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Effect of Radio Frequency RF - Essay Example

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The paper "Effect of Radio Frequency RF" discusses that wireless cell phones are an example of modern technology. However, on reviewing the scientific literature, some reports related to the ill effects of the RF emitted from the wireless phones have been observed…
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Effect of Radio Frequency RF
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Ill effects of Radio Frequency RF emitted from wireless cell phones Wireless cell phones are an example of modern technology. However on reviewing the scientific literature, some reports related to the ill effects of the RF emitted from the wireless phones have been observed. Some research carried out in this field has shown that the RFR emitted from wireless cell phones could interfere with the pacemakers, could effect the blood brain barrier, could damage the DNA which could lead to abnormal genetic changes. Research has also shown that the radio frequency could also create micronuclei in human blood cells. Some studies have also disclosed the damage done to the eyes due to the RFR emitted from mobile phones. It is also generally believed that children are at a greater risk of being effected from the RFR since they are in the process of growth. Research has also shown that the Radio Frequency Radiation could also be dangerous for the unborn child during pregnancy. Since mobile phones are a new technique, there is a need to study the long-term ill effects caused by the RF emitted from the mobile phones. Further study in this field is also needed to clarify certain inconclusive research. Introduction: Over the past few years, there has been a rapid growth in the use of the mobile phones, wireless local area networks (WLANs) and other wireless devices all over the world. Such wireless devices emit Radio Frequency/ Electromagnetic waves that, under certain conditions, can have undesirable effects on human health. Different individuals, in particular, use cell phones in different ways. Some people use the mobile phones for an extended period of time due to which their head is exposed to radiation. However, people seem to ignore the safety measures due to the lack of awareness of the ill effects caused by exposure to such radiation. There has been no conclusive research published on the ill effects caused by exposure to Radio Frequency emitted from wireless cell phones. Still in various countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, the governments have made it necessary that the cell phones carry a health warning about their ill effects. Although no possible links have been found of the relationship between the RFR emitted from the wireless cell phones and the major ill effects. However some research carried out in this field has shown that the RFR emitted from wireless cell phones could interfere with the pacemakers, could effect the blood brain barrier, could damage the DNA which could lead to abnormal genetic changes. Research has also shown that the radio frequency could also create micronuclei in human blood cells. Some studies have also disclosed the damage done to the eyes due to the RFR emitted from mobile phones. It is also generally believed that children are at a greater risk of being effected from the RFR since they are in the process of growth. Research has also shown that the Radio Frequency Radiation could also be dangerous for the unborn child during pregnancy. LITERATURE REVIEW Following is the literature review of the incidents of ill effects caused by the Radio Frequency emitted from the wireless cell phones. (For diagram and brief summary see appendix). Much of the research work is carried out on lab animals. One has to be careful in applying the existing research to analyze the possible effects of exposure to RFR during cellular phone use. Effects of wireless cell phone Radio Frequency on eyes: An article published on the Wireless Consumers Alliance Website in January 2001 issue of Epidemiology indicated the possibility of eye cancer caused by Radio Frequency radiation emitted through the wireless mobile phones. Earlier studies have shown that some of the radiation from wireless cell phones does not pass through the skull. Instead, it keeps on moving back and forth in the eye socket. At the same time the article also indicates that the exposures are too weak to increase temperatures that can biologically affect an individual. In the field of morphological effects of Radio Frequency Radiation exposure, interesting observations were noted. According to the observations, radiation emitted from the wireless cell phones could have negative effects on the eye of the user (Lai, 1997). Various experiments were conducted on the non-human primates. The results showed damages to corneal endothelial. The results further showed degenerative changes in the cells of the iris and retina along with altered visual functions after repeated exposures to Radio Frequency Radiation (Lai, 1997). Effect of RFR on memory: Although the research in the field of the effect of RFR on human health is very limited, some experiments were conducted to find out its effect on the human memory. Experiments were carried out to find out the effect of pulsed radio frequency electromagnetic fields of digital GSM mobile phones on the memory of healthy individuals. During the experiment memory load was changed from 0 to 3 items in an n back task (Kiovisto, Krause, Revonsuo, Hamalainen, 