where 50% of the property is covered by natural vegetation. ‘The south-facing side of the building has a strong emphasis on open garden balconies and expansive park areas. At the forest levels biological technology plants use sunlight to break down human waste and compost for recycling back into the soil. The building is like a great expanse of natural land turned upward with ten large forest, lake and stream sanctuaries brought up into the sky’(Michael G. Zey., Seizing the Future: The Dawn of the Macro-industrial Era). ‘All residential neighborhoods are located at the outer and inner edge of the building closest to views panoramic views and/or sunlight. The square footage between the neighborhood zones are reserved for retail or commercial use depending upon location. Internal taxi cab vehicles carry persons from one end of a floor to the other end at the larger diameter lower floor levels. Taxi drivers would be paid by the home and business owners association so that drivers are residents of the building who earn a livelihood from working there’ (Gavan McCormack., The emptiness of Japanese affluence). Advice on structural and rising damp problems affecting buildings is best sought from professional heritage consultants, and in this respect the Sky City model has suited to the possible adherence with the official regulation and rules. In particular a heritage architect might be the best person, and that is reflected by the supervision of Takenaka, the construction company has taken into considerations all the factors that are requisite for lying down of the building structure. THE ILLINOIS ‘Skyscrapers have never been just a fad. Theyve never faded to the margins—and probably wont—because in their American way they continue a much deeper tradition of upward striving, from East Asian pagodas and the ziggurats of Mesopotamia to the pyramids of Egypt, Central America, and Angkor Wat. The last standing shard of the World Trade Center stood as morbid testament to the cultural ties between foes at ground zero: Leading the eyes to smoke and nothingness were pointed arches, a legacy of Arab culture and engineering passed on to Europe’. (Erik Baard., Sky City Fantasies For the Fallen World of September 12, Visions of a Vertical Future). In 1956, a mile high structure known as Mile High Illinois, Illinois Sky City or The Illinois was proposed by Frank Lloyd. The proposed designed had 528 floors, having total area of 171 hectares. Although the design was never constructed, but it was speculated that, if the design was made it would have been tallest building of the world. The design that was intended to be constructed in Chicago, was popular among the semi-serious visionary buildings, the design was viewed as an alternative to the sprawl of urbanization in industrialized world. It is however reported that Burj Dubai in Dubai is half of the height of The Illinois, and its design is in accordance with the Wright’s vision. The reason for the technical collapse of the Wright’s novel idea was, the proposed construction material, during that time steel was considered as feasible construction material, however steel causes the tower to reflect momentous vibration in the direction of the wind, causing discomfort to the occupants of upper floors, however later it was recommended that by placing counter weights within the structure, the problem pertaining to vibration can be addressed. The same exercise has been conducted in Sky City 1000 and Taipei 101. The Sky City 1000 is based on usage of load bearing strength of concrete, thereby making it possible to build a massive and gigantic structure with less flexible material i.e. glass. The designer of The Illinois, Wright in his original proposal recommended the usage of tripod design, the same design pattern has been used in CN tower, where the tower is combined with steel frame, of high tensile strength, and integration of the structural support i.e. oscillation proof. Another noticeable error in the Wright’s design was with reference to the space required for servicing the elevators; it was thought that all of the space available on the lower floors will be used towards elevators, and thereby contradicting the purpose of building the tall structure. The design with reference to elevators was explained by Wright’s slender design in a complicated manner. This problem has been taken care of in the case of Sky City 1000, other already build structures including Taipei 101 and World Trade Center has also taken remedial design measures in this regard. It has been recommended by the construction company to apply double deck elevators in the proposed design of Sky City 1000. The upper part of the Sky City 1000 has been fragmentized into different sectors, where each sector has its own sky lobby and the occupants can switch over to large express elevators and small local elevators. The Illinois design was introduced with certain amendments to caster for the problem with reference to elevation spacing, Wright’s solution was running five storey elevators on nuclear powered ratchet, and the ratchets are interfaced on the outside of the building for conserving building space. CN Tower has the same feature adopted i.e. outer surface elevators. According to the design, elevators were to remain operational in case of any fire breakout, this was necessary so as not to design emergency stairs, thereby providing much space in the lower floors; the same