2000). Each individual was tested twice with and without the RF exposure during a single session. It was observed that the radio frequency field increased response time when the memory load was three times (Kiovisto, Krause, Revonsuo, Hamalainen, 2000). However, no effect of radio frequency was observed with lower loads. The researchers concluded that the radio frequency fields have a “measurable effect” on the cognitive performance of an individual (Kiovisto, Krause, Revonsuo, Hamalainen, 2000). The same study emphasizes on the need to examine the interaction of RF fields on the function of the brain (Kiovisto, Krause, Revonsuo, Hamalainen, 2000). Effect of Radio Frequency on the Brain: Various experiments have been carried out to study the effect of the radio frequency radiation on the brain. All the experiments have been conducted on animals and have shown interesting results. The blood brain barrier is the biological barrier surrounding the brain (Lai, 1997). The blood brain barrier prevents the entry of certain harmful molecules, during blood circulation, to the central nervous system. Studies have been conducted on the effect of the Radio Frequency emitted from the wireless cell phones on the blood brain barrier. Henry Lai (1997) cites various studies conducted on animals to examine the effect of Radio Frequency on the health of an individual. The studies showed that high intensity of RFR is needed to affect the permeability of the blood brain barrier. Lai quotes the research work conducted by Chang et al. (1982). Chang et al. conducted their research on dogs to study the penetration level of 131I labeled albumin in the brain. The dogs were irradiated with 1000- MHz continuous wave RFR at 2, 4, 10, 30, 50 or 200 Mw/cm2. At 30 Mw/cm2, some of the dogs showed a significant increase in the albumin penetration compared to the sham exposed animals. No significant change in the blood brain barrier was noted on studies with low intensity RFR. However, some studies have indicated an increase in permeability of blood brain barrier when exposed to RFR of relatively low intensities. Lai refers to the research work carried out by Frey et al. According to the studies, an increase in fluorescein in brain slices of rats was observed when they were injected with the dye and exposed to continuous wave of 1200 MHz RFR for 30 minutes. Some other studies carried out by Salford (1994) and his colleagues showed an increase in permeability of albumin in the brains of rats exposed to continuous wave and pulse modulated 915 M Hz RFR (Lai, 1997). The studies show that it is possible that exposure to cellular phone radiation can cause a “transient localized change in blood flow, pinocytosis or permeability of the blood brain barrier (Lai, 1997).” Such changes could lead to local changes in the function of the brain. On various occasions, the experiments have also shown behavioral changes in animals exposed to radio frequency radiation (Lai, 1997). When absorbed, the radio frequency is converted into heat, which leads to tissue heating. The increase in temperature leads to changes in the biological system of the body (Lai, 1997). Effect of RFR on DNA strand: The research work carried out by Lai and Singh have shown the effect of RFR on the DNA strand. According to the procedure, the rats were exposed to pulsed (2 microseconds pulses and 500 pps) 2450 MHz radio frequency electro magnetic radiation for two hours. The results showed that the exposure cause an increase in single and double strand breaks in brain cells of the rats when tested using a microgel electrophoresis assay (Lai, Singh. 1997). Cumulated stand breaks in DNA cells can lead to neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and other human diseases (Lai, Singh, 1997). Hence, data from this study could be useful to understand the possible effects of RFR on human health. Other researchers have carried out similar kind of studies and almost similar results have been seen regarding the effect of RFR emitted from wireless cell phone on DNA. Effect of RFR on pacemaker: Studies have shown that the RFR emitted from the wireless cell phone interferes with the working of the permanent pacemakers (Chen, Lau, Lee, Leung, 1996). Chen and his colleagues carried out investigations to determine the effect of commonly available mobile phones on the performance of the permanently implanted pacemakers. Details of their investigation were published in the Journal of Clinical Cardiology. The researches conducted their studies on 29 patients that were implanted with single or dual chamber bi-polar rate adaptive permanent pacemakers of different manufacturers. The researchers used three different kinds of analog or digital coding cellular phones with maximum power from 0.6 to 2 W to study their effect on the working of the pacemaker. The cellular phones were carefully positioned on different places of the body such as above the pacemaker pocket, ear level ipsilateral to the pacemaker pocket and the contra lateral ear pocket. Readings of the surface electrocardiograms, intracardiac electrograms and maker channels were carefully recorded. The working of the pacemakers were also recorded during various maneuvers at different positions such as calls made by the stationary phone to cell phone, from cell phone to a stationary phone. Different unipolar and bipolar pacing modes were tested. The results of the investigation showed visible interference in the working of the pacemakers (Chen, Lau, Lee, Leung, 1996). The researchers observed three different types