technique has been adopted in the case of Sky City 1000. The problem of water and sewerage were not properly addressed in the design of the Illinois, however in the case of Sky City 1000, the common solution of recycling the water and pump it to the upper floors for usage has been employed. Proposals that require major alterations and additions to significant fabric and change or remove the important structures should be avoided. In such circumstances it may be necessary to consider whether the proposed adaptations and use are suitable, or whether another more sympathetic use would be more appropriate. The preparation of a conservation plan would assist owners to determine the extent of adaptation that would be appropriate. Le Corbusiers contemporary city The theories of Le Corbusier’s suggested that the core or center of a great city should comprise of skyscrapers, and those skyscrapers should be used purely for commercial unit. However Sky City 1000 is commercial and residential project, and is not exactly located in the center of Tokyo. The theory of Le Corbusier’s further suggested that the base area of the skyscraper should be less than five percent, whereas remaining portion should be utilized for constructing parks and natural environment. The Sky City 1000 has although employed several plans for maintaining balance of environment, however the balance is not of the same magnitude as highlighted by Le Corbusier. According to the theory, there should be train station, and three story buildings for luxury shops, restaurants and cafes, the project of Sky City 1000 has taken care of this requirement, and luxury shops, cafes and restaurants have been designed. According to the theory, the residential quarters should surround the commercial units in zigzag pattern, however in the case of Sky City 1000 there is no definite pattern for the assembly of residential units around commercial units. The theory reiterates that each of these buildings is to be small communities in themselves, offering catering and domestic services. There is no momentous mention of the shops, cafes and restaurants in the residential quarters. The designs and theories of Le Corbusiers has given due importance to ensure that order of peace and happiness is maintained. According to his theory, ‘The result of a true geometrical lay-out is repetition. The result of repetition is a standard, the perfect form (i.e. the creation of standard types). A geometrical lay-out means that mathematics plays their part. There is no first-rate human production but has geometry at its base’ (Gavan McCormack., The emptiness of Japanese affluence). However surprisingly in the case of Le Corbusier physical activities and exercises have been given due importance, and therefore the designer has not mentioned restaurants, cafes, theaters and museums, where as the Japanese based Sky City 1000 has enough allocated space for restaurants, cafes, theaters and museums around residential and commercial units. Walt Disney was a huge fan of Le Corbusier in his planning the “Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow,” EPCOT. ‘The symbolic power of skyscrapers to put the world on notice is obviously still potent today. Asia has famously taken up the torch; with the twin Petronas Towers reigning as the worlds tallest, albeit by a needle. Theyre seconded on that continent by the Jin Mao building in Shanghai. A plan for a Korean unification railroad would boast the worlds tallest building as its golden spike, and other plans back by the recession could be revived in a few years time’(Erik Baard., Sky City Fantasies For the Fallen World of September 12, Visions of a Vertical Future). It is important to realize that the surging population and space utility have motivated the construction companies to introduce and supplement such projects that are not only compatible to the human needs, but are also in lieu with the environmental aspects and requirements. The government officials can not afford to expand the buildings much because that require major investment for expansion of transportation network, and drainage and housing facility, however such projects which emphasizes on construction of magnanimous structures, are practical, suitable and furthermore adjustable within the existing setup. It is equally important to understand the philosophy of Le Corbusier, and ensure that certain modulations are incorporated into the designed structures so as to address the environmental, social and public concerns. The issue with reference to space utilization has to adjusted, such that population to space ratio is with permissible limits. It is important to realize and understand that irrespective of the space constraints, the natural environment is not affected. REFERENCES 1. Erik Baard., Sky City Fantasies For the Fallen World of September 12, Visions of a Vertical Future. 2. Michael G. Zey., Seizing the Future: The Dawn of the Macro-industrial Era 3. Janet Halfmann., Skyscrapers 4. Martin Betts, David Smith., Strategic Management of It in Construction 5. Gavan McCormack., The emptiness of Japanese affluence 6. International City Managers Association., The Municipal Year Book 7. Chris Rowthorn, Justin Ellis, Ray Bartlett., Japan 8. Kara Knafelc., Tokyo 9. Time Out Guides - Travel - 2005., Time Out Tokyo 10. Michael G. Zey., The Future Factor: Forces Transforming Human Destiny Read More
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