of interferences when cellular phone was positioned above the pacemaker pocket. These included “inhibition of pacing output, rapid ventricular tracking in DDD(R) or VDD(R) mode, and asynchronous pacing (Chen, Lau, Lee, Leung, 1996).” In 57% cases interference was observed before and after the termination of the ringing tone (Chen, Lau, Lee, Leung, 1996). Unipolar atrial was viewed to cause most interference. The researchers concluded that it was clear that cellular phones could interfere with the working of the pacemaker. Both digital and analog cell phones could cause interference and the effect was greatest with unipolar atrial. Significant interference was observed before and after the ringing tone (Chen, Lau, Lee, Leung, 1996). Other researchers have carried out similar kind of studies and almost similar results have been seen regarding the effect of RFR emitted from wireless cell phone on pacemaker. Effect of RFR on children: A look at the literature of the effects of radio frequency emitted from the mobile phones discloses the fact that children are more exposed to the radiation as compared to adults. Although there has been no significant evidence of the ill effects caused by RFR, a report published in the journal of Medical Hypotheses indicated a possible link between the RFR emitted from the mobile phones and increased cases of Autism in children. The epidemiological data has shown a dramatic increase in the cases of Autism Spectrum disorders. In the past the incidence of Autism were very rare such as 4-5 per 10,000 children (Kane, 2004). The recent epidemiological data has shown Autism cases of about 1 per 500 children. Although the etiology of Autism has not yet been determined, however, studies have suggested a possible link between Autism and radio frequency radiation (Kane, 2004). The scientific community, in general, accepts the radio frequency radiation as a biologically active substance. It is also widely accepted that human exposure to radio frequency radiation is a serious health hazard (Kane, 2004). It is believed that fetal or neo natal exposure to radio frequency could possibly be the cause of increased incidences of Autism (Kane, 2004). An article titled “Fetal Exposure to Radio frequency Radiation (EMF/EMR)” is highly critical of the use of mobile phones during pregnancy. According to the report, there is a possible link between the increasing embryonic and fetal damage and the radiation emitted from the mobile phones. It is because the mobile phones are moved everywhere on and near the body. On most occasions the mobile phones are carried on or near the area of the body that carries the embryo or fetus. Researchers have clearly emphasized the dangers of the radio frequency emitted from the mobile phones. In particular, the fetus or embryo should not be exposed to the radio frequency radiation such as that emitted from a cell phone or a portable telephone. A convincing reason to avoid fetus from radio frequency exposure is because an embryo may not be fully protected by the amniotic fluid for a long time. It could be due to the natural movement of the mother or the embryo inside the womb. Also the radiation penetration is deepest in the pelvic region of the human body, which could cause damage to the fetus. Researchers have also stressed on the need to understand the dangers of exposure to RFR as it could lead to abnormal genetic changes. The damages could be of serious type such as chromosome damage, DNA damage, cancer, memory loss and cognitive impairment. Some researchers have emphasized on the possible link between the RFR and the genetic damage. The article has also emphasizes on the need to study the relationship between RFR and autism, Pervasive Developmental disorder, and damage to embryo (The Associated Bioelectromagnetics Technologists). The report concludes that human exposure to RF radiation; electromagnetic fields such as those emitted from the wireless cell phones or living close to the cell tower may be hazardous for human health and for the health of the unborn child (The Associated Bioelectromagnetics Technologists). Effect of RFR on cell kinetics and genome damage: In another study the effects of Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation on the cell kinetics and genome damages in peripheral blood lymphocytes were determined. The lymphocytes of 12 subjects were occupationally exposed to Radio Frequency Microwave radiation. According to the results an increase in frequency of micronuclei was noticed. Another noticeable thing in exposed subjects was the disturbances in the distribution of cells over the first, second and third mitotic division (Garaj-Vrhovac, 1999). Some of the previous studies mentioned in the same report suggested the view that micronucleus testing can act as a suitable indicator to analyze the amount of exposure to genotoxic agents such as the radio frequency radiation (Garaj-Vrhovac, 1999). The report also indicated that the micronucleus testing could also act as a suitable indicator for the analysis of mitotic activity as an “additional parameter” for the effective biomonitoring (Garaj-Vrhovac, 1999). Possibility of cancer with RFR emitted from mobile phones: There is some inconclusive evidence of the development of cancer due to exposure to the RFR emitted from the mobile phones. One such study was carried out by Elder (2003). Elder conducted experiments on mice to determine the effect of RFR on their life span. Out of five studies referred to by Elder, four showed an increase in life span. However, the fifth study showed some harmful results. Further studies carried out by Elder suggested the possibility of cancer induction. The study indicated that RF could act as an accelerator of cancer induction (Elder, 2003). However, the studies carried out by Elder are still waiting for confirmation. In another study experiment was carried out on mice to determine the effect of long-term exposure to pulse modulated radio frequency fields. The aim of the study was to determine the increase of lymphoma in E mu- Pim 1 transgenic mice when they are exposed to the RF similar to the one emitted from the digital mobile phones. The mice were divided into two groups. 101 female E mu- Pim 1 mice were sham exposed. 101 mice were exposed to plane wave fields of 900 MHz for two 30 minutes period per day for up till 18 months. On viewing the results, the lymphoma cases were found to be significantly higher in exposed mice as compared to controlled ones (Repacholi, Basten, Gebski, Noonan, Finnie, Harris, 1997). Follicular lymphoma played a major role in increased incidences of tumor. The research concluded with a greater possibility that under long-term exposure to RF fields, mice carrying a lymphomagenic oncogene will develop lymphoma (Repacholi, Basten, Gebski, Noonan, Finnie, Harris, 1997). The experiment can prove beneficial to understand the relationship of long-term exposure to RF field and possibility of development of cancer. Conclusion: Wireless mobile phones are a new technology. It has great benefits. At the same time it has raised greater health issues due to the radio frequency emitted from it. This growing concern has lead the researchers to carry out a number of experiments on lab animals to determine any possible ill effects of radio frequency emitted from the cell phones. A majority of the literature available favors the use of mobile phones declaring it safe for use. Some researchers have identified the possible ill effects that a mobile phone could cause to the human body. Further research related to the damage of the DNA, possibility of cancer development, effect on the eyes, blood brain barrier and memory due to radio frequency of mobile phones need to be carried out. At the same time it must be noted that much of the research is carried out on lab animals so great care needs to be taken in implementing it to humans. Appendix Summary of ill effects caused by Radio Frequency emitted from wireless cell phones ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ­­­­­­­­­­­ BODY PART EFFECT STUDY YEAR Eyes Cornea/Retina/Iris Eye Cancer Damages to corneal endothelial. Degenerative changes in the cells. Wireless Consumer Alliance website Henry Lai n.d 1997 Memory Effect on cognitive behavior Kiovisto, Krause, Revonsuo, Hamalainen 2000 Brain Effects permeability of Blood Brain Barrier Increase in permeability of albumin Increase in fluorescein in brain slices of rats Increases temperature which brings biological changes Chang et al Salford et al Frey et al. Henry Lai 1982 1994 1975 1997 DNA An increase in single and double strand breaks in brain cells of the rats when tested Lai, Singh 1997 Heart Interferes with the working of Pacemaker Chen, Lau, Lee, Leung 1996 In children Increased cases of autism Damages to embryo Robert Kane The Associated Bioelectromagnetics Technologists 2004 n.d. Cell Kinetics Increase in frequency of micronuclei Disturbance in cell distribution Garaj-Vrhovac 1999 Other effects Possibility of Cancer Lymphoma Elder Repacholi, Basten, Gebski, Noonan, Finnie, Harris Elder 1997 Diagram of the distribution of the RF absorbtion in the head from a cell phone led on the left side. The green-red region represents maximum absorption. Source: References Chen, W.H., Lau, C.P, Leung, S.K. Ho, D.S. Lee I.S. (1996), Interference of Cellular Phones With implanted permanent pacemakers. Clinical Cardiology, 19(11): pg. 881-886 Elder JA (2003): Survival and cancer in laboratory mammals exposed to radio frequency energy. Bioelectromagnetics Supplement 6:S101-106. Fetal Exposure to Radio frequency Radiation (EMF/EMR), The Associated Bioelectromagnetics Technologists, retrieved on April 26, 2006 from Garaj-Vrhovac. (1999): Micronucleus assay and lymphocytemitotic activity in risk assessment Of Occupational Exposure to Microwave Radiation, Chemosphere; 39(13): Pg: 2301-2312 Health Concerns, (n.d.) Wireless Consumer Alliance Website. Retrieved on April 26, 2006 From Kane, Robert C. (February 2004), A Possible Association Between Fetal/neonatal Exposure to Radio frequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Increased Incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Medical Hypotheses, Volume 62, Issue 2, Pages195-197 Koivisto, M. Krause, C.M. Revonsuo, A. Laine, M. Hamalainen, H. (2000): Effects of Electromagnetic Field emitted by GSM phones on working memory, Neuroreport 11(8): 1641-1643 Lai, Henry. (1997): Neurological Effects of Radio Frequency Electormagnetic Radiation Relating to Wireless Communication Technology, Paper presented at the IBC-UK Conference: “Mobile Phones- Is there a Health Risk?” Brussels, Belgium, Pg. 1-16 Lai, H. Singh, N.P. (1997), Melatonin and a spin trap compound block radio frequency Electromagnetic radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in rat brain cells. Bioelectromagnetics, 18(6): 446-454 Repacholi, M.H, Basten, A. Gebski, V. Noonan, D. Finnie, J. Harris, A.W. (1997): Lymphomas In E mu- Pim 1Transgenic mice exposed to pulsed 900 MHz electromagnetic fields. Radiation Research, 147(5): pg 631-640 Read More
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